More info on asynchronous jobs

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2021-07-30 13:08:17 +02:00
parent 2e56105d11
commit 088dd75a3e

View File

@ -79,8 +79,24 @@ documentation in the Swagger format is provided at `/static/swagger-ui/index.htm
Keycloak is assumed as the identity provider here for those end-points that
require authorization.
Integration with Keycloak
### Asynchronous jobs
Some tasks (e.g. evaluating a submitted solution, creating a
challenge) can take more time, so they must be run in a asynchronous
manner. End-points for such actions return a job ID (a number).
There are two options to show the logs:
1. The front-end can show the logs using web sockets, see
for an example.
2. The front-end can just redirect the user to `/api/view-progress-with-web-sockets/jobID`,
where showing the logs will be handled directly by Gonito (no authorization is needed there).
It's recommended to test showing logs with the test end-point
`/api/test-progress/N/D`, which just counts up to N with a D-second delay
(e.g. `/api/test-progress/10/2`).
### Integration with Keycloak
Gonito can be easily integrated with Keycloak for the back-end
end-points (but not yet for signing in Gonito as the monolithic Web