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# Authors: David Dale <dale.david@mail.ru>
# Christian Lorentzen <lorentzen.ch@gmail.com>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pytest import approx
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
from sklearn.linear_model import HuberRegressor, QuantileRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_pinball_loss
from sklearn.utils._testing import assert_allclose, skip_if_32bit
from sklearn.utils.fixes import (
def X_y_data():
X, y = make_regression(n_samples=10, n_features=1, random_state=0, noise=1)
return X, y
def default_solver():
return "highs" if sp_version >= parse_version("1.6.0") else "interior-point"
parse_version(sp_version.base_version) >= parse_version("1.11"),
reason="interior-point solver is not available in SciPy 1.11",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("solver", ["interior-point", "revised simplex"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("csc_container", CSC_CONTAINERS)
def test_incompatible_solver_for_sparse_input(X_y_data, solver, csc_container):
X, y = X_y_data
X_sparse = csc_container(X)
err_msg = (
f"Solver {solver} does not support sparse X. Use solver 'highs' for example."
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):
QuantileRegressor(solver=solver).fit(X_sparse, y)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("solver", ("highs-ds", "highs-ipm", "highs"))
sp_version >= parse_version("1.6.0"),
reason="Solvers are available as of scipy 1.6.0",
def test_too_new_solver_methods_raise_error(X_y_data, solver):
"""Test that highs solver raises for scipy<1.6.0."""
X, y = X_y_data
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="scipy>=1.6.0"):
QuantileRegressor(solver=solver).fit(X, y)
"quantile, alpha, intercept, coef",
# for 50% quantile w/o regularization, any slope in [1, 10] is okay
[0.5, 0, 1, None],
# if positive error costs more, the slope is maximal
[0.51, 0, 1, 10],
# if negative error costs more, the slope is minimal
[0.49, 0, 1, 1],
# for a small lasso penalty, the slope is also minimal
[0.5, 0.01, 1, 1],
# for a large lasso penalty, the model predicts the constant median
[0.5, 100, 2, 0],
def test_quantile_toy_example(quantile, alpha, intercept, coef, default_solver):
# test how different parameters affect a small intuitive example
X = [[0], [1], [1]]
y = [1, 2, 11]
model = QuantileRegressor(
quantile=quantile, alpha=alpha, solver=default_solver
).fit(X, y)
assert_allclose(model.intercept_, intercept, atol=1e-2)
if coef is not None:
assert_allclose(model.coef_[0], coef, atol=1e-2)
if alpha < 100:
assert model.coef_[0] >= 1
assert model.coef_[0] <= 10
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fit_intercept", [True, False])
def test_quantile_equals_huber_for_low_epsilon(fit_intercept, default_solver):
X, y = make_regression(n_samples=100, n_features=20, random_state=0, noise=1.0)
alpha = 1e-4
huber = HuberRegressor(
epsilon=1 + 1e-4, alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=fit_intercept
).fit(X, y)
quant = QuantileRegressor(
alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, solver=default_solver
).fit(X, y)
assert_allclose(huber.coef_, quant.coef_, atol=1e-1)
if fit_intercept:
assert huber.intercept_ == approx(quant.intercept_, abs=1e-1)
# check that we still predict fraction
assert np.mean(y < quant.predict(X)) == approx(0.5, abs=1e-1)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("q", [0.5, 0.9, 0.05])
def test_quantile_estimates_calibration(q, default_solver):
# Test that model estimates percentage of points below the prediction
X, y = make_regression(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, random_state=0, noise=1.0)
quant = QuantileRegressor(
).fit(X, y)
assert np.mean(y < quant.predict(X)) == approx(q, abs=1e-2)
def test_quantile_sample_weight(default_solver):
# test that with unequal sample weights we still estimate weighted fraction
n = 1000
X, y = make_regression(n_samples=n, n_features=5, random_state=0, noise=10.0)
weight = np.ones(n)
# when we increase weight of upper observations,
# estimate of quantile should go up
weight[y > y.mean()] = 100
quant = QuantileRegressor(quantile=0.5, alpha=1e-8, solver=default_solver)
quant.fit(X, y, sample_weight=weight)
fraction_below = np.mean(y < quant.predict(X))
assert fraction_below > 0.5
weighted_fraction_below = np.average(y < quant.predict(X), weights=weight)
assert weighted_fraction_below == approx(0.5, abs=3e-2)
sp_version < parse_version("1.6.0"),
reason="The `highs` solver is available from the 1.6.0 scipy version",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("quantile", [0.2, 0.5, 0.8])
def test_asymmetric_error(quantile, default_solver):
"""Test quantile regression for asymmetric distributed targets."""
