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import pytest
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (assert_array_equal, assert_allclose,
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.stats.sampling import FastGeneratorInversion
from scipy import stats
def test_bad_args():
# loc and scale must be scalar
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="loc must be scalar"):
FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(loc=(1.2, 1.3)))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="scale must be scalar"):
FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(scale=[1.5, 5.7]))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="'test' cannot be used to seed"):
FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(), random_state="test")
msg = "Each of the 1 shape parameters must be a scalar"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
FastGeneratorInversion(stats.gamma([1.3, 2.5]))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`dist` must be a frozen"):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Distribution 'truncnorm' is not"):
FastGeneratorInversion(stats.truncnorm(1.3, 4.5))
def test_random_state():
# fixed seed
gen = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(), random_state=68734509)
x1 = gen.rvs(size=10)
gen.random_state = 68734509
x2 = gen.rvs(size=10)
assert_array_equal(x1, x2)
# Generator
urng = np.random.default_rng(20375857)
gen = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(), random_state=urng)
x1 = gen.rvs(size=10)
gen.random_state = np.random.default_rng(20375857)
x2 = gen.rvs(size=10)
assert_array_equal(x1, x2)
# RandomState
urng = np.random.RandomState(2364)
gen = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(), random_state=urng)
x1 = gen.rvs(size=10)
gen.random_state = np.random.RandomState(2364)
x2 = gen.rvs(size=10)
assert_array_equal(x1, x2)
# if evaluate_error is called, it must not interfere with the random_state
# used by rvs
gen = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(), random_state=68734509)
x1 = gen.rvs(size=10)
_ = gen.evaluate_error(size=5) # this will generate 5 uniform rvs
x2 = gen.rvs(size=10)
gen.random_state = 68734509
x3 = gen.rvs(size=20)
assert_array_equal(x2, x3[10:])
dists_with_params = [
("alpha", (3.5,)),
("anglit", ()),
("argus", (3.5,)),
("argus", (5.1,)),
("beta", (1.5, 0.9)),
("cosine", ()),
("betaprime", (2.5, 3.3)),
("bradford", (1.2,)),
("burr", (1.3, 2.4)),
("burr12", (0.7, 1.2)),
("cauchy", ()),
("chi2", (3.5,)),
("chi", (4.5,)),
("crystalball", (0.7, 1.2)),
("expon", ()),
("gamma", (1.5,)),
("gennorm", (2.7,)),
("gumbel_l", ()),
("gumbel_r", ()),
("hypsecant", ()),
("invgauss", (3.1,)),
("invweibull", (1.5,)),
("laplace", ()),
("logistic", ()),
("maxwell", ()),
("moyal", ()),
("norm", ()),
("pareto", (1.3,)),
("powerlaw", (7.6,)),
("rayleigh", ()),
("semicircular", ()),
("t", (5.7,)),
("wald", ()),
("weibull_max", (2.4,)),
("weibull_min", (1.2,)),
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("distname, args"), dists_with_params)
def test_rvs_and_ppf(distname, args):
# check sample against rvs generated by rv_continuous
urng = np.random.default_rng(9807324628097097)
rng1 = getattr(stats, distname)(*args)
rvs1 = rng1.rvs(size=500, random_state=urng)
rng2 = FastGeneratorInversion(rng1, random_state=urng)
rvs2 = rng2.rvs(size=500)
assert stats.cramervonmises_2samp(rvs1, rvs2).pvalue > 0.01
# check ppf
q = [0.001, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.999]
assert_allclose(rng1.ppf(q), rng2.ppf(q), atol=1e-10)
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("distname, args"), dists_with_params)
def test_u_error(distname, args):
# check sample against rvs generated by rv_continuous
dist = getattr(stats, distname)(*args)
with suppress_warnings() as sup:
# filter the warnings thrown by UNU.RAN
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(dist)
u_error, x_error = rng.evaluate_error(
size=10_000, random_state=9807324628097097, x_error=False
assert u_error <= 1e-10
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="geninvgauss CDF is not accurate")
def test_geninvgauss_uerror():
dist = stats.geninvgauss(3.2, 1.5)
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(dist)
err = rng.evaluate_error(size=10_000, random_state=67982)
assert err[0] < 1e-10
# TODO: add more distributions
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("distname, args"), [("beta", (0.11, 0.11))])
def test_error_extreme_params(distname, args):
# take extreme parameters where u-error might not be below the tolerance
# due to limitations of floating point arithmetic
with suppress_warnings() as sup:
# filter the warnings thrown by UNU.RAN for such extreme parameters
dist = getattr(stats, distname)(*args)
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(dist)
u_error, x_error = rng.evaluate_error(
size=10_000, random_state=980732462809709732623, x_error=True
