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2024-05-26 19:49:15 +02:00
Module consolidating common testing functions for checking plotting.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
from pandas.core.dtypes.api import is_list_like
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series
import pandas._testing as tm
from collections.abc import Sequence
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
def _check_legend_labels(axes, labels=None, visible=True):
Check each axes has expected legend labels
axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like
labels : list-like
expected legend labels
visible : bool
expected legend visibility. labels are checked only when visible is
if visible and (labels is None):
raise ValueError("labels must be specified when visible is True")
axes = _flatten_visible(axes)
for ax in axes:
if visible:
assert ax.get_legend() is not None
_check_text_labels(ax.get_legend().get_texts(), labels)
assert ax.get_legend() is None
def _check_legend_marker(ax, expected_markers=None, visible=True):
Check ax has expected legend markers
ax : matplotlib Axes object
expected_markers : list-like
expected legend markers
visible : bool
expected legend visibility. labels are checked only when visible is
if visible and (expected_markers is None):
raise ValueError("Markers must be specified when visible is True")
if visible:
handles, _ = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
markers = [handle.get_marker() for handle in handles]
assert markers == expected_markers
assert ax.get_legend() is None
def _check_data(xp, rs):
Check each axes has identical lines
xp : matplotlib Axes object
rs : matplotlib Axes object
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xp_lines = xp.get_lines()
rs_lines = rs.get_lines()
assert len(xp_lines) == len(rs_lines)
for xpl, rsl in zip(xp_lines, rs_lines):
xpdata = xpl.get_xydata()
rsdata = rsl.get_xydata()
tm.assert_almost_equal(xpdata, rsdata)
def _check_visible(collections, visible=True):
Check each artist is visible or not
collections : matplotlib Artist or its list-like
target Artist or its list or collection
visible : bool
expected visibility
from matplotlib.collections import Collection
if not isinstance(collections, Collection) and not is_list_like(collections):
collections = [collections]
for patch in collections:
assert patch.get_visible() == visible
def _check_patches_all_filled(axes: Axes | Sequence[Axes], filled: bool = True) -> None:
Check for each artist whether it is filled or not
axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like
filled : bool
expected filling
axes = _flatten_visible(axes)
for ax in axes:
for patch in ax.patches:
assert patch.fill == filled
def _get_colors_mapped(series, colors):
unique = series.unique()
# unique and colors length can be differed
# depending on slice value
mapped = dict(zip(unique, colors))
return [mapped[v] for v in series.values]
def _check_colors(collections, linecolors=None, facecolors=None, mapping=None):
Check each artist has expected line colors and face colors
collections : list-like
list or collection of target artist
linecolors : list-like which has the same length as collections
list of expected line colors
facecolors : list-like which has the same length as collections
list of expected face colors
mapping : Series
Series used for color grouping key
used for andrew_curves, parallel_coordinates, radviz test
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib.collections import (
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
conv = colors.ColorConverter
if linecolors is not None:
if mapping is not None:
linecolors = _get_colors_mapped(mapping, linecolors)
linecolors = linecolors[: len(collections)]
assert len(collections) == len(linecolors)
for patch, color in zip(collections, linecolors):
if isinstance(patch, Line2D):
result = patch.get_color()
# Line2D may contains string color expression
result = conv.to_rgba(result)
elif isinstance(patch, (PolyCollection, LineCollection)):
result = tuple(patch.get_edgecolor()[0])
result = patch.get_edgecolor()
expected = conv.to_rgba(color)
assert result == expected
if facecolors is not None:
if mapping is not None:
facecolors = _get_colors_mapped(mapping, facecolors)
facecolors = facecolors[: len(collections)]
assert len(collections) == len(facecolors)
for patch, color in zip(collections, facecolors):
if isinstance(patch, Collection):
# returned as list of np.array
result = patch.get_facecolor()[0]
result = patch.get_facecolor()
if isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
