525 lines
19 KiB
525 lines
19 KiB
from tkinter import EventType
import pygame
from classes import system
from random import randrange
from classes import decisionTrees
from classes.neuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork
class NotMine():
position_x: int
position_y: int
size: int
ismine: bool
image_path: str
image: pygame.surface.Surface
font: pygame.font.Font
done_text: pygame.surface.Surface
def __init__(self, position_x, position_y, size):
self.position_x = position_x
self.position_y = position_y
self.size = size
self.ismine = False
self.image_path = "assets/sprites/notmines/" + str(randrange(1, 15)) + ".jpg"
self.image = pygame.image.load(self.image_path)
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.size, self.size))
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', int(self.size * 0.25))
self.done_text = self.font.render("", False, (255,0,0))
def draw(self, window):
position_on_screen = (self.size * self.position_x, self.size * self.position_y)
window.blit(self.image, position_on_screen)
window.blit(self.done_text, (position_on_screen[0] + self.size / 4, position_on_screen[1] - self.size / 8))
class Mine():
position_x: int
position_y: int
size: int
ismine: bool
image_path: str
image: pygame.surface.Surface
font: pygame.font.Font
image_text: pygame.surface.Surface
timer_text: pygame.surface.Surface
diff_text: pygame.surface.Surface
timer_event: pygame.USEREVENT
difficulty: int = 1
weight: float = 1.0
explosion_timer: int = 100
def __init__(self, position_x, position_y, size, difficulty=1, weight=1.0, timer=100):
self.position_x = position_x
self.position_y = position_y
self.size = size
self.ismine = True
self.weight = weight
self.explosion_timer = timer
self.difficulty = difficulty
self.image_path = "assets/sprites/mines/" + str(randrange(1, 8)) + ".jpg"
self.image = pygame.image.load(self.image_path)
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.size, self.size))
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', int(self.size * 0.25))
self.image_text = self.font.render(str(self.weight), False, (255, 0, 0))
self.timer_text = self.font.render(str(self.explosion_timer), False, (255, 0, 0))
self.difficulty_text = self.font.render(str(self.difficulty), False, (255, 0, 0))
timer_interval = 1000
self.timer_event = pygame.USEREVENT + 1
pygame.time.set_timer(self.timer_event, timer_interval)
def draw(self, window):
self.timer_text = self.font.render(str(self.explosion_timer), False, (255, 0, 0))
position_on_screen = (self.size * self.position_x, self.size * self.position_y)
window.blit(self.image, position_on_screen)
window.blit(self.image_text, (position_on_screen[0] + self.size / 4, position_on_screen[1] + self.size / 2))
window.blit(self.timer_text, (position_on_screen[0] + self.size / 4, position_on_screen[1] - self.size / 8))
window.blit(self.difficulty_text, (position_on_screen[0] + self.size / 1.5, position_on_screen[1] + self.size / 6 ))
class Cliff:
position_x: int
position_y: int
size: int
image: pygame.surface.Surface
type: int
rotation: int
def __init__(self, position_x, position_y, size, rotation, type=0):
self.position_x = position_x
self.position_y = position_y
self.size = size
self.rotation = rotation
self.type = type
if self.type == 0:
self.image = pygame.image.load("assets/sprites/cliff.png")
elif self.type == 1:
self.image = pygame.image.load("assets/sprites/cliff_corner.png")
elif self.type == 2:
self.image = pygame.image.load("assets/sprites/cliff_end1.png")
elif self.type == 3:
self.image = pygame.image.load("assets/sprites/cliff_end2.png")
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.size, self.size))
self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.image, self.rotation)
def draw(self, window):
position_on_screen = (self.size * self.position_x, self.size * self.position_y)
window.blit(self.image, position_on_screen)
# mapa
class Map:
window: system.Window
tile_size: int
tiles_x: int
tiles_y: int
tile_palette: list
terrain_matrix: list
cliffs = []
encounters = []
mines = []
notmines = []
def __init__(self, window: system.Window, tile_size: int = 64, tiles_x: int = 8, tiles_y: int = 8):
self.window = window
self.tile_size = tile_size
self.tiles_x = tiles_x
self.tiles_y = tiles_y
# dodanie grafik wszystkich typów terenu do jednej listy
self.tile_palette = [None] * 20
image = pygame.image.load("assets/sprites/grass.png")
