module Handler.Graph where import Import import Handler.Tables import Handler.Dashboard (indicatorToEntry, prettyIndicatorEntry, formatTarget, IndicatorEntry(..), TargetStatus(..), filterEntries, getTargetStatus) import Handler.Shared (formatParameter, formatScore, fetchMainTest, compareFun) import Data.Maybe import Data.List ((!!)) import Database.Persist.Sql import GEval.Core (getMetricOrdering) import GEval.EvaluationScheme import GEval.Common (MetricValue) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Aeson (KeyValue) import Data.SubmissionConditions (parseCondition, checkCondition, VariantEntry(..)) -- graphs for parameters getChallengeGraphDataR :: Text -> Handler Value getChallengeGraphDataR challengeName = submissionsToJSON (\_ -> True) challengeName data ParamGraphItem = ParamGraphItem TableEntry Text Text MetricValue data ParamGraphSeries = ParamGraphSeries Text [(TableEntry, Text, MetricValue)] getChallengeParamGraphDataR :: Text -> (Key Test) -> Text -> Handler Value getChallengeParamGraphDataR challengeName testId paramName = do (Entity challengeId _) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName challengeName test <- runDB $ get404 testId let testRef = getTestReference (Entity testId test) (entries, _) <- runDB $ getChallengeSubmissionInfos 1 (const True) (const True) challengeId let values = map (findParamValue paramName) entries let items = Data.Maybe.catMaybes $ map (toParamGraphItem testRef paramName) $ zip entries values let series = map (\(label, rs) -> ParamGraphSeries label rs) $ organizeBy $ map (\(ParamGraphItem entry label x y) -> (label, (entry, x, y))) items return $ object [ "xs" .= object (map (\(ParamGraphSeries seriesName _) -> (seriesName .= (xSeriesName seriesName))) series), "columns" .= ((map (toYColumn $ testPrecision test) series) ++ (map toXColumn series)) ] toYColumn :: Maybe Int -> ParamGraphSeries -> [Text] toYColumn mPrecision (ParamGraphSeries seriesName items) = seriesName : (map (\(_,_,v) -> formatScore mPrecision v) items) toXColumn :: ParamGraphSeries -> [Text] toXColumn (ParamGraphSeries seriesName items) = (xSeriesName seriesName) : (map (\(_,x,_) -> x) items) xSeriesName :: Text -> Text xSeriesName = (++ "_x") organizeBy :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, [b])] organizeBy pList = M.toList $ M.fromListWith (++) $ map (\(x, y) -> (x, [y])) pList toParamGraphItem :: TestReference -> Text -> (TableEntry, Maybe Text) -> Maybe ParamGraphItem toParamGraphItem _ _ (_, Nothing) = Nothing toParamGraphItem testRef paramName (entry, Just val) = (ParamGraphItem entry label val) <$> join y where label = unwords (tagsFormatted ++ paramsFormatted) tagsFormatted = map (tagName . entityVal . fst) $ tableEntryTagsInfo entry paramsFormatted = map formatParameter $ filter (\pe -> parameterName pe /= paramName) $ map entityVal $ tableEntryParams entry y = evaluationScore <$> lookup testRef (tableEntryMapping entry) findParamValue :: Text -> TableEntry -> Maybe Text findParamValue paramName entry = (parameterValue . entityVal) <$> (find (\e -> parameterName (entityVal e) == paramName) $ tableEntryParams entry) submissionsToJSON :: ((Entity Submission) -> Bool) -> Text -> Handler Value submissionsToJSON condition challengeName = do (Entity challengeId _) <- runDB $ getBy404 $ UniqueName challengeName (entries, _) <- getLeaderboardEntriesByCriterion challengeId condition (\entry -> [entityKey $ tableEntrySubmission entry]) entMainTest <- runDB $ fetchMainTest challengeId let mainTestRef = getTestReference entMainTest let naturalRange = getNaturalRange mainTestRef entries let submissionIds = map leaderboardBestSubmissionId entries forks <- runDB $ selectList [ForkSource <-. submissionIds, ForkTarget <-. submissionIds] [] return $ object [ "nodes" .= (Data.Maybe.catMaybes $ map (auxSubmissionToNode mainTestRef naturalRange) $ entries), "edges" .= map forkToEdge forks ] getNaturalRange :: TestReference -> [LeaderboardEntry] -> Double getNaturalRange testRef entries = 2.0 * (interQuantile $ Data.Maybe.catMaybes $ map (\entry -> evaluationScore $ ((leaderboardEvaluationMap entry) M.! testRef)) entries) auxSubmissionToNode :: TestReference -> Double -> LeaderboardEntry -> Maybe Value auxSubmissionToNode testRef naturalRange entry = case evaluationScore $ ((leaderboardEvaluationMap entry) M.! testRef) of Just score -> Just $ object [ "id" .