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2024-05-26 19:49:15 +02:00
# Generated file: _binary_tree.pxi
implementation_specific_values = [
# The values are arranged as follows:
('64', 'float64_t', 'np.float64', 'cnp.NPY_DOUBLE'),
('32', 'float32_t', 'np.float32', 'cnp.NPY_FLOAT')
# KD Tree and Ball Tree
# =====================
# Author: Jake Vanderplas <jakevdp@cs.washington.edu>, 2012-2013
# Omar Salman <omar.salman@arbisoft.com>
# License: BSD
# _binary_tree.pxi is generated and is then literally Cython included in
# ball_tree.pyx and kd_tree.pyx. See ball_tree.pyx.tp and kd_tree.pyx.tp.
# KD Tree and Ball Tree
# =====================
# The routines here are the core algorithms of the KDTree and BallTree
# structures. If Cython supported polymorphism, we would be able to
# create a subclass and derive KDTree and BallTree from it. Because
# polymorphism is not an option, we use this single BinaryTree class
# as a literal include to avoid duplicating the entire file.
# A series of functions are implemented in kd_tree.pyx and ball_tree.pyx
# which use the information here to calculate the lower and upper bounds
# between a node and a point, and between two nodes. These functions are
# used here, and are all that are needed to differentiate between the two
# tree types.
# Description of Binary Tree Algorithms
# -------------------------------------
# A binary tree can be thought of as a collection of nodes. The top node
# contains all the points. The next level consists of two nodes with half
# the points in each, and this continues recursively. Each node contains
# metadata which allow fast computation of distance bounds: in the case of
# a ball tree, the metadata is a center and a radius. In the case of a
# KD tree, the metadata is the minimum and maximum bound along each dimension.
# In a typical KD Tree or Ball Tree implementation, the nodes are implemented
# as dynamically allocated structures with pointers linking them. Here we
# take a different approach, storing all relevant data in a set of arrays
# so that the entire tree object can be saved in a pickle file. For efficiency,
# the data can be stored in such a way that explicit pointers are not
# necessary: for node data stored at index i, the two child nodes are at
# index (2 * i + 1) and (2 * i + 2); the parent node is (i - 1) // 2
# (where // indicates integer division).
# The data arrays used here are as follows:
# data : the [n_samples x n_features] array of data from which the tree
# is built
# idx_array : the length n_samples array used to keep track of the indices
# of data within each node. Each node has values idx_start and
# idx_end: the points within the node are given by (using numpy
# syntax) data[idx_array[idx_start:idx_end]].
# node_data : the length n_nodes array of structures which store the node
# indices, node radii, and leaf information for each node.
# node_bounds : the [* x n_nodes x n_features] array containing the node
# bound information. For ball tree, the first dimension is 1, and
# each row contains the centroid of the node. For kd tree, the first
# dimension is 2 and the rows for each point contain the arrays of
# lower bounds and upper bounds in each direction.
# The lack of dynamic allocation means the number of nodes must be computed
# before the building of the tree. This can be done assuming the points are
# divided equally between child nodes at each step; although this removes
# some flexibility in tree creation, it ensures a balanced tree and ensures
# that the number of nodes required can be computed beforehand. Given a
# specified leaf_size (the minimum number of points in any node), it is
# possible to show that a balanced tree will have
# n_levels = 1 + max(0, floor(log2((n_samples - 1) / leaf_size)))
# in order to satisfy
# leaf_size <= min(n_points) <= 2 * leaf_size
# with the exception of the special case where n_samples < leaf_size.
# for a given number of levels, the number of nodes in the tree is given by
# n_nodes = 2 ** n_levels - 1
# both these results can be straightforwardly shown by induction. The
# following code uses these values in the construction of the tree.
# Distance Metrics
# ----------------
# For flexibility, the trees can be built using a variety of distance metrics.
# The metrics are described in the DistanceMetric class: the standard
# Euclidean distance is the default, and is inlined to be faster than other
# metrics. In addition, each metric defines both a distance and a
# "reduced distance", which is often faster to compute, and is therefore
# used in the query architecture whenever possible. (For example, in the
# case of the standard Euclidean distance, the reduced distance is the
# squared-distance).
# Implementation Notes
# --------------------
# This implementation uses the common object-oriented approach of having an
# abstract base class which is extended by the KDTree and BallTree
# specializations.
# The BinaryTree "base class" is defined here and then subclassed in the BallTree
# and KDTree pyx files. These files include implementations of the
# "abstract" methods.
# Necessary Helper Functions
# --------------------------
# These are the names and descriptions of the "abstract" functions which are
# defined in kd_tree.pyx and ball_tree.pyx:
# cdef int allocate_data(BinaryTree tree, intp_t n_nodes, intp_t n_features):
# """Allocate arrays needed for the KD Tree"""
# cdef int init_node(BinaryTree tree, intp_t i_node,
# intp_t idx_start, intp_t idx_end):
# """Initialize the node for the dataset stored in tree.data"""
# cdef float64_t min_rdist(BinaryTree tree, intp_t i_node, float64_t* pt):
# """Compute the minimum reduced-distance between a point and a node"""
# cdef float64_t min_dist(BinaryTree tree, intp_t i_node, float64_t* pt):
# """Compute the minimum distance between a point and a node"""
# cdef float64_t max_rdist(BinaryTree tree, intp_t i_node, float64_t* pt):
# """Compute the maximum reduced-distance between a point and a node"""
# cdef float64_t max_dist(BinaryTree tree, intp_t i_node, float64_t* pt):
# """Compute the maximum distance between a point and a node"""
# cdef inline int min_max_dist(BinaryTree tree, intp_t i_node, float64_t* pt,
# float64_t* min_dist, float64_t* max_dist):
# """Compute the minimum and maximum distance between a point and a node"""
# cdef inline float64_t min_rdist_dual(BinaryTree tree1, intp_t i_node1,
# BinaryTree tree2, intp_t i_node2):
# """Compute the minimum reduced distance between two nodes"""
# cdef inline float64_t min_dist_dual(BinaryTree tree1, intp_t i_node1,
# BinaryTree tree2, intp_t i_node2):
# """Compute the minimum distance between two nodes"""
# cdef inline float64_t max_rdist_dual(BinaryTree tree1, intp_t i_node1,
# BinaryTree tree2, intp_t i_node2):
# """Compute the maximum reduced distance between two nodes"""
# cdef inline float64_t max_dist_dual(BinaryTree tree1, intp_t i_node1,
# BinaryTree tree2, intp_t i_node2):
# """Compute the maximum distance between two nodes"""
cimport numpy as cnp
from cython cimport floating
from libc.math cimport fabs, sqrt, exp, cos, pow, log, lgamma
from libc.math cimport fmin, fmax
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, malloc, free
from libc.string cimport memcpy
import numpy as np
import warnings
from ..metrics._dist_metrics cimport (
from ._partition_nodes cimport partition_node_indices
from ..utils import check_array
from ..utils._typedefs cimport float32_t, float64_t, intp_t
from ..utils._heap cimport heap_push
from ..utils._sorting cimport simultaneous_sort as _simultaneous_sort
# TODO: use cnp.PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS when Cython>=3.0 is used.
cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h":
void PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS(cnp.ndarray arr, int flags)
# some handy constants
cdef float64_t INF = np.inf
cdef float64_t NEG_INF = -np.inf
cdef float64_t PI = np.pi
cdef float64_t ROOT_2PI = sqrt(2 * PI)
cdef float64_t LOG_PI = log(PI)
cdef float64_t LOG_2PI = log(2 * PI)
# Some compound datatypes used below:
cdef struct NodeHeapData_t:
float64_t val
intp_t i1
intp_t i2
# build the corresponding numpy dtype for NodeHeapData
cdef NodeHeapData_t nhd_tmp
NodeHeapData = np.asarray(<NodeHeapData_t[:1]>(&nhd_tmp)).dtype
cdef struct NodeData_t:
intp_t idx_start
intp_t idx_end
intp_t is_leaf
float64_t radius
# build the corresponding numpy dtype for NodeData
cdef NodeData_t nd_tmp
NodeData = np.asarray(<NodeData_t[:1]>(&nd_tmp)).dtype
# Define doc strings, substituting the appropriate class name using
# the DOC_DICT variable defined in the pyx files.
{BinaryTree}(X, leaf_size=40, metric='minkowski', **kwargs)
{BinaryTree} for fast generalized N-point problems
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <unsupervised_neighbors>`.
X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
n_samples is the number of points in the data set, and
n_features is the dimension of the parameter space.
Note: if X is a C-contiguous array of doubles then data will
not be copied. Otherwise, an internal copy will be made.
leaf_size : positive int, default=40
Number of points at which to switch to brute-force. Changing
leaf_size will not affect the results of a query, but can
significantly impact the speed of a query and the memory required
to store the constructed tree. The amount of memory needed to
store the tree scales as approximately n_samples / leaf_size.
For a specified ``leaf_size``, a leaf node is guaranteed to
satisfy ``leaf_size <= n_points <= 2 * leaf_size``, except in
the case that ``n_samples < leaf_size``.
metric : str or DistanceMetric64 object, default='minkowski'
Metric to use for distance computation. Default is "minkowski", which
results in the standard Euclidean distance when p = 2.
A list of valid metrics for {BinaryTree} is given by the attribute
See the documentation of `scipy.spatial.distance
<https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/spatial.distance.html>`_ and
the metrics listed in :class:`~sklearn.metrics.pairwise.distance_metrics` for
more information on any distance metric.
