Implement working A* algorithm without tile cost
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,28 +3,27 @@ import pygame
from import World
from import World
from src.tractor import Tractor
from src.tractor import Tractor
from src.settings import Settings
from src.settings import Settings
from src.utils.bfs import BFSSearcher
from utils.astar import a_star_search
from src.constants import Constants
from utils.astar import a_star
import numpy as np
def main():
def main():
settings = Settings()
settings = Settings() # ustawienia pygame
world = World(settings)
world = World(settings) # stworzenie mapy na bazie ustawień pygame
tractor = Tractor("Spalinowy", "Nawóz 1", settings, 8 * settings.tile_size, 8 * settings.tile_size)
tractor = Tractor("Spalinowy", "Nawóz 1", settings, 8 * settings.tile_size, 8 * settings.tile_size) # stworzenie traktora z podanymi argumentami
obstacles = [tile for tile in world.tiles if tile.type == 'rock']
obstacles = [tile for tile in world.tiles if tile.type == 'rock'] # stworzenie listy z przeszkodami, kamień = przeszkoda
clock = pygame.time.Clock() # FPS purpose
clock = pygame.time.Clock() # FPS purpose
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((settings.screen_width, settings.screen_height))
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((settings.screen_width, settings.screen_height)) # tworzenie ekranu
pygame.display.set_caption('TRAKTOHOLIK') # nazwa okna
start_cords = (8, 1)
start_cords = (8, 1)
goals = [(3, 3), (7, 7), (0, 0)]
goals = [(3, 3), (7, 7), (0, 0)]
end_cords = goals[0]
end_cords = goals[0]
start_dir = tractor.curr_direction
start_dir = tractor.curr_direction # przypisanie początkowego ustawienia traktora do zmiennej
# path = BFSSearcher().search(start_cords, end_cords, start_dir)
# path = BFSSearcher().search(start_cords, end_cords, start_dir) # wygenerowanie listy ruchów na bazie BFS
path = a_star_search(start_cords, end_cords, start_dir) # generowanie ścieżki za pomocą A*
run = True
run = True
while run:
while run:
@ -37,22 +36,17 @@ def main():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
run = False
# iteracja przez listę ruchów
# if path:
if path:
# action = path.pop(0)
action = path.pop(0) # pobranie pierwszego ruchu z listy
# tractor.update(action)
tractor.update(action) # wykonanie ruchu przez traktor
# else:
# if len(goals) > 1:
if len(goals) > 1: # sprawdzenie czy są inne cele
# start_cord = goals.pop(0)
new_start = goals.pop(0) # pobierz współrzędne pierwszego celu i ustaw jako początkowe
# end_cords = goals[0]
end_cords = goals[0] # ustaw kolejny cel
# start_dir = tractor.curr_direction
start_dir = tractor.curr_direction # aktualizacja kierunku traktora
# path = BFSSearcher().search(start_cord, end_cords, start_dir)
# path = BFSSearcher().search(start_cord, end_cords, start_dir) # generacja nowej ścieżki
path = a_star_search(new_start, end_cords, start_dir)
while goals:
goal = goals.pop(0)
path = a_star(world, start_cords, goal)
start_cords = goal
@ -1,107 +1,140 @@
import world
from operator import itemgetter
import copy
import tractor
import world
from constants import Constants as C
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
class Node:
class Node:
def __init__(self, x, y): # inicjalizacja węzła
def __init__(self, x, y, agent_direction, action=None, parent=None): # inicjalizacja węzła
self.x = x
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.y = y
self.neighbours = []
self.state = tuple([self.x, self.y])
self.parent = None
self.agent_direction = agent_direction
self.g_cost = 0
self.parent = parent
self.f_cost = 0
self.action = action
self.h_cost = 0
def create_neighbours(self, field: world): # tworzenie sąsiadów i sprawdzanie czy nie wykraczają poza macierz i czy nie są przeszkodą
def get_parent(self):
if self.x - 1 >= 0 and field.world_data[self.x - 1][self.y] != 0:
return self.parent
self.neighbours.append([self.x - 1, self.y])
if self.x + 1 < len(field.world_data) and field.world_data[self.x + 1][self.y] != 0:
def get_direction(self):
self.neighbours.append([self.x + 1, self.y])
return self.agent_direction
if self.y + 1 < len(field.world_data[0]) and field.world_data[self.x][self.y + 1] != 0:
def get_x(self):
self.neighbours.append([self.x, self.y + 1])
return self.x
if self.y - 1 >= 0 and field.world_data[self.x][self.y - 1] != 0:
def get_y(self):
self.neighbours.append([self.x, self.y - 1])
return self.y
def calculate_h_cost(self, goal):
def get_action(self):
self.h_cost = abs(self.x - goal.x) + abs(self.y - goal.y)
return self.action
def __repr__(self):
return " <Node x:%s y:%s state:%s agent_dir:%s parent:%s action:%s> " % (
self.x, self.y, self.state, self.agent_direction, self.parent, self.action)
def successor(self):
action_list = []
x = self.x
y = self.y
# vector rotation:
temp_direction = self.agent_direction
