forked from filipg/gonito

Handle version while sorting

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2019-08-29 21:34:13 +02:00
parent 14b78e7cdd
commit 284d7e1acf
2 changed files with 47 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import Handler.MakePublic
import Handler.Dashboard
import Handler.Common
import Text.Blaze
import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (ExtractionOptions(..),
@ -88,8 +90,8 @@ challengeReadme name = do
let repoId = challengePublicRepo challenge
repoDir <- getRepoDir repoId
let readmeFilePath = repoDir </> readmeFile
contents <- liftIO $ System.IO.readFile readmeFilePath
return $ markdown def $ TL.pack contents
theContents <- liftIO $ System.IO.readFile readmeFilePath
return $ markdown def $ TL.pack theContents
showChallengeWidget :: Maybe (Entity User)
-> Entity Challenge
@ -178,6 +180,7 @@ defaultBranch :: IsString a => RepoScheme -> Maybe a
defaultBranch SelfHosted = Just "master"
defaultBranch Branches = Nothing
challengeHowTo :: (Text.Blaze.ToMarkup a1, Text.Blaze.ToMarkup a2) => Challenge -> AppSettings -> Repo -> a1 -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe a2 -> WidgetFor App ()
challengeHowTo challenge settings repo shownId isIDSet isSSHUploaded mToken = $(widgetFile "challenge-how-to")
where myBranch = case appRepoScheme settings of
SelfHosted -> "master" :: Text
@ -431,6 +434,7 @@ checkTarget theNow user submissionLink entries indicator target chan = do
return ()
where indicatorText = prettyIndicatorEntry indicator
getScoreForOut :: (PersistQueryRead (YesodPersistBackend site), YesodPersist site, BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend) => Key Test -> Out -> HandlerFor site (Maybe Double)
getScoreForOut mainTestId out = do
mEvaluation <- runDB $ selectFirst [EvaluationChecksum ==. (outChecksum out),
EvaluationTest ==. mainTestId]
@ -466,7 +470,9 @@ getOuts chan submissionId generalParams = do
submission <- runDB $ get404 submissionId
let challengeId = submissionChallenge submission
repoDir <- getRepoDir $ submissionRepo submission
activeTests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId, TestActive ==. True] []
activeTests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId,
TestActive ==. True,
TestCommit ==. submissionVersion submission] []
outs' <- mapM (outsForTest repoDir submissionId generalParams) activeTests
let outs = concat outs'
@ -606,6 +612,7 @@ checkRepoAvailibility challengeId repoId chan = do
return False
Nothing -> return True
challengeSubmissionWidget :: (ToMarkup a1, ToWidget App a2) => a2 -> a1 -> Challenge -> WidgetFor App ()
challengeSubmissionWidget formWidget formEnctype challenge = $(widgetFile "challenge-submission")
submissionForm :: Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> Form (Maybe Text, Maybe Text, Text, Text, Maybe Text)

