from __future__ import annotations import datetime from functools import partial from textwrap import dedent from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import numpy as np from pandas._libs.tslibs import Timedelta import pandas._libs.window.aggregations as window_aggregations from pandas.util._decorators import doc from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_datetime64_dtype, is_numeric_dtype, ) from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import DatetimeTZDtype from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import ABCSeries from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import isna from pandas.core import common from pandas.core.arrays.datetimelike import dtype_to_unit from pandas.core.indexers.objects import ( BaseIndexer, ExponentialMovingWindowIndexer, GroupbyIndexer, ) from pandas.core.util.numba_ import ( get_jit_arguments, maybe_use_numba, ) from pandas.core.window.common import zsqrt from pandas.core.window.doc import ( _shared_docs, create_section_header, kwargs_numeric_only, numba_notes, template_header, template_returns, template_see_also, window_agg_numba_parameters, ) from pandas.core.window.numba_ import ( generate_numba_ewm_func, generate_numba_ewm_table_func, ) from import ( EWMMeanState, generate_online_numba_ewma_func, ) from pandas.core.window.rolling import ( BaseWindow, BaseWindowGroupby, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from pandas._typing import ( Axis, TimedeltaConvertibleTypes, npt, ) from pandas import ( DataFrame, Series, ) from pandas.core.generic import NDFrame def get_center_of_mass( comass: float | None, span: float | None, halflife: float | None, alpha: float | None, ) -> float: valid_count = common.count_not_none(comass, span, halflife, alpha) if valid_count > 1: raise ValueError("comass, span, halflife, and alpha are mutually exclusive") # Convert to center of mass; domain checks ensure 0 < alpha <= 1 if comass is not None: if comass < 0: raise ValueError("comass must satisfy: comass >= 0") elif span is not None: if span < 1: raise ValueError("span must satisfy: span >= 1") comass = (span - 1) / 2 elif halflife is not None: if halflife <= 0: raise ValueError("halflife must satisfy: halflife > 0") decay = 1 - np.exp(np.log(0.5) / halflife) comass = 1 / decay - 1 elif alpha is not None: if alpha <= 0 or alpha > 1: raise ValueError("alpha must satisfy: 0 < alpha <= 1") comass = (1 - alpha) / alpha else: raise ValueError("Must pass one of comass, span, halflife, or alpha") return float(comass) def _calculate_deltas( times: np.ndarray | NDFrame, halflife: float | TimedeltaConvertibleTypes | None, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """ Return the diff of the times divided by the half-life. These values are used in the calculation of the ewm mean. Parameters ---------- times : np.ndarray, Series Times corresponding to the observations. Must be monotonically increasing and ``datetime64[ns]`` dtype. halflife : float, str, timedelta, optional Half-life specifying the decay Returns ------- np.ndarray Diff of the times divided by the half-life """ unit = dtype_to_unit(times.dtype) if isinstance(times, ABCSeries): times = times._values _times = np.asarray(times.view(np.int64), dtype=np.float64) _halflife = float(Timedelta(halflife).as_unit(unit)._value) return np.diff(_times) / _halflife class ExponentialMovingWindow(BaseWindow): r""" Provide exponentially weighted (EW) calculations. Exactly one of ``com``, ``span``, ``halflife``, or ``alpha`` must be provided if ``times`` is not provided. If ``times`` is provided, ``halflife`` and one of ``com``, ``span`` or ``alpha`` may be provided. Parameters ---------- com : float, optional Specify decay in terms of center of mass :math:`\alpha = 1 / (1 + com)`, for :math:`com \geq 0`. span : float, optional Specify decay in terms of span :math:`\alpha = 2 / (span + 