321 lines
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321 lines
13 KiB
# `_elementwise_iterative_method.py` includes tools for writing functions that
# - are vectorized to work elementwise on arrays,
# - implement non-trivial, iterative algorithms with a callback interface, and
# - return rich objects with iteration count, termination status, etc.
# Examples include:
# `scipy.optimize._chandrupatla._chandrupatla for scalar rootfinding,
# `scipy.optimize._chandrupatla._chandrupatla_minimize for scalar minimization,
# `scipy.optimize._differentiate._differentiate for numerical differentiation,
# `scipy.optimize._bracket._bracket_root for finding rootfinding brackets,
# `scipy.optimize._bracket._bracket_minimize for finding minimization brackets,
# `scipy.integrate._tanhsinh._tanhsinh` for numerical quadrature.
import numpy as np
from ._util import _RichResult, _call_callback_maybe_halt
def _initialize(func, xs, args, complex_ok=False, preserve_shape=None):
"""Initialize abscissa, function, and args arrays for elementwise function
func : callable
An elementwise function with signature
func(x: ndarray, *args) -> ndarray
where each element of ``x`` is a finite real and ``args`` is a tuple,
which may contain an arbitrary number of arrays that are broadcastable
with ``x``.
xs : tuple of arrays
Finite real abscissa arrays. Must be broadcastable.
args : tuple, optional
Additional positional arguments to be passed to `func`.
preserve_shape : bool, default:False
When ``preserve_shape=False`` (default), `func` may be passed
arguments of any shape; `_scalar_optimization_loop` is permitted
to reshape and compress arguments at will. When
``preserve_shape=False``, arguments passed to `func` must have shape
`shape` or ``shape + (n,)``, where ``n`` is any integer.
xs, fs, args : tuple of arrays
Broadcasted, writeable, 1D abscissa and function value arrays (or
NumPy floats, if appropriate). The dtypes of the `xs` and `fs` are
`xfat`; the dtype of the `args` are unchanged.
shape : tuple of ints
Original shape of broadcasted arrays.
xfat : NumPy dtype
Result dtype of abscissae, function values, and args determined using
`np.result_type`, except integer types are promoted to `np.float64`.
If the result dtype is not that of a real scalar
Useful for initializing the input of SciPy functions that accept
an elementwise callable, abscissae, and arguments; e.g.
nx = len(xs)
# Try to preserve `dtype`, but we need to ensure that the arguments are at
# least floats before passing them into the function; integers can overflow
# and cause failure.
# There might be benefit to combining the `xs` into a single array and
# calling `func` once on the combined array. For now, keep them separate.
xas = np.broadcast_arrays(*xs, *args) # broadcast and rename
xat = np.result_type(*[xa.dtype for xa in xas])
xat = np.float64 if np.issubdtype(xat, np.integer) else xat
xs, args = xas[:nx], xas[nx:]
xs = [x.astype(xat, copy=False)[()] for x in xs]
fs = [np.asarray(func(x, *args)) for x in xs]
shape = xs[0].shape
fshape = fs[0].shape
if preserve_shape:
# bind original shape/func now to avoid late-binding gotcha
def func(x, *args, shape=shape, func=func, **kwargs):
i = (0,)*(len(fshape) - len(shape))
return func(x[i], *args, **kwargs)
shape = np.broadcast_shapes(fshape, shape)
xs = [np.broadcast_to(x, shape) for x in xs]
args = [np.broadcast_to(arg, shape) for arg in args]
message = ("The shape of the array returned by `func` must be the same as "
"the broadcasted shape of `x` and all other `args`.")
if preserve_shape is not None: # only in tanhsinh for now
message = f"When `preserve_shape=False`, {message.lower()}"
shapes_equal = [f.shape == shape for f in fs]
if not np.all(shapes_equal):
raise ValueError(message)
# These algorithms tend to mix the dtypes of the abscissae and function
# values, so figure out what the result will be and convert them all to
# that type from the outset.
xfat = np.result_type(*([f.dtype for f in fs] + [xat]))
if not complex_ok and not np.issubdtype(xfat, np.floating):
raise ValueError("Abscissae and function output must be real numbers.")
xs = [x.astype(xfat, copy=True)[()] for x in xs]
fs = [f.astype(xfat, copy=True)[()] for f in fs]
# To ensure that we can do indexing, we'll work with at least 1d arrays,
# but remember the appropriate shape of the output.
xs = [x.ravel() for x in xs]
fs = [f.ravel() for f in fs]
args = [arg.flatten() for arg in args]
return func, xs, fs, args, shape, xfat
def _loop(work, callback, shape, maxiter, func, args, dtype, pre_func_eval,
post_func_eval, check_termination, post_termination_check,
customize_result, res_work_pairs, preserve_shape=False):
"""Main loop of a vectorized scalar optimization algorithm
work : _RichResult
All variables that need to be retained between iterations. Must
contain attributes `nit`, `nfev`, and `success`
callback : callable
User-specified callback function
shape : tuple of ints
The shape of all output arrays
maxiter :
Maximum number of iterations of the algorithm
func : callable
The user-specified callable that is being optimized or solved
args : tuple
Additional positional arguments to be passed to `func`.
dtype : NumPy dtype
The common dtype of all abscissae and function values
pre_func_eval : callable
A function that accepts `work` and returns `x`, the active elements
of `x` at which `func` will be evaluated. May modify attributes
of `work` with any algorithmic steps that need to happen
at the beginning of an iteration, before `func` is evaluated,
post_func_eval : callable
A function that accepts `x`, `func(x)`, and `work`. May modify
attributes of `work` with any algorithmic steps that need to happen
in the middle of an iteration, after `func` is evaluated but before
the termination check.