View File

@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ data LeaderboardEntry = LeaderboardEntry {
leaderboardEvaluationMap :: Map TestReference Evaluation,
leaderboardNumberOfSubmissions :: Int,
leaderboardTags :: [(Entity Tag, Entity SubmissionTag)],
leaderboardParams :: [Parameter]
leaderboardParams :: [Parameter],
leaderboardVersion :: (Int, Int, Int)
data TableEntry = TableEntry {
@ -117,6 +118,7 @@ leaderboardTable mauthId challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo tests = mempty
++ Table.int "#" fst
++ Table.text "submitter" (formatSubmitter . leaderboardUser . snd)
++ timestampCell "when" (submissionStamp . leaderboardBestSubmission . snd)
++ Table.text "ver." (formatVersion . leaderboardVersion . snd)
++ leaderboardDescriptionCell mauthId
++ mconcat (map (\e@(Entity _ t) -> resultCell t (extractScoreFromLeaderboardEntry (getTestReference e) . snd)) tests)
++ Table.int "×" (leaderboardNumberOfSubmissions . snd)
@ -188,6 +190,14 @@ getAuxSubmissionEnts testId evaluationMaps = map processEvaluationMap evaluation
Nothing -> []))
compareMajorVersions :: (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) -> Ordering
compareMajorVersions (aM, _, _) (bM, _, _) = aM `compare` bM
compareVersions :: (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) -> Ordering
compareVersions (aM, aN, aP) (bM, bN, bP) = (aM `compare` bM)
<> (aN `compare` bN)
<> (aP `compare` bP)
getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion :: (Ord a) => Key Challenge
-> ((Entity Submission) -> Bool)
-> (TableEntry -> [a])
@ -203,8 +213,13 @@ getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId condition selector = do
$ filter (\entry -> member mainTestRef $ tableEntryMapping entry)
$ evaluationMaps
let auxItemsMap = Map.fromListWith (++) auxItems
let entryComparator a b = (compareResult mainTest) (evaluationScore $ leaderboardEvaluationMap a Map.! mainTestRef)
(evaluationScore $ leaderboardEvaluationMap b Map.! mainTestRef)
let entryComparator a b =
(compareMajorVersions (leaderboardVersion a) (leaderboardVersion b))
((compareResult mainTest) (evaluationScore $ leaderboardEvaluationMap a Map.! mainTestRef)
(evaluationScore $ leaderboardEvaluationMap b Map.! mainTestRef))
(compareVersions (leaderboardVersion a) (leaderboardVersion b))
entries' <- mapM (toLeaderboardEntry challengeId mainTests)
$ filter (\ll -> not (null ll))
$ map snd
@ -213,7 +228,8 @@ getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId condition selector = do
$ sortBy (flip entryComparator) entries'
return (entries, (evaluationMaps, mainTests))
toLeaderboardEntry :: (BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend, PersistQueryRead (YesodPersistBackend site), YesodPersist site, Foldable t) => Key Challenge -> [Entity Test] -> t TableEntry -> HandlerFor site LeaderboardEntry
toLeaderboardEntry :: (Foldable t, YesodPersist site, PersistQueryRead (YesodPersistBackend site), PersistUniqueRead (YesodPersistBackend site), BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend) => Key Challenge -> [Entity Test] -> t TableEntry -> HandlerFor site LeaderboardEntry
toLeaderboardEntry challengeId tests ss = do
let bestOne = DL.maximumBy submissionComparator ss
let (TableEntry bestSubmission bestVariant user evals _ _ _ _) = bestOne
@ -222,6 +238,13 @@ toLeaderboardEntry challengeId tests ss = do
parameters <- runDB $ selectList [ParameterVariant ==. (entityKey bestVariant)] [Asc ParameterName]
submission <- runDB $ get404 submissionId
(Just (Entity _ version)) <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueVersionByCommit $ submissionVersion submission
let theVersion = (versionMajor version,
versionMinor version,
versionPatch version)
-- get all user submissions, including hidden ones
allUserSubmissions <- runDB $ selectList [SubmissionChallenge ==. challengeId,
SubmissionSubmitter ==. entityKey user]
@ -236,13 +259,18 @@ toLeaderboardEntry challengeId tests ss = do
leaderboardEvaluationMap = evals,
leaderboardNumberOfSubmissions = length allUserSubmissions,
leaderboardTags = tagEnts,
leaderboardParams = map entityVal parameters
leaderboardParams = map entityVal parameters,
leaderboardVersion = theVersion
where mainTestEnt@(Entity _ mainTest) = getMainTest tests
mainTestRef = getTestReference mainTestEnt
submissionComparator (TableEntry _ _ _ em1 _ _ _ _) (TableEntry _ _ _ em2 _ _ _ _) =
submissionComparator (TableEntry _ _ _ em1 _ _ _ v1) (TableEntry _ _ _ em2 _ _ _ v2) =
(compareMajorVersions v1 v2)
(compareResult mainTest) (evaluationScore (em1 Map.! mainTestRef))
(evaluationScore (em2 Map.! mainTestRef))
(compareVersions v1 v2)
getLeaderboardEntries :: LeaderboardStyle -> Key Challenge -> Handler ([LeaderboardEntry], ([TableEntry], [Entity Test]))
getLeaderboardEntries BySubmitter challengeId =
@ -262,6 +290,7 @@ compareResult _ (Just _) Nothing = GT
compareResult _ Nothing (Just _) = LT
compareResult _ Nothing Nothing = EQ
getChallengeSubmissionInfos :: (MonadIO m, PersistQueryRead backend, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend, PersistUniqueRead backend, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend) => (Entity Submission -> Bool) -> Key Challenge -> ReaderT backend m ([TableEntry], [Entity Test])
getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId = do
challenge <- get404 challengeId
@ -291,6 +320,7 @@ getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId = do
evaluationMaps <- mapM getEvaluationMap allSubmissionsVariantsWithRanks
return (evaluationMaps, tests)
getScore :: (MonadIO m, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend, PersistQueryRead backend, PersistUniqueRead backend) => Key Test -> Key Variant -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe Double)
getScore testId variantId = do
evaluations <- E.select $ E.from $ \(out, evaluation) -> do
E.where_ (out ^. OutVariant E.==. E.val variantId
@ -303,6 +333,7 @@ getScore testId variantId = do
[] -> Nothing
getEvaluationMap :: (MonadIO m, PersistQueryRead backend, PersistUniqueRead backend, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend) => (Int, (Entity Submission, Entity Variant)) -> ReaderT backend m TableEntry
getEvaluationMap (rank, (s@(Entity submissionId submission), v@(Entity variantId _))) = do
outs <- selectList [OutVariant ==. variantId] []
user <- get404 $ submissionSubmitter submission