add auxiliary function

This commit is contained in:
Filip Gralinski 2017-02-19 16:12:14 +01:00
parent 846c2964cb
commit b6336a65af

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@ -54,3 +54,11 @@ isPasswordAcceptable p = length p >= minPasswordLength && (p /= "0123456789") &&
tooWeakPasswordMessage :: Handler ()
tooWeakPasswordMessage =
setMessage $ toHtml ("Password is too weak!!! A password needs to have at least " ++ (show minPasswordLength) ++ " characters.")
checkIfCanEdit :: SubmissionId -> Handler Bool
checkIfCanEdit submissionId = do
submission <- runDB $ get404 submissionId
mUser <- maybeAuth
return $ case mUser of
Just (Entity userId user) -> userId == submissionSubmitter submission || userIsAdmin user
Nothing -> False