= (nodeId $ leaderboardBestSubmissionId entry), "x" .= (stampToX $ submissionStamp $ leaderboardBestSubmission entry), "y" .= (- ((score / naturalRange) * 100.0)), "size" .= (2 :: Int), "label" .= descriptionToBeShown (leaderboardBestSubmission entry) (leaderboardBestVariant entry) (leaderboardParams entry) ] Nothing -> Nothing forkToEdge :: Entity Fork -> Value forkToEdge (Entity forkId fork) = object [ "source" .= nodeId (forkSource fork), "target" .= nodeId (forkTarget fork), "id" .= edgeId forkId, "type" .= ["arrow" :: String] ] nodeId :: Key Submission -> String nodeId = ("n" ++) . show . fromSqlKey edgeId :: Key Fork -> String edgeId = ("e" ++) . show . fromSqlKey stampToX :: UTCTime -> Integer stampToX = toModifiedJulianDay . utctDay -- Indicator graph -- Reduce a list to item which are larger than the largest item encountered so far. -- (Needed to plot a step graph.) monotonicBy :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] monotonicBy _ _ [] = [] monotonicBy extractor comparator (theFirst:theRest) = (theFirst : (monotonicBy' theFirst theRest)) where monotonicBy' _ [] = [] monotonicBy' theBest (h:t) = if extractor h `comparator` extractor theBest == GT then (h:(monotonicBy' h t)) else monotonicBy' theBest t targetStatusToClass :: TargetStatus -> String targetStatusToClass TargetFailed = "target-failed-line" targetStatusToClass TargetPassed = "target-passed-line" targetStatusToClass TargetOngoing = "target-ongoing-line" getIndicatorGraphDataR :: IndicatorId -> Handler Value getIndicatorGraphDataR indicatorId = do indicator <- runDB $ get404 indicatorId indicatorEntry <- indicatorToEntry (Entity indicatorId indicator) let label = prettyIndicatorEntry indicatorEntry let testId = indicatorTest indicator test <- runDB $ get404 testId let mPrecision = testPrecision test (entries, _) <- runDB $ getChallengeSubmissionInfos 1 (const True) (const True) (testChallenge test) theNow <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime -- needed to draw the "now" vertical line let targetStatuses = map (getTargetStatus theNow entries indicatorEntry) (indicatorEntryTargets indicatorEntry) -- first we apply the "filter condition" let filteredEntries = filterEntries (indicatorFilterCondition indicator) $ sortBy (\a b -> (tableEntryStamp a) `compare` (tableEntryStamp b)) entries -- ... all the entires that passed the "filter condition" are split according -- to whether the main "target condition" is fulfilled or not, -- "other..." will mean items for which "target condition" is not fulfilled -- (but the "filter condition" was), they are also going to be used to draw -- an auxilliary graph let (targetEntries, otherEntries) = partitionEntries (indicatorTargetCondition indicator) filteredEntries let (scores', timePoints') = addNow theNow $ entriesToPoints (Entity testId test) targetEntries let (otherScores, otherTimePoints) = addNow theNow $ entriesToPoints (Entity testId test) otherEntries let otherLabel = label <> " (other filtered)" -- grid lines for targets would not be taken into account when determining y range, -- that's why we need to enforce y range manually if needed -- (x range are not modified this way) let targetValues = map (targetValue . entityVal) $ indicatorEntryTargets indicatorEntry let maxRange = getBound compare scores' targetValues let minRange = getBound (flip compare) scores' targetValues -- we need to make sure the deadline line is visible let targetsInTheFuture = filter (\target -> targetDeadline target > theNow) $ map entityVal $ indicatorEntryTargets indicatorEntry let scores = scores' ++ (map (const (last $ impureNonNull scores')) targetsInTheFuture) let timePoints = timePoints' ++ (map (formatTimestamp . targetDeadline) targetsInTheFuture) -- we return a JSON object required by the C3 library return $ object [ "bindto" .= ("#indicator-chart-" ++ (show $ unSqlBackendKey $ unIndicatorKey indicatorId)), "data" .= object [ "xs" .= object ([ label .= ("xt" :: String) ] ++ (listIf (not $ null otherScores) [otherLabel .= ("xo" :: String)])), "columns" .