1)`, for :math:`span \geq 1`. halflife : float, str, timedelta, optional Specify decay in terms of half-life :math:`\alpha = 1 - \exp\left(-\ln(2) / halflife\right)`, for :math:`halflife > 0`. If ``times`` is specified, a timedelta convertible unit over which an observation decays to half its value. Only applicable to ``mean()``, and halflife value will not apply to the other functions. alpha : float, optional Specify smoothing factor :math:`\alpha` directly :math:`0 < \alpha \leq 1`. min_periods : int, default 0 Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value; otherwise, result is ``np.nan``. adjust : bool, default True Divide by decaying adjustment factor in beginning periods to account for imbalance in relative weightings (viewing EWMA as a moving average). - When ``adjust=True`` (default), the EW function is calculated using weights :math:`w_i = (1 - \alpha)^i`. For example, the EW moving average of the series [:math:`x_0, x_1, ..., x_t`] would be: .. math:: y_t = \frac{x_t + (1 - \alpha)x_{t-1} + (1 - \alpha)^2 x_{t-2} + ... + (1 - \alpha)^t x_0}{1 + (1 - \alpha) + (1 - \alpha)^2 + ... + (1 - \alpha)^t} - When ``adjust=False``, the exponentially weighted function is calculated recursively: .. math:: \begin{split} y_0 &= x_0\\ y_t &= (1 - \alpha) y_{t-1} + \alpha x_t, \end{split} ignore_na : bool, default False Ignore missing values when calculating weights. - When ``ignore_na=False`` (default), weights are based on absolute positions. For example, the weights of :math:`x_0` and :math:`x_2` used in calculating the final weighted average of [:math:`x_0`, None, :math:`x_2`] are :math:`(1-\alpha)^2` and :math:`1` if ``adjust=True``, and :math:`(1-\alpha)^2` and :math:`\alpha` if ``adjust=False``. - When ``ignore_na=True``, weights are based on relative positions. For example, the weights of :math:`x_0` and :math:`x_2` used in calculating the final weighted average of [:math:`x_0`, None, :math:`x_2`] are :math:`1-\alpha` and :math:`1` if ``adjust=True``, and :math:`1-\alpha` and :math:`\alpha` if ``adjust=False``. axis : {0, 1}, default 0 If ``0`` or ``'index'``, calculate across the rows. If ``1`` or ``'columns'``, calculate across the columns. For `Series` this parameter is unused and defaults to 0. times : np.ndarray, Series, default None Only applicable to ``mean()``. Times corresponding to the observations. Must be monotonically increasing and ``datetime64[ns]`` dtype. If 1-D array like, a sequence with the same shape as the observations. method : str {'single', 'table'}, default 'single' .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 Execute the rolling operation per single column or row (``'single'``) or over the entire object (``'table'``). This argument is only implemented when specifying ``engine='numba'`` in the method call. Only applicable to ``mean()`` Returns ------- pandas.api.typing.ExponentialMovingWindow See Also -------- rolling : Provides rolling window calculations. expanding : Provides expanding transformations. Notes ----- See :ref:`Windowing Operations ` for further usage details and examples. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4]}) >>> df B 0 0.0 1 1.0 2 2.0 3 NaN 4 4.0 >>> df.ewm(com=0.5).mean() B 0 0.000000 1 0.750000 2 1.615385 3 1.615385 4 3.670213 >>> df.ewm(alpha=2 / 3).mean() B 0 0.000000 1 0.750000 2 1.615385 3 1.615385 4 3.670213 **adjust** >>> df.ewm(com=0.5, adjust=True).mean() B 0 0.000000 1 0.750000 2 1.615385 3 1.615385 4 3.670213 >>> df.ewm(com=0.5, adjust=False).mean() B 0 0.000000 1 0.666667 2 1.555556 3 1.555556 4 3.650794 **ignore_na** >>> df.ewm(com=0.5, ignore_na=True).mean() B 0 0.000000 1 0.750000 2 1.615385 3 1.615385 4 3.225000 >>> df.ewm(com=0.5, ignore_na=False).mean() B 0 0.000000 1 0.750000 2 1.615385 3 1.615385 4 3.670213 **times** Exponentially weighted mean with weights calculated with a timedelta ``halflife`` relative to ``times``. >>> times = ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-03', '2020-01-10', '2020-01-15', '2020-01-17'] >>> df.ewm(halflife='4 days', times=pd.DatetimeIndex(times)).mean() B 0 0.000000 1 0.585786 2 1.523889 3 1.523889 4 3.233686 """ _attributes = [ "com", "span", "halflife", "alpha", "min_periods", "adjust", "ignore_na", "axis", "times", "method", ] def __init__( self, obj: NDFrame, com: float | None = None, span: float | None = None, halflife: float | TimedeltaConvertibleTypes | None = None, alpha: float | None = None, min_periods: int | None = 0, adjust: bool = True, ignore_na: bool = False, axis: Axis = 0, times: np.ndarray | NDFrame | None = None, method: str = "single", *, selection=None, ) -> None: super().__init__( obj=obj, min_periods=1 if min_periods is None else max(int(min_periods), 1), on=None, center=False, closed=None, method=method, axis=axis, selection=selection, ) = com self.span = span self.halflife = halflife self.alpha = alpha self.adjust = adjust self.ignore_na = ignore_na self.times = times if self.times is not None: if not self.adjust: raise NotImplementedError("times is not supported with adjust=False.") times_dtype = getattr(self.times, "dtype", None) if not ( is_datetime64_dtype(times_dtype) or isinstance(times_dtype, DatetimeTZDtype) ): raise ValueError("times must be datetime64 dtype.") if len(self.times) != len(obj): raise ValueError("times must be the same length as the object.") if not isinstance(self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64)): raise ValueError("halflife must be a timedelta convertible object") if isna(self.times).any(): raise ValueError("Cannot convert NaT values to integer") self._deltas = _calculate_deltas(self.times, self.halflife) # Halflife is no longer applicable when calculating COM # But allow COM to still be calculated if the user passes other decay args if common.count_not_none(, self.span, self.alpha) > 0: self._com = get_center_of_mass(, self.span, None, self.alpha) else: self._com = 1.0 else: if self.halflife is not None and isinstance( self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64) ): raise ValueError( "halflife can only be a timedelta convertible argument if " "times is not None." ) # Without times, points are equally spaced self._deltas = np.ones( max(self.obj.shape[self.axis] - 1, 0), dtype=np.float64 ) self._com = get_center_of_mass( # error: Argument 3 to "get_center_of_mass" has incompatible type # "Union[float, Any, None, timedelta64, signedinteger[_64Bit]]"; # expected "Optional[float]", self.span, self.halflife, # type: ignore[arg-type] self.alpha, ) def _check_window_bounds( self, start: np.ndarray, end: np.ndarray, num_vals: int ) -> None: # emw algorithms are iterative with each point # ExponentialMovingWindowIndexer "bounds" are the entire window pass def _get_window_indexer(self) -> BaseIndexer: """ Return an indexer class that will compute the window start and end bounds """ return ExponentialMovingWindowIndexer() def online( self, engine: str = "numba", engine_kwargs=None ) -> OnlineExponentialMovingWindow: """ Return an ``OnlineExponentialMovingWindow`` object to calculate exponentially moving window aggregations in an online method. .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 Parameters ---------- engine: str, default ``'numba'`` Execution engine to calculate online aggregations. Applies to all supported aggregation methods. engine_kwargs : dict, default None Applies to all supported aggregation methods. * For ``'numba'`` engine, the engine can accept ``nopython``, ``nogil`` and ``parallel`` dictionary keys. The values must either be ``True`` or ``False``. The default ``engine_kwargs`` for the ``'numba'`` engine is ``{{'nopython': True, 'nogil': False, 'parallel': False}}`` and will be applied to the function Returns ------- OnlineExponentialMovingWindow """ return