Challenge How To

Install GEval

In order to evaluate your work locally, you need the GEval tool. First install Haskell Stack and then install GEval itselt:

  git clone git://
  cd geval
  stack setup
  stack install

Get your repo

You need to upload your SSH public key (see your account) if you want to have a repo hosted on, then:

  git clone ssh://{idToBeShown}/#{challengeName challenge}
  cd #{challengeName challenge}
  git pull ssh://{challengeName challenge}
  git push origin master

Work on your solution

You need to generate your solution for the test set as test-A/out.tsv. You may also generate the solution for the dev set (dev-0/out.tsv).

You can evaluate results for the dev set locally:

  cd #{challengeName challenge}
  geval --test-name dev-0

Submit your solution

Push out.tsv files to your repo. It is also recommended to push your source codes along with out.tsv files.

  cd #{challengeName challenge}
  git add dev-0/out.tsv test-A/out.tsv # also your source codes could be added
  git commit -m 'my brilliant solution'
  git push origin master

Finally, you need to tell to evaluate your submission. Go to the submit form.