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/* Copyright 2017 The OpenXLA Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// Utility functions related to layouts of Shapes.
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "xla/layout.h"
#include "xla/printer.h"
#include "xla/shape.h"
#include "xla/status.h"
#include "xla/xla_data.pb.h"
#include "tsl/platform/logging.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
namespace xla {
// Namespaced collection of (static) Layout utilities.
class LayoutUtil {
LayoutUtil(const LayoutUtil&) = delete;
LayoutUtil& operator=(const LayoutUtil&) = delete;
// Creates a layout with the given minor-to-major dimension order. (This is a
// convenience function for protobuf construction.)
static Layout MakeLayout(
absl::Span<const int64_t> minor_to_major,
absl::Span<const DimLevelType> dim_level_types = {},
absl::Span<const bool> dim_unique = {},
absl::Span<const bool> dim_ordered = {},
absl::Span<const Tile> tiles = {},
int64_t tail_padding_alignment_in_elements = 1,
PrimitiveType index_primitive_type = PRIMITIVE_TYPE_INVALID,
PrimitiveType pointer_primitive_type = PRIMITIVE_TYPE_INVALID,
int64_t element_size_in_bits = 0, int64_t memory_space = 0,
std::optional<Shape> physical_shape = std::nullopt,
int64_t dynamic_shape_metadata_prefix_bytes = 0);
// Similar to MakeLayout, but take indices in reverse order.
static Layout MakeLayoutFromMajorToMinor(
absl::Span<const int64_t> major_to_minor);
// Returns a layout with descending ((i.e. {n-1, n-2, ... 0}) minor-to-major
// dimensions.
static Layout MakeDescendingLayout(int64_t rank);
// Returns a layout with ascending ((i.e. {0, 1, ... n-1}) minor-to-major
// dimensions.
static Layout MakeAscendingLayout(int64_t rank);
// Returns default layout for the given shape.
static Layout GetDefaultLayoutForShape(const Shape& shape);
// Helper functions that create default layouts for various ranks.
static Layout GetDefaultLayoutForRank(int64_t rank);
static Layout GetDefaultLayoutForR2();
static Layout GetDefaultLayoutForR3();
static Layout GetDefaultLayoutForR4();
// Sets the default layout on the Shape.
static void SetToDefaultLayout(Shape* shape);
// Returns a shape with the same dimensions as `shape` but with the default
// layout.
static Shape GetWithDefaultLayout(const Shape& shape);
// Sets the layouts of all Shapes within the given ProgramShape to the
// default.
static void SetToDefaultLayout(ProgramShape* program_shape);
// Validates that the layout within the given shape is correct. The check
// is performed for all subshapes as well. If missing layouts are allowed
// the check does not fail on array shapes without layouts.
static Status ValidateLayoutInShape(const Shape& shape,
bool allow_missing_layouts = false);
// Validates that the provided layout satisfies invariants for the given
// shape.
static Status ValidateLayoutForShape(const Layout& layout,
const Shape& shape);
// Clears the layout in the given Shape. After this function is called,
// HasLayout will return false for the shape.
static void ClearLayout(Shape* shape);
// Clears the layout on all Shapes within the given ProgramShape.
static void ClearLayout(ProgramShape* program_shape);
// Clears the tiling fields from the shape and/or all of its subshapes.
static void ClearTiles(Shape* shape);
// Returns whether the given Shape is an array and has a dense in-memory
// representation.
static bool IsDenseArray(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether the given Shape is an array and has a sparse in-memory
// representation.
static bool IsSparseArray(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether the given Shape is a sparse array and has a COO (coordinate
// matrix) in-memory representation.
static bool IsCOOArray(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether the given Shape is a sparse array and has a CSR (compressed
// sparse row) in-memory representation.
static bool IsCSRArray(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether the given Shape is a sparse array and has a CSR (compressed
// sparse row) in-memory representation.
static bool IsCSCArray(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether the given Layout has a dense in-memory representation.
static bool IsDense(const Layout& layout);
// Returns whether the given Layout has a sparse in-memory representation.
static bool IsSparse(const Layout& layout);
// Returns whether the given Layout represents a COO (coordinate matrix)
// sparse array.
static bool IsCOO(const Layout& layout);
// Returns whether the given Layout represents a CSC (compressed sparse
// column) array.
static bool IsCSR(const Layout& layout);
// Returns whether the given Layout represents a CSC (compressed sparse
// column) array.
static bool IsCSC(const Layout& layout);
// Returns whether the layout is monotonic and dim 0 is minor in the layout.
// * R0 and R1: this is always trivially true.
// * R2+: equivalent to column-major. Dimension 0 is the minor, dimension 1 is
// more major, and so on until dimension N-1 which is the major.
static bool IsMonotonicWithDim0Minor(const Layout& layout);
// Returns whether the layout is monotonic and dim 0 is major in the layout.
// * R0 and R1: this is always trivially true.
// * R2+: equivalent to row-major. Dimension 0 is the major, dimension 1 is
// more minor, and so on until dimension N-1 which is the minor.
