import random import pygame import sys import pathfinder import time from decisiontree import DecisionTree from imagerecognizer import ImageRecognizer from objects import Grass from objects import Mine from objects import Rock from objects import Puddle MARGIN = 20 # marginesy - odległość kraty od końca okna SQUARE_HEIGHT = 35 SQUARE_WIDTH = 35 CENTER_DIST = 38 # odległość pomiędzy środkami kwadratów BOARDCOLS = 15 # liczba kolumn planszy BOARDROWS = BOARDCOLS # liczba wierszy planszy WINDOW_HEIGHT = BOARDCOLS * CENTER_DIST + (2 * MARGIN) WINDOW_WIDTH = BOARDROWS * CENTER_DIST + (2 * MARGIN) class Field: # obiekt clasy field jest pojedynczym polem planszy def __init__(self, coordinates, color, fieldty): Board.fields.append(self) self.rect = pygame.Rect(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], SQUARE_WIDTH, SQUARE_HEIGHT) self.color = color self.type = fieldty self.object = self.assign_object() self.deley_value = self.object.deley self.redisp = True def assign_object(self): if self.type == 'T': object = Grass([0],[1], SQUARE_WIDTH, SQUARE_HEIGHT) return object if self.type == 'P': object = Puddle([0],[1],SQUARE_WIDTH, SQUARE_HEIGHT) return object if self.type == 'R': object = Rock([0],[1],SQUARE_WIDTH, SQUARE_HEIGHT) return object if self.type == 'B': object = Mine([0],[1],SQUARE_WIDTH, SQUARE_HEIGHT) return object class Board: fields = [] # tablica obiektów klasy filed, czyli po prostu tablica pól planszy gotowych do wizualizacji bombs = 0 def __init__(self): self.margin = MARGIN self.square_high = SQUARE_HEIGHT self.square_width = SQUARE_WIDTH self.center_dist = CENTER_DIST self.window_height = WINDOW_HEIGHT self.window_widhth = WINDOW_WIDTH self.boardcols = BOARDCOLS # liczba kolumn planszy self.boardrows = BOARDROWS # liczba wierszy planszy self.board = [[0 for i in range(self.boardcols)] for j in range(self.boardrows)] self.firstwinner = True pygame.display.set_caption("Saper") self.game_display = pygame.display.set_mode((self.window_height, self.window_widhth)) # wielkość okna adaptująca się do wielkości planszy self.load_board() self.first_ground = self.board[0].index('T') self.show_board() self.init_board() #self.bombfield = pathfinder.find_bomb(self.fields, self.first_ground) self.genetic = pathfinder.Genetic(self.fields, self.first_ground) self.bombfield = self.genetic.genetic_path.fields_order[0] #print(self.bombfield) self.pathf = pathfinder.Pathfind(self.fields, self.bombfield, self.first_ground) = ImageRecognizer() self.dt = DecisionTree() def load_board(self): # funkcja tworząca tablicę opisującą planszę for i in range(self.boardrows): for j in range(self.boardcols): chance = random.randint(1,100) # prawdopodobieństwo że dane pole będzie terenem (T), przeszkodą (O) lub bombą (B) if chance >= 1 and chance < 80: self.board[i][j] = 'T' if chance >= 80 and chance < 95: chance = random.randint(1,2) if chance == 1: self.board[i][j] = 'R' if chance == 2: self.board[i][j] = 'P' if chance >= 95 and chance <= 100: self.board[i][j] = 'B' self.bombs += 1 def show_board(self): # funkcja pomocnicza wypisująca tablicę opisującą planszę for i in range(self.boardrows): for j in range(self.boardcols): print(self.board[i][j], end=' ') print("") print("") print("bomby:",self.bombs) def init_board(self): # funkcja inicjująca planszę x = self.margin y = self.margin for i in range(self.boardrows): for j in range(self.boardcols): if self.board[i][j] == 'T': Field((x, y), (0, 128,0), 'T') # tworzony jest obiekt clasy field zawierający współżędne oraz kolor danego pola planszy if self.board[i][j] == 'R': Field((x, y), (255, 255, 0), 'R') if self.board[i][j] == 'P': Field((x, y), (255, 255, 0), 'P') if self.board[i][j] == 'B': Field((x, y), (165, 42, 42), 'B') x += self.center_dist y += self.center_dist x = self.margin def objects_display(self,i): objecttype = self.fields[i].object self.game_display.blit(objecttype.image_scaled, objecttype.rect) def board_events(self, agent): for event in