result = tuple(result)
expected = conv.to_rgba(color)
assert result == expected
def _check_text_labels(texts, expected):
Check each text has expected labels
texts : matplotlib Text object, or its list-like
target text, or its list
expected : str or list-like which has the same length as texts
expected text label, or its list
if not is_list_like(texts):
assert texts.get_text() == expected
labels = [t.get_text() for t in texts]
assert len(labels) == len(expected)
for label, e in zip(labels, expected):
assert label == e
def _check_ticks_props(axes, xlabelsize=None, xrot=None, ylabelsize=None, yrot=None):
Check each axes has expected tick properties
axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like
xlabelsize : number
expected xticks font size
xrot : number
expected xticks rotation
ylabelsize : number
expected yticks font size
yrot : number
expected yticks rotation
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
axes = _flatten_visible(axes)
for ax in axes:
if xlabelsize is not None or xrot is not None:
if isinstance(ax.xaxis.get_minor_formatter(), NullFormatter):
# If minor ticks has NullFormatter, rot / fontsize are not
# retained
labels = ax.get_xticklabels()
labels = ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_xticklabels(minor=True)
for label in labels:
if xlabelsize is not None:
tm.assert_almost_equal(label.get_fontsize(), xlabelsize)
if xrot is not None:
tm.assert_almost_equal(label.get_rotation(), xrot)
if ylabelsize is not None or yrot is not None:
if isinstance(ax.yaxis.get_minor_formatter(), NullFormatter):
labels = ax.get_yticklabels()
labels = ax.get_yticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(minor=True)
for label in labels:
if ylabelsize is not None:
tm.assert_almost_equal(label.get_fontsize(), ylabelsize)
if yrot is not None:
tm.assert_almost_equal(label.get_rotation(), yrot)
def _check_ax_scales(axes, xaxis="linear", yaxis="linear"):
Check each axes has expected scales
axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like
xaxis : {'linear', 'log'}
expected xaxis scale
yaxis : {'linear', 'log'}
expected yaxis scale
axes = _flatten_visible(axes)
for ax in axes:
assert ax.xaxis.get_scale() == xaxis
assert ax.yaxis.get_scale() == yaxis
def _check_axes_shape(axes, axes_num=None, layout=None, figsize=None):
Check expected number of axes is drawn in expected layout
axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like
axes_num : number
expected number of axes. Unnecessary axes should be set to
layout : tuple
expected layout, (expected number of rows , columns)
figsize : tuple
expected figsize. default is matplotlib default
from pandas.plotting._matplotlib.tools import flatten_axes
if figsize is None:
figsize = (6.4, 4.8)
visible_axes = _flatten_visible(axes)
if axes_num is not None:
assert len(visible_axes) == axes_num
for ax in visible_axes:
# check something drawn on visible axes
assert len(ax.get_children()) > 0
if layout is not None:
x_set = set()
y_set = set()
for ax in flatten_axes(axes):
# check axes coordinates to estimate layout
points = ax.get_position().get_points()
result = (len(y_set), len(x_set))
assert result == layout
np.array(figsize, dtype=np.float64),
def _flatten_visible(axes: Axes | Sequence[Axes]) -> Sequence[Axes]:
Flatten axes, and filter only visible
axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like
from pandas.plotting._matplotlib.tools import flatten_axes
axes_ndarray = flatten_axes(axes)
axes = [ax for ax in axes_ndarray if ax.get_visible()]
return axes
def _check_has_errorbars(axes, xerr=0, yerr=0):
Check axes has expected number of errorbars
axes : matplotlib Axes object, or its list-like
xerr : number
expected number of x errorbar
yerr : number
expected number of y errorbar
axes = _flatten_visible(axes)
for ax in axes:
containers = ax.containers
xerr_count = 0
yerr_count = 0
for c in containers:
has_xerr = getattr(c, "has_xerr", False)
has_yerr = getattr(c, "has_yerr", False)
if has_xerr:
xerr_count += 1
if has_yerr:
yerr_count += 1
assert xerr == xerr_count
assert yerr == yerr_count
def _check_box_return_type(
returned, return_type, expected_keys=None, check_ax_title=True
Check box returned type is correct
returned : object to be tested, returned from boxplot
return_type : str
return_type passed to boxplot
expected_keys : list-like, optional
group labels in subplot case. If not passed,
the function checks assuming boxplot uses single ax
check_ax_title : bool
Whether to check the ax.title is the same as expected_key
Intended to be checked by calling from ``boxplot``.