Additional keywords are passed to the distance metric class.
Note: Callable functions in the metric parameter are NOT supported for KDTree
and Ball Tree. Function call overhead will result in very poor performance.
data : memory view
The training data
valid_metrics: list of str
List of valid distance metrics.
Query for k-nearest neighbors
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.neighbors import {BinaryTree}
>>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
>>> X = rng.random_sample((10, 3)) # 10 points in 3 dimensions
>>> tree = {BinaryTree}(X, leaf_size=2) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> dist, ind = tree.query(X[:1], k=3) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> print(ind) # indices of 3 closest neighbors
[0 3 1]
>>> print(dist) # distances to 3 closest neighbors
[ 0. 0.19662693 0.29473397]
Pickle and Unpickle a tree. Note that the state of the tree is saved in the
pickle operation: the tree needs not be rebuilt upon unpickling.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pickle
>>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
>>> X = rng.random_sample((10, 3)) # 10 points in 3 dimensions
>>> tree = {BinaryTree}(X, leaf_size=2) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> s = pickle.dumps(tree) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> tree_copy = pickle.loads(s) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> dist, ind = tree_copy.query(X[:1], k=3) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> print(ind) # indices of 3 closest neighbors
[0 3 1]
>>> print(dist) # distances to 3 closest neighbors
[ 0. 0.19662693 0.29473397]
Query for neighbors within a given radius
>>> import numpy as np
>>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
>>> X = rng.random_sample((10, 3)) # 10 points in 3 dimensions
>>> tree = {BinaryTree}(X, leaf_size=2) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> print(tree.query_radius(X[:1], r=0.3, count_only=True))
>>> ind = tree.query_radius(X[:1], r=0.3) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> print(ind) # indices of neighbors within distance 0.3
[3 0 1]
Compute a gaussian kernel density estimate:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
>>> X = rng.random_sample((100, 3))
>>> tree = {BinaryTree}(X) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> tree.kernel_density(X[:3], h=0.1, kernel='gaussian')
array([ 6.94114649, 7.83281226, 7.2071716 ])
Compute a two-point auto-correlation function
>>> import numpy as np
>>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
>>> X = rng.random_sample((30, 3))
>>> r = np.linspace(0, 1, 5)
>>> tree = {BinaryTree}(X) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> tree.two_point_correlation(X, r)
array([ 30, 62, 278, 580, 820])
# Utility functions
cdef float64_t logaddexp(float64_t x1, float64_t x2):
"""logaddexp(x1, x2) -> log(exp(x1) + exp(x2))"""
cdef float64_t a = fmax(x1, x2)
if a == NEG_INF:
return NEG_INF
return a + log(exp(x1 - a) + exp(x2 - a))
cdef float64_t logsubexp(float64_t x1, float64_t x2):
"""logsubexp(x1, x2) -> log(exp(x1) - exp(x2))"""
if x1 <= x2:
return NEG_INF
return x1 + log(1 - exp(x2 - x1))
# Kernel functions
# Note: Kernels assume dist is non-negative and h is positive
# All kernel functions are normalized such that K(0, h) = 1.
# The fully normalized kernel is:
# K = exp[kernel_norm(h, d, kernel) + compute_kernel(dist, h, kernel)]
# The code only works with non-negative kernels: i.e. K(d, h) >= 0
# for all valid d and h. Note that for precision, the log of both
# the kernel and kernel norm is returned.
cdef enum KernelType:
cdef inline float64_t log_gaussian_kernel(float64_t dist, float64_t h):
"""log of the gaussian kernel for bandwidth h (unnormalized)"""
return -0.5 * (dist * dist) / (h * h)
cdef inline float64_t log_tophat_kernel(float64_t dist, float64_t h):
"""log of the tophat kernel for bandwidth h (unnormalized)"""
if dist < h:
return 0.0
return NEG_INF
cdef inline float64_t log_epanechnikov_kernel(float64_t dist, float64_t h):
"""log of the epanechnikov kernel for bandwidth h (unnormalized)"""
if dist < h:
return log(1.0 - (dist * dist) / (h * h))
return NEG_INF
cdef inline float64_t log_exponential_kernel(float64_t dist, float64_t h):
"""log of the exponential kernel for bandwidth h (unnormalized)"""
return -dist / h
cdef inline float64_t log_linear_kernel(float64_t dist, float64_t h):
"""log of the linear kernel for bandwidth h (unnormalized)"""
if dist < h:
return log(1 - dist / h)
return NEG_INF
cdef inline float64_t log_cosine_kernel(float64_t dist, float64_t h):
"""log of the cosine kernel for bandwidth h (unnormalized)"""
if dist < h:
return log(cos(0.5 * PI * dist / h))
return NEG_INF
cdef inline float64_t compute_log_kernel(float64_t dist, float64_t h,
KernelType kernel):
"""Given a KernelType enumeration, compute the appropriate log-kernel"""
if kernel == GAUSSIAN_KERNEL:
return log_gaussian_kernel(dist, h)
elif kernel == TOPHAT_KERNEL:
return log_tophat_kernel(dist, h)
return log_epanechnikov_kernel(dist, h)
elif kernel == EXPONENTIAL_KERNEL:
return log_exponential_kernel(dist, h)
elif kernel == LINEAR_KERNEL:
return log_linear_kernel(dist, h)
elif kernel == COSINE_KERNEL:
return log_cosine_kernel(dist, h)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Kernel norms are defined via the volume element V_n
# and surface element S_(n-1) of an n-sphere.
cdef float64_t logVn(intp_t n):
"""V_n = pi^(n/2) / gamma(n/2 - 1)"""
return 0.5 * n * LOG_PI - lgamma(0.5 * n + 1)
cdef float64_t logSn(intp_t n):
"""V_(n+1) = int_0^1 S_n r^n dr"""
return LOG_2PI + logVn(n - 1)
cdef float64_t _log_kernel_norm(float64_t h, intp_t d,
KernelType kernel) except -1:
"""Given a KernelType enumeration, compute the kernel normalization.
h is the bandwidth, d is the dimension.
cdef float64_t tmp, factor = 0
cdef intp_t k
if kernel == GAUSSIAN_KERNEL:
factor = 0.5 * d * LOG_2PI
elif kernel == TOPHAT_KERNEL:
factor = logVn(d)
factor = logVn(d) + log(2. / (d + 2.))
elif kernel == EXPONENTIAL_KERNEL:
factor = logSn(d - 1) + lgamma(d)
elif kernel == LINEAR_KERNEL:
factor = logVn(d) - log(d + 1.)
elif kernel == COSINE_KERNEL:
# this is derived from a chain rule integration
factor = 0
tmp = 2. / PI
for k in range(1, d + 1, 2):
factor += tmp
tmp *= -(d - k) * (d - k - 1) * (2. / PI) ** 2
factor = log(factor) + logSn(d - 1)
raise ValueError("Kernel code not recognized")
return -factor - d * log(h)
def kernel_norm(h, d, kernel, return_log=False):
"""Given a string specification of a kernel, compute the normalization.
h : float
The bandwidth of the kernel.
d : int
The dimension of the space in which the kernel norm is computed.
kernel : str
The kernel identifier. Must be one of
return_log : bool, default=False
If True, return the log of the kernel norm. Otherwise, return the
kernel norm.
knorm or log_knorm : float
the kernel norm or logarithm of the kernel norm.
if kernel == 'gaussian':
result = _log_kernel_norm(h, d, GAUSSIAN_KERNEL)
elif kernel == 'tophat':
result = _log_kernel_norm(h, d, TOPHAT_KERNEL)
elif kernel == 'epanechnikov':
result = _log_kernel_norm(h, d, EPANECHNIKOV_KERNEL)
elif kernel == 'exponential':
result = _log_kernel_norm(h, d, EXPONENTIAL_KERNEL)
elif kernel == 'linear':
result = _log_kernel_norm(h, d, LINEAR_KERNEL)
elif kernel == 'cosine':
result = _log_kernel_norm(h, d, COSINE_KERNEL)
raise ValueError('kernel not recognized')
if return_log:
return result
return np.exp(result)
{{for name_suffix, INPUT_DTYPE_t, INPUT_DTYPE, NPY_TYPE in implementation_specific_values}}
cdef class NeighborsHeap{{name_suffix}}:
"""A max-heap structure to keep track of distances/indices of neighbors
This implements an efficient pre-allocated set of fixed-size heaps
for chasing neighbors, holding both an index and a distance.
When any row of the heap is full, adding an additional point will push
the furthest point off the heap.
n_pts : int
the number of heaps to use
n_nbrs : int
the size of each heap.
cdef {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}[:, ::1] distances
cdef intp_t[:, ::1] indices
def __cinit__(self):
# One-element arrays are used as placeholders to prevent
# any problem due to potential access to those attributes
# (e.g. assigning to NULL or a to value in another segment).
self.distances = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, order='C')
self.indices = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=np.intp, order='C')
def __init__(self, n_pts, n_nbrs):
self.distances = np.full(
(n_pts, n_nbrs), np.inf, dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, order='C'
self.indices = np.zeros((n_pts, n_nbrs), dtype=np.intp, order='C')
def get_arrays(self, sort=True):
"""Get the arrays of distances and indices within the heap.
