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2024-05-26 19:49:15 +02:00
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Training helper that checkpoints models and creates session."""
import time
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.checkpoint import checkpoint_management
from tensorflow.python.client import session
from tensorflow.python.distribute import distribute_lib
from tensorflow.python.framework import errors
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
from tensorflow.python.training import saver as saver_lib
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
def _maybe_name(obj) -> str:
"""Returns object name if it has one, or a message otherwise.
This is useful for names that apper in error messages.
obj: Object to get the name of.
name, "None", or a "no name" message.
if obj is None:
return "None"
elif hasattr(obj, "name"):
return obj.name
return "<no name for %s>" % type(obj)
def _restore_checkpoint_and_maybe_run_saved_model_initializers(
sess: session.Session, saver: saver_lib.Saver, path: str
"""Restores checkpoint values and SavedModel initializers if found."""
# NOTE: All references to SavedModel refer to SavedModels loaded from the
# load_v2 API (which does not require the `sess` argument).
# If the graph contains resources loaded from a SavedModel, they are not
# restored when calling `saver.restore`. Thus, the SavedModel initializer must
# be called with `saver.restore` to properly initialize the model.
# The SavedModel init is stored in the "saved_model_initializers" collection.
# This collection is part of the MetaGraph's default_init_op, so it is already
# called by MonitoredSession as long as the saver doesn't restore any
# checkpoints from the working dir.
saved_model_init_ops = ops.get_collection("saved_model_initializers")
if saved_model_init_ops:
# The saver must be called *after* the SavedModel init, because the SavedModel
# init will restore the variables from the SavedModel variables directory.
# Initializing/restoring twice is not ideal but there's no other way to do it.
saver.restore(sess, path)
class SessionManager:
"""Training helper that restores from checkpoint and creates session.
This class is a small wrapper that takes care of session creation and
checkpoint recovery. It also provides functions that to facilitate
coordination among multiple training threads or processes.
* Checkpointing trained variables as the training progresses.
* Initializing variables on startup, restoring them from the most recent
checkpoint after a crash, or wait for checkpoints to become available.
### Usage:
with tf.Graph().as_default():
...add operations to the graph...
# Create a SessionManager that will checkpoint the model in '/tmp/mydir'.
sm = SessionManager()
sess = sm.prepare_session(master, init_op, saver, checkpoint_dir)
# Use the session to train the graph.
while True:
`prepare_session()` initializes or restores a model. It requires `init_op`
and `saver` as an argument.
A second process could wait for the model to be ready by doing the following:
with tf.Graph().as_default():
...add operations to the graph...
# Create a SessionManager that will wait for the model to become ready.
sm = SessionManager()
sess = sm.wait_for_session(master)
# Use the session to train the graph.
while True:
`wait_for_session()` waits for a model to be initialized by other processes.
def __init__(
local_init_op: ops.Operation = None,
ready_op: ops.Operation = None,
ready_for_local_init_op: ops.Operation = None,
graph: ops.Graph = None,
local_init_run_options: "distribute_lib.RunOptions" = None,
"""Creates a SessionManager.
The `local_init_op` is an `Operation` that is run always after a new session
was created. If `None`, this step is skipped.
The `ready_op` is an `Operation` used to check if the model is ready. The
model is considered ready if that operation returns an empty 1D string
tensor. If the operation returns a non empty 1D string tensor, the elements
are concatenated and used to indicate to the user why the model is not
The `ready_for_local_init_op` is an `Operation` used to check if the model
is ready to run local_init_op. The model is considered ready if that
operation returns an empty 1D string tensor. If the operation returns a non
empty 1D string tensor, the elements are concatenated and used to indicate
to the user why the model is not ready.
If `ready_op` is `None`, the model is not checked for readiness.
`recovery_wait_secs` is the number of seconds between checks that
the model is ready. It is used by processes to wait for a model to
be initialized or restored. Defaults to 30 seconds.
local_init_op: An `Operation` run immediately after session creation.
Usually used to initialize tables and local variables.
ready_op: An `Operation` to check if the model is initialized.
ready_for_local_init_op: An `Operation` to check if the model is ready
to run local_init_op.
graph: The `Graph` that the model will use.
recovery_wait_secs: Seconds between checks for the model to be ready.
local_init_run_options: RunOptions to be passed to session.run when
executing the local_init_op.
local_init_feed_dict: Optional session feed dictionary to use when running
the local_init_op.
