2020-06-04 17:24:47 +02:00

338 lines
11 KiB

A scanner for the Fuzzy Control Language (FCL).
This is written using PLY (Python Lex-Yacc:
I'm working from the *draft* IEC 61131-7 standard..
@author:, Created on Tue Aug 14 09:58:10 2018
import sys
import os
import codecs
import ply.lex as lex # So, you need to install PLY to run this.
class FCLLexer(object):
A scanner for the FCL language.
Call scan_text() on a string, scan_file with a filename.
def __init__(self, strict=False):
'''Set up the lexer, ready to accept some input'''
# Load reserved words: default is upper case
self.reserved = {a.upper(): a.upper() for a in FCLLexer.reserved_words}
if not strict: # Allow lower-case reserved words too:
self.reserved.update({a.lower(): a.upper()
for a in FCLLexer.reserved_words})
# Get PLY to do its magic and build the lexer:
self.lexer = lex.lex(module=self)
# Initialise context information:
self.line_start = 1 # char position of most recent line-start
self.error_count = 0 # no. of errors seen in this file
self.next_token = None
def lexical_error(self, tok, msg):
'''Report an error, print the position and next token.'''
print('>>> {} {}'.format(self.get_pos(tok), msg))
self.error_count += 1
def reset_lineno(self, filename=None):
''' Resets the internal line-number counter of the lexer. '''
self.lexer.lineno = 1
self.line_start = 1 # char position of most recent line-start
self.filename = filename
self.error_count = 0
def get_pos(self, token):
'''Return a string with the token's position: filename, line, column'''
pstr = ''
if self.filename:
pstr = self.filename
if token:
colno = 1+(token.lexpos - self.line_start)
pstr += '[%d,%d]' % (token.lineno, colno)
pstr += '[EOF]'
return pstr
def input(self, text):
'''Load the given text into the scanner, and prepare to scan'''
def clear_lookahead(self):
'''Throw away the current lookahead token (e.g. after an error)'''
self.next_token = None
def token(self):
'''Read the next word from the input and return its token'''
tok = self.next_token if self.next_token else self.lexer.token()
self.next_token = None
return tok
def lookahead(self):
'''Have a look at the next token, but don't consume it'''
if not self.next_token:
self.next_token = self.lexer.token()
return self.next_token
def scan_text(self, data, filename=None, silent=False):
Run the lexer with the given string as input.
Can specify the filename (it's only used for error messages).
If not silent then print each token as it is scanned.
for tok in self.lexer:
if not silent:
def scan_file(self, filename, silent=False):
'''Run the lexer with the contents of filename as input.'''
with, 'r',
encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as fileh:
self.scan_text(, filename, silent)
# #################################### #
# #################################### #
states = (
('incomment', 'exclusive'),
reserved_words = '''
fuzzify defuzzify ruleblock function_block
end_fuzzify end_defuzzify end_ruleblock end_function_block
var_input var_output var end_var option end_option
accu act default method range term nan nc
rule if then with and or not is
lock enabled
tokens = '''
'''.split() + [a.upper() for a in reserved_words]
# Token patterns:
t_COMMA = r','
t_DOTDOT = r'\.\.'
t_SEMICOLON = r';'
t_COLON = r':'
t_ASSIGN = r':='
t_LPAREN = r'\('
t_RPAREN = r'\)'
def t_ANY_newline(self, t):
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
self.line_start = t.lexpos
def t_OPEN_COMMENT(self, t):
def t_incomment_CLOSE_COMMENT(self, t):
def t_incomment_ignore_stuff(self, t):
t_incomment_ignore = ' \t'
def t_incomment_error(self, t):
self.lexical_error(t, 'Discarding "{}"'.format(t.value[:3]))
# Note that newline below is enabled for any state (including incomment)
# Floats: borrowed and adapted from pycparser/
exponent_part = r"""([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)"""
fractional_constant = r"""([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.)"""
floating_constant = '[-+]?((((' + fractional_constant + ')' \
+ exponent_part + '?)'\
+ '|([0-9]+' + exponent_part + '))[FfLl]?)'
