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2024-05-26 19:49:15 +02:00
import contextlib
import time
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pandas.compat import is_platform_windows
import pandas.util._test_decorators as td
from pandas import (
import pandas._testing as tm
from pandas.io.excel import ExcelWriter
from pandas.io.formats.excel import ExcelFormatter
# jinja2 is currently required for Styler.__init__(). Technically Styler.to_excel
# could compute styles and render to excel without jinja2, since there is no
# 'template' file, but this needs the import error to delayed until render time.
if is_platform_windows():
pytestmark = pytest.mark.single_cpu
def assert_equal_cell_styles(cell1, cell2):
# TODO: should find a better way to check equality
assert cell1.alignment.__dict__ == cell2.alignment.__dict__
assert cell1.border.__dict__ == cell2.border.__dict__
assert cell1.fill.__dict__ == cell2.fill.__dict__
assert cell1.font.__dict__ == cell2.font.__dict__
assert cell1.number_format == cell2.number_format
assert cell1.protection.__dict__ == cell2.protection.__dict__
["xlsxwriter", "openpyxl"],
def test_styler_to_excel_unstyled(engine):
# compare DataFrame.to_excel and Styler.to_excel when no styles applied
df = DataFrame(np.random.default_rng(2).standard_normal((2, 2)))
with tm.ensure_clean(".xlsx") as path:
with ExcelWriter(path, engine=engine) as writer:
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="dataframe")
df.style.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="unstyled")
openpyxl = pytest.importorskip("openpyxl") # test loading only with openpyxl
with contextlib.closing(openpyxl.load_workbook(path)) as wb:
for col1, col2 in zip(wb["dataframe"].columns, wb["unstyled"].columns):
assert len(col1) == len(col2)
for cell1, cell2 in zip(col1, col2):
assert cell1.value == cell2.value
assert_equal_cell_styles(cell1, cell2)
shared_style_params = [
"background-color: #111222",
["fill", "fgColor", "rgb"],
{"xlsxwriter": "FF111222", "openpyxl": "00111222"},
"color: #111222",
["font", "color", "value"],
{"xlsxwriter": "FF111222", "openpyxl": "00111222"},
("font-family: Arial;", ["font", "name"], "arial"),
("font-weight: bold;", ["font", "b"], True),
("font-style: italic;", ["font", "i"], True),
("text-decoration: underline;", ["font", "u"], "single"),
("number-format: $??,???.00;", ["number_format"], "$??,???.00"),
("text-align: left;", ["alignment", "horizontal"], "left"),
"vertical-align: bottom;",
["alignment", "vertical"],
{"xlsxwriter": None, "openpyxl": "bottom"}, # xlsxwriter Fails
("vertical-align: middle;", ["alignment", "vertical"], "center"),
# Border widths
("border-left: 2pt solid red", ["border", "left", "style"], "medium"),
("border-left: 1pt dotted red", ["border", "left", "style"], "dotted"),
("border-left: 2pt dotted red", ["border", "left", "style"], "mediumDashDotDot"),
("border-left: 1pt dashed red", ["border", "left", "style"], "dashed"),
("border-left: 2pt dashed red", ["border", "left", "style"], "mediumDashed"),
("border-left: 1pt solid red", ["border", "left", "style"], "thin"),
("border-left: 3pt solid red", ["border", "left", "style"], "thick"),
# Border expansion
"border-left: 2pt solid #111222",
["border", "left", "color", "rgb"],
{"xlsxwriter": "FF111222", "openpyxl": "00111222"},
("border: 1pt solid red", ["border", "top", "style"], "thin"),
"border: 1pt solid #111222",
["border", "top", "color", "rgb"],
{"xlsxwriter": "FF111222", "openpyxl": "00111222"},
("border: 1pt solid red", ["border", "right", "style"], "thin"),
"border: 1pt solid #111222",
["border", "right", "color", "rgb"],
{"xlsxwriter": "FF111222", "openpyxl": "00111222"},
("border: 1pt solid red", ["border", "bottom", "style"], "thin"),
"border: 1pt solid #111222",
["border", "bottom", "color", "rgb"],
{"xlsxwriter": "FF111222", "openpyxl": "00111222"},
("border: 1pt solid red", ["border", "left", "style"], "thin"),
"border: 1pt solid #111222",
["border", "left", "color", "rgb"],
{"xlsxwriter": "FF111222", "openpyxl": "00111222"},
# Border styles
"border-left-style: hair; border-left-color: black",
["border", "left", "style"],
["xlsxwriter", "openpyxl"],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("css, attrs, expected", shared_style_params)
def test_styler_to_excel_basic(engine, css, attrs, expected):
df = DataFrame(np.random.default_rng(2).standard_normal((1, 1)))
styler = df.style.map(lambda x: css)
with tm.ensure_clean(".xlsx") as path:
with ExcelWriter(path, engine=engine) as writer:
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="dataframe")
styler.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="styled")
openpyxl = pytest.importorskip("openpyxl") # test loading only with openpyxl
with contextlib.closing(openpyxl.load_workbook(path)) as wb:
# test unstyled data cell does not have expected styles
# test styled cell has expected styles
u_cell, s_cell = wb["dataframe"].cell(2, 2), wb["styled"].cell(2, 2)
for attr in attrs:
u_cell, s_cell = getattr(u_cell, attr, None), getattr(s_cell, attr)
if isinstance(expected, dict):
assert u_cell is None or u_cell != expected[engine]
assert s_cell == expected[engine]
assert u_cell is None or u_cell != expected
assert s_cell == expected
["xlsxwriter", "openpyxl"],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("css, attrs, expected", shared_style_params)
def test_styler_to_excel_basic_indexes(engine, css, attrs, expected):
df = DataFrame(np.random.default_rng(2).standard_normal((1, 1)))
styler = df.style
styler.map_index(lambda x: css, axis=0)
styler.map_index(lambda x: css, axis=1)
null_styler = df.style
null_styler.map(lambda x: "null: css;")
null_styler.map_index(lambda x: "null: css;", axis=0)
null_styler.map_index(lambda x: "null: css;", axis=1)
with tm.ensure_clean(".xlsx") as path:
with ExcelWriter(path, engine=engine) as writer:
null_styler.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="null_styled")
styler.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="styled")
openpyxl = pytest.importorskip("openpyxl") # test loading only with openpyxl
with contextlib.closing(openpyxl.load_workbook(path)) as wb:
# test null styled index cells does not have expected styles
# test styled cell has expected styles
ui_cell, si_cell = wb["null_styled"].cell(2, 1), wb["styled"].cell(2, 1)
uc_cell, sc_cell = wb["null_styled"].cell(1, 2), wb["styled"].cell(1, 2)
for attr in attrs:
ui_cell, si_cell = getattr(ui_cell, attr, None), getattr(si_cell, attr)
uc_cell, sc_cell = getattr(uc_cell, attr, None), getattr(sc_cell, attr)
if isinstance(expected, dict):
assert ui_cell is None or ui_cell != expected[engine]
assert si_cell == expected[engine]
assert uc_cell is None or uc_cell != expected[engine]
assert sc_cell == expected[engine]
assert ui_cell is None or ui_cell != expected
assert si_cell == expected
assert uc_cell is None or uc_cell != expected
assert sc_cell == expected
# From https://openpyxl.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/openpyxl.styles.borders.html
# Note: Leaving behavior of "width"-type styles undefined; user should use border-width
# instead
excel_border_styles = [
# "thin",
# "medium",
# "thick",
["xlsxwriter", "openpyxl"],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("border_style", excel_border_styles)
def test_styler_to_excel_border_style(engine, border_style):
css = f"border-left: {border_style} black thin"
attrs = ["border", "left", "style"]
expected = border_style
df = DataFrame(np.random.default_rng(2).standard_normal((1, 1)))
styler = df.style.map(lambda x: css)
with tm.ensure_clean(".xlsx") as path:
with ExcelWriter(path, engine=engine) as writer:
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="dataframe")
styler.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="styled")
openpyxl = pytest.importorskip("openpyxl") # test loading only with openpyxl
with contextlib.closing(openpyxl.load_workbook(path)) as wb:
# test unstyled data cell does not have expected styles
# test styled cell has expected styles
u_cell, s_cell = wb["dataframe"].cell(2, 2), wb["styled"].cell(2, 2)
for attr in attrs:
u_cell, s_cell = getattr(u_cell, attr, None), getattr(s_cell, attr)
if isinstance(expected, dict):
assert u_cell is None or u_cell != expected[engine]
assert s_cell == expected[engine]
assert u_cell is None or u_cell != expected
assert s_cell == expected
def test_styler_custom_converter():
openpyxl = pytest.importorskip("openpyxl")
def custom_converter(css):
return {"font": {"color": {"rgb": "111222"}}}
df = DataFrame(np.random.default_rng(2).standard_normal((1, 1)))
styler = df.style.map(lambda x: "color: #888999")
with tm.ensure_clean(".xlsx") as path:
with ExcelWriter(path, engine="openpyxl") as writer:
ExcelFormatter(styler, style_converter=custom_converter).write(
writer, sheet_name="custom"
with contextlib.closing(openpyxl.load_workbook(path)) as wb:
assert wb["custom"].cell(2, 2).font.color.value == "00111222"
def test_styler_to_s3(s3_public_bucket, s3so):
# GH#46381
mock_bucket_name, target_file = s3_public_bucket.name, "test.xlsx"
df = DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [2, 4, 6]})
styler = df.style.set_sticky(axis="index")
styler.to_excel(f"s3://{mock_bucket_name}/{target_file}", storage_options=s3so)
timeout = 5
while True:
if target_file in (obj.key for obj in s3_public_bucket.objects.all()):
timeout -= 0.1
assert timeout > 0, "Timed out waiting for file to appear on moto"
result = read_excel(
f"s3://{mock_bucket_name}/{target_file}", index_col=0, storage_options=s3so
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df)