OnlineExponentialMovingWindow( obj=self.obj,, span=self.span, halflife=self.halflife, alpha=self.alpha, min_periods=self.min_periods, adjust=self.adjust, ignore_na=self.ignore_na, axis=self.axis, times=self.times, engine=engine, engine_kwargs=engine_kwargs, selection=self._selection, ) @doc( _shared_docs["aggregate"], see_also=dedent( """ See Also -------- pandas.DataFrame.rolling.aggregate """ ), examples=dedent( """ Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [4, 5, 6], "C": [7, 8, 9]}) >>> df A B C 0 1 4 7 1 2 5 8 2 3 6 9 >>> df.ewm(alpha=0.5).mean() A B C 0 1.000000 4.000000 7.000000 1 1.666667 4.666667 7.666667 2 2.428571 5.428571 8.428571 """ ), klass="Series/Dataframe", axis="", ) def aggregate(self, func, *args, **kwargs): return super().aggregate(func, *args, **kwargs) agg = aggregate @doc( template_header, create_section_header("Parameters"), kwargs_numeric_only, window_agg_numba_parameters(), create_section_header("Returns"), template_returns, create_section_header("See Also"), template_see_also, create_section_header("Notes"), numba_notes, create_section_header("Examples"), dedent( """\ >>> ser = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> ser.ewm(alpha=.2).mean() 0 1.000000 1 1.555556 2 2.147541 3 2.775068 dtype: float64 """ ), window_method="ewm", aggregation_description="(exponential weighted moment) mean", agg_method="mean", ) def mean( self, numeric_only: bool = False, engine=None, engine_kwargs=None, ): if maybe_use_numba(engine): if self.method == "single": func = generate_numba_ewm_func else: func = generate_numba_ewm_table_func ewm_func = func( **get_jit_arguments(engine_kwargs), com=self._com, adjust=self.adjust, ignore_na=self.ignore_na, deltas=tuple(self._deltas), normalize=True, ) return self._apply(ewm_func, name="mean") elif engine in ("cython", None): if engine_kwargs is not None: raise ValueError("cython engine does not accept engine_kwargs") deltas = None if self.times is None else self._deltas window_func = partial( window_aggregations.ewm, com=self._com, adjust=self.adjust, ignore_na=self.ignore_na, deltas=deltas, normalize=True, ) return self._apply(window_func, name="mean", numeric_only=numeric_only) else: raise ValueError("engine must be either 'numba' or 'cython'") @doc( template_header, create_section_header("Parameters"), kwargs_numeric_only, window_agg_numba_parameters(), create_section_header("Returns"), template_returns, create_section_header("See Also"), template_see_also, create_section_header("Notes"), numba_notes, create_section_header("Examples"), dedent( """\ >>> ser = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> ser.ewm(alpha=.2).sum() 0 1.000 1 2.800 2 5.240 3 8.192 dtype: float64 """ ), window_method="ewm", aggregation_description="(exponential weighted moment) sum", agg_method="sum", ) def sum( self, numeric_only: bool = False, engine=None, engine_kwargs=None, ): if not self.adjust: raise NotImplementedError("sum is not implemented with adjust=False") if maybe_use_numba(engine): if self.method == "single": func = generate_numba_ewm_func else: func = generate_numba_ewm_table_func ewm_func = func( **get_jit_arguments(engine_kwargs), com=self._com, adjust=self.adjust, ignore_na=self.ignore_na, deltas=tuple(self._deltas), normalize=False, ) return self._apply(ewm_func, name="sum") elif engine in ("cython", None): if engine_kwargs is not None: raise ValueError("cython engine does not accept engine_kwargs") deltas = None if self.times is None else self._deltas window_func = partial( window_aggregations.ewm, com=self._com, adjust=self.adjust, ignore_na=self.ignore_na, deltas=deltas, normalize=False, ) return self._apply(window_func, name="sum", numeric_only=numeric_only) else: raise ValueError("engine must be either 'numba' or 'cython'") @doc( template_header, create_section_header("Parameters"), dedent( """\ bias : bool, default False Use a standard estimation bias