If sort=True, then simultaneously sort the indices and distances,
so the closer points are listed first.
if sort:
return self.distances.base, self.indices.base
cdef inline float64_t largest(self, intp_t row) except -1 nogil:
"""Return the largest distance in the given row"""
return self.distances[row, 0]
def push(self, intp_t row, float64_t val, intp_t i_val):
return self._push(row, val, i_val)
cdef int _push(self, intp_t row, float64_t val,
intp_t i_val) except -1 nogil:
"""push (val, i_val) into the given row"""
return heap_push(
values=&self.distances[row, 0],
indices=&self.indices[row, 0],
cdef int _sort(self) except -1:
"""simultaneously sort the distances and indices"""
cdef intp_t row
for row in range(self.distances.shape[0]):
dist=&self.distances[row, 0],
idx=&self.indices[row, 0],
return 0
# find_node_split_dim:
# this computes the equivalent of
# j_max = np.argmax(np.max(data, 0) - np.min(data, 0))
cdef intp_t find_node_split_dim(const floating* data,
const intp_t* node_indices,
intp_t n_features,
intp_t n_points) except -1:
"""Find the dimension with the largest spread.
data : double pointer
Pointer to a 2D array of the training data, of shape [N, n_features].
N must be greater than any of the values in node_indices.
node_indices : int pointer
Pointer to a 1D array of length n_points. This lists the indices of
each of the points within the current node.
i_max : int
The index of the feature (dimension) within the node that has the
largest spread.
In numpy, this operation is equivalent to
def find_node_split_dim(data, node_indices):
return np.argmax(data[node_indices].max(0) - data[node_indices].min(0))
The cython version is much more efficient in both computation and memory.
cdef float64_t min_val, max_val, val, spread, max_spread
cdef intp_t i, j, j_max
j_max = 0
max_spread = 0
for j in range(n_features):
max_val = data[node_indices[0] * n_features + j]
min_val = max_val
for i in range(1, n_points):
val = data[node_indices[i] * n_features + j]
max_val = fmax(max_val, val)
min_val = fmin(min_val, val)
spread = max_val - min_val
if spread > max_spread:
max_spread = spread
j_max = j
return j_max
# NodeHeap : min-heap used to keep track of nodes during
# breadth-first query
cdef inline void swap_nodes(NodeHeapData_t* arr, intp_t i1, intp_t i2):
cdef NodeHeapData_t tmp = arr[i1]
arr[i1] = arr[i2]
arr[i2] = tmp
cdef class NodeHeap:
This is a min-heap implementation for keeping track of nodes
during a breadth-first search. Unlike the NeighborsHeap above,
the NodeHeap does not have a fixed size and must be able to grow
as elements are added.
Internally, the data is stored in a simple binary heap which meets
the min heap condition:
heap[i].val < min(heap[2 * i + 1].val, heap[2 * i + 2].val)
cdef NodeHeapData_t[:] data
cdef intp_t n
def __cinit__(self):
# A one-elements array is used as a placeholder to prevent
# any problem due to potential access to this attribute
# (e.g. assigning to NULL or a to value in another segment).
self.data = np.zeros(1, dtype=NodeHeapData, order='C')
def __init__(self, size_guess=100):
size_guess = max(size_guess, 1) # need space for at least one item
self.data = np.zeros(size_guess, dtype=NodeHeapData, order='C')
self.n = size_guess
cdef int resize(self, intp_t new_size) except -1:
"""Resize the heap to be either larger or smaller"""
NodeHeapData_t *data_ptr
NodeHeapData_t *new_data_ptr
intp_t i
intp_t size = self.data.shape[0]
NodeHeapData_t[:] new_data = np.zeros(
if size > 0 and new_size > 0:
data_ptr = &self.data[0]
new_data_ptr = &new_data[0]
for i in range(min(size, new_size)):
new_data_ptr[i] = data_ptr[i]
if new_size < size:
self.n = new_size
self.data = new_data
return 0
cdef int push(self, NodeHeapData_t data) except -1:
"""Push a new item onto the heap"""
cdef intp_t i, i_parent
cdef NodeHeapData_t* data_arr
self.n += 1
if self.n > self.data.shape[0]:
self.resize(2 * self.n)
# put the new element at the end,
# and then perform swaps until the heap is in order
data_arr = &self.data[0]
i = self.n - 1
data_arr[i] = data
while i > 0:
i_parent = (i - 1) // 2
if data_arr[i_parent].val <= data_arr[i].val:
swap_nodes(data_arr, i, i_parent)
i = i_parent
return 0
cdef NodeHeapData_t peek(self):
"""Peek at the root of the heap, without removing it"""
return self.data[0]
cdef NodeHeapData_t pop(self):
"""Remove the root of the heap, and update the remaining nodes"""
if self.n == 0:
raise ValueError('cannot pop on empty heap')
cdef intp_t i, i_child1, i_child2, i_swap
cdef NodeHeapData_t* data_arr = &self.data[0]
cdef NodeHeapData_t popped_element = data_arr[0]
# pop off the first element, move the last element to the front,
# and then perform swaps until the heap is back in order
data_arr[0] = data_arr[self.n - 1]
self.n -= 1
i = 0
while (i < self.n):
i_child1 = 2 * i + 1
i_child2 = 2 * i + 2
i_swap = 0
if i_child2 < self.n:
if data_arr[i_child1].val <= data_arr[i_child2].val:
i_swap = i_child1
i_swap = i_child2
elif i_child1 < self.n:
i_swap = i_child1
if (i_swap > 0) and (data_arr[i_swap].val <= data_arr[i].val):
swap_nodes(data_arr, i, i_swap)
i = i_swap
return popped_element
cdef void clear(self):
"""Clear the heap"""
self.n = 0
# newObj function
# this is a helper function for pickling
def newObj(obj):
return obj.__new__(obj)
{{for name_suffix, INPUT_DTYPE_t, INPUT_DTYPE, NPY_TYPE in implementation_specific_values}}
# define the reverse mapping of VALID_METRICS{{name_suffix}}
from sklearn.metrics._dist_metrics import get_valid_metric_ids
VALID_METRIC_IDS{{name_suffix}} = get_valid_metric_ids(VALID_METRICS{{name_suffix}})
# Binary Tree class
cdef class BinaryTree{{name_suffix}}:
cdef readonly const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}[:, ::1] data
cdef readonly const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}[::1] sample_weight
cdef public float64_t sum_weight
# TODO: idx_array and node_bounds must not be const, but this change needs
# to happen in a way which preserves pickling
# See also: https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/5639
cdef public const intp_t[::1] idx_array
cdef public const NodeData_t[::1] node_data
cdef public const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}[:, :, ::1] node_bounds
cdef intp_t leaf_size
cdef intp_t n_levels
cdef intp_t n_nodes
cdef DistanceMetric{{name_suffix}} dist_metric
cdef int euclidean
# variables to keep track of building & querying stats
cdef int n_trims
cdef int n_leaves
cdef int n_splits
cdef int n_calls
valid_metrics = VALID_METRIC_IDS{{name_suffix}}
# Use cinit to initialize all arrays to empty: this will prevent memory
# errors and seg-faults in rare cases where __init__ is not called
# A one-elements array is used as a placeholder to prevent
# any problem due to potential access to this attribute
# (e.g. assigning to NULL or a to value in another segment).
def __cinit__(self):
self.data = np.empty((1, 1), dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, order='C')
self.sample_weight = np.empty(1, dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, order='C')
self.idx_array = np.empty(1, dtype=np.intp, order='C')
self.node_data = np.empty(1, dtype=NodeData, order='C')
self.node_bounds = np.empty((1, 1, 1), dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}})
self.leaf_size = 0
self.n_levels = 0
self.n_nodes = 0
self.euclidean = False
self.n_trims = 0
self.n_leaves = 0
self.n_splits = 0
self.n_calls = 0
def __init__(self, data,
leaf_size=40, metric='minkowski', sample_weight=None, **kwargs):
# validate data
self.data = check_array(data, dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, order='C')
if self.data.size == 0:
raise ValueError("X is an empty array")
n_samples = self.data.shape[0]
n_features = self.data.shape[1]
if leaf_size < 1:
raise ValueError("leaf_size must be greater than or equal to 1")
self.leaf_size = leaf_size
self.dist_metric = DistanceMetric.get_metric(metric, dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, **kwargs)
self.euclidean = (self.dist_metric.__class__.__name__
== 'EuclideanDistance{{name_suffix}}')
metric = self.dist_metric.__class__.__name__
if metric not in VALID_METRICS{{name_suffix}}:
raise ValueError('metric {metric} is not valid for '
# determine number of levels in the tree, and from this
# the number of nodes in the tree. This results in leaf nodes
# with numbers of points between leaf_size and 2 * leaf_size
self.n_levels = int(
np.log2(fmax(1, (n_samples - 1) / self.leaf_size)) + 1)
self.n_nodes = <int> (2 ** self.n_levels) - 1
# allocate arrays for storage
self.idx_array = np.arange(n_samples, dtype=np.intp)
self.node_data = np.zeros(self.n_nodes, dtype=NodeData)
self._update_sample_weight(n_samples, sample_weight)
# Allocate tree-specific data
allocate_data{{name_suffix}}(self, self.n_nodes, n_features)
def _update_sample_weight(self, n_samples, sample_weight):
if sample_weight is not None:
self.sample_weight = np.asarray(
sample_weight, dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, order='C')
self.sum_weight = np.sum(self.sample_weight)
self.sample_weight = None
self.sum_weight = <float64_t> n_samples
def __reduce__(self):
reduce method used for pickling
return (newObj, (type(self),), self.__getstate__())
def __getstate__(self):
get state for pickling
if self.sample_weight is not None:
# pass the numpy array
sample_weight = self.sample_weight.base
# pass None to avoid confusion with the empty place holder
# of size 1 from __cinit__
sample_weight = None
return (self.data.base,
def __setstate__(self, state):
set state for pickling
self.data = state[0]
self.idx_array = state[1]
self.node_data = state[2]
self.node_bounds = state[3]
self.leaf_size = state[4]
self.n_levels = state[5]
self.n_nodes = state[6]
self.n_trims = state[7]
self.n_leaves = state[8]
self.n_splits = state[9]
self.n_calls = state[10]
self.dist_metric = state[11]
sample_weight = state[12]
self.euclidean = (self.dist_metric.__class__.__name__
== 'EuclideanDistance64')
n_samples = self.data.shape[0]
self._update_sample_weight(n_samples, sample_weight)
def get_tree_stats(self):
Get tree status.
