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504 lines
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# Python Markdown
# A Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown.
# Documentation: https://python-markdown.github.io/
# GitHub: https://github.com/Python-Markdown/markdown/
# PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/Markdown/
# Started by Manfred Stienstra (http://www.dwerg.net/).
# Maintained for a few years by Yuri Takhteyev (http://www.freewisdom.org).
# Currently maintained by Waylan Limberg (https://github.com/waylan),
# Dmitry Shachnev (https://github.com/mitya57) and Isaac Muse (https://github.com/facelessuser).
# Copyright 2007-2023 The Python Markdown Project (v. 1.7 and later)
# Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 Yuri Takhteyev (v. 0.2-1.6b)
# Copyright 2004 Manfred Stienstra (the original version)
# License: BSD (see LICENSE.md for details).
from __future__ import annotations
import codecs
import sys
import logging
import importlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, BinaryIO, Callable, ClassVar, Mapping, Sequence
from . import util
from .preprocessors import build_preprocessors
from .blockprocessors import build_block_parser
from .treeprocessors import build_treeprocessors
from .inlinepatterns import build_inlinepatterns
from .postprocessors import build_postprocessors
from .extensions import Extension
from .serializers import to_html_string, to_xhtml_string
from .util import BLOCK_LEVEL_ELEMENTS
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
__all__ = ['Markdown', 'markdown', 'markdownFromFile']
logger = logging.getLogger('MARKDOWN')
class Markdown:
A parser which converts Markdown to HTML.
Markdown.tab_length (int): The number of spaces which correspond to a single tab. Default: `4`.
Markdown.ESCAPED_CHARS (list[str]): List of characters which get the backslash escape treatment.
Markdown.block_level_elements (list[str]): List of HTML tags which get treated as block-level elements.
See [`markdown.util.BLOCK_LEVEL_ELEMENTS`][] for the full list of elements.
Markdown.registeredExtensions (list[Extension]): List of extensions which have called
[`registerExtension`][markdown.Markdown.registerExtension] during setup.
Markdown.doc_tag (str): Element used to wrap document. Default: `div`.
Markdown.stripTopLevelTags (bool): Indicates whether the `doc_tag` should be removed. Default: 'True'.
Markdown.references (dict[str, tuple[str, str]]): A mapping of link references found in a parsed document
where the key is the reference name and the value is a tuple of the URL and title.
Markdown.htmlStash (util.HtmlStash): The instance of the `HtmlStash` used by an instance of this class.
Markdown.output_formats (dict[str, Callable[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element]]): A mapping of known output
formats by name and their respective serializers. Each serializer must be a callable which accepts an
[`Element`][xml.etree.ElementTree.Element] and returns a `str`.
Markdown.output_format (str): The output format set by
Markdown.serializer (Callable[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element]): The serializer set by
Markdown.preprocessors (util.Registry): A collection of [`preprocessors`][markdown.preprocessors].
Markdown.parser (blockparser.BlockParser): A collection of [`blockprocessors`][markdown.blockprocessors].
Markdown.inlinePatterns (util.Registry): A collection of [`inlinepatterns`][markdown.inlinepatterns].
Markdown.treeprocessors (util.Registry): A collection of [`treeprocessors`][markdown.treeprocessors].
Markdown.postprocessors (util.Registry): A collection of [`postprocessors`][markdown.postprocessors].
doc_tag = "div" # Element used to wrap document - later removed
output_formats: ClassVar[dict[str, Callable[[Element], str]]] = {
'html': to_html_string,
'xhtml': to_xhtml_string,
A mapping of known output formats by name and their respective serializers. Each serializer must be a
callable which accepts an [`Element`][xml.etree.ElementTree.Element] and returns a `str`.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Creates a new Markdown instance.
Keyword Arguments:
extensions (list[Extension | str]): A list of extensions.
If an item is an instance of a subclass of [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][],
the instance will be used as-is. If an item is of type `str`, it is passed
to [`build_extension`][markdown.Markdown.build_extension] with its corresponding
`extension_configs` and the returned instance of [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][]
is used.
extension_configs (dict[str, dict[str, Any]]): Configuration settings for extensions.
output_format (str): Format of output. Supported formats are:
* `xhtml`: Outputs XHTML style tags. Default.
* `html`: Outputs HTML style tags.
tab_length (int): Length of tabs in the source. Default: `4`
self.tab_length: int = kwargs.get('tab_length', 4)
self.ESCAPED_CHARS: list[str] = [
'\\', '`', '*', '_', '{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', '>', '#', '+', '-', '.', '!'
""" List of characters which get the backslash escape treatment. """
self.block_level_elements: list[str] = BLOCK_LEVEL_ELEMENTS.copy()
self.registeredExtensions: list[Extension] = []
self.docType = "" # TODO: Maybe delete this. It does not appear to be used anymore.
self.stripTopLevelTags: bool = True
self.references: dict[str, tuple[str, str]] = {}
self.htmlStash: util.HtmlStash = util.HtmlStash()
self.registerExtensions(extensions=kwargs.get('extensions', []),
configs=kwargs.get('extension_configs', {}))
self.set_output_format(kwargs.get('output_format', 'xhtml'))
def build_parser(self) -> Markdown:
Build the parser from the various parts.
