In order to evaluate your work locally, you need the GEval tool. First, install Haskell Stack:
curl -sSL | shand then install GEval itself:
git clone git:// cd geval stack setup stack install(GEval will make your life easier, but is not obligatory, so if you have any trouble with installing GEval, you can skip this step, for the time being.)
Get your repo $if not isIDSet || not isSSHUploaded
You need to $if not isIDSet \ set up your ID $if not isSSHUploaded \ and $if not isSSHUploaded \ upload your SSH public key \ (see your account) if you want to have a repo hosted on, then:
git clone ssh://{idToBeShown}/#{challengeName challenge} cd #{challengeName challenge} git pull ssh://{challengeName challenge} git push origin master(Alternatively, you can use any other Git repo, e.g. GitHub, make sure has access to your repo.)
Work on your solution
You need to generate your solution for the test set as test-A/out.tsv. You may also generate the solution for the dev set (dev-0/out.tsv).
You can evaluate results for the dev set locally:
cd #{challengeName challenge} geval --test-name dev-0Submit your solution
Push out.tsv files to your repo. It is also recommended to push your source codes along with out.tsv files.
cd #{challengeName challenge} git add dev-0/out.tsv test-A/out.tsv # also your source codes could be added git commit -m 'my brilliant solution' git push origin masterFinally, you need to tell to evaluate your submission. Go to the submit form.