forked from filipg/gonito
Handle tags and description from gonito.yaml
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[submodule "test/fake-git-repos/simple"]
path = test/fake-git-repos/simple
url = git://
branch = simple
[submodule "test/fake-git-repos/with-gonito-yaml"]
path = test/fake-git-repos/with-gonito-yaml
url = git://
branch = with-gonito-yaml
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
module Gonito.ExtractMetadata (
import Import
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.Text
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
import System.Exit
import System.Process
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Handler.Shared (gitPath)
data ExtractionOptions = ExtractionOptions {
extractionOptionsDescription :: Maybe Text,
extractionOptionsTags :: Maybe Text,
extractionOptionsGeneralParams :: Maybe Text,
extractionOptionsParamFiles :: Maybe Text,
extractionOptionsMLRunPath :: Maybe FilePath
instance FromJSON ExtractionOptions where
parseJSON = withObject "ExtractionOptions" $ \v -> ExtractionOptions
<$> v .:? "description"
<*> v .:? "tags"
<*> v .:? "params"
<*> v .:? "param-files"
<*> v .:? "mlrun-path"
instance Default ExtractionOptions where
def = ExtractionOptions {
extractionOptionsDescription = Nothing,
extractionOptionsTags = Nothing,
extractionOptionsGeneralParams = Nothing,
extractionOptionsParamFiles = Nothing,
extractionOptionsMLRunPath = Nothing
data GonitoMetadata = GonitoMetadata {
gonitoMetadataDescription :: Text,
gonitoMetadataTags :: S.Set Text,
gonitoMetadataGeneralParams :: H.HashMap Text Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
gonitoYamlFile :: FilePath
gonitoYamlFile = "gonito.yaml"
eitherToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
eitherToMaybe (Right v) = Just v
combineExtractionOptions :: Maybe ExtractionOptions -> ExtractionOptions -> ExtractionOptions
combineExtractionOptions Nothing options = options
combineExtractionOptions (Just otherOptions) options = ExtractionOptions {
extractionOptionsDescription = combineWithT extractionOptionsDescription,
extractionOptionsTags = combineWithT extractionOptionsTags,
extractionOptionsGeneralParams = combineWithT extractionOptionsGeneralParams,
extractionOptionsParamFiles = combineWithT extractionOptionsParamFiles,
extractionOptionsMLRunPath = combineWithF extractionOptionsMLRunPath }
where combineWithT fun = case fun options of
Nothing -> fun otherOptions
Just v -> Just v
combineWithF fun = case fun options of
Nothing -> fun otherOptions
Just v -> Just v
extractMetadataFromRepoDir :: FilePath -> ExtractionOptions -> IO GonitoMetadata
extractMetadataFromRepoDir repoDir formExtractionOptions = do
commitMessage <- getLastCommitMessage repoDir
let (mCommitDescription, mCommitTags) = parseCommitMessage commitMessage
mGonitoYamlOptions <- eitherToMaybe <$> Y.decodeFileEither (repoDir </> gonitoYamlFile)
let extractionOptions = combineExtractionOptions mGonitoYamlOptions formExtractionOptions
let description = case extractionOptionsDescription extractionOptions of
Just d -> d
Nothing -> case mCommitDescription of
Just d -> d
Nothing -> "???"