pygame.event.get(): self.agent_field_update(agent) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: # klawisz esc zamyka program sys.exit(0) #if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and agent.pos_field+1 < len(self.fields): # if self.fields[agent.pos_field+1].object.walkable == 0: # self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True # agent.move(self.window_height, self.margin, self.center_dist, "RIGHT", 1) #if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and agent.pos_field-1 >= 0: # if self.fields[agent.pos_field - 1].object.walkable == 0: # self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True # agent.move(self.window_height, self.margin, self.center_dist, "LEFT", -1) #if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and agent.pos_field+BOARDROWS < len(self.fields): # if self.fields[agent.pos_field + BOARDROWS].object.walkable == 0: # self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True # agent.move(self.window_height, self.margin, self.center_dist, "DOWN", BOARDROWS) #if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_UP and agent.pos_field-BOARDROWS >= 0: # if self.fields[agent.pos_field - BOARDROWS].object.walkable == 0: # self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True # agent.move(self.window_height,self.margin,self.center_dist,"UP", -BOARDROWS) def agent_field_update(self,agent): agent.cooldown = 100 if self.fields[agent.pos_field].type == 'B' and self.fields[agent.pos_field].object.defused == False: if[agent.pos_field].object.itr) == "stones": print("to kamień!") self.fields[agent.pos_field].object.its_rock(SQUARE_WIDTH, SQUARE_HEIGHT) self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True self.bombs -= 1 else: print("to bomba!") wtd = self.dt.make_decision(((self.bombs*100)//(BOARDCOLS**2))+1, self.fields[agent.pos_field].object.time, self.fields[agent.pos_field].object.reach) if wtd == "Defuse": self.fields[agent.pos_field].object.defuse(SQUARE_WIDTH, SQUARE_HEIGHT) self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True if wtd == "Move away": self.fields[agent.pos_field].object.move_away(SQUARE_WIDTH, SQUARE_HEIGHT) self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True self.bombs -= 1 if self.bombs > 0 and agent.pos_field == self.bombfield: #self.bombfield = pathfinder.find_bomb(self.fields, agent.pos_field) #print(self.bombfield) self.genetic.genetic_path.fields_order.remove(self.genetic.genetic_path.fields_order[0]) self.bombfield = self.genetic.genetic_path.fields_order[0] print("next bombfield is: ", self.bombfield) self.pathf = pathfinder.Pathfind(self.fields, self.bombfield, agent.pos_field) def automove_agent(self,agent): self.agent_field_update(agent) if len(self.pathf.way) > 0: wayfield = self.pathf.way[0] self.pathf.way.remove(wayfield) if agent.pos_field - BOARDCOLS == wayfield: self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True agent.move(self.window_height, self.margin, self.center_dist, "UP", -BOARDCOLS) if agent.pos_field + BOARDCOLS == wayfield: self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True agent.move(self.window_height, self.margin, self.center_dist, "DOWN", BOARDCOLS) if agent.pos_field - 1 == wayfield: self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True agent.move(self.window_height, self.margin, self.center_dist, "LEFT", -1) if agent.pos_field + 1 == wayfield: self.fields[agent.pos_field].redisp = True agent.move(self.window_height, self.margin, self.center_dist, "RIGHT", 1) def full_board_display(self,first): # funkcja pomocnicza wywołująca program, w celu wizualizacji planszy możną ją wywołać if self.bombs <= 0 and self.firstwinner == True: print("wszystkie miny rozbrojone!") self.firstwinner = False if first == True: self.game_display.fill((0, 0, 0)) i=0 for square in self.fields: if square.redisp == True: pygame.draw.rect(self.game_display, square.color, square.rect) self.objects_display(i) square.redisp = False i=i+1