<p>In order to evaluate your work locally, you need the GEval tool. First, install <a href="https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/">Haskell Stack</a>:
<p>Haskell Stack requires some time when run for the first time, also it takes a couple of gigabytes of hard disk space. If this is a problem for you, another option is to just download the GEval binary (it should work on most 64-bit Linuxes):
<p>(GEval will make your life easier, but is not obligatory, so if you have any trouble with installing/running GEval, you can skip this step, for the time being.)
<p>You need to generate your solution for the test set as <tt>test-A/out.tsv</tt>. You may also generate the solution for the dev set (<tt>dev-0/out.tsv</tt>).
<p>You can evaluate results for the dev set locally:
<p>If you use a repo hosted here, a submission and evaluation is triggered automatically. You'll see the evaluation results in your console while pushing.
<h3>External repos
<p>If you use an external repo (e.g. at your own of Gitolite or at GitHub), you can configure a webhook.
<p>In case other methods fail, you can submit your solution manually — go to the <a href="@{ChallengeSubmissionR $ challengeName challenge}">submit form</a>.