tree_stats: tuple of int
(number of trims, number of leaves, number of splits)
return (self.n_trims, self.n_leaves, self.n_splits)
def reset_n_calls(self):
Reset number of calls to 0.
self.n_calls = 0
def get_n_calls(self):
Get number of calls.
n_calls: int
number of distance computation calls
return self.n_calls
def get_arrays(self):
Get data and node arrays.
arrays: tuple of array
Arrays for storing tree data, index, node data and node bounds.
return (
cdef inline float64_t dist(self, const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* x1, const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* x2,
intp_t size) except -1 nogil:
"""Compute the distance between arrays x1 and x2"""
self.n_calls += 1
if self.euclidean:
return euclidean_dist{{name_suffix}}(x1, x2, size)
return self.dist_metric.dist(x1, x2, size)
cdef inline float64_t rdist(self, const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* x1, const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* x2,
intp_t size) except -1 nogil:
"""Compute the reduced distance between arrays x1 and x2.
The reduced distance, defined for some metrics, is a quantity which
is more efficient to compute than the distance, but preserves the
relative rankings of the true distance. For example, the reduced
distance for the Euclidean metric is the squared-euclidean distance.
self.n_calls += 1
if self.euclidean:
return euclidean_rdist{{name_suffix}}(x1, x2, size)
return self.dist_metric.rdist(x1, x2, size)
cdef int _recursive_build(self, NodeData_t[::1] node_data, intp_t i_node, intp_t idx_start,
intp_t idx_end) except -1:
"""Recursively build the tree.
i_node : int
the node for the current step
idx_start, idx_end : int
the bounding indices in the idx_array which define the points that
belong to this node.
cdef intp_t imax
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
cdef intp_t n_points = idx_end - idx_start
cdef intp_t n_mid = n_points / 2
cdef intp_t* idx_array = &self.idx_array[idx_start]
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data = &self.data[0, 0]
# initialize node data
init_node{{name_suffix}}(self, node_data, i_node, idx_start, idx_end)
if 2 * i_node + 1 >= self.n_nodes:
node_data[i_node].is_leaf = True
if idx_end - idx_start > 2 * self.leaf_size:
# this shouldn't happen if our memory allocation is correct
# we'll proactively prevent memory errors, but raise a
# warning saying we're doing so.
import warnings
warnings.warn("Internal: memory layout is flawed: "
"not enough nodes allocated")
elif idx_end - idx_start < 2:
# again, this shouldn't happen if our memory allocation
# is correct. Raise a warning.
import warnings
warnings.warn("Internal: memory layout is flawed: "
"too many nodes allocated")
node_data[i_node].is_leaf = True
# split node and recursively construct child nodes.
node_data[i_node].is_leaf = False
i_max = find_node_split_dim(data, idx_array,
n_features, n_points)
partition_node_indices(data, idx_array, i_max, n_mid,
n_features, n_points)
self._recursive_build(node_data, 2 * i_node + 1,
idx_start, idx_start + n_mid)
self._recursive_build(node_data, 2 * i_node + 2,
idx_start + n_mid, idx_end)
def query(self, X, k=1, return_distance=True,
dualtree=False, breadth_first=False,
query(X, k=1, return_distance=True,
dualtree=False, breadth_first=False)
query the tree for the k nearest neighbors
X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
An array of points to query
k : int, default=1
The number of nearest neighbors to return
return_distance : bool, default=True
if True, return a tuple (d, i) of distances and indices
if False, return array i
dualtree : bool, default=False
if True, use the dual tree formalism for the query: a tree is
built for the query points, and the pair of trees is used to
efficiently search this space. This can lead to better
performance as the number of points grows large.
breadth_first : bool, default=False
if True, then query the nodes in a breadth-first manner.
Otherwise, query the nodes in a depth-first manner.
sort_results : bool, default=True
if True, then distances and indices of each point are sorted
on return, so that the first column contains the closest points.
Otherwise, neighbors are returned in an arbitrary order.
i : if return_distance == False
(d,i) : if return_distance == True
d : ndarray of shape X.shape[:-1] + (k,), dtype=double
Each entry gives the list of distances to the neighbors of the
corresponding point.
i : ndarray of shape X.shape[:-1] + (k,), dtype=int
Each entry gives the list of indices of neighbors of the
corresponding point.
# XXX: we should allow X to be a pre-built tree.
X = check_array(X, dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, order='C')
if X.shape[X.ndim - 1] != self.data.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("query data dimension must "
"match training data dimension")
if self.data.shape[0] < k:
raise ValueError("k must be less than or equal "
"to the number of training points")
# flatten X, and save original shape information
np_Xarr = X.reshape((-1, self.data.shape[1]))
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}[:, ::1] Xarr = np_Xarr
cdef float64_t reduced_dist_LB
cdef intp_t i
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* pt
# initialize heap for neighbors
cdef NeighborsHeap{{name_suffix}} heap = NeighborsHeap{{name_suffix}}(Xarr.shape[0], k)
# node heap for breadth-first queries
cdef NodeHeap nodeheap
if breadth_first:
nodeheap = NodeHeap(self.data.shape[0] // self.leaf_size)
# bounds is needed for the dual tree algorithm
cdef float64_t[::1] bounds
self.n_trims = 0
self.n_leaves = 0
self.n_splits = 0
if dualtree:
other = self.__class__(np_Xarr, metric=self.dist_metric,
if breadth_first:
self._query_dual_breadthfirst(other, heap, nodeheap)
reduced_dist_LB = min_rdist_dual{{name_suffix}}(self, 0, other, 0)
bounds = np.full(other.node_data.shape[0], np.inf)
self._query_dual_depthfirst(0, other, 0, bounds,
heap, reduced_dist_LB)
pt = &Xarr[0, 0]
if breadth_first:
for i in range(Xarr.shape[0]):
self._query_single_breadthfirst(pt, i, heap, nodeheap)
pt += Xarr.shape[1]
with nogil:
for i in range(Xarr.shape[0]):
reduced_dist_LB = min_rdist{{name_suffix}}(self, 0, pt)
self._query_single_depthfirst(0, pt, i, heap,
pt += Xarr.shape[1]
distances, indices = heap.get_arrays(sort=sort_results)
distances = self.dist_metric.rdist_to_dist(distances)
# deflatten results
if return_distance:
return (distances.reshape(X.shape[:X.ndim - 1] + (k,)),
indices.reshape(X.shape[:X.ndim - 1] + (k,)))
return indices.reshape(X.shape[:X.ndim - 1] + (k,))
def query_radius(self, X, r, int return_distance=False,
int count_only=False, int sort_results=False):
query_radius(X, r, return_distance=False,
count_only=False, sort_results=False)
query the tree for neighbors within a radius r
X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
An array of points to query
r : distance within which neighbors are returned
r can be a single value, or an array of values of shape
x.shape[:-1] if different radii are desired for each point.
return_distance : bool, default=False
if True, return distances to neighbors of each point
if False, return only neighbors
Note that unlike the query() method, setting return_distance=True
here adds to the computation time. Not all distances need to be
calculated explicitly for return_distance=False. Results are
not sorted by default: see ``sort_results`` keyword.
count_only : bool, default=False
if True, return only the count of points within distance r
if False, return the indices of all points within distance r
If return_distance==True, setting count_only=True will
result in an error.
sort_results : bool, default=False
if True, the distances and indices will be sorted before being
returned. If False, the results will not be sorted. If
return_distance == False, setting sort_results = True will
result in an error.
count : if count_only == True
ind : if count_only == False and return_distance == False
(ind, dist) : if count_only == False and return_distance == True
count : ndarray of shape X.shape[:-1], dtype=int
Each entry gives the number of neighbors within a distance r of the
corresponding point.
ind : ndarray of shape X.shape[:-1], dtype=object
Each element is a numpy integer array listing the indices of
neighbors of the corresponding point. Note that unlike
the results of a k-neighbors query, the returned neighbors
are not sorted by distance by default.
dist : ndarray of shape X.shape[:-1], dtype=object
Each element is a numpy double array listing the distances
corresponding to indices in i.