Assigns a value to each of the following attributes on the class instance:
* **`Markdown.preprocessors`** ([`Registry`][markdown.util.Registry]) -- A collection of
* **`Markdown.parser`** ([`BlockParser`][markdown.blockparser.BlockParser]) -- A collection of
* **`Markdown.inlinePatterns`** ([`Registry`][markdown.util.Registry]) -- A collection of
* **`Markdown.treeprocessors`** ([`Registry`][markdown.util.Registry]) -- A collection of
* **`Markdown.postprocessors`** ([`Registry`][markdown.util.Registry]) -- A collection of
This method could be redefined in a subclass to build a custom parser which is made up of a different
combination of processors and patterns.
self.preprocessors = build_preprocessors(self)
self.parser = build_block_parser(self)
self.inlinePatterns = build_inlinepatterns(self)
self.treeprocessors = build_treeprocessors(self)
self.postprocessors = build_postprocessors(self)
return self
def registerExtensions(
extensions: Sequence[Extension | str],
configs: Mapping[str, dict[str, Any]]
) -> Markdown:
Load a list of extensions into an instance of the `Markdown` class.
extensions (list[Extension | str]): A list of extensions.
If an item is an instance of a subclass of [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][],
the instance will be used as-is. If an item is of type `str`, it is passed
to [`build_extension`][markdown.Markdown.build_extension] with its corresponding `configs` and the
returned instance of [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][] is used.
configs (dict[str, dict[str, Any]]): Configuration settings for extensions.
for ext in extensions:
if isinstance(ext, str):
ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, {}))
if isinstance(ext, Extension):
'Successfully loaded extension "%s.%s".'
% (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__)
elif ext is not None:
raise TypeError(
'Extension "{}.{}" must be of type: "{}.{}"'.format(
ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__,
Extension.__module__, Extension.__name__
return self
def build_extension(self, ext_name: str, configs: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Extension:
Build extension from a string name, then return an instance using the given `configs`.
ext_name: Name of extension as a string.
configs: Configuration settings for extension.
An instance of the extension with the given configuration settings.
First attempt to load an entry point. The string name must be registered as an entry point in the
`markdown.extensions` group which points to a subclass of the [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][] class.
If multiple distributions have registered the same name, the first one found is returned.
If no entry point is found, assume dot notation (`path.to.module:ClassName`). Load the specified class and
return an instance. If no class is specified, import the module and call a `makeExtension` function and return
the [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][] instance returned by that function.
configs = dict(configs)
entry_points = [ep for ep in util.get_installed_extensions() if ep.name == ext_name]
if entry_points:
ext = entry_points[0].load()
return ext(**configs)
# Get class name (if provided): `path.to.module:ClassName`
ext_name, class_name = ext_name.split(':', 1) if ':' in ext_name else (ext_name, '')
module = importlib.import_module(ext_name)
'Successfully imported extension module "%s".' % ext_name
except ImportError as e:
message = 'Failed loading extension "%s".' % ext_name
e.args = (message,) + e.args[1:]
if class_name:
# Load given class name from module.
return getattr(module, class_name)(**configs)
# Expect `makeExtension()` function to return a class.
return module.makeExtension(**configs)
except AttributeError as e:
message = e.args[0]
message = "Failed to initiate extension " \
"'%s': %s" % (ext_name, message)
e.args = (message,) + e.args[1:]
def registerExtension(self, extension: Extension) -> Markdown:
Register an extension as having a resettable state.
extension: An instance of the extension to register.
This should get called once by an extension during setup. A "registered" extension's
`reset` method is called by [`Markdown.reset()`][markdown.Markdown.reset]. Not all extensions have or need a
resettable state, and so it should not be assumed that all extensions are "registered."
return self
def reset(self) -> Markdown:
Resets all state variables to prepare the parser instance for new input.
Called once upon creation of a class instance. Should be called manually between calls
to [`Markdown.convert`][markdown.Markdown.convert].
for extension in self.registeredExtensions:
if hasattr(extension, 'reset'):
return self
def set_output_format(self, format: str) -> Markdown:
Set the output format for the class instance.
format: Must be a known value in `Markdown.output_formats`.
self.output_format = format.lower().rstrip('145') # ignore number
self.serializer = self.output_formats[self.output_format]
except KeyError as e:
valid_formats = list(self.output_formats.keys())
message = 'Invalid Output Format: "%s". Use one of %s.' \
% (self.output_format,
'"' + '", "'.join(valid_formats) + '"')
e.args = (message,) + e.args[1:]
return self
# Note: the `tag` argument is type annotated `Any` as ElementTree uses many various objects as tags.
# As there is no standardization in ElementTree, the type of a given tag is unpredictable.
def is_block_level(self, tag: Any) -> bool:
Check if the given `tag` is a block level HTML tag.