let commitTagsParsed = parseTags mCommitTags
let formTagsParsed = parseTags $ extractionOptionsTags extractionOptions
let tagsParsed = union commitTagsParsed formTagsParsed
pure $ GonitoMetadata {
gonitoMetadataDescription = description,
gonitoMetadataTags = tagsParsed,
gonitoMetadataGeneralParams = H.empty
getLastCommitMessage :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Text)
getLastCommitMessage repoDir = do
(exitCode, out) <- runProgram repoDir gitPath ["log", "-1", "--pretty=%B"]
return $ case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> Just out
ExitFailure _ -> Nothing
runProgram :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (ExitCode, Text)
runProgram dir prog args = do
(_, o, _, p) <- runInteractiveProcess prog args (Just dir) Nothing
hSetBuffering o NoBuffering
out <- hGetContents o
exitCode <- Import.length out `seq` waitForProcess p
return (exitCode, decodeUtf8 out)
parseTags :: Maybe Text -> S.Set Text
parseTags (Just tags) = S.fromList $ Data.Text.strip $ Data.Text.split (== ',') tags
parseTags Nothing = S.empty
parseCommitMessage :: Maybe Text -> (Maybe Text, Maybe Text)
parseCommitMessage Nothing = (Nothing, Nothing)
parseCommitMessage (Just commitMessage) =
case parseOnly commitMessageParser commitMessage of
Left _ -> (Nothing, Nothing)
Right (d, ts) -> (d, ts)
commitMessageParser :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser (Maybe Text, Maybe Text)
commitMessageParser = do
skipMany emptyLine
d <- nonEmptyLine
mTs <- (do
ts <- findTagsLine
return $ Just ts) <|> (return Nothing)
return (Just d, mTs)
findTagsLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser Text
findTagsLine = tagsLine <|> (anyLine >> findTagsLine)
tagsLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser Text
tagsLine = do
_ <- (string "tags" <|> string "labels" <|> string "Tags" <|> string "Labels")
_ <- char ':'
skipMany space
s <- many notEndOfLine
return $ Data.Text.pack s
nonEmptyLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser Text
nonEmptyLine = do
skipMany space
l1 <- notSpace
l <- (many notEndOfLine)
return $ Data.Text.pack (l1:l)
anyLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser ()
anyLine = do
skipMany notEndOfLine
notSpace :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser Char
notSpace = satisfy (\c -> c /= '\r' && c /= '\n' && c /= ' ' && c /= '\t')
notEndOfLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser Char
notEndOfLine = satisfy (\c -> c /= '\r' && c /= '\n')
emptyLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser ()
emptyLine = do
many space *> endOfLine
@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (parseTags)
import qualified Yesod.Table as Table
getGonitoInClassR :: Handler Html
@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ postAchievementsR = do
FormSuccess (name, description, points, deadlineDay, deadlineTime, maxSubmitters, mTags, challengeId, courseId) -> do
achievementId <- runDB $ insert $ Achievement name challengeId points description (UTCTime { utctDay = deadlineDay, utctDayTime = timeOfDayToTime deadlineTime }) maxSubmitters courseId
tids <- runDB $ tagsAsTextToTagIds mTags
tids <- runDB $ tagsAsTextToTagIds (parseTags mTags)
_ <- mapM (\tid -> runDB $ insert $ AchievementTag achievementId tid) tids
@ -83,11 +86,14 @@ achievementsTable canEdit = mempty
++ Table.string "max submitters" (formatMaxSubmitters . achievementInfoMaxWinners)
++ workingOnCell
achievementNameEntry :: Bool -> Table.Table App AchievementInfo
achievementNameEntry True = Table.linked "achievement" (achievementInfoName) (EditAchievementR . achievementInfoId)
achievementNameEntry False = Table.text "achievement" achievementInfoName
workingOnCell :: Table.Table App AchievementInfo
workingOnCell = Table.widget "who's working on it?" workingOnWidget
workingOnWidget :: AchievementInfo -> WidgetFor App ()
workingOnWidget ainfo = [whamlet|
@ -180,6 +186,7 @@ determineWhetherCanGiveUpWorkingOn (Just (Entity userId _)) peopleWorkingOn =
checkLimit _ Nothing = True
checkLimit peopleWorkingOn (Just m) = (Import.length peopleWorkingOn) < m
formatSubmitters :: [Entity User] -> Text
formatSubmitters userEnts = Data.Text.intercalate ", " $ (formatSubmitter . entityVal) userEnts
formatMaxSubmitters :: Maybe Int -> String
@ -198,6 +205,7 @@ achievementForm mAchievement mTags = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ (,,,,
<*> challengesSelectFieldList (achievementChallenge <$> mAchievement)
<*> coursesSelectFieldList (achievementCourse <$> mAchievement)
tagsToText :: [Entity Tag] -> Maybe Text
tagsToText [] = Nothing
tagsToText tags = Just $ Data.Text.intercalate ", " $ (tagName . entityVal) tags
@ -246,7 +254,7 @@ postEditAchievementR achievementId = do
AchievementCourse =. courseId]
deleteWhere [AchievementTagAchievement ==. achievementId]
tids <- tagsAsTextToTagIds mTags
tids <- tagsAsTextToTagIds (parseTags mTags)
mapM (\tid -> insert $ AchievementTag achievementId tid) tids
setMessage $ toHtml ("OK! Achievement modified" :: Text)
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 (BootstrapFormLayout (..), renderBootstrap3, bfs)
import Handler.TagUtils
import Handler.MakePublic
import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (parseTags)
import Data.Text as T
postAddVariantParamR :: SubmissionId -> VariantId -> Handler Html
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ postEditSubmissionG submissionId mVariantId = do
sts <- selectList [SubmissionTagSubmission ==. submissionId] []
let currentTagIds = (submissionTagTag . entityVal) sts
addTags submissionId tags currentTagIds
addTags submissionId (parseTags tags) currentTagIds
return ()
@ -173,13 +173,6 @@ getHeadCommit repoDir chan = do
err chan "cannot determine HEAD commit"
return Nothing
getLastCommitMessage :: FilePath -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe Text)
getLastCommitMessage repoDir chan = do
(exitCode, out) <- runProgram (Just repoDir) gitPath ["log", "-1", "--pretty=%B"] chan
return $ case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> Just out
ExitFailure _ -> Nothing
cloneRepo' :: UserId -> RepoCloningSpec -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo))
cloneRepo' userId repoCloningSpec chan = do
let url = repoSpecUrl $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import Handler.Tables
import Handler.TagUtils
import Handler.MakePublic
import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (ExtractionOptions(..), extractMetadataFromRepoDir, GonitoMetadata(..))