if count_only and return_distance:
raise ValueError("count_only and return_distance "
"cannot both be true")
if sort_results and not return_distance:
raise ValueError("return_distance must be True "
"if sort_results is True")
cdef intp_t i, count_i = 0
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
cdef {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}[::1] dist_arr_i
cdef intp_t[::1] idx_arr_i, counts
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* pt
cdef intp_t** indices = NULL
cdef {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}** distances = NULL
# validate X and prepare for query
X = check_array(X, dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, order='C')
if X.shape[X.ndim - 1] != self.data.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("query data dimension must "
"match training data dimension")
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}[:, ::1] Xarr = X.reshape((-1, self.data.shape[1]))
# prepare r for query
r = np.asarray(r, dtype=np.float64, order='C')
r = np.atleast_1d(r)
if r.shape == (1,):
r = np.full(X.shape[:X.ndim - 1], r[0], dtype=np.float64)
if r.shape != X.shape[:X.ndim - 1]:
raise ValueError("r must be broadcastable to X.shape")
rarr_np = r.reshape(-1) # store explicitly to keep in scope
cdef float64_t[::1] rarr = rarr_np
if not count_only:
indices = <intp_t**>calloc(Xarr.shape[0], sizeof(intp_t*))
if indices == NULL:
raise MemoryError()
if return_distance:
distances = <{{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}**>calloc(Xarr.shape[0], sizeof({{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}*))
if distances == NULL:
raise MemoryError()
np_idx_arr = np.zeros(self.data.shape[0], dtype=np.intp)
idx_arr_i = np_idx_arr
np_dist_arr = np.zeros(self.data.shape[0], dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}})
dist_arr_i = np_dist_arr
counts_arr = np.zeros(Xarr.shape[0], dtype=np.intp)
counts = counts_arr
pt = &Xarr[0, 0]
memory_error = False
with nogil:
for i in range(Xarr.shape[0]):
counts[i] = self._query_radius_single(0, pt, rarr[i],
0, count_only,
pt += n_features
if count_only:
if sort_results:
_simultaneous_sort(&dist_arr_i[0], &idx_arr_i[0],
# equivalent to: indices[i] = np_idx_arr[:counts[i]].copy()
indices[i] = <intp_t*>malloc(counts[i] * sizeof(intp_t))
if indices[i] == NULL:
memory_error = True
memcpy(indices[i], &idx_arr_i[0], counts[i] * sizeof(intp_t))
if return_distance:
# equivalent to: distances[i] = np_dist_arr[:counts[i]].copy()
distances[i] = <{{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}*>malloc(counts[i] * sizeof({{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}))
if distances[i] == NULL:
memory_error = True
memcpy(distances[i], &dist_arr_i[0], counts[i] * sizeof({{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}))
if memory_error:
raise MemoryError()
if count_only:
# deflatten results
return counts_arr.reshape(X.shape[:X.ndim - 1])
elif return_distance:
indices_npy = np.zeros(Xarr.shape[0], dtype='object')
distances_npy = np.zeros(Xarr.shape[0], dtype='object')
for i in range(Xarr.shape[0]):
# make a new numpy array that wraps the existing data
# TODO: remove the explicit cast to cnp.intp_t* when cython min version >= 3.0
indices_npy[i] = cnp.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, <cnp.intp_t*>&counts[i], cnp.NPY_INTP, indices[i])
# make sure the data will be freed when the numpy array is garbage collected
PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS(indices_npy[i], cnp.NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA)
# make sure the data is not freed twice
indices[i] = NULL
# make a new numpy array that wraps the existing data
# TODO: remove the explicit cast to cnp.intp_t* when cython min version >= 3.0
distances_npy[i] = cnp.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, <cnp.intp_t*>&counts[i], {{NPY_TYPE}}, distances[i])
# make sure the data will be freed when the numpy array is garbage collected
PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS(distances_npy[i], cnp.NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA)
# make sure the data is not freed twice
distances[i] = NULL
# deflatten results
return (indices_npy.reshape(X.shape[:X.ndim - 1]),
distances_npy.reshape(X.shape[:X.ndim - 1]))
indices_npy = np.zeros(Xarr.shape[0], dtype='object')
for i in range(Xarr.shape[0]):
# make a new numpy array that wraps the existing data
# TODO: remove the explicit cast to cnp.intp_t* when cython min version >= 3.0
indices_npy[i] = cnp.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, <cnp.intp_t*>&counts[i], cnp.NPY_INTP, indices[i])
# make sure the data will be freed when the numpy array is garbage collected
PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS(indices_npy[i], cnp.NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA)
# make sure the data is not freed twice
indices[i] = NULL
# deflatten results
return indices_npy.reshape(X.shape[:X.ndim - 1])
except MemoryError:
# free any buffer that is not owned by a numpy array
for i in range(Xarr.shape[0]):
if return_distance:
def kernel_density(self, X, h, kernel='gaussian',
atol=0, rtol=1E-8,
breadth_first=True, return_log=False):
kernel_density(X, h, kernel='gaussian', atol=0, rtol=1E-8,
breadth_first=True, return_log=False)
Compute the kernel density estimate at points X with the given kernel,
using the distance metric specified at tree creation.
X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
An array of points to query. Last dimension should match dimension
of training data.
h : float
the bandwidth of the kernel
kernel : str, default="gaussian"
specify the kernel to use. Options are
- 'gaussian'
- 'tophat'
- 'epanechnikov'
- 'exponential'
- 'linear'
- 'cosine'
Default is kernel = 'gaussian'
atol : float, default=0
Specify the desired absolute tolerance of the result.
If the true result is `K_true`, then the returned result `K_ret`
satisfies ``abs(K_true - K_ret) < atol + rtol * K_ret``
The default is zero (i.e. machine precision).
rtol : float, default=1e-8
Specify the desired relative tolerance of the result.
If the true result is `K_true`, then the returned result `K_ret`
satisfies ``abs(K_true - K_ret) < atol + rtol * K_ret``
The default is `1e-8` (i.e. machine precision).
breadth_first : bool, default=False
If True, use a breadth-first search. If False (default) use a
depth-first search. Breadth-first is generally faster for
compact kernels and/or high tolerances.
return_log : bool, default=False
Return the logarithm of the result. This can be more accurate
than returning the result itself for narrow kernels.
density : ndarray of shape X.shape[:-1]
The array of (log)-density evaluations
cdef float64_t h_c = h
cdef float64_t log_atol = log(atol)
cdef float64_t log_rtol = log(rtol)
cdef float64_t log_min_bound, log_max_bound, log_bound_spread
cdef float64_t dist_LB = 0, dist_UB = 0
cdef intp_t n_samples = self.data.shape[0]
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
cdef intp_t i
cdef KernelType kernel_c
# validate kernel
if kernel == 'gaussian':
elif kernel == 'tophat':
kernel_c = TOPHAT_KERNEL
elif kernel == 'epanechnikov':
elif kernel == 'exponential':
elif kernel == 'linear':
kernel_c = LINEAR_KERNEL
elif kernel == 'cosine':
kernel_c = COSINE_KERNEL
raise ValueError("kernel = '%s' not recognized" % kernel)
cdef float64_t log_knorm = _log_kernel_norm(h_c, n_features, kernel_c)
# validate X and prepare for query
X = check_array(X, dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, order='C')
if X.shape[X.ndim - 1] != n_features:
raise ValueError("query data dimension must "
"match training data dimension")
Xarr_np = X.reshape((-1, n_features))
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}[:, ::1] Xarr = Xarr_np
log_density_arr = np.zeros(Xarr.shape[0], dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}})
cdef {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}[::1] log_density = log_density_arr
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* pt = &Xarr[0, 0]
cdef NodeHeap nodeheap
if breadth_first:
nodeheap = NodeHeap(self.data.shape[0] // self.leaf_size)
cdef float64_t[::1] node_log_min_bounds
cdef float64_t[::1] node_bound_widths
# TODO: implement dual tree approach.
# this is difficult because of the need to cache values
# computed between node pairs.
if breadth_first:
node_log_min_bounds_arr = np.full(self.n_nodes, -np.inf)
node_log_min_bounds = node_log_min_bounds_arr
node_bound_widths_arr = np.zeros(self.n_nodes)
node_bound_widths = node_bound_widths_arr
for i in range(Xarr.shape[0]):
log_density[i] = self._kde_single_breadthfirst(
pt, kernel_c, h_c,
log_knorm, log_atol, log_rtol,
pt += n_features
for i in range(Xarr.shape[0]):
min_max_dist{{name_suffix}}(self, 0, pt, &dist_LB, &dist_UB)
# compute max & min bounds on density within top node
log_min_bound = (log(self.sum_weight) +
h_c, kernel_c))
log_max_bound = (log(self.sum_weight) +
h_c, kernel_c))
log_bound_spread = logsubexp(log_max_bound, log_min_bound)
self._kde_single_depthfirst(0, pt, kernel_c, h_c,
log_knorm, log_atol, log_rtol,
log_density[i] = logaddexp(log_min_bound,
log_bound_spread - log(2))
pt += n_features
# normalize the results
for i in range(log_density.shape[0]):
log_density[i] += log_knorm
log_density_arr = log_density_arr.reshape(X.shape[:X.ndim - 1])
if return_log:
return log_density_arr
return np.exp(log_density_arr)
def two_point_correlation(self, X, r, dualtree=False):
two_point_correlation(X, r, dualtree=False)
Compute the two-point correlation function
X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
An array of points to query. Last dimension should match dimension
of training data.
r : array-like
A one-dimensional array of distances
dualtree : bool, default=False
If True, use a dualtree algorithm. Otherwise, use a single-tree
algorithm. Dual tree algorithms can have better scaling for
large N.
