forked from filipg/gonito
268 lines
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268 lines
11 KiB
module Handler.Query where
import Import
import Handler.SubmissionView
import Handler.Shared
import Handler.TagUtils
import PersistSHA1
import Handler.Tables
import qualified Yesod.Table as Table
import Database.Persist.Sql
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import Database.Esqueleto ((^.))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.Extra (groupOn)
import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 (BootstrapFormLayout (..), renderBootstrap3)
rawCommitQuery :: (MonadIO m, RawSql a) => Text -> ReaderT SqlBackend m [a]
rawCommitQuery sha1Prefix =
rawSql "SELECT ?? FROM submission WHERE is_public AND cast(commit as text) like ?" [PersistText $ "\\\\x" ++ sha1Prefix ++ "%"]
rawOutQuery :: (MonadIO m, RawSql a) => Text -> ReaderT SqlBackend m [a]
rawOutQuery sha1Prefix =
rawSql "SELECT ?? FROM out WHERE cast(checksum as text) like ?" [PersistText $ "\\\\x" ++ sha1Prefix ++ "%"]
groupBySecond :: Eq b => [(FullSubmissionInfo, b)] -> [(FullSubmissionInfo, [b])]
groupBySecond lst = map putOut $ groupOn (fsiSubmissionId . fst) lst
where putOut ((ha, hb):t) = (ha, hb:nub (map snd t))
putOut [] = error "should not be here"
findSubmissions :: Text -> Handler [(FullSubmissionInfo, [SHA1])]
findSubmissions sha1Prefix = do
mauthId <- maybeAuth
submissions <- runDB $ case mauthId of
Just (Entity authId _) -> rawSql "SELECT ?? FROM submission WHERE (is_public OR submitter = ?) AND cast(commit as text) like ?" [toPersistValue authId, PersistText $ "\\\\x" ++ sha1Prefix ++ "%"]
Nothing -> rawCommitQuery sha1Prefix
justSubmissions' <- mapM getFullInfo submissions
let justSubmissions = map (\s -> (s, [])) justSubmissions'
outs <- runDB $ rawOutQuery sha1Prefix
submissionsByOuts <- mapM fetchSubmissionByOut outs
return (justSubmissions ++ groupBySecond submissionsByOuts)
fetchSubmissionByOut :: Entity Out -> HandlerFor App (FullSubmissionInfo, SHA1)
fetchSubmissionByOut (Entity _ out) = do
variant <- runDB $ get404 $ outVariant out
let theSubmissionId = variantSubmission variant
theSubmission <- runDB $ get404 theSubmissionId
let theSubmissionEnt = Entity theSubmissionId theSubmission
fsi <- getFullInfo theSubmissionEnt
return (fsi, outChecksum out)
getApiTxtScoreR :: Text -> Handler Text
getApiTxtScoreR query =
if T.null post
then getApiTxtScore Nothing pre
else getApiTxtScore (Just $ T.tail post) pre
where (pre, post) = T.breakOn "-" query
getApiTxtScore :: Maybe Text -> Text -> Handler Text
getApiTxtScore mMetricName sha1Prefix = do
submissions <- findSubmissions sha1Prefix
case submissions of
[] -> return noneMessage
((fsi, _):_) -> case submissions of
[(_, [])] -> doGetScore mMetricName (Entity (fsiSubmissionId fsi)
(fsiSubmission fsi))
_ -> do
let hashes = nub $ concat $ map snd submissions
case hashes of
[h] -> doGetScoreForOut mMetricName
(Entity (fsiSubmissionId fsi)
(fsiSubmission fsi))
[] -> return noneMessage
_ -> return ambiguousArgumentMessage
where ambiguousArgumentMessage = "AMBIGUOUS ARGUMENT"
noneMessage = "NONE"
doGetScore :: (BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend, PersistUniqueRead (YesodPersistBackend site), BackendCompatible SqlBackend (YesodPersistBackend site), YesodPersist site, PersistQueryRead (YesodPersistBackend site)) => Maybe Text -> Entity Submission -> HandlerFor site Text
doGetScore mMetricName submission = do
let challengeId = submissionChallenge $ entityVal submission
mTestEnt <- runDB $ fetchTestByName mMetricName challengeId
case mTestEnt of
Just testEnt -> do
let theTestId = entityKey testEnt
let submissionId = entityKey submission
evals <- runDB $
$ E.from $ \(out, evaluation, variant) -> do
E.where_ (variant ^. VariantSubmission E.==. E.val submissionId
E.&&. out ^. OutVariant E.==. variant ^. VariantId
E.&&. out ^. OutTest E.==. E.val theTestId
E.&&. evaluation ^. EvaluationTest E.==. E.val theTestId
E.&&. out ^. OutChecksum E.==. evaluation ^. EvaluationChecksum)
E.orderBy []
return (evaluation)
case evals of
[eval] -> return $ formatTruncatedScore (testPrecision $ entityVal testEnt) (Just $ entityVal eval)
_ -> return "NONE"
Nothing -> return "NONE"
doGetScoreForOut :: (BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend, PersistUniqueRead (YesodPersistBackend site), BackendCompatible SqlBackend (YesodPersistBackend site), YesodPersist site, PersistQueryRead (YesodPersistBackend site)) => Maybe Text -> Entity Submission -> SHA1 -> HandlerFor site Text
doGetScoreForOut mMetricName submission sha1code = do
let submissionId = entityKey submission
evals <- runDB $
$ E.from $ \(out, evaluation, variant, test, version) -> do
E.where_ (variant ^. VariantSubmission E.==. E.val submissionId
E.&&. out ^. OutVariant E.==. variant ^. VariantId
E.&&. out ^. OutTest E.==. test ^. TestId
E.&&. evaluation ^. EvaluationTest E.==. test ^. TestId
E.&&. out ^. OutChecksum E.==. evaluation ^. EvaluationChecksum