if u_error >= 2.5 * 1e-10:
assert x_error < 1e-9
def test_evaluate_error_inputs():
gen = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm())
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="size must be an integer"):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="size must be an integer"):
gen.evaluate_error(size=(3, 3))
def test_rvs_ppf_loc_scale():
loc, scale = 3.5, 2.3
dist = stats.norm(loc=loc, scale=scale)
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(dist, random_state=1234)
r = rng.rvs(size=1000)
r_rescaled = (r - loc) / scale
assert stats.cramervonmises(r_rescaled, "norm").pvalue > 0.01
q = [0.001, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.999]
assert_allclose(rng._ppf(q), rng.ppf(q), atol=1e-10)
def test_domain():
# only a basic check that the domain argument is passed to the
# UNU.RAN generators
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(), domain=(-1, 1))
r = rng.rvs(size=100)
assert -1 <= r.min() < r.max() <= 1
# if loc and scale are used, new domain is loc + scale*domain
loc, scale = 3.5, 1.3
dist = stats.norm(loc=loc, scale=scale)
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(dist, domain=(-1.5, 2))
r = rng.rvs(size=100)
lb, ub = loc - scale * 1.5, loc + scale * 2
assert lb <= r.min() < r.max() <= ub
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("distname, args, expected"),
[("beta", (3.5, 2.5), (0, 1)),
("norm", (), (-np.inf, np.inf))])
def test_support(distname, args, expected):
# test that the support is updated if truncation and loc/scale are applied
# use beta distribution since it is a transformed betaprime distribution,
# so it is important that the correct support is considered
# (i.e., the support of beta is (0,1), while betaprime is (0, inf))
dist = getattr(stats, distname)(*args)
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(dist)
assert_array_equal(rng.support(), expected)
rng.loc = 1
rng.scale = 2
assert_array_equal(rng.support(), 1 + 2*np.array(expected))
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("distname, args"),
[("beta", (3.5, 2.5)), ("norm", ())])
def test_support_truncation(distname, args):
# similar test for truncation
dist = getattr(stats, distname)(*args)
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(dist, domain=(0.5, 0.7))
assert_array_equal(rng.support(), (0.5, 0.7))
rng.loc = 1
rng.scale = 2
assert_array_equal(rng.support(), (1 + 2 * 0.5, 1 + 2 * 0.7))
def test_domain_shift_truncation():
# center of norm is zero, it should be shifted to the left endpoint of
# domain. if this was not the case, PINV in UNURAN would raise a warning
# as the center is not inside the domain
with warnings.catch_warnings():
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(), domain=(1, 2))
r = rng.rvs(size=100)
assert 1 <= r.min() < r.max() <= 2
def test_non_rvs_methods_with_domain():
# as a first step, compare truncated normal against stats.truncnorm
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(), domain=(2.3, 3.2))
trunc_norm = stats.truncnorm(2.3, 3.2)
# take values that are inside and outside the domain
x = (2.0, 2.4, 3.0, 3.4)
p = (0.01, 0.5, 0.99)
assert_allclose(rng._cdf(x), trunc_norm.cdf(x))
assert_allclose(rng._ppf(p), trunc_norm.ppf(p))
loc, scale = 2, 3
rng.loc = 2
rng.scale = 3
trunc_norm = stats.truncnorm(2.3, 3.2, loc=loc, scale=scale)
x = np.array(x) * scale + loc
assert_allclose(rng._cdf(x), trunc_norm.cdf(x))
assert_allclose(rng._ppf(p), trunc_norm.ppf(p))
# do another sanity check with beta distribution
# in that case, it is important to use the correct domain since beta
# is a transformation of betaprime which has a different support
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.beta(2.5, 3.5), domain=(0.3, 0.7))
rng.loc = 2
rng.scale = 2.5
# the support is 2.75, , 3.75 (2 + 2.5 * 0.3, 2 + 2.5 * 0.7)
assert_array_equal(rng.support(), (2.75, 3.75))
x = np.array([2.74, 2.76, 3.74, 3.76])
# the cdf needs to be zero outside of the domain
y_cdf = rng._cdf(x)
assert_array_equal((y_cdf[0], y_cdf[3]), (0, 1))
assert np.min(y_cdf[1:3]) > 0
# ppf needs to map 0 and 1 to the boundaries
assert_allclose(rng._ppf(y_cdf), (2.75, 2.76, 3.74, 3.75))
def test_non_rvs_methods_without_domain():
norm_dist = stats.norm()
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(norm_dist)
x = np.linspace(-3, 3, num=10)
p = (0.01, 0.5, 0.99)
assert_allclose(rng._cdf(x), norm_dist.cdf(x))
assert_allclose(rng._ppf(p), norm_dist.ppf(p))
loc, scale = 0.5, 1.3
rng.loc = loc
rng.scale = scale
norm_dist = stats.norm(loc=loc, scale=scale)
assert_allclose(rng._cdf(x), norm_dist.cdf(x))
assert_allclose(rng._ppf(p), norm_dist.ppf(p))
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("domain, x"),
[(None, 0.5),
((0, 1), 0.5),
((0, 1), 1.5)])
def test_scalar_inputs(domain, x):
""" pdf, cdf etc should map scalar values to scalars. check with and
w/o domain since domain impacts pdf, cdf etc
Take x inside and outside of domain """
