forked from filipg/gonito
Add ranks to submission lists
This commit is contained in:
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ submissionsToJSON condition challengeName = do
(entries, _) <- getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId
(entries, _) <- getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId
(\(TableEntry (Entity submissionId _) _ _ _ _ _) -> [submissionId])
(\entry -> [entityKey $ tableEntrySubmission entry])
tests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId] []
tests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId] []
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ challengeAllSubmissionsWidget :: Maybe UserId
-> WidgetFor App ()
-> WidgetFor App ()
challengeAllSubmissionsWidget muserId challenge scheme challengeRepo submissions tests params =
challengeAllSubmissionsWidget muserId challenge scheme challengeRepo submissions tests params =
$(widgetFile "challenge-all-submissions")
$(widgetFile "challenge-all-submissions")
where delta = Number 3
where delta = Number 4
higherTheBetterArray = getIsHigherTheBetterArray $ map entityVal tests
higherTheBetterArray = getIsHigherTheBetterArray $ map entityVal tests
paramGraphsWidget :: Challenge -> [Entity Test] -> [Text] -> WidgetFor App ()
paramGraphsWidget :: Challenge -> [Entity Test] -> [Text] -> WidgetFor App ()
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ import Handler.TagUtils
import qualified Yesod.Table as Table
import qualified Yesod.Table as Table
import Yesod.Table (Table)
import Yesod.Table (Table)
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import Database.Esqueleto ((^.))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (pack, unpack, unwords)
import Data.Text (pack, unpack, unwords)
@ -35,32 +38,35 @@ data LeaderboardEntry = LeaderboardEntry {
leaderboardParams :: [Parameter]
leaderboardParams :: [Parameter]
data TableEntry = TableEntry (Entity Submission)
data TableEntry = TableEntry {
(Entity Variant)
tableEntrySubmission :: Entity Submission,
(Entity User)
tableEntryVariant :: Entity Variant,
(Map (Key Test) Evaluation)
tableEntrySubmitter :: Entity User,
[(Entity Tag, Entity SubmissionTag)]
tableEntryMapping :: Map (Key Test) Evaluation,
[Entity Parameter]
tableEntryTagsInfo :: [(Entity Tag, Entity SubmissionTag)],
tableEntryParams :: [Entity Parameter],
-- TODO change into a record
tableEntryRank :: Int }
tableEntryParams (TableEntry _ _ _ _ _ paramEnts) = paramEnts
tableEntryMapping (TableEntry _ _ _ mapping _ _) = mapping
tableEntryTagsInfo (TableEntry _ _ _ _ tagsInfo _) = tagsInfo
tableEntryStamp :: TableEntry -> UTCTime
tableEntryStamp :: TableEntry -> UTCTime
tableEntryStamp (TableEntry submission _ _ _ _ _) = submissionStamp $ entityVal submission
tableEntryStamp = submissionStamp . entityVal . tableEntrySubmission
submissionsTable :: Maybe UserId -> Text -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> [Entity Test] -> Table App TableEntry
submissionsTable :: Maybe UserId -> Text -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> [Entity Test] -> Table App TableEntry
submissionsTable mauthId challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo tests = mempty
submissionsTable mauthId challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo tests = mempty
++ Table.text "submitter" (formatSubmitter . (\(TableEntry _ _ (Entity _ submitter) _ _ _) -> submitter))
++ "#" tableEntryRank
++ timestampCell "when" (submissionStamp . (\(TableEntry (Entity _ s) _ _ _ _ _) -> s))
++ Table.text "submitter" (formatSubmitter . entityVal . tableEntrySubmitter)
++ timestampCell "when" tableEntryStamp
++ descriptionCell mauthId
++ descriptionCell mauthId
++ mconcat (map (\(Entity k t) -> resultCell t (extractScore k)) tests)
++ mconcat (map (\(Entity k t) -> resultCell t (extractScore k)) tests)
++ statusCell challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo (\(TableEntry (Entity submissionId submission) (Entity variantId variant) (Entity userId _) _ _ _) -> (submissionId, submission, variantId, variant, userId, mauthId))
++ statusCell challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo (\tableEntry -> (entityKey $ tableEntrySubmission tableEntry,
entityVal $ tableEntrySubmission tableEntry,
entityKey $ tableEntryVariant tableEntry,
entityVal $ tableEntryVariant tableEntry,
entityKey $ tableEntrySubmitter tableEntry,
descriptionCell :: Maybe UserId -> Table App TableEntry
descriptionCell :: Maybe UserId -> Table App TableEntry
descriptionCell mauthId = Table.widget "description" (
descriptionCell mauthId = Table.widget "description" (