temp_direction = [-temp_direction[1], temp_direction[0]]
action_list.append((C.ROTATE_LEFT, ((x, y), temp_direction)))
temp_direction = self.agent_direction
temp_direction = [temp_direction[1], -temp_direction[0]]
action_list.append((C.ROTATE_RIGHT, ((x, y), temp_direction)))
if self.agent_direction == C.RIGHT and x < 9:
action_list.append((C.MOVE, ((x + 1, y), self.agent_direction)))
elif self.agent_direction == C.LEFT and x > 0:
action_list.append((C.MOVE, ((x - 1, y), self.agent_direction)))
elif self.agent_direction == C.UP and y < 9:
action_list.append((C.MOVE, ((x, y + 1), self.agent_direction)))
elif self.agent_direction == C.DOWN and y > 0:
action_list.append((C.MOVE, ((x, y - 1), self.agent_direction)))
return action_list
def a_star(field: world, start, goal): # algorytm zwraca ścieżkę którą ma przebyć agent
def h_cost(goal: tuple, node: Node): # oblicznie heurystyki
return abs(node.x - goal[0]) + abs(node.y - goal[1])
# tworzenie dictionary składającego się z nodeów
node_dict = {}
for i in range(len(field.world_data)):
def g_cost(node: Node): # funkcja kosztu : ile kosztuje przejechanie przez dane pole
for j in range(len(field.world_data[0])):
cost = 0
node_dict[i, j] = Node(i, j)
while node.get_parent() is not None:
cost += 10
node = node.get_parent()
return cost
# przypisanie startu i celu do zmiennej
start = node_dict[start[0], start[1]]
goal = node_dict[goal[0], goal[1]]
# inicjalizacja listy open i closed
def f_cost(goal: tuple, node: Node): # funkcja zwracająca sumę funkcji kosztu oraz heurestyki
open_list = []
return g_cost(node) + h_cost(goal, node)
closed_list = []
# dodanie do listy punktu startowego
while open_list:
def print_moves(node: Node): # zwraca listę ruchów jakie należy wykonać by dotrzeć do punktu docelowego
# sortowanie listy open rosnąco
moves_list = []
open_list.sort(key=lambda o: o.f_cost)
while node.parent is not None:
node = node.parent
return moves_list[::-1]
# pobranie z listy open elementu o najniższym koszcie
current = open_list.pop(0)
# dodanie do listy closed pobranego elementu
def is_goal_reached(element: Node, goal: tuple):
return (element.x, element.y) == goal
# stworzenie listy z możliwymi opcjami
# sprawdzenie celu
def a_star_search(state: tuple, goal: tuple, agent_direction: list):
if current == goal:
fringe = []
explored = []
starting_node = Node(state[0], state[1], agent_direction, None, None)
fringe.append((starting_node, 0))
while fringe:
element = fringe.pop(0)
if is_goal_reached(element[0], goal):
return print_moves(element[0])
for (action, elem_state) in element[0].successor():
fringe_tuple = []
fringe_tuple_prio = []
explored_tuple = []
for (node, cost) in fringe:
fringe_tuple.append(((node.get_x(), node.get_y()), node.get_direction()))
fringe_tuple_prio.append((((node.get_x(), node.get_y()), node.get_direction()), cost))
for (node, cost) in explored:
explored_tuple.append(((node.get_x(), node.get_y()), node.get_direction()))
new_node = Node(elem_state[0][0], elem_state[0][1], elem_state[1], action, element[0])
p = f_cost(goal, new_node)
if elem_state not in fringe_tuple and elem_state not in explored_tuple:
fringe.append((new_node, p))
fringe = sorted(fringe, key=itemgetter(1))
# print("fringe_loop_if: ", fringe)
elif elem_state in fringe_tuple:
i = 0
for (state_prio, r) in fringe_tuple_prio:
if str(state_prio) == str(elem_state):
if r > p:
fringe.insert(i, (new_node, p))
fringe.pop(i + 1)
fringe = sorted(fringe, key=itemgetter(1))
# print("fringe_loop_elif: ", fringe)
i += 1
# iteracja przez sąsiadów
for next in current.neighbours:
if node_dict[next[0], next[1]] in closed_list:
if node_dict[next[0], next[1]] in open_list:
new_g_cost = current.g_cost + 1
if node_dict[next[0], next[1]].g_cost > new_g_cost:
node_dict[next[0], next[1]].g_cost = new_g_cost
node_dict[next[0], next[1]].parent = node_dict[current.x, current.y]
node_dict[next[0], next[1]].g_cost = node_dict[current.x, current.y].g_cost + 1
node_dict[next[0], next[1]].calculate_h_cost(goal)
node_dict[next[0], next[1]].parent = node_dict[current.x, current.y]
open_list.append(node_dict[next[0], next[1]])
# inicjalizacja listy ze ścieżką
path = []
while current.parent:
path.append([current.x, current.y])
current = current.parent
# dodanie punktu początkowego oraz odwrócenie i zwrócenie listy
path.append([start.x, start.y])
return path
# def path_to_action(path: list): # funkcja zmieniająca ścieżkę nodeów na instrukcję dla agenta
# vector_list = []
# action_list = []
# # tmp_direction = agent_direction
# # iteracja przez wszystkie pary elementów żeby obliczyć wektory ruchu
# for i in range(len(path) - 1):
# tmp_vector = [(path[i+1][0] - path[i][0]), (path[i+1][1] - path[i][1])]
# vector_list.append(tmp_vector)
# return vector_list
Reference in New Issue
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