import random from mesa import Agent, Model from mesa.time import RandomActivation from import MultiGrid from mesa.datacollection import DataCollector from ForkliftAgent import ForkliftAgent class ForkliftModel(Model): def __init__(self, width, height): self.num_agents = 1 self.running = True self.grid = MultiGrid(height, width, True) self.schedule = RandomActivation(self) # self.datacollector = DataCollector( # model_reporters={"Gini": compute_gini}, # agent_reporters={"Wealth": lambda a: a.wealth} # ) # Create agents for i in range(self.num_agents): a = ForkliftAgent(1, self) self.schedule.add(a) # Add the agent to a random grid cell x = random.randrange(self.grid.width) y = random.randrange(self.grid.height) self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y)) def step(self): # self.datacollector.collect(self) self.schedule.step()