
833 lines
30 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Handler.Shared where
import Import
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Yesod.WebSockets
import Handler.Runner
import System.Exit
import Web.Announcements
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.Persist.Sql (fromSqlKey)
import Control.Concurrent.Lifted (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import System.Directory
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as CHS
import qualified Data.List as DL
import System.Random
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, renameDirectory, doesDirectoryExist)
import PersistSHA1
import Text.Printf
import Yesod.Form.Bootstrap3 (bfs)
import qualified Test.RandomStrings as RS
import qualified Crypto.Nonce as Nonce
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Web.Announcements (formatLink, AnnouncementHook)
import GEval.Core
import GEval.Common
import GEval.EvaluationScheme
import GEval.Formatting (formatTheResultWithErrorBounds)
import qualified Data.Vector as DV
arena :: Handler FilePath
arena = do
app <- getYesod
return $ (appVarDir $ appSettings app) </> "arena"
gitPath :: FilePath
gitPath = "/usr/bin/git"
browsableGitSite :: Text
browsableGitSite = "https://gonito.net/gitlist/"
serverAddress :: Text
serverAddress = "gonito.net"
gitServer :: Text
gitServer = "ssh://gitolite@" ++ serverAddress ++ "/"
gitReadOnlyServer :: Text
gitReadOnlyServer = "git://" ++ serverAddress ++ "/"
getPublicSubmissionBranch :: SubmissionId -> Text
getPublicSubmissionBranch = T.pack . (printf "submission-%05d") . fromSqlKey
getPublicSubmissionUrl :: RepoScheme -> Text -> Maybe Repo -> Text -> Text
getPublicSubmissionUrl SelfHosted repoHost _ bareRepoName = repoHost ++ bareRepoName
getPublicSubmissionUrl Branches _ (Just repo) _ = repoUrl repo
getPublicSubmissionUrl NoInternalGitServer repoHost _ bareRepoName = repoHost ++ bareRepoName
-- convert a git URL to a publicly available URL
publicRepoUrl :: Text -> Text
publicRepoUrl = T.replace "git@github.com:" "https://github.com/"
. T.replace "git@gitlab.com:" "https://gitlab.com/"
getReadOnlySubmissionUrl :: RepoScheme -> Text -> Repo -> Text -> Text
getReadOnlySubmissionUrl SelfHosted _ _ bareRepoName = gitReadOnlyServer ++ bareRepoName
getReadOnlySubmissionUrl Branches _ repo _ = repoUrl repo
getReadOnlySubmissionUrl NoInternalGitServer repoHost _ bareRepoName = publicRepoUrl (repoHost ++ bareRepoName)
browsableGitRepoBranch :: RepoScheme -> Text -> Repo -> Text -> Text -> Text
browsableGitRepoBranch SelfHosted _ _ bareRepoName branch = (browsableGitRepo bareRepoName) ++ "/" ++ branch ++ "/"
browsableGitRepoBranch Branches _ repo _ branch = sshToHttps (repoUrl repo) branch
browsableGitRepoBranch NoInternalGitServer repoHost repo bareRepoName branch
= sshToHttps (getPublicSubmissionUrl NoInternalGitServer repoHost (Just repo) bareRepoName)
sshToHttps :: Text -> Text -> Text
sshToHttps url branch = "https://" ++ (T.replace ".git" "" $ T.replace ":" "/" $ T.replace "ssh://" "" $ T.replace "git@" "" url) ++ "/tree/" ++ branch
browsableGitRepo :: Text -> Text
browsableGitRepo bareRepoName
| ".git" `isSuffixOf` bareRepoName = browsableGitSite ++ bareRepoName
| otherwise = browsableGitSite ++ bareRepoName ++ ".git"
runViewProgress :: (Channel -> Handler ()) -> Handler TypedContent
runViewProgress action = do
app <- getYesod
let viewingProgressStyle = appViewingProgressStyle $ appSettings app
runViewProgress' (case viewingProgressStyle of
WithWebSockets -> ViewProgressWithWebSocketsR
WithPlainText -> ViewProgressR)
runOpenViewProgress :: (Channel -> Handler ()) -> Handler TypedContent
