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2015-09-04 23:23:32 +02:00
module Handler.ShowChallenge where
import Import
2015-09-06 15:33:37 +02:00
import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 (BootstrapFormLayout (..), renderBootstrap3,
2015-09-04 23:23:32 +02:00
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Yesod.Table as Table
import Yesod.Table (Table)
2015-09-06 14:24:49 +02:00
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.Markdown
2015-09-29 14:15:49 +02:00
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import qualified Data.Text as T
2015-09-06 14:24:49 +02:00
import Handler.Extract
import Handler.Shared
2015-09-29 18:23:11 +02:00
import GEval.Core
import GEval.OptionsParser
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
2015-09-29 14:15:49 +02:00
import PersistSHA1
2015-09-04 23:23:32 +02:00
getShowChallengeR :: Text -> Handler Html
getShowChallengeR name = do
(Entity _ challenge) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName name
2015-09-28 17:45:10 +02:00
Just repo <- runDB $ get $ challengePublicRepo challenge
challengeLayout True challenge (showChallengeWidget challenge repo)
2015-09-06 14:24:49 +02:00
getChallengeReadmeR :: Text -> Handler Html
getChallengeReadmeR name = do
(Entity _ challenge) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName name
let repoId = challengePublicRepo challenge
let repoDir = getRepoDir repoId
let readmeFilePath = repoDir </> readmeFile
contents <- readFile readmeFilePath
challengeLayout False challenge $ toWidget $ markdown def $ TL.fromStrict contents
2015-09-28 17:45:10 +02:00
showChallengeWidget challenge repo = $(widgetFile "show-challenge")
2015-09-06 14:24:49 +02:00
2015-09-06 15:33:37 +02:00
getChallengeSubmissionR :: Text -> Handler Html
getChallengeSubmissionR name = do
(Entity _ challenge) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName name
(formWidget, formEnctype) <- generateFormPost submissionForm
challengeLayout True challenge $ challengeSubmissionWidget formWidget formEnctype challenge
postChallengeSubmissionR :: Text -> Handler TypedContent
postChallengeSubmissionR name = do
2015-09-28 23:43:55 +02:00
(Entity challengeId challenge) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName name
2015-09-06 15:33:37 +02:00
((result, formWidget), formEnctype) <- runFormPost submissionForm
let submissionData = case result of
FormSuccess res -> Just res
_ -> Nothing
Just (description, submissionUrl, submissionBranch) = submissionData
2015-09-28 23:43:55 +02:00
runViewProgress $ doCreateSubmission challengeId description submissionUrl submissionBranch
doCreateSubmission :: Key Challenge -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Channel -> Handler ()
2015-09-29 14:15:49 +02:00
doCreateSubmission challengeId description url branch chan = do
2015-09-28 23:43:55 +02:00
maybeRepoKey <- getSubmissionRepo challengeId url branch chan
case maybeRepoKey of
Just repoId -> do
repo <- runDB $ get404 repoId
2015-09-29 14:15:49 +02:00
submissionId <- getSubmission repoId (repoCurrentCommit repo) challengeId description chan
2015-09-29 18:23:11 +02:00
_ <- getOuts chan submissionId
msg chan "Done"
2015-09-28 23:43:55 +02:00
Nothing -> return ()
2015-09-29 14:15:49 +02:00
getSubmission :: Key Repo -> SHA1 -> Key Challenge -> Text -> Channel -> Handler (Key Submission)
getSubmission repoId commit challengeId description chan = do
maybeSubmission <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueSubmissionRepoCommitChallenge repoId commit challengeId
2015-09-30 20:32:06 +02:00
userId <- requireAuthId
2015-09-29 14:15:49 +02:00
case maybeSubmission of
Just (Entity submissionId submission) -> do
msg chan "Submission already there, re-checking"
return submissionId
Nothing -> do
msg chan "Creating new submission"
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
runDB $ insert $ Submission {
2015-09-30 20:32:06 +02:00
submissionSubmitter=userId }
2015-09-29 14:15:49 +02:00
