def get_path(cond): path = [] while cond.parent: path.append(cond.action) cond = cond.parent return list(reversed(path)) class a_star: def __init__(self, surface_list, endpoint): self.surface_list = surface_list self.endpoint = endpoint def goal_achieved(self, state): return state == self.endpoint # checking borders and impassable surface def limitation_check(self, x, y): for surface in self.surface_list: if (surface.y / 60 == x) and (surface.x / 60 == y) and (surface.weight != -1): return True return False # finding surface depending on coordinates def current_surface(self, x, y): for surface in self.surface_list: if (x == surface.y / 60) and (y == surface.x / 60): return surface return None # manhattan distance def h(self, current): return abs(current[0] - self.endpoint[0]) + abs(current[1] - self.endpoint[1]) # cost relative to surface weight def g(self, cond): if cond.action == 'L' or cond.action == 'R': cond.weight = cond.parent.weight + 1 else: cond.weight = cond.parent.weight + self.current_surface(cond.state[0], cond.state[1]).weight return cond.weight def add_all_possibilities(self, current): states = [] if current.direction == 'L': # when you look left and turn left new_condition = condition(current.state, 'D') new_condition.action = 'L' states.append(new_condition) # when you turn right new_condition = condition(current.state, 'U') new_condition.action = 'R' states.append(new_condition) # when you move if self.limitation_check(current.state[0], current.state[1] - 1): new_condition = condition((current.state[0], current.state[1] - 1), current.direction) new_condition.action = 'M' states.append(new_condition) if current.direction == 'U': # when you look up and turn left new_condition = condition(current.state, 'L') new_condition.action = 'L' states.append(new_condition) # when you turn right new_condition = condition(current.state, 'R') new_condition.action = 'R' states.append(new_condition) # when you move if self.limitation_check(current.state[0] - 1, current.state[1]): new_condition = condition((current.state[0] - 1, current.state[1]), current.direction) new_condition.action = 'M' states.append(new_condition) if current.direction == 'R': # when you look right and turn left new_condition = condition(current.state, 'U') new_condition.action = 'L' states.append(new_condition) # when you turn right new_condition = condition(current.state, 'D') new_condition.action = 'R' states.append(new_condition) # when you move if self.limitation_check(current.state[0], current.state[1] + 1): new_condition = condition((current.state[0], current.state[1] + 1), current.direction) new_condition.action = 'M' states.append(new_condition) if current.direction == 'D': # when you look down and turn left new_condition = condition(current.state, 'R') new_condition.action = 'L' states.append(new_condition) # when you turn right new_condition = condition(current.state, 'L') new_condition.action = 'R' states.append(new_condition) # when you move if self.limitation_check(current.state[0] + 1, current.state[1]): new_condition = condition((current.state[0] + 1, current.state[1]), current.direction) new_condition.action = 'M' states.append(new_condition) return states def tree_search(self, queue, start, direction): explored = [] queue.put(condition(start, direction), 0) while queue: elem = queue.get() if self.goal_achieved(elem.state): return get_path(elem) explored.append(elem) for state in self.add_all_possibilities(elem): state.parent = elem f = self.h(state.state) + self.g(state) if state not in queue.queue and state not in explored: queue.put(state, state.weight) elif state in queue.queue and state.weight > f: queue.replace(state, f) class condition: def __init__(self, state, direction): self.state = state self.parent = None self.action = None self.direction = direction self.weight = 0 def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, condition): return (self.state == other.state and self.action == other.action and self.direction == other.direction) def __lt__(self, other): return self.weight < other.weight def __gt__(self, other): return self.weight > other.weight def __le__(self, other): return self.weight <= other.weight def __ge__(self, other): return self.weight >= other.weight