import qualified Text.Read as TR
import GEval.Core
@ -34,8 +36,6 @@ import System.IO (readFile)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, dropExtensions)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
import Data.Conduit.SmartSource
@ -238,15 +238,26 @@ doCreateSubmission userId challengeId mDescription mTags repoSpec chan = do
repo <- runDB $ get404 repoId
repoDir <- getRepoDir repoId
commitMessage <- getLastCommitMessage repoDir chan
let (mCommitDescription, mCommitTags) = parseCommitMessage commitMessage
submissionId <- getSubmission userId repoId (repoCurrentCommit repo) challengeId (fromMaybe (fromMaybe "???" mCommitDescription) mDescription) chan
gonitoMetadata <- liftIO
$ extractMetadataFromRepoDir repoDir (ExtractionOptions {
extractionOptionsDescription = mDescription,
extractionOptionsTags = mTags,
extractionOptionsGeneralParams = Nothing,
extractionOptionsParamFiles = Nothing,
extractionOptionsMLRunPath = Nothing })
submissionId <- getSubmission userId
(repoCurrentCommit repo)
(gonitoMetadataDescription gonitoMetadata)
_ <- getOuts chan submissionId
currentTagIds <- runDB $ selectList [SubmissionTagSubmission ==. submissionId] []
runDB $ addTags submissionId (if isNothing mTags then mCommitTags else mTags) (
runDB $ addTags submissionId (gonitoMetadataTags gonitoMetadata) (
map (submissionTagTag . entityVal) currentTagIds)
@ -278,60 +289,6 @@ getSubmission userId repoId commit challengeId description chan = do
submissionIsHidden=Just False }
parseCommitMessage :: Maybe Text -> (Maybe Text, Maybe Text)
parseCommitMessage Nothing = (Nothing, Nothing)
parseCommitMessage (Just commitMessage) =
case parseOnly commitMessageParser commitMessage of
Left _ -> (Nothing, Nothing)
Right (d, ts) -> (d, ts)
commitMessageParser :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser (Maybe Text, Maybe Text)
commitMessageParser = do
skipMany emptyLine
d <- nonEmptyLine
mTs <- (do
ts <- findTagsLine
return $ Just ts) <|> (return Nothing)
return (Just d, mTs)
findTagsLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser Text
findTagsLine = tagsLine <|> (anyLine >> findTagsLine)
tagsLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser Text
tagsLine = do
_ <- (string "tags" <|> string "labels" <|> string "Tags" <|> string "Labels")
_ <- char ':'
skipMany space
s <- many notEndOfLine
return $ Data.Text.pack s
commaSep :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser [a]
commaSep p = p `sepBy` (skipMany space *> char ',' *> skipMany space)
nonEmptyLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser Text
nonEmptyLine = do
skipMany space
l1 <- notSpace
l <- (many notEndOfLine)
return $ Data.Text.pack (l1:l)
anyLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser ()
anyLine = do
skipMany notEndOfLine
notSpace :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser Char
notSpace = satisfy (\c -> c /= '\r' && c /= '\n' && c /= ' ' && c /= '\t')
notEndOfLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser Char
notEndOfLine = satisfy (\c -> c /= '\r' && c /= '\n')
emptyLine :: Data.Attoparsec.Text.Parser ()
emptyLine = do
many space *> endOfLine
getOuts :: Channel -> Key Submission -> Handler ([Out])
getOuts chan submissionId = do
submission <- runDB $ get404 submissionId
@ -3,8 +3,11 @@ module Handler.TagUtils where
import Import
import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 (bfs)
import Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (parseTags)
getAvailableTagsAsJSON :: (BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend, MonadIO m, PersistQueryRead backend) => ReaderT backend m Value
getAvailableTagsAsJSON = do
tagsAvailable <- selectList [] [Asc TagName]