ValueError: If ready_for_local_init_op is not None but local_init_op is
# Sets default values of arguments.
if graph is None:
graph = ops.get_default_graph()
self._local_init_op = local_init_op
self._ready_op = ready_op
self._ready_for_local_init_op = ready_for_local_init_op
self._graph = graph
self._recovery_wait_secs = recovery_wait_secs
self._target = None
self._local_init_run_options = local_init_run_options
self._local_init_feed_dict = local_init_feed_dict
if ready_for_local_init_op is not None and local_init_op is None:
raise ValueError("If you pass a ready_for_local_init_op "
"you must also pass a local_init_op "
", ready_for_local_init_op [%s]" %
def _restore_checkpoint(
master: str,
saver: saver_lib.Saver = None,
checkpoint_dir: str = None,
checkpoint_filename_with_path: str = None,
) -> Tuple[session.Session, bool]:
"""Creates a `Session`, and tries to restore a checkpoint.
master: `String` representation of the TensorFlow master to use.
saver: A `Saver` object used to restore a model.
checkpoint_dir: Path to the checkpoint files. The latest checkpoint in the
dir will be used to restore.
checkpoint_filename_with_path: Full file name path to the checkpoint file.
wait_for_checkpoint: Whether to wait for checkpoint to become available.
max_wait_secs: Maximum time to wait for checkpoints to become available.
config: Optional `ConfigProto` proto used to configure the session.
A pair (sess, is_restored) where 'is_restored' is `True` if
the session could be restored, `False` otherwise.
ValueError: If both checkpoint_dir and checkpoint_filename_with_path are
self._target = master
# This is required to so that we initialize the TPU device before
# restoring from checkpoint since we'll be placing variables on the device
# and TPUInitialize wipes out the memory of the device.
strategy = distribute_lib.get_strategy()
if strategy and hasattr(strategy.extended,
strategy.extended._experimental_initialize_system() # pylint: disable=protected-access
sess = session.Session(self._target, graph=self._graph, config=config)
if checkpoint_dir and checkpoint_filename_with_path:
raise ValueError("Can not provide both checkpoint_dir and "
# If either saver or checkpoint_* is not specified, cannot restore. Just
# return.
if not saver or not (checkpoint_dir or checkpoint_filename_with_path):
return sess, False
if checkpoint_filename_with_path:
sess, saver, checkpoint_filename_with_path)
return sess, True
# Waits up until max_wait_secs for checkpoint to become available.
wait_time = 0
ckpt = checkpoint_management.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir)
while not ckpt or not ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
if wait_for_checkpoint and wait_time < max_wait_secs:
logging.info("Waiting for checkpoint to be available.")
wait_time += self._recovery_wait_secs
ckpt = checkpoint_management.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir)
return sess, False
# Loads the checkpoint.
sess, saver, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
return sess, True
def prepare_session(
master: str,
init_op: ops.Operation = None,
saver: saver_lib.Saver = None,
checkpoint_dir: str = None,
checkpoint_filename_with_path: str = None,
) -> session.Session:
"""Creates a `Session`. Makes sure the model is ready to be used.
Creates a `Session` on 'master'. If a `saver` object is passed in, and
`checkpoint_dir` points to a directory containing valid checkpoint
files, then it will try to recover the model from checkpoint. If
no checkpoint files are available, and `wait_for_checkpoint` is
`True`, then the process would check every `recovery_wait_secs`,
up to `max_wait_secs`, for recovery to succeed.
If the model cannot be recovered successfully then it is initialized by
running the `init_op` and calling `init_fn` if they are provided.
The `local_init_op` is also run after init_op and init_fn, regardless of
whether the model was recovered successfully, but only if
`ready_for_local_init_op` passes.
If the model is recovered from a checkpoint it is assumed that all
global variables have been initialized, in particular neither `init_op`
nor `init_fn` will be executed.
