import math import sys import pydotplus from six import StringIO from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, export_graphviz from garbage import * from settings import * from cnn import * from tree import table, results path = [] pygame.init() board = numpy.arange(100).reshape(10, 10) #siec nauronowa nn = neuralNetwork() # tablica kosztow costs = [] for row in range(10): costs.append([]) for column in range(10): costs[row].append(random.randint(10, 50)) # Params for drawing clock = pygame.time.Clock() clear = 0 moves = 0 moves2 = 0 # wybor dnia today = random.choice(days) today_schedule = schedule[today] tasks = [] for coords, trash in trash_list.items(): if trash['trash_type'] in today_schedule: trash['collected'] = False tasks.append(trash) print(tasks[0]) print('Today is: {}'.format(today)) print('Schedule: {}'.format(schedule[today])) print('Tasks: {}'.format(len(tasks))) v = DictVectorizer(sparse=False) v.fit_transform(table) X = v.fit_transform(table) Y = results dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(), Y) dot_data = StringIO() export_graphviz( dt, out_file=dot_data, feature_names=v.get_feature_names(), filled=True, impurity=False, ) graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) #graph.write_pdf('decision_tree.pdf') def increase_capacity(x, y): global truck_capacity x = math.floor(x / 40) y = math.floor(y / 40) trash_coordinates = (x, y) trash = trash_list.get(trash_coordinates) if trash: check = { 'filling': trash['filling'], 'day': today, 'type': trash['trash_type'], 'truck_filling': capacity } if dt.predict(v.transform(check)) and not trash['collected']: if nn.getPredict() == trash['trash_type']: print("Dobry śmieć w kuble") if trash['filling'] == 'half': truck_capacity += 1 elif trash['filling'] == 'full': truck_capacity += 2 print('Zapelnienie: {}/{}'.format(truck_capacity, max_capacity)) else: print("Zły śmieć w kuble") trash['collected'] = True trash['filling'] = 'empty' while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # Poruszanie po przycisku myszy pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() goal_x = math.floor(pos[0] / 40) goal_y = math.floor(pos[1] / 40) print( 'start: {},{}'.format( math.floor(x / 40), math.floor(y / 40) ) ) print('cel: {},{}'.format(goal_x, goal_y)) path = AStar( math.floor(x / 40), math.floor(y / 40), direction, goal_x, goal_y, costs ).process() print('Path: {}'.format(path)) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if truck_capacity == 0: capacity = 'empty' elif truck_capacity > 0 and truck_capacity < 7: capacity = 'half' elif truck_capacity >= 7: capacity = 'full' if tasks and moves == 0: if truck_capacity >= max_capacity - 1: print('Zapelnienie: {}/{}'.format(truck_capacity, max_capacity)) print('Maksymalna pojemnosc smieciarki osiagnieta') print('Powrot na start w celu pozbycia sie smieci') path = AStar( math.floor(x / 40), math.floor(y / 40), direction, 0, 0, costs ).process() truck_capacity = 0 else: trash = tasks[0] trash_x, trash_y = trash['coordinates'] path = AStar( math.floor(x / 40), math.floor(y / 40), direction, trash_x, trash_y, costs ).process() tasks.remove(trash) if path and moves < len(path): x = path[moves][0] * 40 y = path[moves][1] * 40 direction = path[moves][2] # wyświetlanie ścieżki # print(path[moves][2]) moves += 1 else: increase_capacity(x, y) moves = 0 path = [] #tworzenie planszy row_i = 0 col_i = 0 for row in obstacles: for cell in row: if cell == 1: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), (col_i, row_i, step, step)) screen.blit(building, (col_i, row_i)) elif cell == 2: # miejsce smieci trash_coordinates = ( math.ceil(col_i / 40), math.ceil(row_i / 40) ) check = { 'filling': trash_list[trash_coordinates]['filling'], 'day': today, 'type': trash_list[trash_coordinates]['trash_type'], 'truck_filling': 'empty' } if check['type'] in schedule[today]: if check['filling'] == 'empty': screen.blit(can_yellow, (col_i, row_i)) else: screen.blit(can_green, (col_i, row_i)) else: screen.blit(can_red, (col_i, row_i)) bin_type_string = font.render( '{}-{}'.format( trash_list[trash_coordinates]['trash_type'][:2].upper(), trash_list[trash_coordinates]['filling'][:1].upper() ), False, (0, 0, 0) ) screen.blit(bin_type_string, (col_i, row_i)) pass else: cost = font.render( str(costs[int(row_i / 40)][int(col_i / 40)]), False, (168, 168, 168) ) screen.blit(cost, (col_i, row_i)) col_i += step if col_i == width: col_i = 0 row_i += step if row_i == height: row_i = 0 if direction == 'N': screen.blit(car_n, (x, y)) elif direction == 'S': screen.blit(car_s, (x, y)) elif direction == 'E': screen.blit(car_e, (x, y)) elif direction == 'W': screen.blit(car_w, (x, y)) pygame.display.flip() screen.fill((168, 168, 168)) clock.tick(5)