counts : ndarray
counts[i] contains the number of pairs of points with distance
less than or equal to r[i]
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
cdef intp_t i
# validate X and prepare for query
X = check_array(X, dtype={{INPUT_DTYPE}}, order='C')
if X.shape[X.ndim - 1] != self.data.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("query data dimension must "
"match training data dimension")
np_Xarr = X.reshape((-1, self.data.shape[1]))
cdef {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}[:, ::1] Xarr = np_Xarr
# prepare r for query
r = np.asarray(r, dtype=np.float64, order='C')
r = np.atleast_1d(r)
if r.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("r must be a 1-dimensional array")
i_rsort = np.argsort(r)
rarr_np = r[i_rsort] # needed to keep memory in scope
cdef float64_t[::1] rarr = rarr_np
# create array to hold counts
count = np.zeros(r.shape[0], dtype=np.intp)
cdef intp_t[::1] carr = count
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* pt = &Xarr[0, 0]
if dualtree:
other = self.__class__(Xarr, metric=self.dist_metric,
self._two_point_dual(0, other, 0, &rarr[0], &carr[0],
0, rarr.shape[0])
for i in range(Xarr.shape[0]):
self._two_point_single(0, pt, &rarr[0], &carr[0],
0, rarr.shape[0])
pt += n_features
return count
cdef int _query_single_depthfirst(
intp_t i_node,
const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* pt,
intp_t i_pt,
NeighborsHeap{{name_suffix}} heap,
float64_t reduced_dist_LB,
) except -1 nogil:
"""Recursive Single-tree k-neighbors query, depth-first approach"""
cdef NodeData_t node_info = self.node_data[i_node]
cdef float64_t dist_pt, reduced_dist_LB_1, reduced_dist_LB_2
cdef intp_t i, i1, i2
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data = &self.data[0, 0]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 1: query point is outside node radius:
# trim it from the query
if reduced_dist_LB > heap.largest(i_pt):
self.n_trims += 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 2: this is a leaf node. Update set of nearby points
elif node_info.is_leaf:
self.n_leaves += 1
for i in range(node_info.idx_start, node_info.idx_end):
dist_pt = self.rdist(pt,
&self.data[self.idx_array[i], 0],
heap._push(i_pt, dist_pt, self.idx_array[i])
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 3: Node is not a leaf. Recursively query subnodes
# starting with the closest
self.n_splits += 1
i1 = 2 * i_node + 1
i2 = i1 + 1
reduced_dist_LB_1 = min_rdist{{name_suffix}}(self, i1, pt)
reduced_dist_LB_2 = min_rdist{{name_suffix}}(self, i2, pt)
# recursively query subnodes
if reduced_dist_LB_1 <= reduced_dist_LB_2:
self._query_single_depthfirst(i1, pt, i_pt, heap,
self._query_single_depthfirst(i2, pt, i_pt, heap,
self._query_single_depthfirst(i2, pt, i_pt, heap,
self._query_single_depthfirst(i1, pt, i_pt, heap,
return 0
cdef int _query_single_breadthfirst(
const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* pt,
intp_t i_pt,
NeighborsHeap{{name_suffix}} heap,
NodeHeap nodeheap,
) except -1:
"""Non-recursive single-tree k-neighbors query, breadth-first search"""
cdef intp_t i, i_node
cdef float64_t dist_pt, reduced_dist_LB
cdef const NodeData_t* node_data = &self.node_data[0]
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data = &self.data[0, 0]
# Set up the node heap and push the head node onto it
cdef NodeHeapData_t nodeheap_item
nodeheap_item.val = min_rdist{{name_suffix}}(self, 0, pt)
nodeheap_item.i1 = 0
while nodeheap.n > 0:
nodeheap_item = nodeheap.pop()
reduced_dist_LB = nodeheap_item.val
i_node = nodeheap_item.i1
node_info = node_data[i_node]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 1: query point is outside node radius:
# trim it from the query
if reduced_dist_LB > heap.largest(i_pt):
self.n_trims += 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 2: this is a leaf node. Update set of nearby points
elif node_data[i_node].is_leaf:
self.n_leaves += 1
for i in range(node_data[i_node].idx_start,
dist_pt = self.rdist(pt,
&self.data[self.idx_array[i], 0],
heap._push(i_pt, dist_pt, self.idx_array[i])
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 3: Node is not a leaf. Add subnodes to the node heap
self.n_splits += 1
for i in range(2 * i_node + 1, 2 * i_node + 3):
nodeheap_item.i1 = i
nodeheap_item.val = min_rdist{{name_suffix}}(self, i, pt)
return 0
cdef int _query_dual_depthfirst(
intp_t i_node1,
BinaryTree{{name_suffix}} other,
intp_t i_node2,
float64_t[::1] bounds,
NeighborsHeap{{name_suffix}} heap,
float64_t reduced_dist_LB,
) except -1:
"""Recursive dual-tree k-neighbors query, depth-first"""
# note that the array `bounds` is maintained such that
# bounds[i] is the largest distance among any of the
# current neighbors in node i of the other tree.
cdef NodeData_t node_info1 = self.node_data[i_node1]
cdef NodeData_t node_info2 = other.node_data[i_node2]
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data1 = &self.data[0, 0]
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data2 = &other.data[0, 0]
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
cdef float64_t bound_max, dist_pt, reduced_dist_LB1, reduced_dist_LB2
cdef intp_t i1, i2, i_pt, i_parent
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 1: nodes are further apart than the current bound:
# trim both from the query
if reduced_dist_LB > bounds[i_node2]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 2: both nodes are leaves:
# do a brute-force search comparing all pairs
elif node_info1.is_leaf and node_info2.is_leaf:
bounds[i_node2] = 0
for i2 in range(node_info2.idx_start, node_info2.idx_end):
i_pt = other.idx_array[i2]
if heap.largest(i_pt) <= reduced_dist_LB:
for i1 in range(node_info1.idx_start, node_info1.idx_end):
dist_pt = self.rdist(
data1 + n_features * self.idx_array[i1],
data2 + n_features * i_pt,
heap._push(i_pt, dist_pt, self.idx_array[i1])
# keep track of node bound
bounds[i_node2] = fmax(bounds[i_node2],
# update bounds up the tree
while i_node2 > 0:
i_parent = (i_node2 - 1) // 2
bound_max = fmax(bounds[2 * i_parent + 1],
bounds[2 * i_parent + 2])
if bound_max < bounds[i_parent]:
bounds[i_parent] = bound_max
i_node2 = i_parent
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 3a: node 1 is a leaf or is smaller: split node 2 and
# recursively query, starting with the nearest subnode
elif node_info1.is_leaf or (not node_info2.is_leaf
and node_info2.radius > node_info1.radius):
reduced_dist_LB1 = min_rdist_dual{{name_suffix}}(self, i_node1,
other, 2 * i_node2 + 1)
reduced_dist_LB2 = min_rdist_dual{{name_suffix}}(self, i_node1,
other, 2 * i_node2 + 2)
if reduced_dist_LB1 < reduced_dist_LB2:
self._query_dual_depthfirst(i_node1, other, 2 * i_node2 + 1,
bounds, heap, reduced_dist_LB1)
self._query_dual_depthfirst(i_node1, other, 2 * i_node2 + 2,
bounds, heap, reduced_dist_LB2)
self._query_dual_depthfirst(i_node1, other, 2 * i_node2 + 2,
bounds, heap, reduced_dist_LB2)
self._query_dual_depthfirst(i_node1, other, 2 * i_node2 + 1,
bounds, heap, reduced_dist_LB1)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 3b: node 2 is a leaf or is smaller: split node 1 and
# recursively query, starting with the nearest subnode
reduced_dist_LB1 = min_rdist_dual{{name_suffix}}(self, 2 * i_node1 + 1,
other, i_node2)
reduced_dist_LB2 = min_rdist_dual{{name_suffix}}(self, 2 * i_node1 + 2,
other, i_node2)
if reduced_dist_LB1 < reduced_dist_LB2:
self._query_dual_depthfirst(2 * i_node1 + 1, other, i_node2,
bounds, heap, reduced_dist_LB1)
self._query_dual_depthfirst(2 * i_node1 + 2, other, i_node2,
bounds, heap, reduced_dist_LB2)
self._query_dual_depthfirst(2 * i_node1 + 2, other, i_node2,
bounds, heap, reduced_dist_LB2)
self._query_dual_depthfirst(2 * i_node1 + 1, other, i_node2,
bounds, heap, reduced_dist_LB1)
return 0
cdef int _query_dual_breadthfirst(
BinaryTree{{name_suffix}} other,
NeighborsHeap{{name_suffix}} heap,
NodeHeap nodeheap,
) except -1:
"""Non-recursive dual-tree k-neighbors query, breadth-first"""
cdef intp_t i, i1, i2, i_node1, i_node2, i_pt
cdef float64_t dist_pt, reduced_dist_LB
cdef float64_t[::1] bounds = np.full(other.node_data.shape[0], np.inf)
cdef const NodeData_t* node_data1 = &self.node_data[0]
cdef const NodeData_t* node_data2 = &other.node_data[0]
cdef NodeData_t node_info1, node_info2
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data1 = &self.data[0, 0]
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data2 = &other.data[0, 0]
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
# Set up the node heap and push the head nodes onto it
cdef NodeHeapData_t nodeheap_item
nodeheap_item.val = min_rdist_dual{{name_suffix}}(self, 0, other, 0)
nodeheap_item.i1 = 0
nodeheap_item.i2 = 0
while nodeheap.n > 0:
nodeheap_item = nodeheap.pop()
reduced_dist_LB = nodeheap_item.val
i_node1 = nodeheap_item.i1
i_node2 = nodeheap_item.i2
node_info1 = node_data1[i_node1]
node_info2 = node_data2[i_node2]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 1: nodes are further apart than the current bound:
# trim both from the query
if reduced_dist_LB > bounds[i_node2]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 2: both nodes are leaves:
# do a brute-force search comparing all pairs
elif node_info1.is_leaf and node_info2.is_leaf:
bounds[i_node2] = -1
for i2 in range(node_info2.idx_start, node_info2.idx_end):
i_pt = other.idx_array[i2]
if heap.largest(i_pt) <= reduced_dist_LB:
for i1 in range(node_info1.idx_start, node_info1.idx_end):
dist_pt = self.rdist(
data1 + n_features * self.idx_array[i1],
data2 + n_features * i_pt,
heap._push(i_pt, dist_pt, self.idx_array[i1])
# keep track of node bound
bounds[i_node2] = fmax(bounds[i_node2],
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 3a: node 1 is a leaf or is smaller: split node 2 and
# recursively query, starting with the nearest subnode
elif node_info1.is_leaf or (not node_info2.is_leaf
and (node_info2.radius
> node_info1.radius)):
nodeheap_item.i1 = i_node1
for i2 in range(2 * i_node2 + 1, 2 * i_node2 + 3):
nodeheap_item.i2 = i2
nodeheap_item.val = min_rdist_dual{{name_suffix}}(self, i_node1,
other, i2)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 3b: node 2 is a leaf or is smaller: split node 1 and
# recursively query, starting with the nearest subnode
nodeheap_item.i2 = i_node2
for i1 in range(2 * i_node1 + 1, 2 * i_node1 + 3):
nodeheap_item.i1 = i1
nodeheap_item.val = min_rdist_dual{{name_suffix}}(self, i1,
other, i_node2)
return 0
cdef intp_t _query_radius_single(
intp_t i_node,
const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* pt,
float64_t r,
intp_t* indices,
{{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* distances,
intp_t count,
int count_only,
int return_distance,
) noexcept nogil:
"""recursive single-tree radius query, depth-first"""
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data = &self.data[0, 0]
cdef intp_t* idx_array = &self.idx_array[0]
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
cdef NodeData_t node_info = self.node_data[i_node]
cdef intp_t i
cdef float64_t reduced_r
cdef float64_t dist_pt, dist_LB = 0, dist_UB = 0
min_max_dist{{name_suffix}}(self, i_node, pt, &dist_LB, &dist_UB)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 1: all node points are outside distance r.
