import boto3 from boto3.s3.transfer import S3Transfer from boto3.s3.transfer import TransferConfig import base64 import os REPOZYTORIUM = "" PREFIX = "s464863" AMI_ID = "ami-0b5eea76982371e91" REGION = "us-east-1" INSTANCE_TYPE = "t2.micro" user_data = f""" #!/bin/bash yum update -y yum install -y amazon-linux-extras amazon-linux-extras enable docker yum install -y docker yum install -y git service docker start usermod -a -G docker ec2-user cd /home/ec2-user git clone {REPOZYTORIUM} cd aws_faktury docker build -t flask-invoice-app . docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 80:80 flask-invoice-app echo "Aplikacja dziaƂa na porcie 8080" """ def create_vpc(ec2_client): # Create VPC response = ec2_client.create_vpc( CidrBlock='', TagSpecifications=[ { 'ResourceType': 'vpc', 'Tags': [{'Key': 'Name', 'Value': f"{PREFIX}-vpc"}] } ] ) vpc_id = response['Vpc']['VpcId'] print(f"Created VPC with ID: {vpc_id}") # Enable DNS support and hostnames ec2_client.modify_vpc_attribute(VpcId=vpc_id, EnableDnsSupport={'Value': True}) ec2_client.modify_vpc_attribute(VpcId=vpc_id, EnableDnsHostnames={'Value': True}) print("Enabled DNS support and hostnames.") return vpc_id def create_subnet(ec2_client, vpc_id, cidr_block, availability_zone): # Create subnet response = ec2_client.create_subnet( VpcId=vpc_id, CidrBlock=cidr_block, AvailabilityZone=availability_zone, TagSpecifications=[ { 'ResourceType': 'subnet', 'Tags': [{'Key': 'Name', 'Value': f"{PREFIX}-subnet"}] } ] ) subnet_id = response['Subnet']['SubnetId'] print(f"Created Subnet with ID: {subnet_id}") # Public IP addresses for instances in the subnet ec2_client.modify_subnet_attribute(SubnetId=subnet_id, MapPublicIpOnLaunch={'Value': True}) print("Configured subnet to auto-assign public IP addresses.") return subnet_id def create_internet_gateway(ec2_client, vpc_id): # Create Internet Gateway response = ec2_client.create_internet_gateway( TagSpecifications=[ { 'ResourceType': 'internet-gateway', 'Tags': [{'Key': 'Name', 'Value': f"{PREFIX}-igw"}] } ] ) igw_id = response['InternetGateway']['InternetGatewayId'] print(f"Created Internet Gateway with ID: {igw_id}") # Attach Internet Gateway to VPC ec2_client.attach_internet_gateway(InternetGatewayId=igw_id, VpcId=vpc_id) print("Attached Internet Gateway to VPC.") return igw_id def create_route_table(ec2_client, vpc_id, subnet_id, igw_id): # Create Route Table response = ec2_client.create_route_table( VpcId=vpc_id, TagSpecifications=[ { 'ResourceType': 'route-table', 'Tags': [{'Key': 'Name', 'Value': f"{PREFIX}-rt"}] } ] ) route_table_id = response['RouteTable']['RouteTableId'] print(f"Created Route Table with ID: {route_table_id}") # Create route to Internet Gateway ec2_client.create_route( RouteTableId=route_table_id, DestinationCidrBlock='', GatewayId=igw_id ) print("Added route to Internet Gateway in Route Table.") # Associate Route Table with Subnet ec2_client.associate_route_table(RouteTableId=route_table_id, SubnetId=subnet_id) print("Associated Route Table with Subnet.") return route_table_id def create_key_pair(ec2_client, key_name, save_to_file): # Create key pair response = ec2_client.create_key_pair(KeyName=key_name) # Save private key to file private_key = response['KeyMaterial'] with open(save_to_file, 'w') as file: file.write(private_key) print(f"Key pair '{key_name}' created and saved to '{save_to_file}'.") return response['KeyName'] def create_security_group(ec2_client, vpc_id): group_name = f"{PREFIX}-sg" # Create Security Group response = ec2_client.create_security_group( GroupName=group_name, Description=f"Security group for {PREFIX} webservices", VpcId=vpc_id ) security_group_id = response['GroupId'] print(f"Security group '{group_name}' created with ID: {security_group_id}") # Set ingress rules ec2_client.authorize_security_group_ingress( GroupId=security_group_id, IpPermissions=[ { 'IpProtocol': 'tcp', 'FromPort': 22, 'ToPort': 22, 'IpRanges': [{'CidrIp': '', 'Description': 'SSH access'}] }, { 'IpProtocol': 'tcp', 'FromPort': 8080, 'ToPort': 8080, 'IpRanges': [{'CidrIp': '', 'Description': 'HTTP access'}] } ] ) print("Ingress rules added for SSH (22) and HTTP (80).") return security_group_id def create_launch_template(ec2_client, key_name, security_group_id): # Create Launch Template response = ec2_client.create_launch_template( LaunchTemplateName=f"{PREFIX}-lt", LaunchTemplateData={ 'ImageId': AMI_ID, 'InstanceType': INSTANCE_TYPE, 'SecurityGroupIds': [security_group_id], 'KeyName': key_name, 'UserData': base64.b64encode(user_data.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') } ) print(f"Launch Template created with ID: {response['LaunchTemplate']['LaunchTemplateId']}") return response['LaunchTemplate']['LaunchTemplateId'] def run_instance(ec2_client, launch_template_id, subnet_id): # Run EC2 instances response = ec2_client.run_instances( LaunchTemplate={ 'LaunchTemplateId': launch_template_id }, MaxCount=1, MinCount=1, SubnetId=subnet_id ) instance_id = response['Instances'][0]['InstanceId'] print(f"Instance {instance_id} is running.") ec2_client.get_waiter('instance_running').wait(InstanceIds=[instance_id]) instance_info = ec2_client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id]) public_ip = instance_info['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0].get('PublicIpAddress') public_dns = instance_info['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0].get('PublicDnsName') if public_ip: print(f"Public IP: {public_ip}") if public_dns: print(f"Public DNS: {public_dns}") return instance_id def create_js_scripts(ip): js_content = r""" document.getElementById('uploadForm').addEventListener('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); const fileInput = document.getElementById('file'); const file = fileInput.files[0]; if (file) { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', file); fetch('http://""" + ip + """/invoice', { method: 'POST', body: formData, }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { document.getElementById('responseMessage').innerHTML = `