def t_FLOAT_CONST(self, t):
t.value = float(t.value)
except ValueError:
self.lexical_error(t, 'Float value "{}" is not valid'
t.value = 0.0
return t
def t_INT_CONST(self, t):
t.value = int(t.value)
except ValueError:
self.lexical_error(t, 'Integer value "{}" is too large'
t.value = 0
return t
def t_IDENTIFIER(self, t):
t.type = self.reserved.get(t.value, 'IDENTIFIER')
return t
# Ignore whitespace:
t_ignore = ' \t'
# Ignore single-line comments (C++/Java or Python style):
t_ignore_PY_COMMENT = r'\#.*'
t_ignore_CPP_COMMENT = r'//.*'
def t_error(self, t):
'''Only get here if the current char was unrecognised'''
self.lexical_error(t, 'Illegal character "{}"'.format(t.value[0]))
# ################################## #
# ################################## #
class BufferedFCLLexer(FCLLexer):
A wrapper for the FCLLexer to support look-ahead for parsing.
Mainly a bunch of routines of the form: "what token is next?"
The peek_* functions look at the next token but don't consume it.
The recognise_* functions consume a token, maybe throw an error.
def __init__(self, error_handler):
Bind the scanner's error-handling function to the one given.
self.error_handler = error_handler
def lexical_error(self, tok, msg):
Raise a lexical error at the given token position.
Redirect handling this to the supplied error handler.
We supply the pos, so we don't call token() (again) to get it.
self.error_handler(msg, 'lexical error', self.get_pos(tok))
def maybe_set_input(self, input_string):
Set the input to be the given string, if there is a given string.
if input_string:
def peek_type(self):
Return the type of the next token, or None if EOF
next_tok = self.lookahead()
if next_tok:
return next_tok.type
return None
def peek(self, toktype):
Return true iff the next token has type toktype.
Does not consume the token.
return self.peek_some([toktype])
def peek_some(self, toktypes):
Return true iff the next token has one of the types toktypes.
Does not consume token. Returns False if next token is EOF.
i.e. *check* if a toktype token is next.
next_tok = self.lookahead()
if next_tok and next_tok.type in toktypes:
return next_tok
return None
def peek_not(self, toktypes):
Return true iff the next token has a type other than toktypes.
Does not consume token. N.B. returns False if next token is EOF.
i.e. *check* that the next token isn't of type toktype.
Used mostly in loops, so that's why we return False on EOF.
next_tok = self.lookahead()
if next_tok and next_tok.type not in toktypes:
return True
return False
def recognise(self, toktype):
If the next token is of the type toktype, then read it
and return its value. Else signal a syntax error.
return self.recognise_some([toktype])
def recognise_some(self, toktypes):
If the next token has one of the types toktypes, then read it
and return its value. Else signal a syntax error.
i.e. *demand* that a toktype token is next.
next_tok = self.lookahead()
if next_tok and next_tok.type in toktypes:
return self.token().value
self.error_handler('expected {}'.format(toktypes))
def recognise_if_there(self, toktype):
If the next token has one of the types toktypes, then read it
and return its value. Else return False (don't signal an error).
i.e. *optionally* recognise a toktype token, if it is next.
next_tok = self.lookahead()
if next_tok and next_tok.type == toktype:
return self.token().value
return None
def recognise_anything(self):
'''Read the next token, whatever it is.'''
return self.token()
_FCL_SUFFIX = '.fcl'
def scan_dir(lexer, rootdir, silent=False):
Scan all the .fcl files in root and its subdirs.
Default is to print out each token as it is recognised.
files_tot, files_err = 0, 0
for rootpath, _, files in os.walk(rootdir):
for filename in files:
if filename.endswith(_FCL_SUFFIX):
filepath = os.path.join(rootpath, filename)
print('===', filepath)
files_tot += 1
lexer.scan_file(filepath, silent)
if lexer.error_count > 0:
files_err += 1
print('Scanned %d files (%d had errors).' % (files_tot, files_err))
if __name__ == '__main__':
_LEXER = FCLLexer()
if len(sys.argv) == 1: # No args, scan all examples
scan_dir(_LEXER, 'Examples')
else: # Parse the given files:
for fcl_filename in sys.argv[1:]: