show graphs for params

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2018-07-28 17:04:27 +02:00
parent 276ca4d596
commit 0a51543957
10 changed files with 122 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -3,21 +3,71 @@ module Handler.Graph where
import Import
import Handler.Tables
import Handler.Shared (getMainTest, formatParameter)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List ((!!))
import Database.Persist.Sql
import GEval.Core (MetricValue)
import qualified Data.Map as M
getChallengeGraphDataR :: Text -> Handler Value
getChallengeGraphDataR challengeName = submissionsToJSON (\_ -> True) challengeName
data ParamGraphItem = ParamGraphItem TableEntry Text Text MetricValue
data ParamGraphSeries = ParamGraphSeries Text [(TableEntry, Text, MetricValue)]
getChallengeParamGraphDataR :: Text -> Text -> Handler Value
getChallengeParamGraphDataR challengeName paramName = do
return $ object [ "xs" .= object [
"data1" .= ("x1" :: Text),
"data2" .= ("x2" :: Text)],
"columns" .= [
["x1"::Text, "10", "30", "40"],
["x2", "10", "20", "50"] ]]
(Entity challengeId _) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName challengeName
(entries, tests) <- getChallengeSubmissionInfos (const True) challengeId
let mainTestId = entityKey $ getMainTest tests
let values = map (findParamValue paramName) entries
let items = Data.Maybe.catMaybes $ map (toParamGraphItem mainTestId paramName) $ zip entries values
let series = map (\(label, rs) -> ParamGraphSeries label rs)
$ organizeBy
$ map (\(ParamGraphItem entry label x y) -> (label, (entry, x, y))) items
return $ object [
"xs" .= object (map (\(ParamGraphSeries seriesName _) -> (seriesName .= (xSeriesName seriesName))) series),
"columns" .= ((map toYColumn series) ++ (map toXColumn series))
toYColumn :: ParamGraphSeries -> [Text]
toYColumn (ParamGraphSeries seriesName items) =
seriesName : (map (\(_,_,v) -> pack $ show v) items)
toXColumn :: ParamGraphSeries -> [Text]
toXColumn (ParamGraphSeries seriesName items) =
(xSeriesName seriesName) : (map (\(_,x,_) -> x) items)
xSeriesName :: Text -> Text
xSeriesName = (++ "_x")
organizeBy :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, [b])]
organizeBy pList = M.toList $ M.fromListWith (++) $ map (\(x, y) -> (x, [y])) pList
toParamGraphItem :: TestId -> Text -> (TableEntry, Maybe Text) -> Maybe ParamGraphItem
toParamGraphItem _ _ (_, Nothing) = Nothing
toParamGraphItem tid paramName (entry, Just val) = (ParamGraphItem entry label val) <$> join y
where label = unwords (tagsFormatted ++ paramsFormatted)
tagsFormatted =
map (tagName . entityVal . fst)
$ tableEntryTagsInfo entry
paramsFormatted =
map formatParameter
$ filter (\pe -> parameterName pe /= paramName)
$ map entityVal $ tableEntryParams entry
y = evaluationScore <$> lookup tid (tableEntryMapping entry)
findParamValue :: Text -> TableEntry -> Maybe Text
findParamValue paramName entry =
(parameterValue . entityVal) <$> (find (\e -> parameterName (entityVal e) == paramName) $ tableEntryParams entry)
submissionsToJSON :: ((Entity Submission) -> Bool) -> Text -> Handler Value
submissionsToJSON condition challengeName = do

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@ -332,6 +332,12 @@ formatTruncatedScore (Just precision) (Just evaluation) = case evaluationScore e
Just score -> T.pack $ printf "%0.*f" precision score
Nothing -> formatFullScore Nothing
formatParameter :: Parameter -> Text
formatParameter param = parameterName param ++ "=" ++ parameterValue param
formatTest :: Test -> Text
formatTest test = (testName test) ++ "/" ++ (T.pack $ show $ testMetric test)
findFilePossiblyCompressed :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFilePossiblyCompressed baseFilePath = do
let possibleFiles = [baseFilePath] ++ (map (baseFilePath <.>) ["gz", "bz2", "xz"])

