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2024-05-26 19:49:15 +02:00
# Author: Peter Prettenhofer <peter.prettenhofer@gmail.com>
# Olivier Grisel <olivier.grisel@ensta.org>
# Lars Buitinck
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
from cython cimport floating
from cython.parallel cimport prange
from libc.math cimport sqrt
from ..utils.extmath import row_norms
# Number of samples per data chunk defined as a global constant.
cdef floating _euclidean_dense_dense(
const floating* a, # IN
const floating* b, # IN
int n_features,
bint squared
) noexcept nogil:
"""Euclidean distance between a dense and b dense"""
int i
int n = n_features // 4
int rem = n_features % 4
floating result = 0
# We manually unroll the loop for better cache optimization.
for i in range(n):
result += (
(a[0] - b[0]) * (a[0] - b[0]) +
(a[1] - b[1]) * (a[1] - b[1]) +
(a[2] - b[2]) * (a[2] - b[2]) +
(a[3] - b[3]) * (a[3] - b[3])
a += 4
b += 4
for i in range(rem):
result += (a[i] - b[i]) * (a[i] - b[i])
return result if squared else sqrt(result)
def _euclidean_dense_dense_wrapper(
const floating[::1] a,
const floating[::1] b,
bint squared
"""Wrapper of _euclidean_dense_dense for testing purpose"""
return _euclidean_dense_dense(&a[0], &b[0], a.shape[0], squared)
cdef floating _euclidean_sparse_dense(
const floating[::1] a_data, # IN
const int[::1] a_indices, # IN
const floating[::1] b, # IN
floating b_squared_norm,
bint squared
) noexcept nogil:
"""Euclidean distance between a sparse and b dense"""
int nnz = a_indices.shape[0]
int i
floating tmp, bi
floating result = 0.0
for i in range(nnz):
bi = b[a_indices[i]]
tmp = a_data[i] - bi
result += tmp * tmp - bi * bi
result += b_squared_norm
if result < 0:
result = 0.0
return result if squared else sqrt(result)
def _euclidean_sparse_dense_wrapper(
const floating[::1] a_data,
const int[::1] a_indices,
const floating[::1] b,
floating b_squared_norm,
bint squared
"""Wrapper of _euclidean_sparse_dense for testing purpose"""
return _euclidean_sparse_dense(
a_data, a_indices, b, b_squared_norm, squared)
cpdef floating _inertia_dense(
const floating[:, ::1] X, # IN
const floating[::1] sample_weight, # IN
const floating[:, ::1] centers, # IN
const int[::1] labels, # IN
int n_threads,
int single_label=-1,
"""Compute inertia for dense input data
Sum of squared distance between each sample and its assigned center.
If single_label is >= 0, the inertia is computed only for that label.
int n_samples = X.shape[0]
int n_features = X.shape[1]
int i, j
floating sq_dist = 0.0
floating inertia = 0.0
for i in prange(n_samples, nogil=True, num_threads=n_threads,
j = labels[i]
if single_label < 0 or single_label == j:
sq_dist = _euclidean_dense_dense(&X[i, 0], &centers[j, 0],
n_features, True)
inertia += sq_dist * sample_weight[i]
return inertia
cpdef floating _inertia_sparse(
X, # IN
const floating[::1] sample_weight, # IN
const floating[:, ::1] centers, # IN
const int[::1] labels, # IN
int n_threads,
int single_label=-1,
"""Compute inertia for sparse input data
Sum of squared distance between each sample and its assigned center.
If single_label is >= 0, the inertia is computed only for that label.
floating[::1] X_data = X.data
int[::1] X_indices = X.indices
int[::1] X_indptr = X.indptr
int n_samples = X.shape[0]
int i, j
floating sq_dist = 0.0
floating inertia = 0.0
floating[::1] centers_squared_norms = row_norms(centers, squared=True)
for i in prange(n_samples, nogil=True, num_threads=n_threads,
j = labels[i]
if single_label < 0 or single_label == j:
sq_dist = _euclidean_sparse_dense(
X_data[X_indptr[i]: X_indptr[i + 1]],
X_indices[X_indptr[i]: X_indptr[i + 1]],
centers[j], centers_squared_norms[j], True)
inertia += sq_dist * sample_weight[i]
return inertia
cpdef void _relocate_empty_clusters_dense(
const floating[:, ::1] X, # IN
const floating[::1] sample_weight, # IN
const floating[:, ::1] centers_old, # IN
floating[:, ::1] centers_new, # INOUT
floating[::1] weight_in_clusters, # INOUT
const int[::1] labels # IN
"""Relocate centers which have no sample assigned to them."""