Upload successful!

${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
`; }) .catch(error => { document.getElementById('responseMessage').innerHTML = `

Error during file upload: ${error.message}

`; }); } else { alert('Please select file!'); } }); """ with open('static/scripts.js', 'w') as js_file: js_file.write(js_content) print(f"Generated scripts.js with ip: {ip}") def create_s3_bucket(s3_client, bucket_name): s3_client.create_bucket( Bucket=bucket_name, ) print(f"S3 bucket '{bucket_name}' created.") s3_client.put_bucket_website( Bucket=bucket_name, WebsiteConfiguration={ 'IndexDocument': {'Suffix': 'index.html'}, } ) print(f"Static website hosting configured for '{bucket_name}'.") return bucket_name def upload_files_to_s3(s3_client, bucket_name, folder_path): config = TransferConfig(multipart_chunksize=50 * 1024 * 1024) transfer = S3Transfer(s3_client, config) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path): for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) try: s3_key = os.path.relpath(file_path, folder_path) transfer.upload_file(file_path, bucket_name, s3_key) print(f"Uploaded {file} to S3 bucket '{bucket_name}' at key '{s3_key}'.") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to upload {file} to S3 bucket '{bucket_name}': {str(e)}") def main(): # Create EC2 client ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=REGION) # Create S3 client s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region_name=REGION) # Create VPC print("Creating VPC...") vpc_id = create_vpc(ec2_client) # Create subnet print("Creating subnet...") subnet = create_subnet(ec2_client, vpc_id, cidr_block='', availability_zone='us-east-1a') # Create Internet Gateway print("Creating Internet Gateway...") igw_id = create_internet_gateway(ec2_client, vpc_id) # Create Route Table print("Creating Route Table...") route_table_id = create_route_table(ec2_client, vpc_id, subnet, igw_id) # Create Key Pair print("Creating Key Pair...") key_name = create_key_pair(ec2_client, f"{PREFIX}-key", f"{PREFIX}-key.pem") # Create Security Group print("Creating Security Group...") security_group_id = create_security_group(ec2_client, vpc_id) # Create Launch Template print("Creating Launch Template...") launch_template_id = create_launch_template(ec2_client, key_name, security_group_id) # Run EC2 instance print("Running EC2 instance...") ec2_id = run_instance(ec2_client, launch_template_id, subnet) # Create S3 bucket print("Creating S3 bucket...") bucket_name = create_s3_bucket(s3_client, f"{PREFIX}-bucket") bucket_name = "s464863-bucket" # Upload files to S3 print("Uploading files to S3...") upload_files_to_s3(s3_client, bucket_name, 'static') if __name__ == '__main__': main()