# prune this branch.
if dist_LB > r:
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 2: all node points are within distance r
# add all points to neighbors
elif dist_UB <= r:
if count_only:
count += (node_info.idx_end - node_info.idx_start)
for i in range(node_info.idx_start, node_info.idx_end):
if (count < 0) or (count >= self.data.shape[0]):
return -1
indices[count] = idx_array[i]
if return_distance:
distances[count] = self.dist(pt, (data + n_features
* idx_array[i]),
count += 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 3: this is a leaf node. Go through all points to
# determine if they fall within radius
elif node_info.is_leaf:
reduced_r = self.dist_metric._dist_to_rdist(r)
for i in range(node_info.idx_start, node_info.idx_end):
dist_pt = self.rdist(pt, (data + n_features * idx_array[i]),
if dist_pt <= reduced_r:
if (count < 0) or (count >= self.data.shape[0]):
return -1
if count_only:
indices[count] = idx_array[i]
if return_distance:
distances[count] =\
count += 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 4: Node is not a leaf. Recursively query subnodes
count = self._query_radius_single(2 * i_node + 1, pt, r,
indices, distances, count,
count_only, return_distance)
count = self._query_radius_single(2 * i_node + 2, pt, r,
indices, distances, count,
count_only, return_distance)
return count
cdef float64_t _kde_single_breadthfirst(
self, const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* pt,
KernelType kernel,
float64_t h,
float64_t log_knorm,
float64_t log_atol,
float64_t log_rtol,
NodeHeap nodeheap,
float64_t* node_log_min_bounds,
float64_t* node_log_bound_spreads,
"""non-recursive single-tree kernel density estimation"""
# For the given point, node_log_min_bounds and node_log_bound_spreads
# will encode the current bounds on the density between the point
# and the associated node.
# The variables global_log_min_bound and global_log_bound_spread
# keep track of the global bounds on density. The procedure here is
# to split nodes, updating these bounds, until the bounds are within
# atol & rtol.
cdef intp_t i, i1, i2, i_node
cdef float64_t N1, N2
cdef float64_t global_log_min_bound, global_log_bound_spread
cdef float64_t global_log_max_bound
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data = &self.data[0, 0]
cdef bint with_sample_weight = self.sample_weight is not None
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* sample_weight
if with_sample_weight:
sample_weight = &self.sample_weight[0]
cdef intp_t* idx_array = &self.idx_array[0]
cdef const NodeData_t* node_data = &self.node_data[0]
cdef float64_t N
cdef float64_t log_weight
if with_sample_weight:
N = self.sum_weight
N = <float64_t> self.data.shape[0]
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
cdef NodeData_t node_info
cdef float64_t dist_pt, log_density
cdef float64_t dist_LB_1 = 0, dist_LB_2 = 0
cdef float64_t dist_UB_1 = 0, dist_UB_2 = 0
cdef float64_t dist_UB, dist_LB
# push the top node to the heap
cdef NodeHeapData_t nodeheap_item
nodeheap_item.val = min_dist{{name_suffix}}(self, 0, pt)
nodeheap_item.i1 = 0
global_log_min_bound = log(N) + compute_log_kernel(
max_dist{{name_suffix}}(self, 0, pt), h, kernel
global_log_max_bound = log(N) + compute_log_kernel(nodeheap_item.val,
h, kernel)
global_log_bound_spread = logsubexp(global_log_max_bound,
node_log_min_bounds[0] = global_log_min_bound
node_log_bound_spreads[0] = global_log_bound_spread
while nodeheap.n > 0:
nodeheap_item = nodeheap.pop()
i_node = nodeheap_item.i1
node_info = node_data[i_node]
if with_sample_weight:
N1 = _total_node_weight(node_data, sample_weight,
idx_array, i_node)
N1 = node_info.idx_end - node_info.idx_start
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 1: local bounds are equal to within per-point tolerance.
if (log_knorm + node_log_bound_spreads[i_node] - log(N1) + log(N)
<= logaddexp(log_atol, (log_rtol + log_knorm
+ node_log_min_bounds[i_node]))):
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 2: global bounds are within rtol & atol.
elif (log_knorm + global_log_bound_spread
<= logaddexp(log_atol,
log_rtol + log_knorm + global_log_min_bound)):
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 3: node is a leaf. Count contributions from all points
elif node_info.is_leaf:
global_log_min_bound =\
global_log_bound_spread =\
for i in range(node_info.idx_start, node_info.idx_end):
dist_pt = self.dist(pt, data + n_features * idx_array[i],
log_density = compute_log_kernel(dist_pt, h, kernel)
if with_sample_weight:
log_weight = np.log(sample_weight[idx_array[i]])
log_weight = 0.
global_log_min_bound = logaddexp(global_log_min_bound,
log_density + log_weight)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 4: split node and query subnodes
i1 = 2 * i_node + 1
i2 = 2 * i_node + 2
if with_sample_weight:
N1 = _total_node_weight(node_data, sample_weight,
idx_array, i1)
N2 = _total_node_weight(node_data, sample_weight,
idx_array, i2)
N1 = node_data[i1].idx_end - node_data[i1].idx_start
N2 = node_data[i2].idx_end - node_data[i2].idx_start
min_max_dist{{name_suffix}}(self, i1, pt, &dist_LB_1, &dist_UB_1)
min_max_dist{{name_suffix}}(self, i2, pt, &dist_LB_2, &dist_UB_2)
node_log_min_bounds[i1] = (log(N1) +
h, kernel))
node_log_bound_spreads[i1] = (log(N1) +
h, kernel))
node_log_min_bounds[i2] = (log(N2) +
h, kernel))
node_log_bound_spreads[i2] = (log(N2) +
h, kernel))
global_log_min_bound = logsubexp(global_log_min_bound,
global_log_min_bound = logaddexp(global_log_min_bound,
global_log_min_bound = logaddexp(global_log_min_bound,
global_log_bound_spread =\
global_log_bound_spread = logaddexp(global_log_bound_spread,
global_log_bound_spread = logaddexp(global_log_bound_spread,
# TODO: rank by the spread rather than the distance?
nodeheap_item.val = dist_LB_1
nodeheap_item.i1 = i1
nodeheap_item.val = dist_LB_2
nodeheap_item.i1 = i2
return logaddexp(global_log_min_bound,
global_log_bound_spread - log(2))
cdef int _kde_single_depthfirst(
intp_t i_node,
const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* pt,
KernelType kernel,
float64_t h,
float64_t log_knorm,
float64_t log_atol,
float64_t log_rtol,
float64_t local_log_min_bound,
float64_t local_log_bound_spread,
float64_t* global_log_min_bound,
float64_t* global_log_bound_spread,
) except -1:
"""recursive single-tree kernel density estimate, depth-first"""