\(TableEntry (Entity _ s) (Entity _ v) (Entity u _) _ tagEnts paramEnts) -> fragmentWithSubmissionTags
\(TableEntry (Entity _ s) (Entity _ v) (Entity u _) _ tagEnts paramEnts _) -> fragmentWithSubmissionTags
(descriptionToBeShown s v (map entityVal paramEnts))
(descriptionToBeShown s v (map entityVal paramEnts))
(getInfoLink s u mauthId)
(getInfoLink s u mauthId)
@ -77,7 +83,7 @@ descriptionToBeShown s v params = (submissionDescription s) ++ (Data.Text.pack v
paramsShown = Data.Text.unwords $ map formatParameter params
paramsShown = Data.Text.unwords $ map formatParameter params
extractScore :: Key Test -> TableEntry -> Maybe Evaluation
extractScore :: Key Test -> TableEntry -> Maybe Evaluation
extractScore k (TableEntry _ _ _ m _ _) = lookup k m
extractScore k tableEntry = lookup k $ tableEntryMapping tableEntry
leaderboardTable :: Maybe UserId -> Text -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> [Entity Test] -> Table App (Int, LeaderboardEntry)
leaderboardTable :: Maybe UserId -> Text -> RepoScheme -> Repo -> [Entity Test] -> Table App (Int, LeaderboardEntry)
leaderboardTable mauthId challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo tests = mempty
leaderboardTable mauthId challengeName repoScheme challengeRepo tests = mempty
@ -150,7 +156,7 @@ checkWhetherVisible submission userId mauthId = isPublic || isOwner
getAuxSubmissionEnts :: Key Test -> [TableEntry] -> [(Key User, (User, [(Entity Submission, Entity Variant, Evaluation)]))]
getAuxSubmissionEnts :: Key Test -> [TableEntry] -> [(Key User, (User, [(Entity Submission, Entity Variant, Evaluation)]))]
getAuxSubmissionEnts testId evaluationMaps = map processEvaluationMap evaluationMaps
getAuxSubmissionEnts testId evaluationMaps = map processEvaluationMap evaluationMaps
where processEvaluationMap (TableEntry s v (Entity ui u) m _ _) = (ui, (u, case Map.lookup testId m of
where processEvaluationMap (TableEntry s v (Entity ui u) m _ _ _) = (ui, (u, case Map.lookup testId m of
Just e -> [(s, v, e)]
Just e -> [(s, v, e)]
Nothing -> []))
Nothing -> []))
@ -166,7 +172,7 @@ getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId condition selector = do
let (Entity mainTestId mainTest) = mainTestEnt
let (Entity mainTestId mainTest) = mainTestEnt
let auxItems = concat
let auxItems = concat
$ map (\i -> map (\s -> (s, [i])) (selector i))
$ map (\i -> map (\s -> (s, [i])) (selector i))
$ filter (\(TableEntry _ _ _ em _ _) -> member mainTestId em)
$ filter (\entry -> member mainTestId $ tableEntryMapping entry)
$ evaluationMaps
$ evaluationMaps
let auxItemsMap = Map.fromListWith (++) auxItems
let auxItemsMap = Map.fromListWith (++) auxItems
let entryComparator a b = (compareResult mainTest) (evaluationScore $ leaderboardEvaluationMap a Map.! mainTestId)
let entryComparator a b = (compareResult mainTest) (evaluationScore $ leaderboardEvaluationMap a Map.! mainTestId)
@ -182,7 +188,7 @@ getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId condition selector = do
toLeaderboardEntry :: (BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend, PersistQueryRead (YesodPersistBackend site), YesodPersist site, Foldable t) => Key Challenge -> [Entity Test] -> t TableEntry -> HandlerFor site LeaderboardEntry
toLeaderboardEntry :: (BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend, PersistQueryRead (YesodPersistBackend site), YesodPersist site, Foldable t) => Key Challenge -> [Entity Test] -> t TableEntry -> HandlerFor site LeaderboardEntry
toLeaderboardEntry challengeId tests ss = do
toLeaderboardEntry challengeId tests ss = do
let bestOne = DL.maximumBy submissionComparator ss
let bestOne = DL.maximumBy submissionComparator ss
let (TableEntry bestSubmission bestVariant user evals _ _) = bestOne
let (TableEntry bestSubmission bestVariant user evals _ _ _) = bestOne
let submissionId = entityKey bestSubmission
let submissionId = entityKey bestSubmission
tagEnts <- runDB $ getTags submissionId
tagEnts <- runDB $ getTags submissionId
@ -205,7 +211,7 @@ toLeaderboardEntry challengeId tests ss = do
leaderboardParams = map entityVal parameters
leaderboardParams = map entityVal parameters
where (Entity mainTestId mainTest) = getMainTest tests
where (Entity mainTestId mainTest) = getMainTest tests
submissionComparator (TableEntry _ _ _ em1 _ _) (TableEntry _ _ _ em2 _ _) =
submissionComparator (TableEntry _ _ _ em1 _ _ _) (TableEntry _ _ _ em2 _ _ _) =
(compareResult mainTest) (evaluationScore (em1 Map.! mainTestId))
(compareResult mainTest) (evaluationScore (em1 Map.! mainTestId))
(evaluationScore (em2 Map.! mainTestId))