2015-09-29 14:33:19 +02:00
getOuts :: Channel -> Key Submission -> Handler ([Out])
getOuts chan submissionId = do
2015-09-29 14:15:49 +02:00
submission <- runDB $ get404 submissionId
let challengeId = submissionChallenge submission
let repoDir = getRepoDir $ submissionRepo submission
activeTests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId, TestActive ==. True] []
testsDone <- filterM (doesOutExist repoDir) activeTests
outs <- mapM (outForTest repoDir submissionId) testsDone
mapM_ checkOrInsertOut outs
2015-09-29 14:33:19 +02:00
mapM_ (checkOrInsertEvaluation repoDir chan) outs
2015-09-29 14:15:49 +02:00
return outs
outFileName = "out.tsv"
getOutFilePath repoDir test = repoDir </> (T.unpack $ testName test) </> outFileName
doesOutExist repoDir (Entity _ test) = liftIO $ doesFileExist $ getOutFilePath repoDir test
outForTest repoDir submissionId (Entity testId test) = do
checksum <- liftIO $ gatherSHA1ForCollectionOfFiles [getOutFilePath repoDir test]
return Out {
outChecksum=SHA1 checksum }
checkOrInsertOut :: Out -> Handler ()
checkOrInsertOut out = do
maybeOut <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueOutSubmissionTestChecksum (outSubmission out) (outTest out) (outChecksum out)
case maybeOut of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> (runDB $ insert out) >> return ()
2015-09-29 14:33:19 +02:00
checkOrInsertEvaluation :: FilePath -> Channel -> Out -> Handler ()
checkOrInsertEvaluation repoDir chan out = do
test <- runDB $ get404 $ outTest out
2015-09-29 18:23:11 +02:00
challenge <- runDB $ get404 $ testChallenge test
2015-09-29 14:33:19 +02:00
maybeEvaluation <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueEvaluationTestChecksum (outTest out) (outChecksum out)
case maybeEvaluation of
Just (Entity _ evaluation) -> do
msg chan $ concat ["Already evaluated with score ", (T.pack $ fromMaybe "???" $ show <$> evaluationScore evaluation)]
Nothing -> do
msg chan $ "Start evaluation..."
2015-09-29 18:23:11 +02:00
result <- liftIO $ runGEvalGetOptions ["--expected-directory", (getRepoDir $ challengePrivateRepo challenge),
"--out-directory", repoDir]
case result of
Left parseResult -> do
err chan "Cannot parse options, check the challenge repo"
Right (opts, Just result) -> do
msg chan $ concat [ "Evaluated! Score ", (T.pack $ show result) ]
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
runDB $ insert $ Evaluation {
evaluationTest=outTest out,
evaluationChecksum=outChecksum out,
evaluationScore=Just result,
evaluationStamp=time }
msg chan "Evaluation done"
Right (_, Nothing) -> do
err chan "Error during the evaluation"
2015-09-29 14:33:19 +02:00
2015-09-28 23:43:55 +02:00
getSubmissionRepo :: Key Challenge -> Text -> Text -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo))
getSubmissionRepo challengeId url branch chan = do
maybeRepo <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUrlBranch url branch
case maybeRepo of
Just (Entity repoId repo) -> do
msg chan "Repo already there"
available <- checkRepoAvailibility challengeId repoId chan
if available
updateStatus <- updateRepo repoId chan
if updateStatus
return $ Just repoId
return Nothing
return Nothing
Nothing -> cloneRepo' url branch chan
checkRepoAvailibility :: Key Challenge -> Key Repo -> Channel -> Handler Bool
checkRepoAvailibility challengeId repoId chan = do
maybeOtherChallengeId <- runDB $ selectFirst ( [ChallengePublicRepo ==. repoId]
||. [ChallengePrivateRepo ==. repoId]) []
case maybeOtherChallengeId of
Just _ -> do
err chan "Repository already used as a challenge repo, please use a different repo or a different branch"
return False
Nothing -> do
maybeOtherSubmissionId <- runDB $ selectFirst [SubmissionRepo ==. repoId,
SubmissionChallenge !=. challengeId] []
case maybeOtherSubmissionId of
Just _ -> do
err chan "Repository already used as a submission repo for a different challenge, please use a different repo or a different branch"
return False
Nothing -> return True
2015-09-06 15:33:37 +02:00