It is an error if the model cannot be recovered and no `init_op`
or `init_fn` or `local_init_op` are passed.
master: `String` representation of the TensorFlow master to use.
init_op: Optional `Operation` used to initialize the model.
saver: A `Saver` object used to restore a model.
checkpoint_dir: Path to the checkpoint files. The latest checkpoint in the
dir will be used to restore.
checkpoint_filename_with_path: Full file name path to the checkpoint file.
wait_for_checkpoint: Whether to wait for checkpoint to become available.
max_wait_secs: Maximum time to wait for checkpoints to become available.
config: Optional `ConfigProto` proto used to configure the session.
init_feed_dict: Optional dictionary that maps `Tensor` objects to feed
values. This feed dictionary is passed to the session `run()` call when
running the init op.
init_fn: Optional callable used to initialize the model. Called after the
optional `init_op` is called. The callable must accept one argument,
the session being initialized.
A `Session` object that can be used to drive the model.
RuntimeError: If the model cannot be initialized or recovered.
ValueError: If both checkpoint_dir and checkpoint_filename_with_path are
sess, is_loaded_from_checkpoint = self._restore_checkpoint(
if not is_loaded_from_checkpoint:
if init_op is None and not init_fn and self._local_init_op is None:
raise RuntimeError("Model is not initialized and no init_op or "
"init_fn or local_init_op was given")
if init_op is not None:
sess.run(init_op, feed_dict=init_feed_dict)
if init_fn:
local_init_success, msg = self._try_run_local_init_op(sess)
if not local_init_success:
raise RuntimeError(
"Init operations did not make model ready for local_init. "
"Init op: %s, init fn: %s, error: %s" % (_maybe_name(init_op),
is_ready, msg = self._model_ready(sess)
if not is_ready:
raise RuntimeError(
"Init operations did not make model ready. "
"Init op: %s, init fn: %s, local_init_op: %s, error: %s" %
(_maybe_name(init_op), init_fn, self._local_init_op, msg))
return sess
def recover_session(
master: str,
saver: saver_lib.Saver = None,
checkpoint_dir: str = None,
checkpoint_filename_with_path: str = None,
) -> Tuple[session.Session, bool]:
"""Creates a `Session`, recovering if possible.
Creates a new session on 'master'. If the session is not initialized
and can be recovered from a checkpoint, recover it.
master: `String` representation of the TensorFlow master to use.
saver: A `Saver` object used to restore a model.
checkpoint_dir: Path to the checkpoint files. The latest checkpoint in the
dir will be used to restore.
checkpoint_filename_with_path: Full file name path to the checkpoint file.
wait_for_checkpoint: Whether to wait for checkpoint to become available.
max_wait_secs: Maximum time to wait for checkpoints to become available.
config: Optional `ConfigProto` proto used to configure the session.
A pair (sess, initialized) where 'initialized' is `True` if
the session could be recovered and initialized, `False` otherwise.
ValueError: If both checkpoint_dir and checkpoint_filename_with_path are
sess, is_loaded_from_checkpoint = self._restore_checkpoint(
# Always try to run local_init_op
local_init_success, msg = self._try_run_local_init_op(sess)
if not is_loaded_from_checkpoint:
# Do not need to run checks for readiness
return sess, False
restoring_file = checkpoint_dir or checkpoint_filename_with_path
if not local_init_success:
"Restoring model from %s did not make model ready for local init:"
" %s", restoring_file, msg)
return sess, False
is_ready, msg = self._model_ready(sess)
if not is_ready:
logging.info("Restoring model from %s did not make model ready: %s",
restoring_file, msg)
return sess, False
logging.info("Restored model from %s", restoring_file)
return sess, is_loaded_from_checkpoint
def wait_for_session(
self, master: str, config=None, max_wait_secs=float("Inf")
) -> Optional[session.Session]:
"""Creates a new `Session` and waits for model to be ready.
Creates a new `Session` on 'master'. Waits for the model to be
initialized or recovered from a checkpoint. It's expected that
another thread or process will make the model ready, and that this
is intended to be used by threads/processes that participate in a
distributed training configuration where a different thread/process
is responsible for initializing or recovering the model being trained.
NB: The amount of time this method waits for the session is bounded
by max_wait_secs. By default, this function will wait indefinitely.
master: `String` representation of the TensorFlow master to use.
config: Optional ConfigProto proto used to configure the session.
max_wait_secs: Maximum time to wait for the session to become available.
