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87 lines
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import contextlib
import pytest
from pandas.compat import is_platform_windows
from pandas import DataFrame
import pandas._testing as tm
from pandas.io.excel import ExcelWriter
xlsxwriter = pytest.importorskip("xlsxwriter")
if is_platform_windows():
pytestmark = pytest.mark.single_cpu
def ext():
return ".xlsx"
def test_column_format(ext):
# Test that column formats are applied to cells. Test for issue #9167.
# Applicable to xlsxwriter only.
openpyxl = pytest.importorskip("openpyxl")
with tm.ensure_clean(ext) as path:
frame = DataFrame({"A": [123456, 123456], "B": [123456, 123456]})
with ExcelWriter(path) as writer:
# Add a number format to col B and ensure it is applied to cells.
num_format = "#,##0"
write_workbook = writer.book
write_worksheet = write_workbook.worksheets()[0]
col_format = write_workbook.add_format({"num_format": num_format})
write_worksheet.set_column("B:B", None, col_format)
with contextlib.closing(openpyxl.load_workbook(path)) as read_workbook:
read_worksheet = read_workbook["Sheet1"]
except TypeError:
# compat
read_worksheet = read_workbook.get_sheet_by_name(name="Sheet1")
# Get the number format from the cell.
cell = read_worksheet["B2"]
except TypeError:
# compat
cell = read_worksheet.cell("B2")
read_num_format = cell.number_format
except AttributeError:
read_num_format = cell.style.number_format._format_code
assert read_num_format == num_format
def test_write_append_mode_raises(ext):
msg = "Append mode is not supported with xlsxwriter!"
with tm.ensure_clean(ext) as f:
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
ExcelWriter(f, engine="xlsxwriter", mode="a")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("nan_inf_to_errors", [True, False])
def test_engine_kwargs(ext, nan_inf_to_errors):
# GH 42286
engine_kwargs = {"options": {"nan_inf_to_errors": nan_inf_to_errors}}
with tm.ensure_clean(ext) as f:
with ExcelWriter(f, engine="xlsxwriter", engine_kwargs=engine_kwargs) as writer:
assert writer.book.nan_inf_to_errors == nan_inf_to_errors
def test_book_and_sheets_consistent(ext):
# GH#45687 - Ensure sheets is updated if user modifies book
with tm.ensure_clean(ext) as f:
with ExcelWriter(f, engine="xlsxwriter") as writer:
assert writer.sheets == {}
sheet = writer.book.add_worksheet("test_name")
assert writer.sheets == {"test_name": sheet}