2020-06-04 17:24:47 +02:00

54 lines
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"""Tests for tinypages build using sphinx extensions."""
import filecmp
from os.path import join as pjoin, dirname, isdir
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import sys
import pytest
def test_tinypages(tmpdir):
html_dir = pjoin(str(tmpdir), 'html')
doctree_dir = pjoin(str(tmpdir), 'doctrees')
# Build the pages with warnings turned into errors
cmd = [sys.executable, '-msphinx', '-W', '-b', 'html', '-d', doctree_dir,
pjoin(dirname(__file__), 'tinypages'), html_dir]
proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
out, err = proc.communicate()
assert proc.returncode == 0, \
"sphinx build failed with stdout:\n{}\nstderr:\n{}\n".format(out, err)
if err:"sphinx build emitted the following warnings:\n{}"
assert isdir(html_dir)
def plot_file(num):
return pjoin(html_dir, 'some_plots-{0}.png'.format(num))
range_10, range_6, range_4 = [plot_file(i) for i in range(1, 4)]
# Plot 5 is range(6) plot
assert filecmp.cmp(range_6, plot_file(5))
# Plot 7 is range(4) plot
assert filecmp.cmp(range_4, plot_file(7))
# Plot 11 is range(10) plot
assert filecmp.cmp(range_10, plot_file(11))
# Plot 12 uses the old range(10) figure and the new range(6) figure
assert filecmp.cmp(range_10, plot_file('12_00'))
assert filecmp.cmp(range_6, plot_file('12_01'))
# Plot 13 shows close-figs in action
assert filecmp.cmp(range_4, plot_file(13))
# Plot 14 has included source
with open(pjoin(html_dir, 'some_plots.html'), 'rb') as fobj:
html_contents =
assert b'# Only a comment' in html_contents
# check plot defined in external file.
assert filecmp.cmp(range_4, pjoin(html_dir, 'range4.png'))
assert filecmp.cmp(range_6, pjoin(html_dir, 'range6.png'))
# check if figure caption made it into html file
assert b'This is the caption for plot 15.' in html_contents