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1 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Angelika Iskra
729e7d4148 restored func without pbr; 2023-02-13 01:44:06 +01:00
41 changed files with 70635 additions and 24 deletions

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(513,5): warning MSB8028: Katalog pośredni (Debug\) zawiera pliki udostępnione z innego projektu (grk-cw9.vcxproj). Może to spowodować niepoprawne zachowanie podczas oczyszczania i ponownej kompilacji.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\shared\minwindef.h(130,1): warning C4005: "APIENTRY": ponowna definicja makra
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\dependencies\glfw-3.3.8.bin.WIN32\include\GLFW\glfw3.h(123): message : zobacz poprzednią definicję „APIENTRY”
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(180,30): warning C4305: "inicjowanie": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(199,38): warning C4305: "=": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(222,16): warning C4305: "inicjowanie": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(241,16): warning C4305: "inicjowanie": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(259,15): warning C4101: "textureID": lokalna zmienna, do której nie istnieje odwołanie
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(347,13): warning C4244: "inicjowanie": konwersja z "double" do "float", możliwa utrata danych
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(353,96): warning C4305: "argument": obcięcie z "double" do "T"
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\dependencies\glfw-3.3.8.bin.WIN32\include\GLFW\glfw3.h(123): message : zobacz poprzednią definicję „APIENTRY”
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(185,30): warning C4305: "inicjowanie": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(204,38): warning C4305: "=": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(227,16): warning C4305: "inicjowanie": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(246,16): warning C4305: "inicjowanie": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(264,15): warning C4101: "textureID": lokalna zmienna, do której nie istnieje odwołanie
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(400,13): warning C4244: "inicjowanie": konwersja z "double" do "float", możliwa utrata danych
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(406,96): warning C4305: "argument": obcięcie z "double" do "T"
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(356,59): warning C4305: "argument": obcięcie z "double" do "T"
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(409,59): warning C4305: "argument": obcięcie z "double" do "T"
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(505,29): warning C4018: "<": niezgodność typu ze znakiem/bez znaku
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(530,13): warning C4244: "inicjowanie": konwersja z "double" do "float", możliwa utrata danych
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(544,109): warning C4305: "argument": obcięcie z "double" do "T"
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(558,29): warning C4018: "<": niezgodność typu ze znakiem/bez znaku
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(583,13): warning C4244: "inicjowanie": konwersja z "double" do "float", możliwa utrata danych
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(597,109): warning C4305: "argument": obcięcie z "double" do "T"
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(791,21): warning C4305: "-=": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(793,21): warning C4305: "+=": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(803,30): warning C4244: "=": konwersja z "double" do "float", możliwa utrata danych
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(850,21): warning C4305: "-=": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(852,21): warning C4305: "+=": obcięcie z "double" do "float"
D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\cw 9\src\room.hpp(862,30): warning C4244: "=": konwersja z "double" do "float", możliwa utrata danych
Box.obj : warning LNK4075: zignorowano opcję „/EDITANDCONTINUE” z powodu określenia opcji „/INCREMENTAL:NO”
LINK : warning LNK4098: domyślna biblioteka „MSVCRT” powoduje konflikt z innymi bibliotekami; użyj opcji /NODEFAULTLIB:biblioteka
grk-cw9.vcxproj -> C:\Users\annas\Desktop\grafika_proj\GRK_Room\Debug\room.exe
grk-cw9.vcxproj -> D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\Debug\room.exe

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<FullPath>D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\Debug\room.exe</FullPath>
<ContentFiles />

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Debug|Win32|D:\UAM\Grafika komputerowa\projekt\GRK_Room\|

