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2024-05-26 19:49:15 +02:00
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Provides an interface for working with multiple event files."""
import os
import threading
from typing import Optional
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing import directory_watcher
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing import event_accumulator
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing import io_wrapper
from tensorboard.util import tb_logging
logger = tb_logging.get_logger()
class EventMultiplexer:
"""An `EventMultiplexer` manages access to multiple `EventAccumulator`s.
Each `EventAccumulator` is associated with a `run`, which is a self-contained
TensorFlow execution. The `EventMultiplexer` provides methods for extracting
information about events from multiple `run`s.
Example usage for loading specific runs from files:
x = EventMultiplexer({'run1': 'path/to/run1', 'run2': 'path/to/run2'})
Example usage for loading a directory where each subdirectory is a run
(eg:) /parent/directory/path/
x = EventMultiplexer().AddRunsFromDirectory('/parent/directory/path')
(which is equivalent to:)
x = EventMultiplexer({'run1': '/parent/directory/path/run1', 'run2':...}
If you would like to watch `/parent/directory/path`, wait for it to be created
(if necessary) and then periodically pick up new runs, use
def __init__(
self, run_path_map=None, size_guidance=None, purge_orphaned_data=True
"""Constructor for the `EventMultiplexer`.
run_path_map: Dict `{run: path}` which specifies the
name of a run, and the path to find the associated events. If it is
None, then the EventMultiplexer initializes without any runs.
size_guidance: A dictionary mapping from `tagType` to the number of items
to store for each tag of that type. See
`event_accumulator.EventAccumulator` for details.
purge_orphaned_data: Whether to discard any events that were "orphaned" by
a TensorFlow restart.
logger.info("Event Multiplexer initializing.")
self._accumulators_mutex = threading.Lock()
self._accumulators = {}
self._paths = {}
self._reload_called = False
self._size_guidance = (
size_guidance or event_accumulator.DEFAULT_SIZE_GUIDANCE
self.purge_orphaned_data = purge_orphaned_data
if run_path_map is not None:
"Event Multplexer doing initialization load for %s",
for (run, path) in run_path_map.items():
self.AddRun(path, run)
logger.info("Event Multiplexer done initializing")
def AddRun(self, path, name=None):
"""Add a run to the multiplexer.
If the name is not specified, it is the same as the path.
If a run by that name exists, and we are already watching the right path,
do nothing. If we are watching a different path, replace the event
If `Reload` has been called, it will `Reload` the newly created
path: Path to the event files (or event directory) for given run.
name: Name of the run to add. If not provided, is set to path.
The `EventMultiplexer`.
name = name or path
accumulator = None
with self._accumulators_mutex:
if name not in self._accumulators or self._paths[name] != path:
if name in self._paths and self._paths[name] != path:
# TODO(@decentralion) - Make it impossible to overwrite an old path
# with a new path (just give the new path a distinct name)
"Conflict for name %s: old path %s, new path %s",
logger.info("Constructing EventAccumulator for %s", path)
accumulator = event_accumulator.EventAccumulator(
self._accumulators[name] = accumulator
self._paths[name] = path
if accumulator:
if self._reload_called:
return self
def AddRunsFromDirectory(self, path, name=None):
"""Load runs from a directory; recursively walks subdirectories.
If path doesn't exist, no-op. This ensures that it is safe to call
`AddRunsFromDirectory` multiple times, even before the directory is made.
If path is a directory, load event files in the directory (if any exist) and
recursively call AddRunsFromDirectory on any subdirectories. This mean you
can call AddRunsFromDirectory at the root of a tree of event logs and
TensorBoard will load them all.
If the `EventMultiplexer` is already loaded this will cause
the newly created accumulators to `Reload()`.
path: A string path to a directory to load runs from.
name: Optionally, what name to apply to the runs. If name is provided
and the directory contains run subdirectories, the name of each subrun
is the concatenation of the parent name and the subdirectory name. If
name is provided and the directory contains event files, then a run
is added called "name" and with the events from the path.
ValueError: If the path exists and isn't a directory.
The `EventMultiplexer`.
logger.info("Starting AddRunsFromDirectory: %s", path)
for subdir in io_wrapper.GetLogdirSubdirectories(path):
logger.info("Adding events from directory %s", subdir)
rpath = os.path.relpath(subdir, path)
subname = os.path.join(name, rpath) if name else rpath
self.AddRun(subdir, name=subname)
logger.info("Done with AddRunsFromDirectory: %s", path)
return self
def Reload(self):
"""Call `Reload` on every `EventAccumulator`."""
logger.info("Beginning EventMultiplexer.Reload()")
self._reload_called = True
# Build a list so we're safe even if the list of accumulators is modified
# even while we're reloading.
with self._accumulators_mutex:
items = list(self._accumulators.items())
names_to_delete = set()
for name, accumulator in items:
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
logger.error("Unable to reload accumulator '%s': %s", name, e)
except directory_watcher.DirectoryDeletedError:
with self._accumulators_mutex:
for name in names_to_delete:
logger.warning("Deleting accumulator '%s'", name)
del self._accumulators[name]
logger.info("Finished with EventMultiplexer.Reload()")
return self
def PluginAssets(self, plugin_name):
"""Get index of runs and assets for a given plugin.
plugin_name: Name of the plugin we are checking for.
A dictionary that maps from run_name to a list of plugin
assets for that run.
with self._accumulators_mutex:
# To avoid nested locks, we construct a copy of the run-accumulator map
items = list(self._accumulators.items())
return {run: accum.PluginAssets(plugin_name) for run, accum in items}
def RetrievePluginAsset(self, run, plugin_name, asset_name):
"""Return the contents for a specific plugin asset from a run.
run: The string name of the run.
plugin_name: The string name of a plugin.
asset_name: The string name of an asset.
