Change email with user identifier/login

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2019-11-25 22:38:59 +01:00
parent d4ba5df3e5
commit 9b75d75cbd
2 changed files with 31 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ getCreateResetLinkR = do
postCreateResetLinkR :: Handler Html
postCreateResetLinkR = do
((result, _), _) <- runFormPost createResetLinkForm
let mEmail = case result of
FormSuccess (email, _) -> Just email
_ -> Nothing
let mUserIdentifier = case result of
FormSuccess (userIdentifier, _) -> Just userIdentifier
_ -> Nothing
let mCourseId = case result of
FormSuccess (_, Just courseId) -> Just courseId
_ -> Nothing
doCreateResetLink mEmail mCourseId
doCreateResetLink mUserIdentifier mCourseId
doCreateResetLink :: Maybe Text -> Maybe CourseId -> Handler Html
doCreateResetLink (Just email) mCourseId = do
mUserEnt <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUser email
userId <- createOrUse mUserEnt email
doCreateResetLink (Just userIdentifier) mCourseId = do
mUserEnt <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUser userIdentifier
userId <- createOrUse mUserEnt userIdentifier
addParticipant userId mCourseId
@ -45,28 +45,42 @@ doCreateResetLink (Just email) mCourseId = do
$(widgetFile "reset-link-created")
doCreateResetLink Nothing _ = do
setMessage $ toHtml ("No e-mail given" :: Text)
setMessage $ toHtml ("No user identifier given" :: Text)
addParticipant userId Nothing = return ()
addParticipant :: (PersistStoreWrite (YesodPersistBackend site),
YesodPersist site,
BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend)
=> Key User -> Maybe (Key Course) -> HandlerFor site ()
addParticipant _ Nothing = return ()
addParticipant userId (Just courseId) = do
runDB $ insert $ Participant userId courseId
_ <- runDB $ insert $ Participant userId courseId
return ()
createOrUse :: Maybe (Entity User) -> Text -> Handler UserId
createOrUse (Just userEnt) _ = return $ entityKey userEnt
createOrUse Nothing email = do
setMessage $ toHtml ("Created new user " ++ email)
createOrUse Nothing userIdentifier = do
setMessage $ toHtml ("Created new user " ++ userIdentifier)
triggerToken <- newToken
userId <- runDB $ insert $ User email Nothing Nothing False Nothing True Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just triggerToken)
userId <- runDB $ insert $ User userIdentifier
(Just triggerToken)
return userId
createResetLinkForm :: Form (Text, Maybe CourseId)
createResetLinkForm = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ (,)
<$> areq textField (bfs MsgEMail) Nothing
<$> areq textField (bfs MsgUserIdentifier) Nothing
<*> coursesSelectFieldList
coursesSelectFieldList :: (PersistQueryRead (YesodPersistBackend site), YesodPersist site, RenderMessage site FormMessage, RenderMessage site AppMessage, BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend) => AForm (HandlerFor site) (Maybe (Key Course))
coursesSelectFieldList = aopt (selectField courses) (bfs MsgCourseOptional) Nothing
courses = do
@ -120,7 +134,7 @@ doResetPassword' :: Bool -> Text -> Key User -> Text -> Handler Html
doResetPassword' True _ userId password = do
updatePassword userId (Just password)
runDB $ update userId removeVerificationKeyStatement
setMessage $ toHtml ("Password set! Now, you can log in with your e-mail address." :: Text)
setMessage $ toHtml ("Password set! Now, you can log in with your login." :: Text)
redirect HomeR
doResetPassword' False key _ _ = do
@ -143,5 +157,6 @@ changePasswordForm :: AccountStatus -> Form Text
changePasswordForm accountStatus = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm
$ areq passwordConfirmField (bfs $ passwordFormHeader accountStatus) Nothing
passwordFormHeader :: AccountStatus -> AppMessage
passwordFormHeader NewlyCreated = MsgPasswordForNewAccount
passwordFormHeader PasswordReset = MsgPassword

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@ -87,3 +87,4 @@ ChallengeDeadlineDay: challenge deadline day
ChallengeDeadlineTime: challenge deadline time
ChallengeDeadlineTooltip: no submissions will be accepted after the deadline; this can be used for organizing competitions set in time
WritingPapers: writing papers with Gonito
UserIdentifier: user login/identifier