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

cw 9/models/car/car2.mtl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Blender 3.4.1 MTL File: 'None'
newmtl Material.001
Ns 250.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.000000 0.019273
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 2

cw 9/models/car/car2.obj Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

cw 9/models/car/car3.mtl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Blender 3.4.1 MTL File: 'None'
newmtl Material.001
Ns 250.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.450000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd D:/UAM/Grafika komputerowa/projekt/GRK_Room/cw 9/textures/red/red.jpg

cw 9/models/car/car3.obj Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
#version 430 core
layout (location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout (location = 1) out vec4 BloomColor;
float AMBIENT = 0.03;
float PI = 3.14;
uniform sampler2D depthMap;
uniform sampler2D depthMapShip;
uniform sampler2D colorTexture;
uniform sampler2D normalSampler;
uniform vec3 cameraPos;
uniform vec3 color;
uniform vec3 sunDir;
uniform vec3 sunColor;
uniform vec3 lightPos;
uniform vec3 lightColor;
uniform vec3 spotlightPos;
uniform vec3 spotlightColor;
uniform vec3 spotlightConeDir;
uniform vec3 spotlightPhi;
uniform float metallic;
uniform float roughness;
uniform float exposition;
in vec3 vecNormal;
in vec3 worldPos;
out vec4 outColor;
in vec3 viewDirTS;
in vec3 lightDirTS;
in vec3 spotlightDirTS;
in vec3 sunDirTS;
in vec3 test;
in vec4 sunSpacePos;
in vec4 shipPos;
in vec2 vecTex;
float calculateShadow(vec3 normal, vec3 light, vec4 pos, sampler2D depth) {
vec4 posNormalized = (pos / pos.w) * 0.5 + 0.5;
float closestDepth = texture2D(depth, posNormalized.xy).r;
//float bias = max(0.03 * (1.0 - dot(normal, light)), 0.003);
if (closestDepth + 0.003 > posNormalized.z) return 1.0;
return 0.0;
float DistributionGGX(vec3 normal, vec3 H, float roughness){
float a = roughness*roughness;
float a2 = a*a;
float NdotH = max(dot(normal, H), 0.0);
float NdotH2 = NdotH*NdotH;
float num = a2;
float denom = (NdotH2 * (a2 - 1.0) + 1.0);
denom = PI * denom * denom;
return num / denom;
float GeometrySchlickGGX(float NdotV, float roughness){
float r = (roughness + 1.0);
float k = (r*r) / 8.0;
float num = NdotV;
float denom = NdotV * (1.0 - k) + k;
return num / denom;
float GeometrySmith(vec3 normal, vec3 V, vec3 lightDir, float roughness){
float NdotV = max(dot(normal, V), 0.0);
float NdotL = max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0);
float ggx2 = GeometrySchlickGGX(NdotV, roughness);
float ggx1 = GeometrySchlickGGX(NdotL, roughness);
return ggx1 * ggx2;
vec3 fresnelSchlick(float cosTheta, vec3 F0){
return F0 + (1.0 - F0) * pow(clamp(1.0 - cosTheta, 0.0, 1.0), 5.0);
vec3 PBRLight(vec3 lightDir, vec3 radiance, vec3 normal, vec3 V){
float diffuse=max(0,dot(normal,lightDir));
//vec3 V = normalize(cameraPos-worldPos);
vec3 F0 = vec3(0.04);
F0 = mix(F0, color, metallic);
vec3 H = normalize(V + lightDir);
// cook-torrance brdf
float NDF = DistributionGGX(normal, H, roughness);
float G = GeometrySmith(normal, V, lightDir, roughness);
vec3 F = fresnelSchlick(max(dot(H, V), 0.0), F0);
vec3 kS = F;
vec3 kD = vec3(1.0) - kS;
kD *= 1.0 - metallic;
vec3 numerator = NDF * G * F;
float denominator = 4.0 * max(dot(normal, V), 0.0) * max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0) + 0.0001;
vec3 specular = numerator / denominator;
// add to outgoing radiance Lo
float NdotL = max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0);
return (kD * color / PI + specular) * radiance * NdotL;
void main()
//vec3 normal = vec3(0,0,1);
vec3 normal = normalize(vecNormal);
//color = texture2D(colorTexture, vecTex).xyz;
//vec3 normal = normalize((texture2D(normalSampler, vecTex).xyz) * 2 - 1);
//vec3 viewDir = normalize(viewDirTS);
vec3 viewDir = normalize(cameraPos-worldPos);
//vec3 lightDir = normalize(lightDirTS);
vec3 lightDir = normalize(lightPos-worldPos);
vec3 ambient = AMBIENT*color;
vec3 attenuatedlightColor = lightColor/pow(length(lightPos-worldPos),2);
vec3 ilumination;
ilumination = ambient+PBRLight(lightDir,attenuatedlightColor,normal,viewDir);
//vec3 spotlightDir= normalize(spotlightDirTS);
vec3 spotlightDir= normalize(spotlightPos-worldPos);
float angle_atenuation = clamp((dot(-normalize(spotlightPos-worldPos),spotlightConeDir)-0.5)*3,0,1);
attenuatedlightColor = angle_atenuation*spotlightColor/pow(length(spotlightPos-worldPos),2)*calculateShadow(normal, spotlightDir, shipPos, depthMapShip);
ilumination=ilumination+PBRLight(sunDir,sunColor*calculateShadow(normal, spotlightDir, sunSpacePos, depthMap),normal,viewDir);
outColor = vec4(vec3(1.01) - exp(-ilumination*exposition),1);
FragColor = outColor;
// check whether fragment output is higher than threshold, if so output as brightness color
float brightness = dot(FragColor.rgb, vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722));
if(brightness > 1.0)
BloomColor = vec4(FragColor.rgb, 1.0);
BloomColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//outColor = vec4(roughness,metallic,0,1);
//outColor = vec4(test;