int[::1] empty_clusters = np.where(np.equal(weight_in_clusters, 0))[0].astype(np.int32)
int n_empty = empty_clusters.shape[0]
if n_empty == 0:
int n_features = X.shape[1]
floating[::1] distances = ((np.asarray(X) - np.asarray(centers_old)[labels])**2).sum(axis=1)
int[::1] far_from_centers = np.argpartition(distances, -n_empty)[:-n_empty-1:-1].astype(np.int32)
int new_cluster_id, old_cluster_id, far_idx, idx, k
floating weight
if np.max(distances) == 0:
# Happens when there are more clusters than non-duplicate samples. Relocating
# is pointless in this case.
for idx in range(n_empty):
new_cluster_id = empty_clusters[idx]
far_idx = far_from_centers[idx]
weight = sample_weight[far_idx]
old_cluster_id = labels[far_idx]
for k in range(n_features):
centers_new[old_cluster_id, k] -= X[far_idx, k] * weight
centers_new[new_cluster_id, k] = X[far_idx, k] * weight
weight_in_clusters[new_cluster_id] = weight
weight_in_clusters[old_cluster_id] -= weight
cpdef void _relocate_empty_clusters_sparse(
const floating[::1] X_data, # IN
const int[::1] X_indices, # IN
const int[::1] X_indptr, # IN
const floating[::1] sample_weight, # IN
const floating[:, ::1] centers_old, # IN
floating[:, ::1] centers_new, # INOUT
floating[::1] weight_in_clusters, # INOUT
const int[::1] labels # IN
"""Relocate centers which have no sample assigned to them."""
int[::1] empty_clusters = np.where(np.equal(weight_in_clusters, 0))[0].astype(np.int32)
int n_empty = empty_clusters.shape[0]
if n_empty == 0:
int n_samples = X_indptr.shape[0] - 1
int i, j, k
floating[::1] distances = np.zeros(n_samples, dtype=X_data.base.dtype)
floating[::1] centers_squared_norms = row_norms(centers_old, squared=True)
for i in range(n_samples):
j = labels[i]
distances[i] = _euclidean_sparse_dense(
X_data[X_indptr[i]: X_indptr[i + 1]],
X_indices[X_indptr[i]: X_indptr[i + 1]],
centers_old[j], centers_squared_norms[j], True)
if np.max(distances) == 0:
# Happens when there are more clusters than non-duplicate samples. Relocating
# is pointless in this case.
int[::1] far_from_centers = np.argpartition(distances, -n_empty)[:-n_empty-1:-1].astype(np.int32)
int new_cluster_id, old_cluster_id, far_idx, idx
floating weight
for idx in range(n_empty):
new_cluster_id = empty_clusters[idx]
far_idx = far_from_centers[idx]
weight = sample_weight[far_idx]
old_cluster_id = labels[far_idx]
for k in range(X_indptr[far_idx], X_indptr[far_idx + 1]):
centers_new[old_cluster_id, X_indices[k]] -= X_data[k] * weight
centers_new[new_cluster_id, X_indices[k]] = X_data[k] * weight
weight_in_clusters[new_cluster_id] = weight
weight_in_clusters[old_cluster_id] -= weight
cdef void _average_centers(
floating[:, ::1] centers, # INOUT
const floating[::1] weight_in_clusters # IN
"""Average new centers wrt weights."""
int n_clusters = centers.shape[0]
int n_features = centers.shape[1]
int j, k
floating alpha
int argmax_weight = np.argmax(weight_in_clusters)
for j in range(n_clusters):
if weight_in_clusters[j] > 0:
alpha = 1.0 / weight_in_clusters[j]
for k in range(n_features):
centers[j, k] *= alpha
# For convenience, we avoid setting empty clusters at the origin but place
# them at the location of the biggest cluster.
for k in range(n_features):
centers[j, k] = centers[argmax_weight, k]
cdef void _center_shift(
const floating[:, ::1] centers_old, # IN
const floating[:, ::1] centers_new, # IN
floating[::1] center_shift # OUT
"""Compute shift between old and new centers."""
int n_clusters = centers_old.shape[0]
int n_features = centers_old.shape[1]
int j
for j in range(n_clusters):
center_shift[j] = _euclidean_dense_dense(
&centers_new[j, 0], &centers_old[j, 0], n_features, False)
def _is_same_clustering(
const int[::1] labels1,
const int[::1] labels2,
"""Check if two arrays of labels are the same up to a permutation of the labels"""
cdef int[::1] mapping = np.full(fill_value=-1, shape=(n_clusters,), dtype=np.int32)
cdef int i
for i in range(labels1.shape[0]):
if mapping[labels1[i]] == -1:
mapping[labels1[i]] = labels2[i]
elif mapping[labels1[i]] != labels2[i]:
return False
return True