A `Session`. May be None if the operation exceeds the timeout
specified by config.operation_timeout_in_ms.
tf.DeadlineExceededError: if the session is not available after
self._target = master
if max_wait_secs is None:
max_wait_secs = float("Inf")
timer = _CountDownTimer(max_wait_secs)
while True:
sess = session.Session(self._target, graph=self._graph, config=config)
not_ready_msg = None
not_ready_local_msg = None
local_init_success, not_ready_local_msg = self._try_run_local_init_op(
if local_init_success:
# Successful if local_init_op is None, or ready_for_local_init_op passes
is_ready, not_ready_msg = self._model_ready(sess)
if is_ready:
return sess
# Do we have enough time left to try again?
remaining_ms_after_wait = (
timer.secs_remaining() - self._recovery_wait_secs)
if remaining_ms_after_wait < 0:
raise errors.DeadlineExceededError(
None, None,
"Session was not ready after waiting %d secs." % (max_wait_secs,))
logging.info("Waiting for model to be ready. "
"Ready_for_local_init_op: %s, ready: %s",
not_ready_local_msg, not_ready_msg)
def _safe_close(self, sess: session.Session):
"""Closes a session without raising an exception.
Just like sess.close() but ignores exceptions.
sess: A `Session`.
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception:
# Intentionally not logging to avoid user complaints that
# they get cryptic errors. We really do not care that Close
# fails.
# pylint: enable=broad-except
def _model_ready(self, sess: session.Session) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
"""Checks if the model is ready or not.
sess: A `Session`.
A tuple (is_ready, msg), where is_ready is True if ready and False
otherwise, and msg is `None` if the model is ready, a `String` with the
reason why it is not ready otherwise.
return _ready(self._ready_op, sess, "Model not ready")
def _model_ready_for_local_init(
self, sess: session.Session
) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
"""Checks if the model is ready to run local_init_op.
sess: A `Session`.
A tuple (is_ready, msg), where is_ready is True if ready to run
local_init_op and False otherwise, and msg is `None` if the model is
ready to run local_init_op, a `String` with the reason why it is not ready
return _ready(self._ready_for_local_init_op, sess,
"Model not ready for local init")
def _try_run_local_init_op(
self, sess: session.Session
) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
"""Tries to run _local_init_op, if not None, and is ready for local init.
sess: A `Session`.
A tuple (is_successful, msg), where is_successful is True if
_local_init_op is None, or we ran _local_init_op, and False otherwise;
and msg is a `String` with the reason why the model was not ready to run
local init.
if self._local_init_op is not None:
is_ready_for_local_init, msg = self._model_ready_for_local_init(sess)
if is_ready_for_local_init:
logging.info("Running local_init_op.")
sess.run(self._local_init_op, feed_dict=self._local_init_feed_dict,
logging.info("Done running local_init_op.")
return True, None
return False, msg
return True, None
def _ready(
op: ops.Operation, sess: session.Session, msg
) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
"""Checks if the model is ready or not, as determined by op.
op: An op, either _ready_op or _ready_for_local_init_op, which defines the
readiness of the model.
sess: A `Session`.
msg: A message to log to warning if not ready
A tuple (is_ready, msg), where is_ready is True if ready and False
otherwise, and msg is `None` if the model is ready, a `String` with the
reason why it is not ready otherwise.
if op is None:
return True, None
ready_value = sess.run(op)
# The model is considered ready if ready_op returns an empty 1-D tensor.
# Also compare to `None` and dtype being int32 for backward
# compatibility.
if (ready_value is None or ready_value.dtype == np.int32 or
ready_value.size == 0):
return True, None
# TODO(sherrym): If a custom ready_op returns other types of tensor,
# or strings other than variable names, this message could be
# confusing.
non_initialized_varnames = ", ".join(
[i.decode("utf-8") for i in ready_value])
return False, "Variables not initialized: " + non_initialized_varnames
except errors.FailedPreconditionError as e:
if "uninitialized" not in str(e):
logging.warning("%s : error [%s]", msg, str(e))
raise e
return False, str(e)
class _CountDownTimer:
"""A timer that tracks a duration since creation."""
__slots__ = ["_start_time_secs", "_duration_secs"]
def __init__(self, duration_secs):
self._start_time_secs = time.time()
self._duration_secs = duration_secs
def secs_remaining(self):
diff = self._duration_secs - (time.time() - self._start_time_secs)
return max(0, diff)