View File

@ -118,6 +118,10 @@ namespace texture {
GLuint redLeather;
GLuint redLeatherNormal;
GLuint redLeatherARM;
GLuint car;
GLuint carNormal;
GLuint carARM;
Core::RenderContext cubeContext;
@ -143,6 +147,7 @@ GLuint program;
GLuint programSun;
GLuint programTest;
GLuint programTex;
GLuint programNoTex;
GLuint programDepth;
GLuint programSkybox;
GLuint programBlur;
@ -179,7 +184,7 @@ glm::vec3 spotlightConeDir = glm::vec3(0, 0, 0);
glm::vec3 spotlightColor = glm::vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)*10;
float spotlightPhi = 3.14 / 4;
glm::mat4 lightVP = glm::ortho(-4.f, 3.f, -2.5f, 5.f, -10.0f, 20.0f) * glm::lookAt(sunPos, sunPos - sunDir, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0)); //
glm::mat4 lightVP = glm::ortho(-10.f, 10.f, -10.f, 10.f, -10.0f, 30.0f) * glm::lookAt(sunPos, sunPos - sunDir, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0)); //
glm::mat4 lightShipVP;
float lastTime = -1.f;
@ -343,6 +348,54 @@ void drawObjectPBR(Core::RenderContext& context, glm::mat4 modelMatrix, GLuint t
void drawObjectNoPBR(Core::RenderContext& context, glm::mat4 modelMatrix, glm::vec3 color, float roughness, float metallic) {
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "depthMap"), 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, depthMap);
glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "lightVP"), 1, GL_FALSE, (float*)&lightVP);
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "depthMapShip"), 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, depthMapShip);
glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "lightShipVP"), 1, GL_FALSE, (float*)&lightShipVP);
glm::mat4 viewProjectionMatrix = createPerspectiveMatrix() * createCameraMatrix();
glm::mat4 transformation = viewProjectionMatrix * modelMatrix;
glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "transformation"), 1, GL_FALSE, (float*)&transformation);
glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "modelMatrix"), 1, GL_FALSE, (float*)&modelMatrix);
glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "exposition"), exposition);
glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "roughness"), roughness);
glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "metallic"), metallic);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "color"), color.x, color.y, color.z);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "cameraPos"), cameraPos.x, cameraPos.y, cameraPos.z);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "sunDir"), sunDir.x, sunDir.y, sunDir.z);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "sunColor"), sunColor.x, sunColor.y, sunColor.z);
if (lightOn)
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "lightPos"), pointlightPos.x, pointlightPos.y, pointlightPos.z);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "lightPos"), 1000.f, 1000.f, 1000.f);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "lightColor"), pointlightColor.x, pointlightColor.y, pointlightColor.z);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "spotlightConeDir"), spotlightConeDir.x, spotlightConeDir.y, spotlightConeDir.z);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "spotlightPos"), spotlightPos.x, spotlightPos.y, spotlightPos.z);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "spotlightColor"), spotlightColor.x, spotlightColor.y, spotlightColor.z);
glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(programNoTex, "spotlightPhi"), spotlightPhi);
void renderShadowapSun(GLuint depthFBO, glm::mat4 light) {
float time = glfwGetTime();
@ -569,7 +622,8 @@ void renderScene(GLFWwindow* window)
drawObjectPBR(models::bookshelfContext, glm::mat4(), texture::wood, texture::woodNormal, texture::woodARM);
