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2024-05-26 19:49:15 +02:00
import numpy as np
import pytest
import pandas._libs.index as libindex
from pandas.errors import PerformanceWarning
import pandas as pd
from pandas import (
import pandas._testing as tm
from pandas.core.arrays.boolean import BooleanDtype
class TestMultiIndexBasic:
def test_multiindex_perf_warn(self):
df = DataFrame(
"jim": [0, 0, 1, 1],
"joe": ["x", "x", "z", "y"],
"jolie": np.random.default_rng(2).random(4),
).set_index(["jim", "joe"])
with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning):
df.loc[(1, "z")]
df = df.iloc[[2, 1, 3, 0]]
with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [-5, 5])
def test_indexing_over_hashtable_size_cutoff(self, monkeypatch, offset):
size_cutoff = 20
n = size_cutoff + offset
with monkeypatch.context():
monkeypatch.setattr(libindex, "_SIZE_CUTOFF", size_cutoff)
s = Series(np.arange(n), MultiIndex.from_arrays((["a"] * n, np.arange(n))))
# hai it works!
assert s[("a", 5)] == 5
assert s[("a", 6)] == 6
assert s[("a", 7)] == 7
def test_multi_nan_indexing(self):
# GH 3588
df = DataFrame(
"a": ["R1", "R2", np.nan, "R4"],
"b": ["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4"],
"c": [10, 15, np.nan, 20],
result = df.set_index(["a", "b"], drop=False)
expected = DataFrame(
"a": ["R1", "R2", np.nan, "R4"],
"b": ["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4"],
"c": [10, 15, np.nan, 20],
Index(["R1", "R2", np.nan, "R4"], name="a"),
Index(["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4"], name="b"),
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
def test_exclusive_nat_column_indexing(self):
# GH 38025
# test multi indexing when one column exclusively contains NaT values
df = DataFrame(
"a": [pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT],
"b": ["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4"],
"c": [10, 15, np.nan, 20],
df = df.set_index(["a", "b"])
expected = DataFrame(
"c": [10, 15, np.nan, 20],
Index([pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT], name="a"),
Index(["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4"], name="b"),
tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected)
def test_nested_tuples_duplicates(self):
# GH#30892
dti = pd.to_datetime(["20190101", "20190101", "20190102"])
idx = Index(["a", "a", "c"])
mi = MultiIndex.from_arrays([dti, idx], names=["index1", "index2"])
df = DataFrame({"c1": [1, 2, 3], "c2": [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]}, index=mi)
expected = DataFrame({"c1": df["c1"], "c2": [1.0, 1.0, np.nan]}, index=mi)
df2 = df.copy(deep=True)
df2.loc[(dti[0], "a"), "c2"] = 1.0
tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, expected)
df3 = df.copy(deep=True)
df3.loc[[(dti[0], "a")], "c2"] = 1.0
tm.assert_frame_equal(df3, expected)
def test_multiindex_with_datatime_level_preserves_freq(self):
# https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/35563
idx = Index(range(2), name="A")
dti = pd.date_range("2020-01-01", periods=7, freq="D", name="B")
mi = MultiIndex.from_product([idx, dti])
df = DataFrame(np.random.default_rng(2).standard_normal((14, 2)), index=mi)
result = df.loc[0].index
tm.assert_index_equal(result, dti)
assert result.freq == dti.freq
def test_multiindex_complex(self):
# GH#42145
complex_data = [1 + 2j, 4 - 3j, 10 - 1j]
non_complex_data = [3, 4, 5]
result = DataFrame(
"x": complex_data,
"y": non_complex_data,
"z": non_complex_data,
result.set_index(["x", "y"], inplace=True)
expected = DataFrame(
{"z": non_complex_data},
[complex_data, non_complex_data],
names=("x", "y"),
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
def test_rename_multiindex_with_duplicates(self):
# GH 38015
mi = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("A", "cat"), ("B", "cat"), ("B", "cat")])
df = DataFrame(index=mi)
df = df.rename(index={"A": "Apple"}, level=0)
mi2 = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("Apple", "cat"), ("B", "cat"), ("B", "cat")])
expected = DataFrame(index=mi2)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected)
def test_series_align_multiindex_with_nan_overlap_only(self):
# GH 38439
mi1 = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[81.0, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan]])
mi2 = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[np.nan, 82.0], [np.nan, np.nan]])
ser1 = Series([1, 2], index=mi1)
ser2 = Series([1, 2], index=mi2)
result1, result2 = ser1.align(ser2)
mi = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[81.0, 82.0, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]])
expected1 = Series([1.0, np.nan, 2.0], index=mi)
expected2 = Series([np.nan, 2.0, 1.0], index=mi)
tm.assert_series_equal(result1, expected1)
tm.assert_series_equal(result2, expected2)
def test_series_align_multiindex_with_nan(self):
# GH 38439
mi1 = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[81.0, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan]])
mi2 = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[np.nan, 81.0], [np.nan, np.nan]])
ser1 = Series([1, 2], index=mi1)
ser2 = Series([1, 2], index=mi2)
result1, result2 = ser1.align(ser2)
mi = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[81.0, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan]])
expected1 = Series([1, 2], index=mi)
expected2 = Series([2, 1], index=mi)
tm.assert_series_equal(result1, expected1)
tm.assert_series_equal(result2, expected2)
def test_nunique_smoke(self):
# GH 34019
n = DataFrame([[1, 2], [1, 2]]).set_index([0, 1]).index.nunique()
assert n == 1
def test_multiindex_repeated_keys(self):
# GH19414
Series([1, 2], MultiIndex.from_arrays([["a", "b"]])).loc[
["a", "a", "b", "b"]
Series([1, 1, 2, 2], MultiIndex.from_arrays([["a", "a", "b", "b"]])),
def test_multiindex_with_na_missing_key(self):
# GH46173
df = DataFrame.from_dict(
("foo",): [1, 2, 3],
("bar",): [5, 6, 7],
(None,): [8, 9, 0],
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="missing_key"):
def test_multiindex_dtype_preservation(self):
# GH51261
columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("A", "B")], names=["lvl1", "lvl2"])
df = DataFrame(["value"], columns=columns).astype("category")
df_no_multiindex = df["A"]
assert isinstance(df_no_multiindex["B"].dtype, CategoricalDtype)
# geopandas 1763 analogue
df = DataFrame(
[[1, 0], [0, 1]],
["foo", "foo"],
["location", "location"],
["x", "y"],
).assign(bools=Series([True, False], dtype="boolean"))
assert isinstance(df["bools"].dtype, BooleanDtype)
def test_multiindex_from_tuples_with_nan(self):
# GH#23578
result = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("a", "b", "c"), np.nan, ("d", "", "")])
expected = MultiIndex.from_tuples(
[("a", "b", "c"), (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan), ("d", "", "")]
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)