challengeSubmissionWidget formWidget formEnctype challenge = $(widgetFile "challenge-submission")
submissionForm :: Form (Text, Text, Text)
submissionForm = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ (,,)
<$> areq textField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgSubmissionDescription) Nothing
<*> areq textField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgSubmissionUrl) Nothing
<*> areq textField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgSubmissionBranch) Nothing
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
getChallengeMySubmissionsR :: Text -> Handler Html
2015-09-30 20:42:25 +02:00
getChallengeMySubmissionsR name = do
userId <- requireAuthId
getChallengeSubmissions (\(Entity _ submission) -> (submissionSubmitter submission == userId)) name
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
getChallengeAllSubmissionsR :: Text -> Handler Html
2015-09-30 20:42:25 +02:00
getChallengeAllSubmissionsR name = getChallengeSubmissions (\_ -> True) name
getChallengeSubmissions :: ((Entity Submission) -> Bool) -> Text -> Handler Html
getChallengeSubmissions condition name = do
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
(Entity challengeId challenge) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName name
2015-09-30 20:42:25 +02:00
allSubmissions <- runDB $ selectList [SubmissionChallenge ==. challengeId] [Desc SubmissionStamp]
let submissions = filter condition allSubmissions
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
tests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId, TestActive ==. True] []
evaluationMaps <- mapM getEvaluationMap submissions
challengeLayout True challenge (challengeAllSubmissionsWidget challenge evaluationMaps tests)
2015-09-30 20:42:25 +02:00
2015-09-30 20:32:06 +02:00
getEvaluationMap :: Entity Submission -> Handler (Entity Submission, User, Map (Key Test) Evaluation)
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
getEvaluationMap s@(Entity submissionId submission) = do
outs <- runDB $ selectList [OutSubmission ==. submissionId] []
2015-09-30 20:32:06 +02:00
user <- runDB $ get404 $ submissionSubmitter submission
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
maybeEvaluations <- runDB $ mapM (\(Entity _ o) -> getBy $ UniqueEvaluationTestChecksum (outTest o) (outChecksum o)) outs
let evaluations = catMaybes maybeEvaluations
let m = Map.fromList $ map (\(Entity _ e) -> (evaluationTest e, e)) evaluations
2015-09-30 20:32:06 +02:00
return (s, user, m)
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
challengeAllSubmissionsWidget challenge submissions tests = $(widgetFile "challenge-all-submissions")
2015-09-30 20:32:06 +02:00
submissionsTable :: [Entity Test] -> Table site (Entity Submission, User, Map (Key Test) Evaluation)
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
submissionsTable tests = mempty
2015-09-30 20:32:06 +02:00
++ Table.text "submitter" (formatSubmitter . \(_, submitter, _) -> submitter)
++ Table.string "when" (show . submissionStamp . \(Entity _ s, _, _) -> s)
++ Table.text "description" (submissionDescription . \(Entity _ s, _, _) -> s)
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
++ mconcat (map (\(Entity k t) -> Table.string (testName t) (submissionScore k)) tests)
2015-09-30 20:32:06 +02:00
formatSubmitter :: User -> Text
formatSubmitter user = case userName user of
Just name -> name
Nothing -> "[name not given]"
submissionScore :: Key Test -> (Entity Submission, User, Map (Key Test) Evaluation) -> String
submissionScore k (_, _, m) = fromMaybe "N/A" (presentScore <$> lookup k m)
2015-09-29 22:31:56 +02:00
presentScore :: Evaluation -> String
presentScore evaluation = fromMaybe "???" (show <$> evaluationScore evaluation)
2015-09-06 15:33:37 +02:00
2015-09-06 14:24:49 +02:00
challengeLayout withHeader challenge widget = do
bc <- widgetToPageContent widget
2015-09-04 23:23:32 +02:00
defaultLayout $ do
2015-09-06 14:24:49 +02:00
setTitle "Challenge"
$(widgetFile "challenge")