The string contents of the plugin asset.
KeyError: If the asset is not available.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.RetrievePluginAsset(plugin_name, asset_name)
def FirstEventTimestamp(self, run):
"""Return the timestamp of the first event of the given run.
This may perform I/O if no events have been loaded yet for the run.
run: A string name of the run for which the timestamp is retrieved.
The wall_time of the first event of the run, which will typically be
seconds since the epoch.
KeyError: If the run is not found.
ValueError: If the run has no events loaded and there are no events on
disk to load.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.FirstEventTimestamp()
def GetSourceWriter(self, run) -> Optional[str]:
"""Returns the source writer name from the first event of the given run.
Assuming each run has only one source writer.
run: A string name of the run from which the event source information
is retrieved.
Name of the writer that wrote the events in the run.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.GetSourceWriter()
def Scalars(self, run, tag):
"""Retrieve the scalar events associated with a run and tag.
run: A string name of the run for which values are retrieved.
tag: A string name of the tag for which values are retrieved.
KeyError: If the run is not found, or the tag is not available for
the given run.
An array of `event_accumulator.ScalarEvents`.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.Scalars(tag)
def Graph(self, run):
"""Retrieve the graph associated with the provided run.
run: A string name of a run to load the graph for.
KeyError: If the run is not found.
ValueError: If the run does not have an associated graph.
The `GraphDef` protobuf data structure.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.Graph()
def SerializedGraph(self, run):
"""Retrieve the serialized graph associated with the provided run.
run: A string name of a run to load the graph for.
KeyError: If the run is not found.
ValueError: If the run does not have an associated graph.
The serialized form of the `GraphDef` protobuf data structure.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.SerializedGraph()
def MetaGraph(self, run):
"""Retrieve the metagraph associated with the provided run.
run: A string name of a run to load the graph for.
KeyError: If the run is not found.
ValueError: If the run does not have an associated graph.
The `MetaGraphDef` protobuf data structure.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.MetaGraph()
def RunMetadata(self, run, tag):
"""Get the session.run() metadata associated with a TensorFlow run and
run: A string name of a TensorFlow run.
tag: A string name of the tag associated with a particular session.run().
KeyError: If the run is not found, or the tag is not available for the
given run.
The metadata in the form of `RunMetadata` protobuf data structure.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.RunMetadata(tag)
def Histograms(self, run, tag):
"""Retrieve the histogram events associated with a run and tag.
run: A string name of the run for which values are retrieved.
tag: A string name of the tag for which values are retrieved.
KeyError: If the run is not found, or the tag is not available for
the given run.
An array of `event_accumulator.HistogramEvents`.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.Histograms(tag)
def CompressedHistograms(self, run, tag):
"""Retrieve the compressed histogram events associated with a run and
run: A string name of the run for which values are retrieved.
tag: A string name of the tag for which values are retrieved.
KeyError: If the run is not found, or the tag is not available for
the given run.
An array of `event_accumulator.CompressedHistogramEvents`.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.CompressedHistograms(tag)
def Images(self, run, tag):
"""Retrieve the image events associated with a run and tag.
run: A string name of the run for which values are retrieved.
tag: A string name of the tag for which values are retrieved.
KeyError: If the run is not found, or the tag is not available for
the given run.
An array of `event_accumulator.ImageEvents`.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.Images(tag)
def Audio(self, run, tag):
"""Retrieve the audio events associated with a run and tag.
run: A string name of the run for which values are retrieved.
tag: A string name of the tag for which values are retrieved.
KeyError: If the run is not found, or the tag is not available for
the given run.
An array of `event_accumulator.AudioEvents`.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.Audio(tag)
def Tensors(self, run, tag):
"""Retrieve the tensor events associated with a run and tag.
run: A string name of the run for which values are retrieved.
tag: A string name of the tag for which values are retrieved.
KeyError: If the run is not found, or the tag is not available for
the given run.
An array of `event_accumulator.TensorEvent`s.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.Tensors(tag)
def PluginRunToTagToContent(self, plugin_name):
"""Returns a 2-layer dictionary of the form {run: {tag: content}}.
The `content` referred above is the content field of the PluginData proto
for the specified plugin within a Summary.Value proto.
plugin_name: The name of the plugin for which to fetch content.
A dictionary of the form {run: {tag: content}}.
mapping = {}
for run in self.Runs():
tag_to_content = self.GetAccumulator(run).PluginTagToContent(
except KeyError:
# This run lacks content for the plugin. Try the next run.
mapping[run] = tag_to_content
return mapping
def SummaryMetadata(self, run, tag):
"""Return the summary metadata for the given tag on the given run.
run: A string name of the run for which summary metadata is to be
tag: A string name of the tag whose summary metadata is to be
KeyError: If the run is not found, or the tag is not available for
the given run.
A `SummaryMetadata` protobuf.
accumulator = self.GetAccumulator(run)
return accumulator.SummaryMetadata(tag)
def Runs(self):
"""Return all the run names in the `EventMultiplexer`.
{runName: { images: [tag1, tag2, tag3],
scalarValues: [tagA, tagB, tagC],
histograms: [tagX, tagY, tagZ],
compressedHistograms: [tagX, tagY, tagZ],
graph: true, meta_graph: true}}
with self._accumulators_mutex:
# To avoid nested locks, we construct a copy of the run-accumulator map
items = list(self._accumulators.items())
return {run_name: accumulator.Tags() for run_name, accumulator in items}
def RunPaths(self):
"""Returns a dict mapping run names to event file paths."""
return self._paths
def GetAccumulator(self, run):
"""Returns EventAccumulator for a given run.
run: String name of run.
An EventAccumulator object.
KeyError: If run does not exist.
with self._accumulators_mutex:
return self._accumulators[run]