check_termination : callable
A function that accepts `work` and returns `stop`, a boolean array
indicating which of the active elements have met a termination
post_termination_check : callable
A function that accepts `work`. May modify `work` with any algorithmic
steps that need to happen after the termination check and before the
end of the iteration.
customize_result : callable
A function that accepts `res` and `shape` and returns `shape`. May
modify `res` (in-place) according to preferences (e.g. rearrange
elements between attributes) and modify `shape` if needed.
res_work_pairs : list of (str, str)
Identifies correspondence between attributes of `res` and attributes
of `work`; i.e., attributes of active elements of `work` will be
copied to the appropriate indices of `res` when appropriate. The order
determines the order in which _RichResult attributes will be
res : _RichResult
The final result object
Besides providing structure, this framework provides several important
services for a vectorized optimization algorithm.
- It handles common tasks involving iteration count, function evaluation
count, a user-specified callback, and associated termination conditions.
- It compresses the attributes of `work` to eliminate unnecessary
computation on elements that have already converged.
cb_terminate = False
# Initialize the result object and active element index array
n_elements = int(np.prod(shape))
active = np.arange(n_elements) # in-progress element indices
res_dict = {i: np.zeros(n_elements, dtype=dtype) for i, j in res_work_pairs}
res_dict['success'] = np.zeros(n_elements, dtype=bool)
res_dict['status'] = np.full(n_elements, _EINPROGRESS)
res_dict['nit'] = np.zeros(n_elements, dtype=int)
res_dict['nfev'] = np.zeros(n_elements, dtype=int)
res = _RichResult(res_dict)
work.args = args
active = _check_termination(work, res, res_work_pairs, active,
check_termination, preserve_shape)
if callback is not None:
temp = _prepare_result(work, res, res_work_pairs, active, shape,
customize_result, preserve_shape)
if _call_callback_maybe_halt(callback, temp):
cb_terminate = True
while work.nit < maxiter and active.size and not cb_terminate and n_elements:
x = pre_func_eval(work)
if work.args and work.args[0].ndim != x.ndim:
# `x` always starts as 1D. If the SciPy function that uses
# _loop added dimensions to `x`, we need to
# add them to the elements of `args`.
dims = np.arange(x.ndim, dtype=np.int64)
work.args = [np.expand_dims(arg, tuple(dims[arg.ndim:]))
for arg in work.args]
x_shape = x.shape
if preserve_shape:
x = x.reshape(shape + (-1,))
f = func(x, *work.args)
f = np.asarray(f, dtype=dtype)
if preserve_shape:
x = x.reshape(x_shape)
f = f.reshape(x_shape)
work.nfev += 1 if x.ndim == 1 else x.shape[-1]
post_func_eval(x, f, work)
work.nit += 1
active = _check_termination(work, res, res_work_pairs, active,
check_termination, preserve_shape)
if callback is not None:
temp = _prepare_result(work, res, res_work_pairs, active, shape,
customize_result, preserve_shape)
if _call_callback_maybe_halt(callback, temp):
cb_terminate = True
if active.size == 0:
work.status[:] = _ECALLBACK if cb_terminate else _ECONVERR
return _prepare_result(work, res, res_work_pairs, active, shape,
customize_result, preserve_shape)
def _check_termination(work, res, res_work_pairs, active, check_termination,
# Checks termination conditions, updates elements of `res` with
# corresponding elements of `work`, and compresses `work`.
stop = check_termination(work)
if np.any(stop):
# update the active elements of the result object with the active
# elements for which a termination condition has been met
_update_active(work, res, res_work_pairs, active, stop, preserve_shape)
if preserve_shape:
stop = stop[active]
proceed = ~stop
active = active[proceed]
if not preserve_shape:
# compress the arrays to avoid unnecessary computation
for key, val in work.items():
work[key] = val[proceed] if isinstance(val, np.ndarray) else val
work.args = [arg[proceed] for arg in work.args]
return active
def _update_active(work, res, res_work_pairs, active, mask, preserve_shape):
# Update `active` indices of the arrays in result object `res` with the
# contents of the scalars and arrays in `update_dict`. When provided,
# `mask` is a boolean array applied both to the arrays in `update_dict`
# that are to be used and to the arrays in `res` that are to be updated.
update_dict = {key1: work[key2] for key1, key2 in res_work_pairs}
update_dict['success'] = work.status == 0
if mask is not None:
if preserve_shape:
active_mask = np.zeros_like(mask)
active_mask[active] = 1
active_mask = active_mask & mask
for key, val in update_dict.items():
res[key][active_mask] = (val[active_mask] if np.size(val) > 1
else val)
active_mask = active[mask]
for key, val in update_dict.items():
res[key][active_mask] = val[mask] if np.size(val) > 1 else val
for key, val in update_dict.items():
if preserve_shape and not np.isscalar(val):
val = val[active]
res[key][active] = val
def _prepare_result(work, res, res_work_pairs, active, shape, customize_result,
# Prepare the result object `res` by creating a copy, copying the latest
# data from work, running the provided result customization function,
# and reshaping the data to the original shapes.
res = res.copy()
_update_active(work, res, res_work_pairs, active, None, preserve_shape)
shape = customize_result(res, shape)
for key, val in res.items():
res[key] = np.reshape(val, shape)[()]
res['_order_keys'] = ['success'] + [i for i, j in res_work_pairs]
return _RichResult(**res)