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# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Defines functions common to multiple feature column files."""
import six
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
def sequence_length_from_sparse_tensor(sp_tensor, num_elements=1):
"""Returns a [batch_size] Tensor with per-example sequence length."""
with ops.name_scope(None, 'sequence_length') as name_scope:
row_ids = sp_tensor.indices[:, 0]
column_ids = sp_tensor.indices[:, 1]
# Add one to convert column indices to element length
column_ids += array_ops.ones_like(column_ids)
# Get the number of elements we will have per example/row
seq_length = math_ops.segment_max(column_ids, segment_ids=row_ids)
# The raw values are grouped according to num_elements;
# how many entities will we have after grouping?
# Example: orig tensor [[1, 2], [3]], col_ids = (0, 1, 1),
# row_ids = (0, 0, 1), seq_length = [2, 1]. If num_elements = 2,
# these will get grouped, and the final seq_length is [1, 1]
seq_length = math_ops.cast(
math_ops.ceil(seq_length / num_elements), dtypes.int64)
# If the last n rows do not have ids, seq_length will have shape
# [batch_size - n]. Pad the remaining values with zeros.
n_pad = array_ops.shape(sp_tensor)[:1] - array_ops.shape(seq_length)[:1]
padding = array_ops.zeros(n_pad, dtype=seq_length.dtype)
return array_ops.concat([seq_length, padding], axis=0, name=name_scope)
def assert_string_or_int(dtype, prefix):
if (dtype != dtypes.string) and (not dtype.is_integer):
raise ValueError(
'{} dtype must be string or integer. dtype: {}.'.format(prefix, dtype))
def assert_key_is_string(key):
if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
raise ValueError(
'key must be a string. Got: type {}. Given key: {}.'.format(
type(key), key))
def check_default_value(shape, default_value, dtype, key):
"""Returns default value as tuple if it's valid, otherwise raises errors.
This function verifies that `default_value` is compatible with both `shape`
and `dtype`. If it is not compatible, it raises an error. If it is compatible,
it casts default_value to a tuple and returns it. `key` is used only
for error message.
shape: An iterable of integers specifies the shape of the `Tensor`.
default_value: If a single value is provided, the same value will be applied
as the default value for every item. If an iterable of values is
provided, the shape of the `default_value` should be equal to the given
dtype: defines the type of values. Default value is `tf.float32`. Must be a
non-quantized, real integer or floating point type.
key: Column name, used only for error messages.
A tuple which will be used as default value.
TypeError: if `default_value` is an iterable but not compatible with `shape`
TypeError: if `default_value` is not compatible with `dtype`.
ValueError: if `dtype` is not convertible to `tf.float32`.
if default_value is None:
return None
if isinstance(default_value, int):
return _create_tuple(shape, default_value)
if isinstance(default_value, float) and dtype.is_floating:
return _create_tuple(shape, default_value)
if callable(getattr(default_value, 'tolist', None)): # Handles numpy arrays
default_value = default_value.tolist()
if nest.is_nested(default_value):
if not _is_shape_and_default_value_compatible(default_value, shape):
raise ValueError(
'The shape of default_value must be equal to given shape. '
'default_value: {}, shape: {}, key: {}'.format(
default_value, shape, key))
# Check if the values in the list are all integers or are convertible to
# floats.
is_list_all_int = all(
isinstance(v, int) for v in nest.flatten(default_value))
is_list_has_float = any(
isinstance(v, float) for v in nest.flatten(default_value))
if is_list_all_int:
return _as_tuple(default_value)
if is_list_has_float and dtype.is_floating:
return _as_tuple(default_value)
raise TypeError('default_value must be compatible with dtype. '
'default_value: {}, dtype: {}, key: {}'.format(
default_value, dtype, key))
def _create_tuple(shape, value):
"""Returns a tuple with given shape and filled with value."""
if shape:
return tuple([_create_tuple(shape[1:], value) for _ in range(shape[0])])
return value
def _as_tuple(value):
if not nest.is_nested(value):
return value
return tuple([_as_tuple(v) for v in value])
def _is_shape_and_default_value_compatible(default_value, shape):
"""Verifies compatibility of shape and default_value."""
# Invalid condition:
# * if default_value is not a scalar and shape is empty
# * or if default_value is an iterable and shape is not empty
if nest.is_nested(default_value) != bool(shape):
return False
if not shape:
return True
if len(default_value) != shape[0]:
return False
for i in range(shape[0]):
if not _is_shape_and_default_value_compatible(default_value[i], shape[1:]):
return False
return True