runOpenViewProgress = runViewProgress' OpenViewProgressR
runViewProgressWithWebSockets :: (Channel -> Handler ()) -> Handler TypedContent
runViewProgressWithWebSockets = runViewProgress' ViewProgressWithWebSocketsR
consoleApp :: Int -> WebSocketsT Handler ()
consoleApp jobId = do
App {..} <- getYesod
mchan <- liftIO $ atom $ do
m <- readTVar jobs
case IntMap.lookup jobId m of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just chan -> fmap Just $ cloneTChan chan
case mchan of
Nothing -> do
_ <- sendCloseE ("" :: Text)
return ()
Just chan -> do
let loop = do
mtext <- liftIO $ atom $ readTChan chan
case mtext of
Nothing -> sendCloseE ("" :: Text)
Just text -> do
sendTextData text
_ <- loop
return ()
getViewProgressWithWebSocketsJsonR :: Int -> Handler Value
getViewProgressWithWebSocketsJsonR jobId = do
webSockets $ consoleApp jobId
return $ String $ pack $ show jobId
getViewProgressLogR :: Int -> Handler Html
getViewProgressLogR jobId = do
webSockets $ consoleApp jobId
p <- widgetToPageContent logSelfContainedWidget
hamletToRepHtml [hamlet|
#{pageTitle p}
#outwindow {
border: 1px solid black;
margin-bottom: 1em;
color: white;
background-color: black;
padding: 10pt;
#outwindow pre {
color: white;
background-color: black;
#wait {
animation: blink 1s linear infinite;
@keyframes blink {
0% {
opacity: 0;
50% {
opacity: .5;
100% {
opacity: 1;
^{pageHead p}
^{pageBody p}
logHtmlContent :: WidgetFor site ()
logHtmlContent = [whamlet|
<div #outwindow>
<div #output>
<div #wait>
logCssContent = [lucius|
#outwindow {
border: 1px solid black;
margin-bottom: 1em;
color: white;
background-color: black;
padding: 10pt;
#outwindow pre {
color: white;
background-color: black;
#wait {
animation: blink 1s linear infinite;
@keyframes blink {
0% {
opacity: 0;
50% {
opacity: .5;
100% {
opacity: 1;
logJsContent :: JavascriptUrl url
logJsContent = [julius|
var url = document.URL,
output = document.getElementById("output"),
wait = document.getElementById("wait"),
var anchor_name_regex = /\#.*$/;
url = url.replace("http:", "ws:").replace("https:", "wss:").replace(anchor_name_regex, "")
conn = new WebSocket(url);
conn.onmessage = function(e) {
var p = document.createElement("pre");
conn.onclose = function(e) {
logWidget :: WidgetFor site ()
logWidget = do
toWidget logCssContent
toWidget logJsContent
logSelfContainedWidget :: WidgetFor site ()
logSelfContainedWidget = do
-- for some reason, CSS content be put directly in the HTML
-- so it was copied & pasted
-- toWidgetHead logCssContent
toWidgetBody logJsContent
getViewProgressWithWebSocketsR :: Int -> Handler Html
getViewProgressWithWebSocketsR jobId = do
webSockets $ consoleApp jobId
defaultLayout logWidget
runViewProgressAsynchronously :: (Channel -> Handler ()) -> Handler Value
runViewProgressAsynchronously action = runViewProgressGeneralized getJobIdAsJson action
-- where getJobIdAsJson jobId = return $ Number (scientific (toInteger jobId) 0)
where getJobIdAsJson jobId = return $ String $ pack $ show jobId
runViewProgress' :: (Int -> Route App) -> (Channel -> Handler ()) -> Handler TypedContent
runViewProgress' route action = runViewProgressGeneralized doRedirection action
where doRedirection jobId = redirect $ route jobId
runViewProgressGeneralized :: (Int -> Handler v) -> (Channel -> Handler ()) -> Handler v
runViewProgressGeneralized handler action = do
App {..} <- getYesod
jobId' <- randomInt
-- we don't want negative numbers (so that nobody would be confused)
let jobId = abs jobId'
chan <- liftIO $ atom $ do
chan <- newTChan
m <- readTVar jobs
writeTVar jobs $ IntMap.insert jobId chan m
return chan
runInnerHandler <- handlerToIO
_ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ runInnerHandler $ do
liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000
action chan
liftIO $ atom $ do
writeTChan chan $ Just "All done\n"
writeTChan chan Nothing
-- TODO we don't remove logs, they could clog up the memory
-- m <- readTVar jobs
-- writeTVar jobs $ IntMap.delete jobId m
handler jobId
data RepoCloningSpec = RepoCloningSpec {
cloningSpecRepo :: RepoSpec,
cloningSpecReferenceRepo :: RepoSpec
data RepoSpec = RepoSpec {
repoSpecUrl :: Text,
repoSpecBranch :: Text,
repoSpecGitAnnexRemote :: Maybe Text
cloneRepo :: RepoCloningSpec -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo))
cloneRepo repoCloningSpec chan = do
let url = repoSpecUrl $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec
let branch = repoSpecBranch $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec
maybeRepo <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUrlBranch url branch
userId <- requireAuthId
case maybeRepo of
Just _ -> do
err chan "Repo already there"
return Nothing
Nothing -> cloneRepo' userId repoCloningSpec chan
updateRepo :: Key Repo -> Channel -> Handler Bool
updateRepo repoId chan = do
repo <- runDB $ get404 repoId
repoDir <- getRepoDirOrClone repoId chan
let branch = repoBranch repo
exitCode <- runWithChannel chan $ do
runProg (Just repoDir) gitPath ["fetch",
T.unpack branch,
runProg (Just repoDir) gitPath ["reset",
getStuffUsingGitAnnex repoDir (repoGitAnnexRemote repo)
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> do
maybeHeadCommit <- getHeadCommit repoDir chan
case maybeHeadCommit of
Just headCommit -> do
runDB $ update repoId [RepoCurrentCommit =. headCommit]
return True
Nothing -> return False
_ -> return False
-- | Get a directionary with a submission.
-- It may reset a git repository which might be risky if a repository
-- is shared among a number of submissions.
getSubmissionRepoDir :: SubmissionId -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe FilePath)
getSubmissionRepoDir submissionId chan = do
submission <- runDB $ get404 submissionId
repoDir <- getRepoDirOrClone (submissionRepo submission) chan
let sha1Code = submissionCommit submission
-- this is not right... it should be fixed in the future
-- 1. All kinds of mayhem may ensue in case of concurrency
-- 2. ... especially if the repository is shared among a number of submissions
-- 3. The commit might not be actually there (it might have been garbage collected).
(exitCode, _) <- runProgram (Just repoDir) gitPath ["reset", "--hard", T.unpack $ fromSHA1ToText sha1Code] chan
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> return (Just repoDir)
ExitFailure _ -> return Nothing
justGetSubmissionRepoDir :: SubmissionId -> Handler (Maybe FilePath)
justGetSubmissionRepoDir submissionId = do
devNullChan <- liftIO newTChanIO
getSubmissionRepoDir submissionId devNullChan
getHeadCommit :: FilePath -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe SHA1)
getHeadCommit repoDir chan = do
(exitCode, out) <- runProgram (Just repoDir) gitPath ["rev-parse", "HEAD"] chan
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> do
msg chan $ concat ["HEAD commit is ", commitId]
return $ Just commitRaw
where commitId = T.replace "\n" "" out
commitRaw = fromTextToSHA1 commitId
ExitFailure _ -> do
err chan "cannot determine HEAD commit"
return Nothing
getPossiblyExistingRepo :: (Key Challenge -> Key Repo -> Channel -> Handler Bool)
-> UserId -> Key Challenge -> RepoSpec -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo))
getPossiblyExistingRepo checkRepo userId challengeId repoSpec chan = do
let url = repoSpecUrl repoSpec
let branch = repoSpecBranch repoSpec