Normal ``plot`` doesn't attach ``ax.title``, it must be disabled.
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
types = {"dict": dict, "axes": Axes, "both": tuple}
if expected_keys is None:
# should be fixed when the returning default is changed
if return_type is None:
return_type = "dict"
assert isinstance(returned, types[return_type])
if return_type == "both":
assert isinstance(returned.ax, Axes)
assert isinstance(returned.lines, dict)
# should be fixed when the returning default is changed
if return_type is None:
for r in _flatten_visible(returned):
assert isinstance(r, Axes)
assert isinstance(returned, Series)
assert sorted(returned.keys()) == sorted(expected_keys)
for key, value in returned.items():
assert isinstance(value, types[return_type])
# check returned dict has correct mapping
if return_type == "axes":
if check_ax_title:
assert value.get_title() == key
elif return_type == "both":
if check_ax_title:
assert value.ax.get_title() == key
assert isinstance(value.ax, Axes)
assert isinstance(value.lines, dict)
elif return_type == "dict":
line = value["medians"][0]
axes = line.axes
if check_ax_title:
assert axes.get_title() == key
raise AssertionError
def _check_grid_settings(obj, kinds, kws={}):
# Make sure plot defaults to rcParams['axes.grid'] setting, GH 9792
import matplotlib as mpl
def is_grid_on():
xticks = mpl.pyplot.gca().xaxis.get_major_ticks()
yticks = mpl.pyplot.gca().yaxis.get_major_ticks()
xoff = all(not g.gridline.get_visible() for g in xticks)
yoff = all(not g.gridline.get_visible() for g in yticks)
return not (xoff and yoff)
spndx = 1
for kind in kinds:
mpl.pyplot.subplot(1, 4 * len(kinds), spndx)
spndx += 1
mpl.rc("axes", grid=False)
obj.plot(kind=kind, **kws)
assert not is_grid_on()
mpl.pyplot.subplot(1, 4 * len(kinds), spndx)
spndx += 1
mpl.rc("axes", grid=True)
obj.plot(kind=kind, grid=False, **kws)
assert not is_grid_on()
if kind not in ["pie", "hexbin", "scatter"]:
mpl.pyplot.subplot(1, 4 * len(kinds), spndx)
spndx += 1
mpl.rc("axes", grid=True)
obj.plot(kind=kind, **kws)
assert is_grid_on()
mpl.pyplot.subplot(1, 4 * len(kinds), spndx)
spndx += 1
mpl.rc("axes", grid=False)
obj.plot(kind=kind, grid=True, **kws)
assert is_grid_on()
def _unpack_cycler(rcParams, field="color"):
Auxiliary function for correctly unpacking cycler after MPL >= 1.5
return [v[field] for v in rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]]
def get_x_axis(ax):
return ax._shared_axes["x"]
def get_y_axis(ax):
return ax._shared_axes["y"]
def _check_plot_works(f, default_axes=False, **kwargs):
Create plot and ensure that plot return object is valid.
f : func
Plotting function.
default_axes : bool, optional
If False (default):
- If `ax` not in `kwargs`, then create subplot(211) and plot there
- Create new subplot(212) and plot there as well
- Mind special corner case for bootstrap_plot (see `_gen_two_subplots`)
If True:
- Simply run plotting function with kwargs provided
- All required axes instances will be created automatically
- It is recommended to use it when the plotting function
creates multiple axes itself. It helps avoid warnings like
'UserWarning: To output multiple subplots,
the figure containing the passed axes is being cleared'
Keyword arguments passed to the plotting function.
Plot object returned by the last plotting.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if default_axes:
gen_plots = _gen_default_plot
gen_plots = _gen_two_subplots
ret = None
fig = kwargs.get("figure", plt.gcf())
for ret in gen_plots(f, fig, **kwargs):
return ret
def _gen_default_plot(f, fig, **kwargs):
Create plot in a default way.
yield f(**kwargs)
def _gen_two_subplots(f, fig, **kwargs):
Create plot on two subplots forcefully created.
if "ax" not in kwargs:
yield f(**kwargs)
if f is pd.plotting.bootstrap_plot:
assert "ax" not in kwargs
kwargs["ax"] = fig.add_subplot(212)
yield f(**kwargs)