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@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
import Data.Conduit.SmartSource
import Data.List (nub)
getShowChallengeR :: Text -> Handler Html
getShowChallengeR name = do
(Entity challengeId challenge) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName name
@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ getChallengeHowToR name = do
challengeLayout False challenge (challengeHowTo challenge settings repo (idToBeShown challenge maybeUser) isIDSet isSSHUploaded mToken)
idToBeShown :: p -> Maybe (Entity User) -> Text
idToBeShown challenge maybeUser =
idToBeShown _ maybeUser =
case maybeUser of
Just user -> case userLocalId $ entityVal user of
Just localId -> localId
@ -495,10 +497,37 @@ getChallengeSubmissions condition name = do
challengeRepo <- runDB $ get404 $ challengePublicRepo challenge
challengeLayout True challenge (challengeAllSubmissionsWidget muserId challenge scheme challengeRepo evaluationMaps tests)
let params = sort
$ nub
$ concat
$ map (\entry -> map (parameterName . entityVal) (tableEntryParams entry)) evaluationMaps
challengeLayout True challenge (challengeAllSubmissionsWidget muserId challenge scheme challengeRepo evaluationMaps tests params)
challengeAllSubmissionsWidget :: Maybe UserId -> Challenge -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> [TableEntry] -> [Entity Test] -> [Text] -> WidgetFor App ()
challengeAllSubmissionsWidget muserId challenge scheme challengeRepo submissions tests params =
$(widgetFile "challenge-all-submissions")
where chartJSs = mconcat $ map (getChartJs challenge mainTest) params
mainTest = entityVal $ getMainTest tests
getChartJs :: Challenge -> Test -> Text -> JavascriptUrl (Route App)
getChartJs challenge test param = [julius|
$.getJSON("@{ChallengeParamGraphDataR (challengeName challenge) param}", function(data) {
bindto: '#chart-' + #{toJSON param},
data: data,
axis: {
x: {
label: #{toJSON param},
y: {
label: #{toJSON testFormatted},
}) });
where testFormatted = formatTest test
challengeAllSubmissionsWidget :: Maybe UserId -> Challenge -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> [TableEntry] -> [Entity Test] -> WidgetFor App ()
challengeAllSubmissionsWidget muserId challenge scheme challengeRepo submissions tests = $(widgetFile "challenge-all-submissions")
challengeLayout :: Bool -> Challenge -> WidgetFor App () -> HandlerFor App Html
challengeLayout withHeader challenge widget = do

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@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ data TableEntry = TableEntry (Entity Submission)
[(Entity Tag, Entity SubmissionTag)]
[Entity Parameter]
-- TODO change into a record
tableEntryParams (TableEntry _ _ _ _ _ paramEnts) = paramEnts
tableEntryMapping (TableEntry _ _ _ mapping _ _) = mapping
tableEntryTagsInfo (TableEntry _ _ _ _ tagsInfo _) = tagsInfo
submissionsTable :: Maybe UserId -> Text -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> [Entity Test] -> Table App TableEntry
submissionsTable mauthId challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo tests = mempty
++ Table.text "submitter" (formatSubmitter . (\(TableEntry _ _ (Entity _ submitter) _ _ _) -> submitter))
@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ descriptionToBeShown s v params = (submissionDescription s) ++ (Data.Text.pack v
" " ++ r
paramsShown = Data.Text.unwords $ map (\p -> parameterName p ++ "=" ++ parameterValue p) params
paramsShown = Data.Text.unwords $ map formatParameter params
extractScore :: Key Test -> TableEntry -> Maybe Evaluation
extractScore k (TableEntry _ _ _ m _ _) = lookup k m
@ -105,7 +110,7 @@ statusCell :: Text -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> (a -> (SubmissionId, Submission, Use
statusCell challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo fun = Table.widget "" (statusCellWidget challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo . fun)
resultCell :: Test -> (a -> Maybe Evaluation) -> Table App a
resultCell test fun = hoverTextCell ((testName test) ++ "/" ++ (Data.Text.pack $ show $ testMetric test)) (formatTruncatedScore (testPrecision test) . fun) (formatFullScore . fun)
resultCell test fun = hoverTextCell (formatTest test) (formatTruncatedScore (testPrecision test) . fun) (formatFullScore . fun)
statusCellWidget :: Eq a => Text -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> (SubmissionId, Submission, a, Maybe a) -> WidgetFor App ()
statusCellWidget challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo (submissionId, submission, userId, mauthId) = $(widgetFile "submission-status")