let gitAnnexRemote = repoSpecGitAnnexRemote repoSpec
maybeRepo <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueUrlBranch url branch
case maybeRepo of
Just (Entity repoId _) -> do
msg chan "Repo already there"
available <- checkRepo challengeId repoId chan
if available
-- this is not completely right... some other thread
-- might update this to a different value
runDB $ update repoId [RepoGitAnnexRemote =. gitAnnexRemote]
updateStatus <- updateRepo repoId chan
if updateStatus
return $ Just repoId
return Nothing
return Nothing
Nothing -> do
challenge <- runDB $ get404 challengeId
let repoId = challengePublicRepo challenge
repo <- runDB $ get404 repoId
repoDir <- getRepoDirOrClone repoId chan
let repoCloningSpec = RepoCloningSpec {
cloningSpecRepo = repoSpec,
cloningSpecReferenceRepo = RepoSpec {
repoSpecUrl = (T.pack repoDir),
repoSpecBranch = (repoBranch repo),
repoSpecGitAnnexRemote = Nothing
cloneRepo' userId repoCloningSpec chan
cloneRepoToTempDir :: RepoCloningSpec -> Channel -> Handler (ExitCode, FilePath)
cloneRepoToTempDir repoCloningSpec chan = do
let url = repoSpecUrl $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec
msg chan $ concat ["Preparing to clone repo ", url]
msg chan "Cloning..."
r <- randomInt
arenaDir <- arena
let tmpRepoDir = arenaDir </> ("t" ++ show r)
exitCode <- rawClone tmpRepoDir repoCloningSpec chan
return (exitCode, tmpRepoDir)
cloneRepo' :: UserId -> RepoCloningSpec -> Channel -> Handler (Maybe (Key Repo))
cloneRepo' userId repoCloningSpec chan = do
let url = repoSpecUrl $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec
(exitCode, tmpRepoDir) <- cloneRepoToTempDir repoCloningSpec chan
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> do
maybeHeadCommit <- getHeadCommit tmpRepoDir chan
case maybeHeadCommit of
Just commitRaw -> do
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
repoId <- runDB $ insert $ Repo {
repoBranch=repoSpecBranch $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec,
repoGitAnnexRemote=repoSpecGitAnnexRemote $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec,
repoStamp=time }
repoDir <- getRepoDir repoId
liftIO $ renameDirectory tmpRepoDir repoDir
msg chan $ concat ["Repo is in ", (T.pack repoDir)]
return $ Just repoId
Nothing -> do
return Nothing
ExitFailure _ -> do
err chan "git failed"
return Nothing
-- An auxilliary function for fixing git URLs.
-- By default, this does nothing, but can be changed
-- in Gonito forks.
-- Should be used just before a raw git command is executed
-- (i.e. its changes will not be reflected in the database).
fixGitRepoUrl :: Text -> Text
fixGitRepoUrl = id
fetchIndividualKeyPath user = do
arenaDir <- arena
let mLocalId = userLocalId user
case mLocalId of
Just localId -> do
let individualKeysDir = arenaDir ++ "/individual-keys"
let individualKeyPath = (unpack individualKeysDir) ++ "/" ++ (unpack localId)
isKeyGenerated <- liftIO $ doesFileExist individualKeyPath
if isKeyGenerated
return $ Just individualKeyPath
return Nothing
Nothing -> return Nothing
isUserLocalRepo user repoCloningSpec =
case userLocalId user of
Just localId -> (("ssh://gitolite@gonito.net/" <> localId <> "/") `isPrefixOf` url
|| ("gitolite@gonito.net:" <> localId <> "/") `isPrefixOf` url)
Nothing -> False
where url = repoSpecUrl $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec
getGitEnv :: RepoCloningSpec -> Handler (Maybe [(String, String)])
getGitEnv repoCloningSpec = do
maybeUser <- maybeAuth
if ((userIsAdmin <$> entityVal <$> maybeUser) == Just True)
return $ Just []
case maybeUser of
Just (Entity _ user) -> do
if isUserLocalRepo user repoCloningSpec
return $ Just []
mInvidualPrivateKey <- fetchIndividualKeyPath user