E.&&. out ^. OutChecksum E.==. E.val sha1code
E.&&. (evaluation ^. EvaluationVersion E.==. E.just (version ^. VersionCommit)))
E.orderBy [E.asc (test ^. TestPriority),
E.desc (version ^. VersionMajor),
E.desc (version ^. VersionMinor),
E.desc (version ^. VersionPatch)]
return (evaluation, test)
let evalSelected = case evals of
[] -> Nothing
((eval, test):_) -> case mMetricName of
Nothing -> Just (eval, test)
Just mn -> find (\(_, t) -> formatTestEvaluationScheme (entityVal t) == mn) evals
case evalSelected of
Nothing -> return "None"
Just (eval, testEnt) -> return $ formatTruncatedScore (testPrecision $ entityVal testEnt)
(Just $ entityVal eval)
getQueryFormR :: Handler Html
getQueryFormR = do
(formWidget, formEnctype) <- generateFormPost queryForm
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "Searching for submissions"
$(widgetFile "query-form")
postQueryFormR :: Handler Html
postQueryFormR = do
((result, formWidget), formEnctype) <- runFormPost queryForm
case result of
FormSuccess query -> processQuery query
_ -> defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "Searching for submissions"
$(widgetFile "query-form")
getQueryResultsR :: Text -> Handler Html
getQueryResultsR = processQuery
isFullQuery :: Text -> Bool
isFullQuery query = length query == 40
processQuery :: Text -> Handler Html
processQuery query = do
submissions' <- findSubmissions query
let submissions = map fst submissions'
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "query results"
$(widgetFile "query-results")
getViewVariantR :: VariantId -> Handler Html
getViewVariantR variantId = do
mauthId <- maybeAuth
variant <- runDB $ get404 variantId
let theSubmissionId = variantSubmission variant
theSubmission <- runDB $ get404 theSubmissionId
([entry], tests') <- runDB $ getChallengeSubmissionInfos (\e -> entityKey e == theSubmissionId)
(\e -> entityKey e == variantId)
(submissionChallenge theSubmission)
let tests = sortBy (flip testComparator) tests'
if submissionIsPublic theSubmission || Just (submissionSubmitter theSubmission) == (entityKey <$> mauthId)
fullSubmissionInfo <- getFullInfo (Entity theSubmissionId theSubmission)
testOutputs <- runDB $
$ E.from $ \(out, test) -> do
E.where_ (out ^. OutTest E.==. test ^. TestId
E.&&. out ^. OutVariant E.==. E.val variantId)
E.orderBy []
return (out, test)
let outputs =
sortBy (\a b -> ((snd b) `compare` (snd a)))
$ nub
$ map (\(out, test) -> (outChecksum $ entityVal out, testName $ entityVal test)) testOutputs
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "Variant"
$(widgetFile "view-variant")
error "Cannot access this submission variant"
outputEvaluationsTable :: TableEntry -> Table.Table App (Entity Test)
outputEvaluationsTable tableEntry = mempty
++ Table.text "Metric" (formatTestEvaluationScheme . entityVal)
++ Table.text "Score" (\test -> (formatTruncatedScore (testPrecision $ entityVal test)
$ extractScore (getTestReference test) tableEntry))
paramsTable :: Table.Table App Parameter
paramsTable = mempty
++ Table.text "Parameter" parameterName
++ Table.text "Value" parameterValue
viewOutput :: TableEntry -> [Entity Test] -> (SHA1, Text) -> WidgetFor App ()
viewOutput entry tests (outputHash, testSet) = do
let tests' = filter (\e -> (testName $ entityVal e) == testSet) tests
let outputSha1AsText = fromSHA1ToText $ outputHash
$(widgetFile "view-output")
resultTable :: Entity Submission -> WidgetFor App ()
resultTable (Entity submissionId submission) = do
(tableEntries, tests) <- handlerToWidget
$ runDB
$ getChallengeSubmissionInfos (\s -> entityKey s == submissionId)
(const True)
(submissionChallenge submission)
let paramNames =
$ map (parameterName . entityVal)
$ concat
$ map tableEntryParams tableEntries
let resultId = show $ fromSqlKey submissionId
let jsSelector = String $ T.pack ("#t" ++ resultId ++ " > table")
let delta = Number $ fromIntegral ((length paramNames) + 1)
let higherTheBetterArray = getIsHigherTheBetterArray $ map entityVal tests
$(widgetFile "result-table")
submissionHeader :: FullSubmissionInfo -> WidgetFor App ()
submissionHeader submission =
$(widgetFile "submission-header")
where commitSha1AsText = fromSHA1ToText $ submissionCommit $ fsiSubmission submission
submitter = formatSubmitter $ fsiUser submission
publicSubmissionBranch = getPublicSubmissionBranch $ fsiSubmissionId submission
publicSubmissionRepo = getReadOnlySubmissionUrl (fsiScheme submission) (fsiChallengeRepo submission) $ challengeName $ fsiChallenge submission
browsableUrl = browsableGitRepoBranch (fsiScheme submission) (fsiChallengeRepo submission) (challengeName $ fsiChallenge submission) publicSubmissionBranch
stamp = T.pack $ show $ submissionStamp $ fsiSubmission submission
queryResult :: FullSubmissionInfo -> WidgetFor App ()
queryResult submission = do
$(widgetFile "query-result")
queryForm :: Form Text
queryForm = renderBootstrap3 BootstrapBasicForm $ areq textField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgGitCommitSha1) Nothing