// Returns `true` for "default", major-to-minor layouts (e.g. {3,2,1,0}).
static bool IsMonotonicWithDim0Major(const Layout& layout);
// Returns whether the given shape has a layout. For tuple shapes, true is
// returned only if all elements have layouts.
static bool HasLayout(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether all Shapes within the given ProgramShape have layouts.
static bool HasLayout(const ProgramShape& program_shape);
// Returns whether any subshapes of the shape have custom (!= 0)
// element_size_in_bits.
static bool HasCustomElementSizeInBits(const Shape& shape);
// Returns whether lhs and rhs are identical.
static bool Equal(const Layout& lhs, const Layout& rhs);
// Returns the minor_to_major array for the given Shape. Requires that the
// shape is an array.
static inline absl::Span<const int64_t> MinorToMajor(const Shape& shape) {
return shape.layout().minor_to_major();
static inline absl::Span<const int64_t> MinorToMajor(const Layout& layout) {
return layout.minor_to_major();
// Major(0) is the most major logical dimension number, Major(1) is the
// second-most-major logical dimension number and so on.
// This can be used to translate physical dimension numbers to logical
// dimension numbers. Assume that we are numbering the physical dimensions so
// that the most major physical dimension has physical dimension number 0 and
// so on. Then a physical dimension number p corresponds to the logical
// dimension number Major(p). So this function could also be called
// PhysicalToLogical().
// As an example, consider physical dimension number 0, which by definition is
// the most major. Then Major(0) is the most major logical dimension, so Major
// maps the physical dimension number 0 to the most major logical dimension
// number Major(0).
static int64_t Major(const Layout& layout,
int64_t physical_dimension_number) {
DCHECK_LE(0, physical_dimension_number);
DCHECK_LT(physical_dimension_number, layout.minor_to_major_size());
return Minor(layout,
layout.minor_to_major_size() - 1 - physical_dimension_number);
// Minor(0) is the most minor logical dimension number, minor(1) is the
// second-most-minor logical dimension number and so on.
static inline int64_t Minor(const Layout& layout,
int64_t physical_dimension_number) {
DCHECK_LE(0, physical_dimension_number);
DCHECK_LT(physical_dimension_number, layout.minor_to_major_size());
return layout.minor_to_major(physical_dimension_number);
// Returns the inverse mapping of the Major() function. More precisely, return
// a vector v such that if l == Major(p), then v[l] == p.
// This can be used to translate logical dimension numbers into physical
// dimension numbers. Assume that we are numbering the physical dimensions so
// that the most major physical dimension has physical dimension number 0 and
// so on. Then a logical dimension number l corresponds to the physical
// dimension number MakeLogicalToPhysical(layout)[l].
// In the returned vector, the first element represents the most major logical
// dimension. The element whose contents are 0 represents the most major
// physical dimension, and the element with contents (rank - 1) represents
// the most minor physical dimension.
static std::vector<int64_t> MakeLogicalToPhysical(const Layout& layout);
// Prints a human-readable string that represents the given layout.
static void PrintHumanString(Printer* printer, const Layout& layout);
// Returns a human-readable string that represents the given layout.
static std::string HumanString(const Layout& layout);
// Copies the layout from 'src' to 'dst'. Recursively copies layouts of
// tuples. 'src' and 'dst' need not be compatible but the two shapes must
// have the same tuple structure (if any) and arrays must have the same
// rank. within the shapes must have the same number of dimensions.
static Status CopyLayoutBetweenShapes(const Shape& src, Shape* dst);
// Returns true if the layouts of lhs and rhs are equal, false
// otherwise. Recursively compares layouts of tuples.
// lhs and rhs need not be compatible to have the same layout but the two
// shapes must have the same tuple structure (if any) and arrays must have the
// same rank. Element type is ignored.
static bool LayoutsInShapesEqual(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs);
// Returns whether the given dimensions are consecutive in the given layout,
// not necessarily in the order given.
static bool AreDimensionsConsecutive(const Layout& layout,
absl::Span<const int64_t> dims);
// Constructs a new layout by making the given dimension `dim` in the given
// layout `layout` as the most major dimension.
static Layout MoveDimToMajor(const Layout& layout, int64_t dim);
// Returns the linearized index of the cell at the given indices. The unit
// of the offset is in elements of the shape.
// NOTE: this method only uses the top-level tile and disregards the sub-tile
// in the layout. This method is also performance critical.
static int64_t LinearIndex(const Shape& shape,
absl::Span<const int64_t> indices);
// If the shape has a layout, returns the contained memory space. Otherwise,
// returns Layout::kDefaultMemorySpace.
static int64_t MemorySpace(const Shape& shape);
static xla::DimLevelType GetDimLevelType(const Layout& layout, int64_t dim);
static bool DimUnique(const Layout& layout, int64_t dim);
static bool DimOrdered(const Layout& layout, int64_t dim);
// Return true iff the given DimLevelType and dim_unique/dim_ordered values
// represent a valid encoding.
static bool ValidateDimLevel(xla::DimLevelType dim_level_type,
bool dim_unique, bool dim_ordered);
// Returns true if `byte_strides` is major to minor order, i.e. the strides
// form a cumulative product of the byte size and dimensions in reverse order
// and the smallest stride is the byte size for `element_type`.
static bool ByteStridesIsMajorToMinor(absl::Span<const int64_t> byte_strides,
absl::Span<const int64_t> dims,
PrimitiveType element_type);
} // namespace xla
#endif // XLA_LAYOUT_UTIL_H_