return $ toJSON $ (tagName . entityVal) tagsAvailable
@ -13,18 +16,18 @@ tagsfs :: RenderMessage site msg => msg -> FieldSettings site
tagsfs msg = attrs { fsAttrs = ("data-role"::Text,"tagsinput"::Text):(fsAttrs attrs)}
where attrs = bfs msg
addTags submissionId tagsAsText existingOnes = do
tids <- tagsAsTextToTagIds tagsAsText
addTags :: (BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend, Element mono ~ Key Tag, Eq (Element mono), MonoFoldable mono, PersistQueryWrite backend, MonadIO m, PersistUniqueRead backend) => Key Submission -> S.Set Text -> mono -> ReaderT backend m ()
addTags submissionId tags existingOnes = do
tids <- tagsAsTextToTagIds tags
deleteWhere [SubmissionTagSubmission ==. submissionId, SubmissionTagTag /<-. tids]
_ <- mapM (\tid -> insert $ SubmissionTag submissionId tid Nothing) (Import.filter (not . (`elem` existingOnes)) tids)
return ()
tagsAsTextToTagIds mTagsAsText = do
let newTags = case mTagsAsText of
Just tags' -> T.strip $ T.split (== ',') tags'
Nothing -> []
tagsAsTextToTagIds :: (BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend, PersistUniqueRead backend, MonadIO m) => S.Set Text -> ReaderT backend m [Key Tag]
tagsAsTextToTagIds tags = do
let newTags = S.toList $ tags
mTs <- mapM (\t -> getBy $ UniqueTagName t) newTags
return $ entityKey $ Import.catMaybes mTs
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ library
if flag(dev) || flag(library-only)
cpp-options: -DDEVELOPMENT
@ -206,3 +207,5 @@ test-suite test
, classy-prelude-yesod
, wai-handler-fastcgi
, wai
, containers
, unordered-containers
@ -121,3 +121,14 @@ $maybe token <- mToken
<h3>Manual submission
<p>In case other methods fail, you can submit your solution manually — go to the <a href="@{ChallengeSubmissionR $ challengeName challenge}">submit form</a>.
<h2>Submission metadata
<p>Gonito can take the description, tags and parameters of a submission from a number of sources (in order of precedence):
<li>submission form (when submitting manually),
<li>git commit message,
<li>names of output files (only for parameters)
<p>It might seem a little bit complicated, but you could simply use the method which is the most convenient for you.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Gonito.ExtractMetadataSpec (spec) where
import Import
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Test.Hspec
import Gonito.ExtractMetadata (extractMetadataFromRepoDir, GonitoMetadata(..), ExtractionOptions(..))
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "extract metadata from repos" $ do
it "simple" $ do
extractMetadataFromRepoDir "test/fake-git-repos/simple/" def `shouldReturn` GonitoMetadata {
gonitoMetadataDescription = "Simple solution",
gonitoMetadataTags = S.fromList ["foo", "simple-solution", "baz"],
gonitoMetadataGeneralParams = H.empty
it "simple with some fields from the form" $ do
extractMetadataFromRepoDir "test/fake-git-repos/simple/" def {
extractionOptionsDescription = Just "Other solution",
extractionOptionsTags = Just "other-tag,baz"
} `shouldReturn` GonitoMetadata {
gonitoMetadataDescription = "Other solution",
gonitoMetadataTags = S.fromList ["foo", "simple-solution", "baz", "other-tag"],
gonitoMetadataGeneralParams = H.empty
it "with gonito.yaml" $ do
extractMetadataFromRepoDir "test/fake-git-repos/with-gonito-yaml/" def `shouldReturn` GonitoMetadata {
gonitoMetadataDescription = "Test solution",
gonitoMetadataTags = S.fromList ["zzz", "baz", "simple", "machine-learning"],
gonitoMetadataGeneralParams = H.empty
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 061e9d9153fed7e6776af470506b15d611f65cea
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 2e6ba6c762135075094b119a461f7d6e4f476a44
Reference in New Issue
Block a user