Add end-point for challenge versions

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2021-02-24 14:11:30 +01:00
parent 680e4a42c9
commit 2205671485
4 changed files with 69 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ instance Yesod App where
isAuthorized ListChallengesR _ = regularAuthorization
isAuthorized ListChallengesJsonR _ = regularAuthorization
isAuthorized (ChallengeInfoJsonR _) _ = regularAuthorization
isAuthorized (VersionInfoJsonR _) _ = regularAuthorization
isAuthorized (LeaderboardJsonR _) _ = regularAuthorization
isAuthorized (ViewVariantR _ ) _ = regularAuthorization
isAuthorized (ViewVariantTestR _ _) _ = regularAuthorization

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@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ module Handler.ListChallenges where
import Import hiding (get, fromList, Proxy)
import Handler.Shared
import PersistSHA1
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd (fromList)
import Data.Proxy
@ -69,6 +72,7 @@ instance ToJSON (Entity Challenge) where
, "starred" .= challengeStarred ch
, "archived" .= challengeArchived ch
, "imageUrl" .= (("/" <>) <$> intercalate "/" <$> fst <$> renderRoute <$> imageUrl chEnt)
, "version" .= (fromSHA1ToText $ challengeVersion ch)
instance ToSchema (Entity Challenge) where
@ -84,8 +88,63 @@ instance ToSchema (Entity Challenge) where
, ("starred", booleanSchema)
, ("archived", booleanSchema)
, ("imageUrl", stringSchema)
, ("version", stringSchema)
& required .~ [ "name", "title", "description", "starred", "archived" ]
& required .~ [ "name", "title", "description", "starred", "archived", "version" ]
declareVersionInfoSwagger :: Declare (Definitions Schema) Swagger
declareVersionInfoSwagger = do
-- param schemas
versionInfoResponse <- declareResponse (Proxy :: Proxy (Entity Version))
let versionHashSchema = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy String)
return $ mempty
& paths .~
[ ("/api/version-info/{challengeName}",
mempty & get ?~ (mempty
& parameters .~ [ Inline $ mempty
& name .~ "versionHash"
& required ?~ True
& schema .~ ParamOther (mempty
& in_ .~ ParamPath
& paramSchema .~ versionHashSchema) ]
& produces ?~ MimeList ["application/json"]
& description ?~ "Returns information about a challenge version"
& at 200 ?~ Inline versionInfoResponse))
versionInfoApi :: Swagger
versionInfoApi = spec & definitions .~ defs
(defs, spec) = runDeclare declareVersionInfoSwagger mempty
instance ToJSON (Entity Version) where
toJSON chEnt@(Entity _ ver) = object
[ "deadline" .= versionDeadline ver
, "version" .= (formatVersion (versionMajor ver,
versionMinor ver,
versionPatch ver))
, "description" .= versionDescription ver
, "when" .= versionStamp ver
, "commit" .= (fromSHA1ToText $ versionCommit ver)
instance ToSchema (Entity Version) where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
stringSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy String)
booleanSchema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy Bool)
return $ NamedSchema (Just "Challenge") $ mempty
& type_ .~ SwaggerObject
& properties .~
fromList [ ("deadline", stringSchema)
, ("version", stringSchema)
, ("description", stringSchema)
, ("when", stringSchema)
, ("commit", stringSchema)
& required .~ [ "version", "description", "when", "commit" ]
generalListChallengesJson :: [Filter Challenge] -> Handler Value
@ -111,6 +170,12 @@ getChallengeInfoJsonR challengeName = do
entCh <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName challengeName
return $ toJSON entCh
getVersionInfoJsonR :: Text -> Handler Value
getVersionInfoJsonR versionHash = do
theVersion <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueVersionByCommit $ fromTextToSHA1 versionHash
return $ toJSON theVersion
getChallengeImageR :: ChallengeId -> Handler Html
getChallengeImageR challengeId = do
challenge <- runDB $ get404 challengeId

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ apiDescription = generalApi
<> challengeReadmeInMarkdownApi
<> queryApi
<> challengeSubmissionApi
<> versionInfoApi
generalApi :: Swagger
generalApi = (mempty :: Swagger)

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
/api/challenge-image/#ChallengeId ChallengeImageR GET
/api/query/#Text QueryJsonR GET
/api/challenge-info/#Text ChallengeInfoJsonR GET
/api/version-info/#Text VersionInfoJsonR GET
/list-archived-challenges ListArchivedChallengesR GET
/challenge/#Text ShowChallengeR GET