= ([ ("xt" : timePoints), (label : (map (formatScore mPrecision) scores))] ++ (listIf (not $ null otherScores) [ ("xo" : otherTimePoints), (otherLabel : (map (formatScore mPrecision) otherScores))])), "types" .= object [ label .= ("area-step" :: String), otherLabel .= ("step" :: String) ] ], "axis" .= object [ "x" .= object [ "type" .= ("timeseries" :: String), "tick" .= object [ "format" .= ("%Y-%m-%d" :: String) ] ], "y" .= object ((getBoundAttr "max" maxRange) ++ (getBoundAttr "min" minRange)) ], "line" .= object [ "step" .= object [ "type" .= ("step-after" :: String) ] ], "grid" .= targetsToLines theNow indicatorEntry targetStatuses ] formatTimestamp :: UTCTime -> Text formatTimestamp = T.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" -- add fake entry for the current time addNow :: UTCTime -> ([Double], [Text]) -> ([Double], [Text]) addNow _ ([], []) = ([], []) addNow theNow (scores, timepoints) = (scores ++ [last $ impureNonNull scores], timepoints ++ [formatTimestamp theNow]) entriesToPoints :: Entity Test -> [TableEntry] -> ([Double], [Text]) entriesToPoints testEnt@(Entity _ test) entries = (scores, timePoints) where timePoints = map (formatTimestamp . tableEntryStamp) relevantEntries scores = map (\entry -> fromJust $ evaluationScore $ (tableEntryMapping entry) M.! testRef) relevantEntries relevantEntries = monotonicBy (\entry -> fromJust $ evaluationScore $ (tableEntryMapping entry) M.! testRef) comparator $ filter (\entry -> testRef `M.member` (tableEntryMapping entry) && isJust (evaluationScore ((tableEntryMapping entry) M.! testRef))) entries comparator = compareFun $ getMetricOrdering $ evaluationSchemeMetric $ testMetric test testRef = getTestReference testEnt targetsToLines :: UTCTime -> IndicatorEntry -> [TargetStatus] -> Value targetsToLines theNow indicator statuses = object [ "y" .= object [ "lines" .= map (\(target, status) -> object [ "value" .= (targetValue $ entityVal target), "text" .= formatTarget mPrecision target, "class" .= targetStatusToClass status ]) (zip targets statuses) ], "x" .= object [ "lines" .= ((map (\(target, status) -> object [ "value" .= (formatTimestamp $ targetDeadline $ entityVal target), "text" .= formatTarget mPrecision target, "class" .= targetStatusToClass status ]) $ zip targets statuses) ++ [object [ "value" .= formatTimestamp theNow, "text" .= ("now" :: String) ]]) ] ] where targets = indicatorEntryTargets indicator mPrecision = testPrecision $ entityVal $ indicatorEntryTest indicator getBound :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> Maybe a getBound _ [] _ = Nothing getBound _ _ [] = Nothing getBound comparator mainList extraList = let mainMax = maximumBy comparator (impureNonNull mainList) extraMax = maximumBy comparator (impureNonNull extraList) in case extraMax `comparator` mainMax of GT -> Just extraMax _ -> Nothing getBoundAttr :: KeyValue p => Text -> Maybe Double -> [p] getBoundAttr _ Nothing = [] getBoundAttr label (Just s) = [ label .= s ] listIf :: Bool -> [a] -> [a] listIf True l = l listIf False _ = [] partitionEntries :: Maybe Text -> [TableEntry] -> ([TableEntry], [TableEntry]) partitionEntries Nothing entries = (entries, []) partitionEntries (Just condition) entries = partition (\entry -> checkCondition conditionParsed (toVariantEntry entry)) entries where conditionParsed = parseCondition condition toVariantEntry :: TableEntry -> VariantEntry toVariantEntry entry = VariantEntry { variantEntryTags = map (entityVal . fst) $ tableEntryTagsInfo entry, variantEntryParams = map entityVal $ tableEntryParams entry } -- auxiliary functions taken from Math.Statistics interQuantile :: (Fractional b, Ord b) => [b] -> b interQuantile [] = 10.0 interQuantile xs = (q' - q) where q = quantile 0.25 xs q' = quantile 0.75 xs quantile :: (Fractional b, Ord b) => Double -> [b] -> b quantile q = quantileAsc q . sort quantileAsc :: (Fractional b, Ord b) => Double -> [b] -> b quantileAsc _ [] = error "x" quantileAsc q xs | q < 0 || q > 1 = error "quantile out of range" | otherwise = xs !! (quantIndex (length xs) q) where quantIndex :: Int -> Double -> Int quantIndex len q' = case round $ q' * (fromIntegral len - 1) of idx | idx < 0 -> error "Quantile index too small" | idx >= len -> error "Quantile index too large" | otherwise -> idx