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(), domain=domain)
assert np.isscalar(rng._cdf(x))
assert np.isscalar(rng._ppf(0.5))
def test_domain_argus_large_chi():
# for large chi, the Gamma distribution is used and the domain has to be
# transformed. this is a test to ensure that the transformation works
chi, lb, ub = 5.5, 0.25, 0.75
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.argus(chi), domain=(lb, ub))
rng.random_state = 4574
r = rng.rvs(size=500)
assert lb <= r.min() < r.max() <= ub
# perform goodness of fit test with conditional cdf
cdf = stats.argus(chi).cdf
prob = cdf(ub) - cdf(lb)
assert stats.cramervonmises(r, lambda x: cdf(x) / prob).pvalue > 0.05
def test_setting_loc_scale():
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm(), random_state=765765864)
r1 = rng.rvs(size=1000)
rng.loc = 3.0
rng.scale = 2.5
r2 = rng.rvs(1000)
# rescaled r2 should be again standard normal
assert stats.cramervonmises_2samp(r1, (r2 - 3) / 2.5).pvalue > 0.05
# reset values to default loc=0, scale=1
rng.loc = 0
rng.scale = 1
r2 = rng.rvs(1000)
assert stats.cramervonmises_2samp(r1, r2).pvalue > 0.05
def test_ignore_shape_range():
msg = "No generator is defined for the shape parameters"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.t(0.03))
rng = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.t(0.03), ignore_shape_range=True)
# we can ignore the recommended range of shape parameters
# but u-error can be expected to be too large in that case
u_err, _ = rng.evaluate_error(size=1000, random_state=234)
assert u_err >= 1e-6
"NumericalInversePolynomial.qrvs fails for Win 32-bit"
class TestQRVS:
def test_input_validation(self):
gen = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm())
match = "`qmc_engine` must be an instance of..."
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=match):
match = "`d` must be consistent with dimension of `qmc_engine`."
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=match):
gen.qrvs(d=3, qmc_engine=stats.qmc.Halton(2))
qrngs = [None, stats.qmc.Sobol(1, seed=0), stats.qmc.Halton(3, seed=0)]
# `size=None` should not add anything to the shape, `size=1` should
sizes = [
(None, tuple()),
(1, (1,)),
(4, (4,)),
((4,), (4,)),
((2, 4), (2, 4)),
# Neither `d=None` nor `d=1` should add anything to the shape
ds = [(None, tuple()), (1, tuple()), (3, (3,))]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("qrng", qrngs)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("size_in, size_out", sizes)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("d_in, d_out", ds)
def test_QRVS_shape_consistency(self, qrng, size_in, size_out,
d_in, d_out):
gen = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm())
# If d and qrng.d are inconsistent, an error is raised
if d_in is not None and qrng is not None and qrng.d != d_in:
match = "`d` must be consistent with dimension of `qmc_engine`."
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=match):
gen.qrvs(size_in, d=d_in, qmc_engine=qrng)
# Sometimes d is really determined by qrng
if d_in is None and qrng is not None and qrng.d != 1:
d_out = (qrng.d,)
shape_expected = size_out + d_out
qrng2 = deepcopy(qrng)
qrvs = gen.qrvs(size=size_in, d=d_in, qmc_engine=qrng)
if size_in is not None:
assert qrvs.shape == shape_expected
if qrng2 is not None:
uniform = qrng2.random(np.prod(size_in) or 1)
qrvs2 = stats.norm.ppf(uniform).reshape(shape_expected)
assert_allclose(qrvs, qrvs2, atol=1e-12)
def test_QRVS_size_tuple(self):
# QMCEngine samples are always of shape (n, d). When `size` is a tuple,
# we set `n = prod(size)` in the call to qmc_engine.random, transform
# the sample, and reshape it to the final dimensions. When we reshape,
# we need to be careful, because the _columns_ of the sample returned
# by a QMCEngine are "independent"-ish, but the elements within the
# columns are not. We need to make sure that this doesn't get mixed up
# by reshaping: qrvs[..., i] should remain "independent"-ish of
# qrvs[..., i+1], but the elements within qrvs[..., i] should be
# transformed from the same low-discrepancy sequence.
gen = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.norm())
size = (3, 4)
d = 5
qrng = stats.qmc.Halton(d, seed=0)
qrng2 = stats.qmc.Halton(d, seed=0)
uniform = qrng2.random(np.prod(size))
qrvs = gen.qrvs(size=size, d=d, qmc_engine=qrng)
qrvs2 = stats.norm.ppf(uniform)
for i in range(d):
sample = qrvs[..., i]
sample2 = qrvs2[:, i].reshape(size)
assert_allclose(sample, sample2, atol=1e-12)
def test_burr_overflow():
# this case leads to an overflow error if math.exp is used
# in the definition of the burr pdf instead of np.exp
# a direct implementation of the PDF as x**(-c-1) / (1+x**(-c))**(d+1)
# also leads to an overflow error in the setup
args = (1.89128135, 0.30195177)
with suppress_warnings() as sup:
# filter potential overflow warning
gen = FastGeneratorInversion(stats.burr(*args))
u_error, _ = gen.evaluate_error(random_state=4326)
assert u_error <= 1e-10