forked from filipg/gonito
running git
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ module Handler.Shared where
import Import
import Import
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
@ -14,11 +13,18 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.Persist.Sql (ConnectionPool, runSqlPool)
import Database.Persist.Sql (ConnectionPool, runSqlPool)
import Control.Concurrent.Lifted (fork, threadDelay)
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
atom = Control.Concurrent.STM.atomically
atom = Control.Concurrent.STM.atomically
type Channel = TChan (Maybe Text)
type Channel = TChan (Maybe Text)
runViewProgress :: (Channel -> IO ()) -> Handler TypedContent
runViewProgress :: (Channel -> Handler ()) -> Handler TypedContent
runViewProgress action = do
runViewProgress action = do
App {..} <- getYesod
App {..} <- getYesod
(jobId, chan) <- liftIO $ atom $ do
(jobId, chan) <- liftIO $ atom $ do
@ -28,30 +34,34 @@ runViewProgress action = do
m <- readTVar jobs
m <- readTVar jobs
writeTVar jobs $ IntMap.insert jobId chan m
writeTVar jobs $ IntMap.insert jobId chan m
return (jobId, chan)
return (jobId, chan)
liftIO $ forkIO $ do
fork $ do
threadDelay 1000000
liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000
action chan
action chan
atom $ do
liftIO $ atom $ do
writeTChan chan $ Just "All done\n"
writeTChan chan $ Just "All done\n"
writeTChan chan Nothing
writeTChan chan Nothing
m <- readTVar jobs
m <- readTVar jobs
writeTVar jobs $ IntMap.delete jobId m
writeTVar jobs $ IntMap.delete jobId m
redirect $ ViewProgressR jobId
redirect $ ViewProgressR jobId
msg :: Channel -> Text -> IO ()
msg :: Channel -> Text -> Handler ()
msg chan m = atom $ writeTChan chan $ Just (m ++ "\n")
msg chan m = liftIO $ atom $ writeTChan chan $ Just (m ++ "\n")
err :: Channel -> Text -> IO ()
err :: Channel -> Text -> Handler ()
err = msg
err = msg
doSomething :: Channel -> IO ()
raw :: Channel -> Text -> Handler ()
raw = msg
doSomething :: Channel -> Handler ()
doSomething chan = do
doSomething chan = do
msg chan "Did something"
msg chan "Did something"
threadDelay 1000000
threadDelay 1000000
msg chan "Did something else"
msg chan "Did something else"
threadDelay 1000000
threadDelay 1000000
doRepoCloning :: Text -> Text -> Channel -> IO ()
doRepoCloning :: Text -> Text -> Channel -> Handler ()
doRepoCloning url branch chan = do
doRepoCloning url branch chan = do
msg chan "Did something"
msg chan "Did something"
_ <- cloneRepo url branch chan
_ <- cloneRepo url branch chan
@ -63,9 +73,9 @@ validGitProtocols = ["git", "http", "https", "ssh"]
validGitProtocolsAsText :: Text
validGitProtocolsAsText :: Text
validGitProtocolsAsText = T.pack $ intercalate ", " $ map (++"://") validGitProtocols
validGitProtocolsAsText = T.pack $ intercalate ", " $ map (++"://") validGitProtocols
cloneRepo :: Text -> Text -> Channel -> IO (Maybe Repo)
cloneRepo :: Text -> Text -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe Repo)
cloneRepo url branch chan = do
cloneRepo url branch chan = do
let maybeRepo = Nothing
maybeRepo <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUrlBranch url branch
case maybeRepo of
case maybeRepo of
Just _ -> do
Just _ -> do
err chan "Repo already there"
err chan "Repo already there"
@ -73,7 +83,11 @@ cloneRepo url branch chan = do
Nothing -> do
Nothing -> do
msg chan $ concat ["Preparing to clone repo ", url]
msg chan $ concat ["Preparing to clone repo ", url]
if checkRepoUrl url
if checkRepoUrl url
then do
msg chan "Cloning..."
runProgram "/usr/bin/git" ["clone",
T.unpack url] chan
return Nothing
return Nothing
else do
else do
err chan $ concat ["Wrong URL to a Git repo (note that one of the following protocols must be specified: ", validGitProtocolsAsText]
err chan $ concat ["Wrong URL to a Git repo (note that one of the following protocols must be specified: ", validGitProtocolsAsText]
@ -105,3 +119,50 @@ getViewProgressR jobId = do
runProgram :: FilePath -> [String] -> Channel -> Handler ()
runProgram programPath args chan = do
(exitCode, out, err) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode programPath args ""
raw chan $ T.pack err
raw chan $ T.pack out
-- (_, Just hout, Just herr, pid) <-
-- liftIO $ createProcess (proc programPath args){ std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = CreatePipe }
-- outErr <- liftIO $ hGetContents herr
-- let outErrLines = lines outErr
-- mapM_ (raw chan) outErrLines
-- (code, out) <- liftIO $ gatherOutput pid herr
-- raw chan $ decodeUtf8 out
-- _ <- liftIO $ waitForProcess pid
-- return ()
processOutput :: Text -> ([Text], Text)
processOutput = processOutput' . lines
where processOutput' [] = ([], "")
processOutput' out = (init out, last out)
init [] = []
init [x] = []
init (x:xs) = (x:(init xs))
last [x] = x
last (_:xs) = last xs
gatherOutput :: ProcessHandle -> Handle -> IO (ExitCode, ByteString)
gatherOutput ph h = work mempty
work acc = do
-- Read any outstanding input.
bs <- BS.hGetNonBlocking h (64 * 1024)
let acc' = acc <> bs
-- Check on the process.
s <- getProcessExitCode ph
-- Exit or loop.
case s of
Nothing -> work acc'
Just ec -> do
-- Get any last bit written between the read and the status
-- check.
last <- BS.hGetContents h
return (ec, acc' <> last)
@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ library
, time
, time
, stm
, stm
, network-uri
, network-uri
, lifted-base
, process
executable gonito
executable gonito
if flag(library-only)
if flag(library-only)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user