image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (tile_size, tile_size))
self.tile_palette[0] = image
image = pygame.image.load("assets/sprites/stone.png")
image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (tile_size, tile_size))
self.tile_palette[10] = image
image = pygame.image.load("assets/sprites/slowgrass.png")
image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (tile_size, tile_size))
self.tile_palette[5] = image
def generate(self):
# generowanie terenu
matrix = []
for i in range(self.tiles_y):
for j in range(self.tiles_x):
# sprawdza czy są tu jakieś klify
ok = True
for cliff in self.cliffs:
for i2 in range(i - 1, i + 2):
if (j, i2) == (cliff.position_x, cliff.position_y):
ok = False
elif (j - 1, i2) == (cliff.position_x, cliff.position_y):
ok = False
elif (j + 1, i2) == (cliff.position_x, cliff.position_y):
ok = False
# od liczby zależy jaki teren, np. 0 - piasek
rng = randrange(10)
if ok and rng == 0 and not (i < 2 and j < 3):
matrix[i].append(10) # kamień
elif ok and rng > 6 and not (i < 2 and j < 3):
matrix[i].append(5) # trawa
elif ok and rng < 2 and not (i < 2 and j < 3):
matrix[i].append(0) # piasek
rand_rotate = 0 # randrange(4)*90
if rand_rotate == 0 and j + 3 < self.tiles_x and not (
i == 0 or i == self.tiles_y - 1 or j == 0 or j == self.tiles_x - 1):
cliff = Cliff(j, i, self.tile_size, rand_rotate, type=2)
# self.cliffs.append(cliff)
cliff = Cliff(j + 1, i, self.tile_size, rand_rotate, type=0)
# self.cliffs.append(cliff)
cliff = Cliff(j + 2, i, self.tile_size, rand_rotate, type=3)
# self.cliffs.append(cliff)
self.terrain_matrix = matrix
for i in range(self.tiles_y):
for j in range(self.tiles_x):
if matrix[i][j] < 10:
ok = True
for cliff in self.cliffs:
if (j, i) == (cliff.position_x, cliff.position_y):
ok = False
if ok and randrange(10) == 0 and not (i < 2 and j < 3):
#zależnie od wylosowanej liczby mina lub niemina
if randrange(0, 10) > 3: #odpowiednia wartość to > 3
difficulty = randrange(0, 4) + 1
weight = randrange(10, 31) / 10
timer = randrange(100, 200)
mine = Mine(j, i, self.tile_size, difficulty, weight, timer)
notmine = NotMine(j, i, self.tile_size)
def draw_tiles(self):
# narysowanie na ekranie terenu
for i in range(len(self.terrain_matrix)):
for j in range(len(self.terrain_matrix[i])):
(self.tile_size * j, self.tile_size * i))
def draw_objects(self):
for mine in self.mines:
for notmine in self.notmines:
for cliff in self.cliffs:
# broń
class Weapon:
size: int
image: pygame.surface.Surface
rotated_image: pygame.surface.Surface
owner: str
weight: float
weapon_type: int
# baza operacji
class Base:
position_x: int
position_y: int
size: int
image: pygame.surface.Surface
weapon_level: int
weapons = []
# schron
class Shelter:
position_x: int
position_y: int
size: int
image: pygame.surface.Surface
# składowisko
class Dumpster:
position_x: int
position_y: int
size: int
image: pygame.surface.Surface
# cywile
class NPC:
position_x: int
position_y: int
size: int
image: pygame.surface.Surface
rotated_image: pygame.surface.Surface
offset_x: int = 0
offset_y: int = 0
current_map: Map
type: str
value: int
weight: float
# saper
class Minesweeper:
size: int
rotation_degrees: int
position_x: int
position_y: int
image: pygame.surface.Surface
rotated_image: pygame.surface.Surface
offset_x: int = 0
offset_y: int = 0
current_map: Map
carried_objects = []
speed = 1
ability = 1
max_carried_weight = 5.0
def __init__(self, position_x=0, position_y=0, size=64):
self.position_x = position_x
self.position_y = position_y
self.size = size
self.image = pygame.image.load("assets/sprites/saper_fun_sized.png")
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.size, self.size))
self.rotated_image = self.image
self.rotation_degrees = 0
self.neural_network = NeuralNetwork()
def set_map(self, map: Map):
self.current_map = map
def update_offset(self, delta: float):
dist = round(self.speed * delta / 8)
finished = False
if self.offset_x > 0:
self.offset_x -= dist
if self.offset_x <= 0:
finished = True
elif self.offset_x < 0:
self.offset_x += dist
if self.offset_x >= 0:
finished = True
if self.offset_y > 0:
self.offset_y -= dist
if self.offset_y <= 0:
finished = True
elif self.offset_y < 0:
self.offset_y += dist
if self.offset_y < -self.size and self.offset_y > -1.2 * self.size:
if self.offset_y >= 0:
finished = True
if finished:
self.offset_y = 0