static/css/c3.min.css vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
.c3 svg{font:10px sans-serif;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent}.c3 line,.c3 path{fill:none;stroke:#000}.c3 text{-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;user-select:none}.c3-bars path,.c3-event-rect,.c3-legend-item-tile,.c3-xgrid-focus,.c3-ygrid{shape-rendering:crispEdges}.c3-chart-arc path{stroke:#fff}.c3-chart-arc rect{stroke:#fff;stroke-width:1}.c3-chart-arc text{fill:#fff;font-size:13px}.c3-grid line{stroke:#aaa}.c3-grid text{fill:#aaa}.c3-xgrid,.c3-ygrid{stroke-dasharray:3 3}.c3-text.c3-empty{fill:grey;font-size:2em}.c3-line{stroke-width:1px}.c3-circle._expanded_{stroke-width:1px;stroke:#fff}.c3-selected-circle{fill:#fff;stroke-width:2px}.c3-bar{stroke-width:0}.c3-bar._expanded_{fill-opacity:1;fill-opacity:.75}.c3-target.c3-focused{opacity:1}.c3-target.c3-focused path.c3-line,.c3-target.c3-focused path.c3-step{stroke-width:2px}.c3-target.c3-defocused{opacity:.3!important}.c3-region{fill:#4682b4;fill-opacity:.1}.c3-brush .extent{fill-opacity:.1}.c3-legend-item{font-size:12px}.c3-legend-item-hidden{opacity:.15}.c3-legend-background{opacity:.75;fill:#fff;stroke:#d3d3d3;stroke-width:1}.c3-title{font:14px sans-serif}.c3-tooltip-container{z-index:10}.c3-tooltip{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;background-color:#fff;empty-cells:show;-webkit-box-shadow:7px 7px 12px -9px #777;-moz-box-shadow:7px 7px 12px -9px #777;box-shadow:7px 7px 12px -9px #777;opacity:.9}.c3-tooltip tr{border:1px solid #ccc}.c3-tooltip th{background-color:#aaa;font-size:14px;padding:2px 5px;text-align:left;color:#fff}.c3-tooltip td{font-size:13px;padding:3px 6px;background-color:#fff;border-left:1px dotted #999}.c3-tooltip td>span{display:inline-block;width:10px;height:10px;margin-right:6px}.c3-tooltip td.value{text-align:right}.c3-area{stroke-width:0;opacity:.2}.c3-chart-arcs-title{dominant-baseline:middle;font-size:1.3em}.c3-chart-arcs .c3-chart-arcs-background{fill:#e0e0e0;stroke:#fff}.c3-chart-arcs .c3-chart-arcs-gauge-unit{fill:#000;font-size:16px}.c3-chart-arcs .c3-chart-arcs-gauge-max{fill:#777}.c3-chart-arcs .c3-chart-arcs-gauge-min{fill:#777}.c3-chart-arc .c3-gauge-value{fill:#000}.c3-chart-arc.c3-target g path{opacity:1}.c3-chart-arc.c3-target.c3-focused g path{opacity:1}

static/js/c3.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

static/js/d3.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -3,7 +3,19 @@
^{Table.buildBootstrap (submissionsTable muserId (challengeName challenge) scheme challengeRepo tests) submissions}
$if not (null params)
<h3>Submission graph
<div id="graph-container">
<script src="/static/js/sigma.min.js">
<script src="/static/js/sigma.parsers.json.min.js">
$if not (null params)
<h3>Graphs by parameters
$forall param <- params
<div id="chart-#{param}"></div>
<script src="/static/js/d3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="/static/js/c3.min.js"></script>

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@ -10,3 +10,5 @@
'pageLength': 50,
'order': [[1, 'desc']]});
} );

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ $newline never
<!--datatables, including JQuery-->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/datatables.min.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/c3.min.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/datatables.min.js">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""