from typing import List from mesa import Model, Agent from import MultiGrid from mesa.time import RandomActivation from AgentBase import AgentBase from ForkliftAgent import ForkliftAgent from PatchAgent import PatchAgent from PatchType import PatchType from util.PathDefinitions import inverse_y, GridLocation, GridWithWeights from util.PathVisualiser import draw_grid, reconstruct_path from util.Pathfinder import a_star_search class GameModel(Model): def __init__(self, width, height, graph: GridWithWeights): # self.num_agents = 5 self.running = True self.grid = MultiGrid(height, width, True) self.schedule = RandomActivation(self) self.agents = [AgentBase] self.forklift_agent = ForkliftAgent(self) self.schedule.add(self.forklift_agent) self.agents.append(self.forklift_agent) # Add the agent to a random grid cell x = 5 y = 5 self.grid.place_agent(self.forklift_agent, (x, y)) self.forklift_agent.current_position = (x, y) # start, goal = (x, y), (2, 1) # came_from, cost_so_far = a_star_search(graph, start, goal) # draw_grid(graph, point_to=came_from, start=start, goal=goal) # # path = map(lambda t: (t[0], inverse_y(height, t[1])), # reconstruct_path(came_from=came_from, start=start, goal=goal)) # # print("cam from: {}".format(came_from)) # print("costerino: {}".format(cost_so_far)) # draw_grid(graph, path=reconstruct_path(came_from, start=start, goal=goal)) # self.forklift_agent.assign_new_movement_task(path) self.place_patch_agents() self.place_walls_agents(graph.walls) def place_patch_agents(self): agent = PatchAgent(self, PatchType.pickUp) self.schedule.add(agent) self.grid.place_agent(agent, (self.grid.width - 1, self.grid.height - 1)) self.agents.append(agent) agent = PatchAgent(self, PatchType.dropOff) # self.schedule.add(agent) self.grid.place_agent(agent, (0, self.grid.height - 1)) self.agents.append(agent) for i in range(3): a = PatchAgent(self, PatchType.item) self.agents.append(a) self.grid.place_agent(a, (i, 0)) def place_walls_agents(self, walls: List[GridLocation]): for w in walls: agent = PatchAgent(self, PatchType.wall) self.agents.append(agent) self.grid.place_agent(agent, w) def step(self): self.schedule.step() print("update multiGrid") self.grid.remove_agent(self.forklift_agent) self.grid.place_agent(self.forklift_agent, self.forklift_agent.current_position)