case mInvidualPrivateKey of
Just individualPrivateKey -> do
curr_dir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory
return $ Just [("GIT_SSH_COMMAND",
"/usr/bin/ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i " ++ curr_dir ++ "/" ++ individualPrivateKey)]
Nothing -> return $ Nothing
Nothing -> return $ Nothing
rawClone :: FilePath -> RepoCloningSpec -> Channel -> Handler ExitCode
rawClone tmpRepoDir repoCloningSpec chan = do
gitEnv <- getGitEnv repoCloningSpec
case gitEnv of
Just extraEnv -> runWithChannel chan $ do
let url = repoSpecUrl $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec
let branch = repoSpecBranch $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec
let referenceUrl = repoSpecUrl $ cloningSpecReferenceRepo repoCloningSpec
let referenceBranch = repoSpecBranch $ cloningSpecReferenceRepo repoCloningSpec
runProgWithEnv Nothing extraEnv gitPath ["clone",
T.unpack referenceBranch,
T.unpack (fixGitRepoUrl referenceUrl),
if url /= referenceUrl || branch /= referenceBranch
runProg (Just tmpRepoDir) gitPath ["remote",
T.unpack (fixGitRepoUrl url)]
runProgWithEnv (Just tmpRepoDir) extraEnv gitPath ["fetch",
T.unpack branch]
runProg (Just tmpRepoDir) gitPath ["reset",
getStuffUsingGitAnnex tmpRepoDir (repoSpecGitAnnexRemote $ cloningSpecRepo repoCloningSpec)
return ()
Nothing -> do
err chan "Wrong SSH key"
return (ExitFailure 1)
getStuffUsingGitAnnex :: FilePath -> Maybe Text -> Runner ()
getStuffUsingGitAnnex _ Nothing = return ()
getStuffUsingGitAnnex tmpRepoDir (Just gitAnnexRemote) = do
let randomRemoteNameLen = 10
remoteName <- liftIO $ RS.randomString (RS.onlyAlpha RS.randomASCII) randomRemoteNameLen
runGitAnnex tmpRepoDir ["init"]
runGitAnnex tmpRepoDir (["initremote", remoteName] ++ (words $ T.unpack gitAnnexRemote))
runGitAnnex tmpRepoDir ["get", "--from", remoteName]
runGitAnnex :: FilePath -> [String] -> Runner ()
runGitAnnex tmpRepoDir args = runProg (Just tmpRepoDir) gitPath ("annex":args)
doesRepoExistsOnTheDisk :: RepoId -> Handler Bool
doesRepoExistsOnTheDisk repoId = do
repoDir <- getRepoDir repoId
repoDirExists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist repoDir
return repoDirExists
-- Gets a directory for an already cloned repo (e.g. arena/r1234). If,
-- for some reason, the directory does not exist (e.g. the database
-- was recovered on a new computer), it will re-clone the repository.
getRepoDirOrClone :: RepoId -> Channel -> Handler FilePath
getRepoDirOrClone repoId chan = do
repoDirExists <- doesRepoExistsOnTheDisk repoId
repoDir <- getRepoDir repoId
if repoDirExists
return ()
repo <- runDB $ get404 repoId
let repoSpec = RepoSpec {
repoSpecUrl = repoUrl repo,
repoSpecBranch = repoBranch repo,
repoSpecGitAnnexRemote = repoGitAnnexRemote repo }
let repoCloningSpec = RepoCloningSpec {
cloningSpecRepo = repoSpec,
cloningSpecReferenceRepo = repoSpec }
(exitCode, tmpRepoDir) <- cloneRepoToTempDir repoCloningSpec chan
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> do
let commitHash = fromSHA1ToText $ repoCurrentCommit repo
(exitCode', _) <- runProgram (Just tmpRepoDir) gitPath ["reset",
T.unpack commitHash] chan
case exitCode' of
ExitSuccess -> do
liftIO $ renameDirectory tmpRepoDir repoDir
return ()
ExitFailure _ -> do
err chan $ "cannot reset to commit" ++ commitHash
return ()
ExitFailure _ -> do
err chan "git failed"
return ()
return repoDir
getRepoDir :: Key Repo -> Handler FilePath
getRepoDir repoId = do
arenaDir <- arena
return $ arenaDir </> ("r" ++ repoIdAsString)
where repoIdAsString = show $ fromSqlKey repoId
getOpenViewProgressR :: Int -> Handler TypedContent
getOpenViewProgressR = getViewProgressR