Returns `True` for any string listed in `Markdown.block_level_elements`. A `tag` which is
not a string always returns `False`.
if isinstance(tag, str):
return tag.lower().rstrip('/') in self.block_level_elements
# Some ElementTree tags are not strings, so return False.
return False
def convert(self, source: str) -> str:
Convert a Markdown string to a string in the specified output format.
source: Markdown formatted text as Unicode or ASCII string.
A string in the specified output format.
Markdown parsing takes place in five steps:
1. A bunch of [`preprocessors`][markdown.preprocessors] munge the input text.
2. A [`BlockParser`][markdown.blockparser.BlockParser] parses the high-level structural elements of the
pre-processed text into an [`ElementTree`][xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree] object.
3. A bunch of [`treeprocessors`][markdown.treeprocessors] are run against the
[`ElementTree`][xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree] object. One such `treeprocessor`
([`markdown.treeprocessors.InlineProcessor`][]) runs [`inlinepatterns`][markdown.inlinepatterns]
against the [`ElementTree`][xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree] object, parsing inline markup.
4. Some [`postprocessors`][markdown.postprocessors] are run against the text after the
[`ElementTree`][xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree] object has been serialized into text.
5. The output is returned as a string.
# Fix up the source text
if not source.strip():
return '' # a blank Unicode string
source = str(source)
except UnicodeDecodeError as e: # pragma: no cover
# Customize error message while maintaining original traceback
e.reason += '. -- Note: Markdown only accepts Unicode input!'
# Split into lines and run the line preprocessors.
self.lines = source.split("\n")
for prep in self.preprocessors:
self.lines = prep.run(self.lines)
# Parse the high-level elements.
root = self.parser.parseDocument(self.lines).getroot()
# Run the tree-processors
for treeprocessor in self.treeprocessors:
newRoot = treeprocessor.run(root)
if newRoot is not None:
root = newRoot
# Serialize _properly_. Strip top-level tags.
output = self.serializer(root)
if self.stripTopLevelTags:
start = output.index(
'<%s>' % self.doc_tag) + len(self.doc_tag) + 2
end = output.rindex('</%s>' % self.doc_tag)
output = output[start:end].strip()
except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover
if output.strip().endswith('<%s />' % self.doc_tag):
# We have an empty document
output = ''
# We have a serious problem
raise ValueError('Markdown failed to strip top-level '
'tags. Document=%r' % output.strip()) from e
# Run the text post-processors
for pp in self.postprocessors:
output = pp.run(output)
return output.strip()
def convertFile(
input: str | BinaryIO | None = None,
output: str | BinaryIO | None = None,
encoding: str | None = None,
) -> Markdown:
Converts a Markdown file and returns the HTML as a Unicode string.
Decodes the file using the provided encoding (defaults to `utf-8`),
passes the file content to markdown, and outputs the HTML to either
the provided stream or the file with provided name, using the same
encoding as the source file. The
error handler is used when encoding the output.
**Note:** This is the only place that decoding and encoding of Unicode
takes place in Python-Markdown. (All other code is Unicode-in /
input: File object or path. Reads from `stdin` if `None`.
output: File object or path. Writes to `stdout` if `None`.
encoding: Encoding of input and output files. Defaults to `utf-8`.
encoding = encoding or "utf-8"
# Read the source
if input:
if isinstance(input, str):
input_file = codecs.open(input, mode="r", encoding=encoding)
input_file = codecs.getreader(encoding)(input)
text = input_file.read()
text = sys.stdin.read()
text = text.lstrip('\ufeff') # remove the byte-order mark
# Convert
html = self.convert(text)
# Write to file or stdout
if output:
if isinstance(output, str):
output_file = codecs.open(output, "w",
writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding)
output_file = writer(output, errors="xmlcharrefreplace")
# Don't close here. User may want to write more.
# Encode manually and write bytes to stdout.
html = html.encode(encoding, "xmlcharrefreplace")
return self
Those are the two functions we really mean to export: `markdown()` and
def markdown(text: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
Convert a markdown string to HTML and return HTML as a Unicode string.
This is a shortcut function for [`Markdown`][markdown.Markdown] class to cover the most
basic use case. It initializes an instance of [`Markdown`][markdown.Markdown], loads the
necessary extensions and runs the parser on the given text.
text: Markdown formatted text as Unicode or ASCII string.
Keyword arguments:
**kwargs: Any arguments accepted by the Markdown class.
A string in the specified output format.
md = Markdown(**kwargs)
return md.convert(text)
def markdownFromFile(**kwargs: Any):
Read Markdown text from a file and write output to a file or a stream.
This is a shortcut function which initializes an instance of [`Markdown`][markdown.Markdown],
and calls the [`convertFile`][markdown.Markdown.convertFile] method rather than
Keyword arguments:
input (str | BinaryIO): A file name or readable object.
output (str | BinaryIO): A file name or writable object.
encoding (str): Encoding of input and output.
**kwargs: Any arguments accepted by the `Markdown` class.
md = Markdown(**kwargs)
md.convertFile(kwargs.get('input', None),
kwargs.get('output', None),
kwargs.get('encoding', None))