self.offset_x = 0
if self.current_map.terrain_matrix[self.position_y][self.position_x] < 5:
self.speed = 1
def draw(self, window, delta: float):
position_on_screen = (self.size * self.position_x + self.offset_x, self.size * self.position_y + self.offset_y)
window.blit(self.rotated_image, position_on_screen)
def rotate(self, dir: str):
dirr = 0
if dir == "N":
dirr = 180
elif dir == "S":
dirr = 0
elif dir == "W":
dirr = 270
elif dir == "E":
dirr = 90
elif dir == "left":
dirr = (self.rotation_degrees + 90) % 360
elif dir == "right":
dirr = (self.rotation_degrees - 90) % 360
self.rotation_degrees = dirr
self.rotated_image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.image, dirr)
def move(self, dir: int = -1):
# południe - 0
# wschód - 90
# północ - 180
# zachód - 270
if self.offset_x != 0 or self.offset_y != 0:
if dir == -1:
dir = self.rotation_degrees
self.rotation_degrees = dir
self.rotated_image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.image, dir)
move_legal = True
cliff_jump = False
next_x = self.position_x
next_y = self.position_y
if dir == 0:
next_y = self.position_y + 1
elif dir == 180:
next_y = self.position_y - 1
elif dir == 270:
next_x = self.position_x - 1
elif dir == 90:
next_x = self.position_x + 1
if next_x == self.current_map.tiles_x or next_x == -1:
move_legal = False
elif next_y == self.current_map.tiles_y or next_y == -1:
move_legal = False
elif self.current_map.terrain_matrix[next_y][next_x] > 9:
move_legal = False
for cliff in self.current_map.cliffs:
if (next_x, next_y) == (cliff.position_x, cliff.position_y):
if dir == 0 and cliff.rotation == 0:
cliff_jump = True
move_legal = False
if move_legal:
if self.current_map.terrain_matrix[next_y][next_x] > 4:
self.speed = 0.5
pygame.mixer.Channel(1).set_volume(0.01) #from 0.3
if dir == 0:
self.position_y += 1
self.offset_y = -self.size
if cliff_jump:
self.position_y += 1
self.offset_y = -2 * self.size
elif dir == 180:
self.position_y -= 1
self.offset_y = self.size
elif dir == 270:
self.position_x -= 1
self.offset_x = self.size
elif dir == 90:
self.position_x += 1
self.offset_x = -self.size
pygame.mixer.Channel(2).set_volume(0.01) #from 0.5
def pick_up(self, model):
if self.offset_x != 0 or self.offset_y != 0:
for encounter in self.current_map.encounters:
if (self.position_x, self.position_y) == (encounter.position_x, encounter.position_y):
#wykrywanie po zadjęciu czy mina czy nie
decisionismine = self.neural_network.recognize(encounter.image_path)
#wykryto błędnie
if decisionismine != encounter.ismine:
print("ERROR: Decision was not correct")
if encounter.ismine:
encounter.image_text = encounter.font.render("MISS", False, (255, 0, 0))
encounter.difficulty_text = encounter.font.render("", False, (255, 0, 0))
encounter.done_text = encounter.font.render("MISS", False, (255,0,0))
#wykryto poprawnie, że mina
elif decisionismine:
print("Decision was correct")
print("Mine? - Yes")
tree = decisionTrees.DecisionTrees()
decision = tree.return_predict(model)
print("Decision : ", decision, "\n")
pygame.mixer.Channel(3).set_volume(0.01) #from 0.7
#wykryto poprawnie, że niemina
print("Decision was correct")
print("Mine? - No")
encounter.done_text = encounter.font.render("X", False, (255,0,0))
def drop_bombs(self):
def drop_civilians(self):
def sensor(self, x: int = -1, y: int = -1):
if x == -1:
x = self.position_x
if y == -1:
y = self.position_y
sensor_list = [["", "", ""], ["", "", ""], ["", "", ""]]
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
posx = x - 1 + j
posy = y - 1 + i
if posx >= self.current_map.tiles_x or posx <= -1:
sensor_list[i][j] = "wall"
elif posy >= self.current_map.tiles_y or posy <= -1:
sensor_list[i][j] = "wall"
elif self.current_map.terrain_matrix[posy][posx] > 9:
sensor_list[i][j] = "wall"
elif self.current_map.terrain_matrix[posy][posx] > 4:
sensor_list[i][j] = "slowfloor"
sensor_list[i][j] = "floor"
for cliff in self.current_map.cliffs:
if (posx, posy) == (cliff.position_x, cliff.position_y):
if cliff.rotation == 0:
sensor_list[i][j] = "cliff_south"
elif cliff.rotation == 90:
sensor_list[i][j] = "cliff_east"
elif cliff.rotation == 180:
sensor_list[i][j] = "cliff_north"
elif cliff.rotation == 270:
sensor_list[i][j] = "cliff_west"
for encounter in self.current_map.encounters:
if (posx, posy) == (encounter.position_x, encounter.position_y):
sensor_list[i][j] = "encounter"
return sensor_list