getViewProgressR :: Int -> Handler TypedContent
getViewProgressR jobId = do
App {..} <- getYesod
mchan <- liftIO $ atom $ do
m <- readTVar jobs
case IntMap.lookup jobId m of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just chan -> fmap Just $ cloneTChan chan
case mchan of
Nothing -> notFound
Just chan -> respondSource typePlain $ do
let loop = do
mtext <- liftIO $ atom $ readTChan chan
case mtext of
Nothing -> return ()
Just text -> do
sendChunkText text
randomInt :: Handler Int
randomInt = liftIO $ randomIO
gatherSHA1ForCollectionOfFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO ByteString
gatherSHA1ForCollectionOfFiles files = do
contentss <- mapM readFile $ sort files
return $ CHS.finalize $ foldl' CHS.update CHS.init contentss
anonymizedLabel :: Text
anonymizedLabel = "[anonymized]"
nameNotGivenLabel :: Text
nameNotGivenLabel = "[name not given]"
formatSubmitter :: User -> Text
formatSubmitter user = if userIsAnonymous user
case userName user of
Just name -> name
Nothing -> nameNotGivenLabel
fieldWithTooltip :: forall master msg msg1. (RenderMessage master msg, RenderMessage master msg1) => msg -> msg1 -> FieldSettings master
fieldWithTooltip name tooltip = (bfs name) { fsTooltip = Just $ SomeMessage tooltip }
nonceGen :: Nonce.Generator
nonceGen = unsafePerformIO Nonce.new
{-# NOINLINE nonceGen #-}
-- | Randomly create a new verification key.
newToken :: MonadIO m => m Text
newToken = Nonce.nonce128urlT nonceGen
enableTriggerToken :: (BaseBackend (YesodPersistBackend site) ~ SqlBackend, YesodPersist site, PersistStoreWrite (YesodPersistBackend site)) => Key User -> Maybe a -> HandlerFor site ()
enableTriggerToken _ (Just _) = return ()
enableTriggerToken userId Nothing = do
token <- newToken
runDB $ update userId [UserTriggerToken =. Just token]
thenCmp :: Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering
thenCmp EQ o2 = o2
thenCmp o1 _ = o1
fetchMainTest :: (MonadIO m, PersistQueryRead backend, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend) => Key Challenge -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Entity Test))
fetchMainTest challengeId = do
challenge <- get404 challengeId
activeTests <- selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId,
TestActive ==. True,
TestCommit ==. challengeVersion challenge] []
return $ getMainTest activeTests
fetchTestByName :: (MonadIO m, PersistQueryRead backend, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend) => Maybe Text -> Key Challenge -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Entity Test))
fetchTestByName Nothing challengeId = fetchMainTest challengeId
fetchTestByName (Just tName) challengeId = do
challenge <- get404 challengeId
tests' <- selectList [TestChallenge ==. challengeId,
TestCommit ==. challengeVersion challenge] []
let tests = sortBy (flip testComparator) tests'
return $ find (\t -> formatTestEvaluationScheme (entityVal t) == tName) tests
-- get the test with the highest priority
getMainTest :: [Entity Test] -> Maybe (Entity Test)
getMainTest [] = Nothing
getMainTest tests = Just $ DL.maximumBy testComparator tests
-- get all the non-dev tests starting with the one with the highest priorty
-- (or all the tests if there are no non-dev tests)
getMainTests :: [Entity Test] -> [Entity Test]
getMainTests tests = sortBy testComparator tests'
where tests' = if null tests''
then tests
else tests''
tests'' = filter (not . ("dev-" `isPrefixOf`) . testName . entityVal) tests
testComparator :: Entity Test -> Entity Test -> Ordering
testComparator (Entity _ a) (Entity _ b) =
((testName a) `compare` (testName b))
((fromMaybe unknownPriority $ testPriority b) `compare` (fromMaybe unknownPriority $ testPriority a))
