import numpy as np from .decay import GeomDecay def hill_climb(problem, max_iters=np.inf, restarts=0, init_state=None, curve=False, random_state=None): """ best_state array containing state that optimizes the fitness function. best_fitness Value of fitness function at best state. fitness_curve array containing the fitness at every iteration. """ if (not isinstance(max_iters, int) and max_iters != np.inf and not max_iters.is_integer()) or (max_iters < 0): raise Exception("""max_iters must be a positive integer.""") if (not isinstance(restarts, int) and not restarts.is_integer()) \ or (restarts < 0): raise Exception("""restarts must be a positive integer.""") if init_state is not None and len(init_state) != problem.get_length(): raise Exception("""init_state must have same length as problem.""") # Set random seed if isinstance(random_state, int) and random_state > 0: np.random.seed(random_state) best_fitness = -1*np.inf best_state = None if curve: fitness_curve = [] for _ in range(restarts + 1): # Initialize optimization problem if init_state is None: problem.reset() else: problem.set_state(init_state) iters = 0 while iters < max_iters: iters += 1 # Find neighbors and determine best neighbor problem.find_neighbors() next_state = problem.best_neighbor() next_fitness = problem.eval_fitness(next_state) # If best neighbor is an improvement, move to that state if next_fitness > problem.get_fitness(): problem.set_state(next_state) else: break if curve: fitness_curve.append(problem.get_fitness()) # Update best state and best fitness if problem.get_fitness() > best_fitness: best_fitness = problem.get_fitness() best_state = problem.get_state() best_fitness = problem.get_maximize()*best_fitness if curve: return best_state, best_fitness, np.asarray(fitness_curve) return best_state, best_fitness def random_hill_climb(problem, max_attempts=10, max_iters=np.inf, restarts=0, init_state=None, curve=False, random_state=None): if (not isinstance(max_attempts, int) and not max_attempts.is_integer()) \ or (max_attempts < 0): raise Exception("""max_attempts must be a positive integer.""") if (not isinstance(max_iters, int) and max_iters != np.inf and not max_iters.is_integer()) or (max_iters < 0): raise Exception("""max_iters must be a positive integer.""") if (not isinstance(restarts, int) and not restarts.is_integer()) \ or (restarts < 0): raise Exception("""restarts must be a positive integer.""") if init_state is not None and len(init_state) != problem.get_length(): raise Exception("""init_state must have same length as problem.""") # Set random seed if isinstance(random_state, int) and random_state > 0: np.random.seed(random_state) best_fitness = -1*np.inf best_state = None if curve: fitness_curve = [] for _ in range(restarts + 1): # Initialize optimization problem and attempts counter if init_state is None: problem.reset() else: problem.set_state(init_state) attempts = 0 iters = 0 while (attempts < max_attempts) and (iters < max_iters): iters += 1 # Find random neighbor and evaluate fitness next_state = problem.random_neighbor() next_fitness = problem.eval_fitness(next_state) # If best neighbor is an improvement, # move to that state and reset attempts counter if next_fitness > problem.get_fitness(): problem.set_state(next_state) attempts = 0 else: attempts += 1 if curve: fitness_curve.append(problem.get_fitness()) # Update best state and best fitness if problem.get_fitness() > best_fitness: best_fitness = problem.get_fitness() best_state = problem.get_state() best_fitness = problem.get_maximize()*best_fitness if curve: return best_state, best_fitness, np.asarray(fitness_curve) return best_state, best_fitness def simulated_annealing(problem, schedule=GeomDecay(), max_attempts=10, max_iters=np.inf, init_state=None, curve=False, random_state=None): if (not isinstance(max_attempts, int) and not max_attempts.is_integer()) \ or (max_attempts < 0): raise Exception("""max_attempts must be a positive integer.""") if (not isinstance(max_iters, int) and max_iters != np.inf and not max_iters.is_integer()) or (max_iters < 0): raise Exception("""max_iters must be a positive integer.""") if init_state is not None and len(init_state) != problem.get_length(): raise Exception("""init_state must have same length as problem.""") # Set random seed if isinstance(random_state, int) and random_state > 0: np.random.seed(random_state) # Initialize problem, time and attempts counter if init_state is None: problem.reset() else: problem.set_state(init_state) if curve: fitness_curve = [] attempts = 0 iters = 0 while (attempts < max_attempts) and (iters < max_iters): temp = schedule.evaluate(iters) iters += 1 if temp == 0: break else: # Find random neighbor and evaluate fitness next_state = problem.random_neighbor() next_fitness = problem.eval_fitness(next_state) # Calculate delta E and change prob delta_e = next_fitness - problem.get_fitness() prob = np.exp(delta_e/temp) # If best neighbor is an improvement or random value is less # than prob, move to that state and reset attempts counter if (delta_e > 0) or (np.random.uniform() < prob): problem.set_state(next_state) attempts = 0 else: attempts += 1 if curve: fitness_curve.append(problem.get_fitness()) best_fitness = problem.get_maximize()*problem.get_fitness() best_state = problem.get_state() if curve: return best_state, best_fitness, np.asarray(fitness_curve) return best_state, best_fitness def genetic_alg(problem, pop_size=200, mutation_prob=0.1, max_attempts=10, max_iters=np.inf, curve=False, random_state=None): if pop_size < 0: raise Exception("""pop_size must be a positive integer.""") elif not isinstance(pop_size, int): if pop_size.is_integer(): pop_size = int(pop_size) else: raise Exception("""pop_size must be a positive integer.""") if (mutation_prob < 0) or (mutation_prob > 1): raise Exception("""mutation_prob must be between 0 and 1.""") if (not isinstance(max_attempts, int) and not max_attempts.is_integer()) \ or (max_attempts < 0): raise Exception("""max_attempts must be a positive integer.""") if (not isinstance(max_iters, int) and max_iters != np.inf and not max_iters.is_integer()) or (max_iters < 0): raise Exception("""max_iters must be a positive integer.""") # Set random seed if isinstance(random_state, int) and random_state > 0: np.random.seed(random_state) if curve: fitness_curve = [] # Initialize problem, population and attempts counter problem.reset() problem.random_pop(pop_size) attempts = 0 iters = 0 while (attempts < max_attempts) and (iters < max_iters): iters += 1 # Calculate breeding probabilities problem.eval_mate_probs() # Create next generation of population next_gen = [] for _ in range(pop_size): # Select parents selected = np.random.choice(pop_size, size=2, p=problem.get_mate_probs()) parent_1 = problem.get_population()[selected[0]] parent_2 = problem.get_population()[selected[1]] # Create offspring child = problem.reproduce(parent_1, parent_2, mutation_prob) next_gen.append(child) next_gen = np.array(next_gen) problem.set_population(next_gen) next_state = problem.best_child() next_fitness = problem.eval_fitness(next_state) # If best child is an improvement, # move to that state and reset attempts counter if next_fitness > problem.get_fitness(): problem.set_state(next_state) attempts = 0 else: attempts += 1 if curve: fitness_curve.append(problem.get_fitness()) best_fitness = problem.get_maximize()*problem.get_fitness() best_state = problem.get_state() if curve: return best_state, best_fitness, np.asarray(fitness_curve) return best_state, best_fitness def mimic(problem, pop_size=200, keep_pct=0.2, max_attempts=10, max_iters=np.inf, curve=False, random_state=None, fast_mimic=False): """Use MIMIC to find the optimum for a given optimization problem. """ if problem.get_prob_type() == 'continuous': raise Exception("""problem type must be discrete or tsp.""") if pop_size < 0: raise Exception("""pop_size must be a positive integer.""") elif not isinstance(pop_size, int): if pop_size.is_integer(): pop_size = int(pop_size) else: raise Exception("""pop_size must be a positive integer.""") if (keep_pct < 0) or (keep_pct > 1): raise Exception("""keep_pct must be between 0 and 1.""") if (not isinstance(max_attempts, int) and not max_attempts.is_integer()) \ or (max_attempts < 0): raise Exception("""max_attempts must be a positive integer.""") if (not isinstance(max_iters, int) and max_iters != np.inf and not max_iters.is_integer()) or (max_iters < 0): raise Exception("""max_iters must be a positive integer.""") # Set random seed if isinstance(random_state, int) and random_state > 0: np.random.seed(random_state) if curve: fitness_curve = [] if fast_mimic not in (True, False): raise Exception("""fast_mimic mode must be a boolean.""") else: problem.mimic_speed = fast_mimic # Initialize problem, population and attempts counter problem.reset() problem.random_pop(pop_size) attempts = 0 iters = 0 while (attempts < max_attempts) and (iters < max_iters): iters += 1 # Get top n percent of population problem.find_top_pct(keep_pct) # Update probability estimates problem.eval_node_probs() # Generate new sample new_sample = problem.sample_pop(pop_size) problem.set_population(new_sample) next_state = problem.best_child() next_fitness = problem.eval_fitness(next_state) # If best child is an improvement, # move to that state and reset attempts counter if next_fitness > problem.get_fitness(): problem.set_state(next_state) attempts = 0 else: attempts += 1 if curve: fitness_curve.append(problem.get_fitness()) best_fitness = problem.get_maximize()*problem.get_fitness() best_state = problem.get_state().astype(int) if curve: return best_state, best_fitness, np.asarray(fitness_curve) return best_state, best_fitness