(evaluationScore (em2 Map.! mainTestId))
@ -213,7 +219,7 @@ getLeaderboardEntries :: LeaderboardStyle -> Key Challenge -> Handler ([Leaderbo
getLeaderboardEntries BySubmitter challengeId =
getLeaderboardEntries BySubmitter challengeId =
getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId
getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId
(const True)
(const True)
(\(TableEntry _ _ (Entity userId _) _ _ _) -> [userId])
(\entry -> [entityKey $ tableEntrySubmitter entry])
getLeaderboardEntries ByTag challengeId =
getLeaderboardEntries ByTag challengeId =
getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId
getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId
(const True)
(const True)
@ -231,21 +237,43 @@ getChallengeSubmissionInfos :: ((Entity Submission) -> Bool)
-> Key Challenge
-> Key Challenge
-> Handler ([TableEntry], [Entity Test])
-> Handler ([TableEntry], [Entity Test])
getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId = do
getChallengeSubmissionInfos condition challengeId = do
allSubmissions <- runDB $ selectList [SubmissionChallenge ==. challengeId,
SubmissionIsHidden !=. Just True]
[Desc SubmissionStamp]
let submissions = filter condition allSubmissions
tests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId, TestActive ==. True] []
tests <- runDB $ selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId, TestActive ==. True] []
evaluationMaps <- mapM getEvaluationMapForSubmission submissions
let mainTest = getMainTest tests
return (concat evaluationMaps, tests)
getEvaluationMapForSubmission :: Entity Submission -> Handler [TableEntry]
allSubmissionsVariants <- runDB $ $ E.from $ \(submission, variant) -> do
getEvaluationMapForSubmission s@(Entity submissionId _)= do
E.where_ (submission ^. SubmissionChallenge E.==. E.val challengeId
variants <- runDB $ selectList [VariantSubmission ==. submissionId] []
E.&&. submission ^. SubmissionIsHidden E.!=. E.val (Just True)
mapM (getEvaluationMap s) variants
E.&&. variant ^. VariantSubmission E.==. submission ^. SubmissionId)
return (submission, variant)
getEvaluationMap :: Entity Submission -> Entity Variant -> Handler TableEntry
scores <- runDB $ mapM (getScore (entityKey mainTest)) $ map (entityKey . snd) allSubmissionsVariants
getEvaluationMap s@(Entity submissionId submission) v@(Entity variantId _) = do
let allSubmissionsVariantsWithRanks =
sortBy (\(r1, (s1, _)) (r2, (s2, _)) -> (submissionStamp (entityVal s2) `compare` submissionStamp (entityVal s1))
(r2 `compare` r1))
$ filter (\(_, (s, _)) -> condition s)
$ map (\(rank, (_, sv)) -> (rank, sv))
$ zip [1..]
$ sortBy (\(s1, _) (s2, _) -> compareResult (entityVal mainTest) s2 s1)
$ zip scores allSubmissionsVariants
evaluationMaps <- mapM getEvaluationMap allSubmissionsVariantsWithRanks
return (evaluationMaps, tests)
getScore testId variantId = do
evaluations <- $ E.from $ \(out, evaluation) -> do
E.where_ (out ^. OutVariant E.==. E.val variantId
E.&&. out ^. OutTest E.==. E.val testId
E.&&. out ^. OutChecksum E.==. evaluation ^. EvaluationChecksum
E.&&. evaluation ^. EvaluationTest E.==. E.val testId)
return evaluation
return $ case evaluations of
(e:_) -> evaluationScore $ entityVal e
[] -> Nothing
getEvaluationMap :: (Int, (Entity Submission, Entity Variant)) -> Handler TableEntry
getEvaluationMap (rank, (s@(Entity submissionId submission), v@(Entity variantId _))) = do
outs <- runDB $ selectList [OutVariant ==. variantId] []
outs <- runDB $ selectList [OutVariant ==. variantId] []
user <- runDB $ get404 $ submissionSubmitter submission
user <- runDB $ get404 $ submissionSubmitter submission
maybeEvaluations <- runDB $ mapM (\(Entity _ o) -> getBy $ UniqueEvaluationTestChecksum (outTest o) (outChecksum o)) outs
maybeEvaluations <- runDB $ mapM (\(Entity _ o) -> getBy $ UniqueEvaluationTestChecksum (outTest o) (outChecksum o)) outs
@ -255,4 +283,4 @@ getEvaluationMap s@(Entity submissionId submission) v@(Entity variantId _) = do
parameters <- runDB $ selectList [ParameterVariant ==. variantId] [Asc ParameterName]
parameters <- runDB $ selectList [ParameterVariant ==. variantId] [Asc ParameterName]
return $ TableEntry s v (Entity (submissionSubmitter submission) user) m tagEnts parameters
return $ TableEntry s v (Entity (submissionSubmitter submission) user) m tagEnts parameters rank
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
'pageLength': 50,
'pageLength': 50,
'order': [[1, 'desc']],
'order': [[2, 'desc'], [#{delta} + columnDefs.length-1, 'desc']],
'columnDefs': columnDefs
'columnDefs': columnDefs
} );
} );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user