# For the given point, local_min_bound and local_max_bound give the
# minimum and maximum density for the current node, while
# global_min_bound and global_max_bound give the minimum and maximum
# density over the entire tree. We recurse down until global_min_bound
# and global_max_bound are within rtol and atol.
cdef intp_t i, i1, i2, iw, start, end
cdef float64_t N1, N2
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data = &self.data[0, 0]
cdef const NodeData_t* node_data = &self.node_data[0]
cdef bint with_sample_weight = self.sample_weight is not None
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* sample_weight
cdef float64_t log_weight
if with_sample_weight:
sample_weight = &self.sample_weight[0]
cdef intp_t* idx_array = &self.idx_array[0]
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
cdef NodeData_t node_info = self.node_data[i_node]
cdef float64_t dist_pt, log_dens_contribution
cdef float64_t child1_log_min_bound, child2_log_min_bound
cdef float64_t child1_log_bound_spread, child2_log_bound_spread
cdef float64_t dist_UB = 0, dist_LB = 0
if with_sample_weight:
N1 = _total_node_weight(node_data, sample_weight,
idx_array, i_node)
N2 = self.sum_weight
N1 = <float64_t>(node_info.idx_end - node_info.idx_start)
N2 = <float64_t>self.data.shape[0]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 1: local bounds are equal to within errors. Return
if (
log_knorm + local_log_bound_spread - log(N1) + log(N2)
<= logaddexp(log_atol, (log_rtol + log_knorm + local_log_min_bound))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 2: global bounds are within rtol & atol. Return
elif (
log_knorm + global_log_bound_spread[0]
<= logaddexp(log_atol, (log_rtol + log_knorm + global_log_min_bound[0]))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 3: node is a leaf. Count contributions from all points
elif node_info.is_leaf:
global_log_min_bound[0] = logsubexp(global_log_min_bound[0],
global_log_bound_spread[0] = logsubexp(global_log_bound_spread[0],
for i in range(node_info.idx_start, node_info.idx_end):
dist_pt = self.dist(pt, (data + n_features * idx_array[i]),
log_dens_contribution = compute_log_kernel(dist_pt, h, kernel)
if with_sample_weight:
log_weight = np.log(sample_weight[idx_array[i]])
log_weight = 0.
global_log_min_bound[0] = logaddexp(global_log_min_bound[0],
(log_dens_contribution +
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Case 4: split node and query subnodes
i1 = 2 * i_node + 1
i2 = 2 * i_node + 2
if with_sample_weight:
N1 = _total_node_weight(node_data, sample_weight,
idx_array, i1)
N2 = _total_node_weight(node_data, sample_weight,
idx_array, i2)
N1 = <float64_t>(self.node_data[i1].idx_end - self.node_data[i1].idx_start)
N2 = <float64_t>(self.node_data[i2].idx_end - self.node_data[i2].idx_start)
min_max_dist{{name_suffix}}(self, i1, pt, &dist_LB, &dist_UB)
child1_log_min_bound = log(N1) + compute_log_kernel(dist_UB, h,
child1_log_bound_spread = logsubexp(log(N1) +
compute_log_kernel(dist_LB, h,
min_max_dist{{name_suffix}}(self, i2, pt, &dist_LB, &dist_UB)
child2_log_min_bound = log(N2) + compute_log_kernel(dist_UB, h,
child2_log_bound_spread = logsubexp(log(N2) +
compute_log_kernel(dist_LB, h,
global_log_min_bound[0] = logsubexp(global_log_min_bound[0],
global_log_min_bound[0] = logaddexp(global_log_min_bound[0],
global_log_min_bound[0] = logaddexp(global_log_min_bound[0],
global_log_bound_spread[0] = logsubexp(global_log_bound_spread[0],
global_log_bound_spread[0] = logaddexp(global_log_bound_spread[0],
global_log_bound_spread[0] = logaddexp(global_log_bound_spread[0],
self._kde_single_depthfirst(i1, pt, kernel, h, log_knorm,
log_atol, log_rtol,
self._kde_single_depthfirst(i2, pt, kernel, h, log_knorm,
log_atol, log_rtol,
return 0
cdef int _two_point_single(
intp_t i_node,
const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* pt,
float64_t* r,
intp_t* count,
intp_t i_min,
intp_t i_max,
) except -1:
"""recursive single-tree two-point correlation function query"""
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data = &self.data[0, 0]
cdef intp_t* idx_array = &self.idx_array[0]
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
cdef NodeData_t node_info = self.node_data[i_node]
cdef intp_t i, j, Npts
cdef float64_t reduced_r
cdef float64_t dist_pt, dist_LB = 0, dist_UB = 0
min_max_dist{{name_suffix}}(self, i_node, pt, &dist_LB, &dist_UB)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Go through bounds and check for cuts
while i_min < i_max:
if dist_LB > r[i_min]:
i_min += 1
while i_max > i_min:
Npts = (node_info.idx_end - node_info.idx_start)
if dist_UB <= r[i_max - 1]:
count[i_max - 1] += Npts
i_max -= 1
if i_min < i_max:
# If node is a leaf, go through all points
if node_info.is_leaf:
for i in range(node_info.idx_start, node_info.idx_end):
dist_pt = self.dist(pt, (data + n_features * idx_array[i]),
j = i_max - 1
while (j >= i_min) and (dist_pt <= r[j]):
count[j] += 1
j -= 1
self._two_point_single(2 * i_node + 1, pt, r,
count, i_min, i_max)
self._two_point_single(2 * i_node + 2, pt, r,
count, i_min, i_max)
return 0
cdef int _two_point_dual(
intp_t i_node1,
BinaryTree{{name_suffix}} other,
intp_t i_node2,
float64_t* r,
intp_t* count,
intp_t i_min,
intp_t i_max,
) except -1:
"""recursive dual-tree two-point correlation function query"""
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data1 = &self.data[0, 0]
cdef const {{INPUT_DTYPE_t}}* data2 = &other.data[0, 0]
cdef intp_t* idx_array1 = &self.idx_array[0]
cdef intp_t* idx_array2 = &other.idx_array[0]
cdef NodeData_t node_info1 = self.node_data[i_node1]
cdef NodeData_t node_info2 = other.node_data[i_node2]
cdef intp_t n_features = self.data.shape[1]
cdef intp_t i1, i2, j, Npts
cdef float64_t reduced_r
cdef float64_t dist_pt, dist_LB = 0, dist_UB = 0
dist_LB = min_dist_dual{{name_suffix}}(self, i_node1, other, i_node2)
dist_UB = max_dist_dual{{name_suffix}}(self, i_node1, other, i_node2)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Go through bounds and check for cuts
while i_min < i_max:
if dist_LB > r[i_min]:
i_min += 1
while i_max > i_min:
Npts = ((node_info1.idx_end - node_info1.idx_start)
* (node_info2.idx_end - node_info2.idx_start))
if dist_UB <= r[i_max - 1]:
count[i_max - 1] += Npts
i_max -= 1
if i_min < i_max:
if node_info1.is_leaf and node_info2.is_leaf:
# If both nodes are leaves, go through all points
for i1 in range(node_info1.idx_start, node_info1.idx_end):
for i2 in range(node_info2.idx_start, node_info2.idx_end):
dist_pt = self.dist((data1 + n_features
* idx_array1[i1]),
(data2 + n_features
* idx_array2[i2]),
j = i_max - 1
while (j >= i_min) and (dist_pt <= r[j]):
count[j] += 1
j -= 1
elif node_info1.is_leaf:
# If only one is a leaf, split the other
for i2 in range(2 * i_node2 + 1, 2 * i_node2 + 3):
self._two_point_dual(i_node1, other, i2,
r, count, i_min, i_max)
elif node_info2.is_leaf:
for i1 in range(2 * i_node1 + 1, 2 * i_node1 + 3):
self._two_point_dual(i1, other, i_node2,
r, count, i_min, i_max)
# neither is a leaf: split & query both
for i1 in range(2 * i_node1 + 1, 2 * i_node1 + 3):
for i2 in range(2 * i_node2 + 1, 2 * i_node2 + 3):
self._two_point_dual(i1, other, i2,
r, count, i_min, i_max)
return 0
# Python functions for benchmarking and testing C implementations
def simultaneous_sort(float64_t[:, ::1] distances, intp_t[:, ::1] indices):
"""In-place simultaneous sort the given row of the arrays
This python wrapper exists primarily to enable unit testing
of the _simultaneous_sort C routine.
assert distances.shape[0] == indices.shape[0]
assert distances.shape[1] == indices.shape[1]
cdef intp_t row
for row in range(distances.shape[0]):
_simultaneous_sort(&distances[row, 0],
&indices[row, 0],
def nodeheap_sort(float64_t[::1] vals):
"""In-place reverse sort of vals using NodeHeap"""
cdef intp_t[::1] indices = np.zeros(vals.shape[0], dtype=np.intp)
cdef float64_t[::1] vals_sorted = np.zeros_like(vals)
# use initial size 0 to check corner case
cdef NodeHeap heap = NodeHeap(0)
cdef NodeHeapData_t data
cdef intp_t i
for i in range(vals.shape[0]):
data.val = vals[i]
data.i1 = i
data.i2 = i + 1
for i in range(vals.shape[0]):
data = heap.pop()
vals_sorted[i] = data.val
indices[i] = data.i1
return np.asarray(vals_sorted), np.asarray(indices)
cdef inline float64_t _total_node_weight(
const NodeData_t* node_data,
const floating* sample_weight,
const intp_t* idx_array,
intp_t i_node,
cdef intp_t i
cdef float64_t N = 0.0
for i in range(node_data[i_node].idx_start, node_data[i_node].idx_end):
N += sample_weight[idx_array[i]]
return N