drawObjectPBR(models::lightSwitchContext, glm::mat4(), texture::white, texture::whiteNormal, texture::whiteARM);
drawObjectPBR(models::easelContext, glm::mat4(), texture::wood, texture::woodNormal, texture::woodARM);
drawObjectPBR(models::carContext, glm::translate(carPosTranform), texture::red, texture::redNormal, texture::redARM);
//drawObjectPBR(models::carContext, glm::translate(carPosTranform), texture::car, texture::carNormal, texture::carARM);
drawObjectNoPBR(models::carContext, glm::translate(carPosTranform), glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 0.2f);
drawObjectPBR(models::vaseContext, glm::translate(glm::vec3(1.1f, 1.41f, -2.2f)), texture::vase, texture::vaseNormal, texture::vaseARM);
drawObjectPBR(models::couchContext, glm::eulerAngleY(3.14f), texture::redLeather, texture::redLeatherNormal, texture::redLeatherARM);
@ -647,6 +701,7 @@ void init(GLFWwindow* window)
programSkybox = shaderLoader.CreateProgram("shaders/shader_skybox.vert", "shaders/shader_skybox.frag");
programBlur = shaderLoader.CreateProgram("shaders/shader_blur.vert", "shaders/shader_blur.frag");
programNoTex = shaderLoader.CreateProgram("shaders/shader_no_pbr.vert", "shaders/shader_no_pbr.frag");
@ -699,9 +754,9 @@ void init(GLFWwindow* window)
texture::whiteNormal = Core::LoadTexture("textures/white/white_normal.png");
texture::whiteARM = Core::LoadTexture("textures/white/white_arm.png");
texture::white = Core::LoadTexture("textures/red/red.png");
texture::whiteNormal = Core::LoadTexture("textures/red/red_normal.png");
texture::whiteARM = Core::LoadTexture("textures/red/red_arm.png");
texture::red = Core::LoadTexture("textures/red/red.png");
texture::redNormal = Core::LoadTexture("textures/red/red_normal.png");
texture::redARM = Core::LoadTexture("textures/red/red_arm.png");
texture::redLeather = Core::LoadTexture("textures/leather/leather_red_03_coll1_4k.png");
texture::redLeatherNormal = Core::LoadTexture("textures/leather/leather_red_03_nor_gl_4k.png");
@ -711,6 +766,10 @@ void init(GLFWwindow* window)
texture::doorNorm = Core::LoadTexture("textures/door/door_norm.jpg");
texture::doorArm = Core::LoadTexture("textures/door/door_arm.jpg");
texture::car = Core::LoadTexture("textures/car/car.jpg");
texture::carNormal = Core::LoadTexture("textures/car/car_normal.png");
texture::carARM = Core::LoadTexture("textures/car/car_arm.jpg");
loadModelToContext("./models/sphere.obj", sphereContext);
loadModelToContext("./models/cube.obj", cubeContext);
@ -738,7 +797,7 @@ void init(GLFWwindow* window)
loadModelToContext("./models/bookshelf/bookshelf.obj", models::bookshelfContext);
loadModelToContext("./models/light_switch/light_switch.obj", models::lightSwitchContext);
loadModelToContext("./models/easel/easel3.obj", models::easelContext);
loadModelToContext("./models/car/car.obj", models::carContext);
loadModelToContext("./models/car/car3.obj", models::carContext);
loadModelToContext("./models/ceramic_vase_02_4k.obj", models::vaseContext);

cw 9/textures/car/car.jpg Normal file

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 9.3 MiB

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.4 MiB

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 27 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 60 MiB

cw 9/textures/red/red.jpg Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 349 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 38 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 303 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 38 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 457 KiB

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.1 KiB