n_samples = 1000
rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
X = np.concatenate(
np.abs(rng.randn(n_samples)[:, None]),
-rng.randint(2, size=(n_samples, 1)),
intercept = 1.23
coef = np.array([0.5, -2])
# Take care that X @ coef + intercept > 0
assert np.min(X @ coef + intercept) > 0
# For an exponential distribution with rate lambda, e.g. exp(-lambda * x),
# the quantile at level q is:
# quantile(q) = - log(1 - q) / lambda
# scale = 1/lambda = -quantile(q) / log(1 - q)
y = rng.exponential(
scale=-(X @ coef + intercept) / np.log(1 - quantile), size=n_samples
model = QuantileRegressor(
).fit(X, y)
# This test can be made to pass with any solver but in the interest
# of sparing continuous integration resources, the test is performed
# with the fastest solver only.
assert model.intercept_ == approx(intercept, rel=0.2)
assert_allclose(model.coef_, coef, rtol=0.6)
assert_allclose(np.mean(model.predict(X) > y), quantile, atol=1e-2)
# Now compare to Nelder-Mead optimization with L1 penalty
alpha = 0.01
model.set_params(alpha=alpha).fit(X, y)
model_coef = np.r_[model.intercept_, model.coef_]
def func(coef):
loss = mean_pinball_loss(y, X @ coef[1:] + coef[0], alpha=quantile)
L1 = np.sum(np.abs(coef[1:]))
return loss + alpha * L1
res = minimize(
x0=[1, 0, -1],
options={"maxiter": 2000},
assert func(model_coef) == approx(func(res.x))
assert_allclose(model.intercept_, res.x[0])
assert_allclose(model.coef_, res.x[1:])
assert_allclose(np.mean(model.predict(X) > y), quantile, atol=1e-2)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("quantile", [0.2, 0.5, 0.8])
def test_equivariance(quantile, default_solver):
"""Test equivariace of quantile regression.
See Koenker (2005) Quantile Regression, Chapter 2.2.3.
rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
n_samples, n_features = 100, 5
X, y = make_regression(
# make y asymmetric
y += rng.exponential(scale=100, size=y.shape)
params = dict(alpha=0, solver=default_solver)
model1 = QuantileRegressor(quantile=quantile, **params).fit(X, y)
# coef(q; a*y, X) = a * coef(q; y, X)
a = 2.5
model2 = QuantileRegressor(quantile=quantile, **params).fit(X, a * y)
assert model2.intercept_ == approx(a * model1.intercept_, rel=1e-5)
assert_allclose(model2.coef_, a * model1.coef_, rtol=1e-5)
# coef(1-q; -a*y, X) = -a * coef(q; y, X)
model2 = QuantileRegressor(quantile=1 - quantile, **params).fit(X, -a * y)
assert model2.intercept_ == approx(-a * model1.intercept_, rel=1e-5)
assert_allclose(model2.coef_, -a * model1.coef_, rtol=1e-5)
# coef(q; y + X @ g, X) = coef(q; y, X) + g
g_intercept, g_coef = rng.randn(), rng.randn(n_features)
model2 = QuantileRegressor(quantile=quantile, **params)
model2.fit(X, y + X @ g_coef + g_intercept)
assert model2.intercept_ == approx(model1.intercept_ + g_intercept)
assert_allclose(model2.coef_, model1.coef_ + g_coef, rtol=1e-6)
# coef(q; y, X @ A) = A^-1 @ coef(q; y, X)
A = rng.randn(n_features, n_features)
model2 = QuantileRegressor(quantile=quantile, **params)
model2.fit(X @ A, y)
assert model2.intercept_ == approx(model1.intercept_, rel=1e-5)
assert_allclose(model2.coef_, np.linalg.solve(A, model1.coef_), rtol=1e-5)
parse_version(sp_version.base_version) >= parse_version("1.11"),
reason="interior-point solver is not available in SciPy 1.11",
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:`method='interior-point'` is deprecated")
def test_linprog_failure():
"""Test that linprog fails."""
X = np.linspace(0, 10, num=10).reshape(-1, 1)
y = np.linspace(0, 10, num=10)
reg = QuantileRegressor(
alpha=0, solver="interior-point", solver_options={"maxiter": 1}
msg = "Linear programming for QuantileRegressor did not succeed."
with pytest.warns(ConvergenceWarning, match=msg):
reg.fit(X, y)
sp_version <= parse_version("1.6.0"),
reason="Solvers are available as of scipy 1.6.0",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("solver", ["highs", "highs-ds", "highs-ipm"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fit_intercept", [True, False])
def test_sparse_input(sparse_container, solver, fit_intercept, default_solver):
"""Test that sparse and dense X give same results."""
X, y = make_regression(n_samples=100, n_features=20, random_state=1, noise=1.0)
X_sparse = sparse_container(X)
alpha = 1e-4
quant_dense = QuantileRegressor(
alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, solver=default_solver
).fit(X, y)
quant_sparse = QuantileRegressor(
alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, solver=solver
).fit(X_sparse, y)
assert_allclose(quant_sparse.coef_, quant_dense.coef_, rtol=1e-2)
if fit_intercept:
assert quant_sparse.intercept_ == approx(quant_dense.intercept_)
# check that we still predict fraction
assert 0.45 <= np.mean(y < quant_sparse.predict(X_sparse)) <= 0.57
def test_error_interior_point_future(X_y_data, monkeypatch):
"""Check that we will raise a proper error when requesting
`solver='interior-point'` in SciPy >= 1.11.
X, y = X_y_data
import sklearn.linear_model._quantile
with monkeypatch.context() as m:
m.setattr(sklearn.linear_model._quantile, "sp_version", parse_version("1.11.0"))
err_msg = "Solver interior-point is not anymore available in SciPy >= 1.11.0."
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):
QuantileRegressor(solver="interior-point").fit(X, y)