import pygame from common.constants import GRID_CELL_PADDING, GRID_CELL_SIZE, COLUMNS, ROWS def draw_text(text, color, surface, x, y, text_size=30, is_bold=False): if is_bold: font = pygame.font.Font('resources/fonts/Poppins-SemiBold.ttf', text_size) else: font = pygame.font.Font('resources/fonts/Poppins-Regular.ttf', text_size) textobj = font.render(text, 1, color) textrect = textobj.get_rect() textrect.topleft = (x, y) surface.blit(textobj, textrect) def print_numbers(): display_surface = pygame.display.get_surface() font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 16) for row_index in range(ROWS): for col_index in range(COLUMNS): x = (GRID_CELL_PADDING + GRID_CELL_SIZE) * col_index + GRID_CELL_PADDING + 7 y = (GRID_CELL_PADDING + GRID_CELL_SIZE) * row_index + GRID_CELL_PADDING + 16 display_surface.blit(font.render(f'[{col_index}, {row_index}]', True, (255, 0, 0)), (x, y)) pygame.display.update() # parse array index to screen x or y coordinate def parse_cord(cord): return (GRID_CELL_PADDING + GRID_CELL_SIZE) * cord + GRID_CELL_PADDING + 7 def castle_neighbors(map, castle_bottom_right_row, castle_bottom_right_col): neighbors = [] for row_add in range(-2, 2): new_row = castle_bottom_right_row + row_add if 0 <= new_row <= len(map) - 1: for col_add in range(-2, 2): new_col = castle_bottom_right_col + col_add if 0 <= new_col <= len(map) - 1: if (new_col == castle_bottom_right_col - 1 and new_row == castle_bottom_right_row - 1) \ or (new_col == castle_bottom_right_col and new_row == castle_bottom_right_row - 1) \ or (new_col == castle_bottom_right_col - 1 and new_row == castle_bottom_right_row) \ or (new_col == castle_bottom_right_col and new_row == castle_bottom_right_row): continue neighbors.append((new_col, new_row)) return neighbors