refactor cloning git repos

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2018-06-01 22:52:49 +02:00
parent 4f20a5ee0c
commit 61ca7e7839
3 changed files with 42 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -51,12 +51,20 @@ postCreateChallengeR = do
doCreateChallenge :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Channel -> Handler ()
doCreateChallenge name publicUrl publicBranch privateUrl privateBranch chan = do
maybePublicRepoId <- cloneRepo publicUrl publicBranch publicUrl publicBranch chan
maybePublicRepoId <- cloneRepo (RepoSpec {
repoSpecUrl = publicUrl,
repoSpecBranch = publicBranch,
repoSpecReferenceUrl = publicUrl,
repoSpecReferenceBranch = publicBranch}) chan
case maybePublicRepoId of
Just publicRepoId -> do
publicRepo <- runDB $ get404 publicRepoId
publicRepoDir <- getRepoDir publicRepoId
maybePrivateRepoId <- cloneRepo privateUrl privateBranch (T.pack $ publicRepoDir) (repoBranch publicRepo) chan
maybePrivateRepoId <- cloneRepo (RepoSpec {
repoSpecUrl = privateUrl,
repoSpecBranch = privateBranch,
repoSpecReferenceUrl =(T.pack $ publicRepoDir),
repoSpecReferenceBranch = (repoBranch publicRepo)}) chan
case maybePrivateRepoId of
Just privateRepoId -> addChallenge name publicRepoId privateRepoId chan
Nothing -> return ()

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@ -122,14 +122,25 @@ validGitProtocols = ["git", "http", "https", "ssh"]
validGitProtocolsAsText :: Text
validGitProtocolsAsText = T.pack $ intercalate ", " $ map (++"://") validGitProtocols
cloneRepo :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo))
cloneRepo url branch referenceUrl referenceBranch chan = do
data RepoSpec = RepoSpec {
repoSpecUrl :: Text,
repoSpecBranch :: Text,
repoSpecReferenceUrl :: Text,
repoSpecReferenceBranch :: Text
cloneRepo :: RepoSpec -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo))
cloneRepo repoSpec chan = do
let url = repoSpecUrl repoSpec
let branch = repoSpecBranch repoSpec
maybeRepo <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUrlBranch url branch
case maybeRepo of
Just _ -> do
err chan "Repo already there"
return Nothing
Nothing -> cloneRepo' url branch referenceUrl referenceBranch chan
Nothing -> cloneRepo' repoSpec chan
updateRepo :: Key Repo -> Channel -> Handler Bool
updateRepo repoId chan = do
@ -176,8 +187,9 @@ getLastCommitMessage repoDir chan = do
ExitSuccess -> Just out
ExitFailure _ -> Nothing
cloneRepo' :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo))
cloneRepo' url branch referenceUrl referenceBranch chan = do
cloneRepo' :: RepoSpec -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo))
cloneRepo' repoSpec chan = do
let url = repoSpecUrl repoSpec
msg chan $ concat ["Preparing to clone repo ", url]
if checkRepoUrl url
then do
@ -185,7 +197,7 @@ cloneRepo' url branch referenceUrl referenceBranch chan = do
r <- randomInt
arenaDir <- arena
let tmpRepoDir = arenaDir </> ("t" ++ show r)
exitCode <- rawClone tmpRepoDir url branch referenceUrl referenceBranch chan
exitCode <- rawClone tmpRepoDir repoSpec chan
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> do
maybeHeadCommit <- getHeadCommit tmpRepoDir chan
@ -195,7 +207,7 @@ cloneRepo' url branch referenceUrl referenceBranch chan = do
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
repoId <- runDB $ insert $ Repo {
repoBranch=repoSpecBranch repoSpec,
@ -213,8 +225,12 @@ cloneRepo' url branch referenceUrl referenceBranch chan = do
err chan $ concat ["Wrong URL to a Git repo (note that one of the following protocols must be specified: ", validGitProtocolsAsText]
return Nothing
rawClone :: FilePath -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Channel -> Handler (ExitCode)
rawClone tmpRepoDir url branch referenceUrl referenceBranch chan = do
rawClone :: FilePath -> RepoSpec -> Channel -> Handler (ExitCode)
rawClone tmpRepoDir repoSpec chan = do
let url = repoSpecUrl repoSpec
let branch = repoSpecBranch repoSpec
let referenceUrl = repoSpecReferenceUrl repoSpec
let referenceBranch = repoSpecReferenceBranch repoSpec
(exitCode, _) <- runProgram Nothing gitPath ["clone",

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@ -333,7 +333,13 @@ getSubmissionRepo challengeId url branch chan = do
let repoId = challengePublicRepo challenge
repo <- runDB $ get404 repoId
repoDir <- getRepoDir repoId
cloneRepo' url branch (T.pack repoDir) (repoBranch repo) chan
let repoSpec = RepoSpec {
repoSpecUrl = url,
repoSpecBranch = branch,
repoSpecReferenceUrl = (T.pack repoDir),
repoSpecReferenceBranch = (repoBranch repo)
cloneRepo' repoSpec chan
checkRepoAvailibility :: Key Challenge -> Key Repo -> Channel -> Handler Bool
checkRepoAvailibility challengeId repoId chan = do