where unknownPriority = 9999
formatNonScientifically :: Double -> Text
formatNonScientifically = T.pack . (printf "%f")
formatFullScore :: Maybe Evaluation -> Text
formatFullScore (Just evaluation) = fromMaybe "???" (formatNonScientifically <$> evaluationScore evaluation)
formatFullScore Nothing = "N/A"
formatTruncatedScore :: FormattingOptions -> Maybe Evaluation -> Text
formatTruncatedScore _ Nothing = formatFullScore Nothing
formatTruncatedScore formattingOpts (Just evaluation) = case evaluationScore evaluation of
Just score -> T.pack $ formatTheResultWithErrorBounds formattingOpts score (evaluationErrorBound evaluation)
Nothing -> formatFullScore Nothing
getTestFormattingOpts :: Test -> FormattingOptions
getTestFormattingOpts test =
FormattingOptions {
decimalPlaces = testPrecision test,
asPercentage = fromMaybe False $ testAsPercentage test
formatScore :: Maybe Int -> Double -> Text
formatScore Nothing = T.pack . show
formatScore (Just precision) = T.pack . (printf "%0.*f" precision)
formatParameter :: Parameter -> Text
formatParameter param = parameterName param ++ "=" ++ parameterValue param
formatTestEvaluationScheme :: Test -> Text
formatTestEvaluationScheme = T.pack . evaluationSchemeName . testMetric
formatTest :: Test -> Text
formatTest test = (testName test) ++ "/" ++ (formatTestEvaluationScheme test)
formatTestForHtml :: Test -> Text
formatTestForHtml test = (testName test) ++ " " ++ (formatTestEvaluationScheme test)
findFilePossiblyCompressed :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFilePossiblyCompressed baseFilePath = do
let possibleFiles = [baseFilePath] ++ (map (baseFilePath <.>) ["gz", "bz2", "xz"])
foundFiles <- filterM doesFileExist possibleFiles
return $ case foundFiles of
[] -> Nothing
(h:_) -> Just h
localIdRegexp :: Regex
localIdRegexp = makeRegexOpts defaultCompOpt{newSyntax=True} defaultExecOpt ("\\`[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{0,63}\\'" ::String)
unwantedLocalIds :: [Text]
unwantedLocalIds = ["git",
isLocalIdAcceptable :: Text -> Bool
isLocalIdAcceptable localId =
match localIdRegexp (unpack localId) && not (localId `elem` unwantedLocalIds)
-- need to transfer the information into a JS script
getIsHigherTheBetterArray :: [Test] -> Value
getIsHigherTheBetterArray = Array
. DV.fromList
. map (convertIsHigherTheBetter
. getMetricOrdering
. evaluationSchemeMetric
. testMetric)
where convertIsHigherTheBetter TheHigherTheBetter = Bool True
convertIsHigherTheBetter _ = Bool False
compareFun :: MetricOrdering -> Double -> Double -> Ordering
compareFun TheLowerTheBetter = flip compare
compareFun TheHigherTheBetter = compare
linkInAnnouncement :: App -> Text -> Text -> AnnouncementPiece
linkInAnnouncement app title addr = AnnouncementLink slink title
where slink = (appRoot $ appSettings app) ++ "/" ++ addr
formatVersion :: (Int, Int, Int) -> Text
formatVersion (major, minor, patch) = (T.pack $ show major)
<> "." <> (T.pack $ show minor)
<> "." <> (T.pack $ show patch)
checkWhetherGivenUserRepo :: (PersistStoreRead backend, MonadIO m, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend)
=> Key User -> Key Submission -> ReaderT backend m Bool
checkWhetherGivenUserRepo userId submissionId = do
submission <- get404 submissionId
return $ userId == submissionSubmitter submission
fetchTheEvaluation :: (MonadIO m, PersistUniqueRead backend, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend)
=> Out -> SHA1 -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Entity Evaluation))
fetchTheEvaluation out version =
getBy $ UniqueEvaluationTestChecksumVersion (outTest out) (outChecksum out) version