correction. """ ), kwargs_numeric_only, create_section_header("Returns"), template_returns, create_section_header("See Also"), template_see_also, create_section_header("Examples"), dedent( """\ >>> ser = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> ser.ewm(alpha=.2).std() 0 NaN 1 0.707107 2 0.995893 3 1.277320 dtype: float64 """ ), window_method="ewm", aggregation_description="(exponential weighted moment) standard deviation", agg_method="std", ) def std(self, bias: bool = False, numeric_only: bool = False): if ( numeric_only and self._selected_obj.ndim == 1 and not is_numeric_dtype(self._selected_obj.dtype) ): # Raise directly so error message says std instead of var raise NotImplementedError( f"{type(self).__name__}.std does not implement numeric_only" ) return zsqrt(self.var(bias=bias, numeric_only=numeric_only)) @doc( template_header, create_section_header("Parameters"), dedent( """\ bias : bool, default False Use a standard estimation bias correction. """ ), kwargs_numeric_only, create_section_header("Returns"), template_returns, create_section_header("See Also"), template_see_also, create_section_header("Examples"), dedent( """\ >>> ser = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> ser.ewm(alpha=.2).var() 0 NaN 1 0.500000 2 0.991803 3 1.631547 dtype: float64 """ ), window_method="ewm", aggregation_description="(exponential weighted moment) variance", agg_method="var", ) def var(self, bias: bool = False, numeric_only: bool = False): window_func = window_aggregations.ewmcov wfunc = partial( window_func, com=self._com, adjust=self.adjust, ignore_na=self.ignore_na, bias=bias, ) def var_func(values, begin, end, min_periods): return wfunc(values, begin, end, min_periods, values) return self._apply(var_func, name="var", numeric_only=numeric_only) @doc( template_header, create_section_header("Parameters"), dedent( """\ other : Series or DataFrame , optional If not supplied then will default to self and produce pairwise output. pairwise : bool, default None If False then only matching columns between self and other will be used and the output will be a DataFrame. If True then all pairwise combinations will be calculated and the output will be a MultiIndex DataFrame in the case of DataFrame inputs. In the case of missing elements, only complete pairwise observations will be used. bias : bool, default False Use a standard estimation bias correction. """ ), kwargs_numeric_only, create_section_header("Returns"), template_returns, create_section_header("See Also"), template_see_also, create_section_header("Examples"), dedent( """\ >>> ser1 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> ser2 = pd.Series([10, 11, 13, 16]) >>> ser1.ewm(alpha=.2).cov(ser2) 0 NaN 1 0.500000 2 1.524590 3 3.408836 dtype: float64 """ ), window_method="ewm", aggregation_description="(exponential weighted moment) sample covariance", agg_method="cov", ) def cov( self, other: DataFrame | Series | None = None, pairwise: bool | None = None, bias: bool = False, numeric_only: bool = False, ): from pandas import Series self._validate_numeric_only("cov", numeric_only) def cov_func(x, y): x_array = self._prep_values(x) y_array = self._prep_values(y) window_indexer = self._get_window_indexer() min_periods = ( self.min_periods if self.min_periods is not None else window_indexer.window_size ) start, end = window_indexer.get_window_bounds( num_values=len(x_array), min_periods=min_periods,, closed=self.closed, step=self.step, ) result = window_aggregations.ewmcov( x_array, start, end, # error: Argument 4 to "ewmcov" has incompatible type # "Optional[int]"; expected "int" self.min_periods, # type: ignore[arg-type] y_array, self._com, self.adjust, self.ignore_na, bias, ) return Series(result, index=x.index,, copy=False) return self._apply_pairwise( self._selected_obj, other, pairwise, cov_func, numeric_only ) @doc( template_header, create_section_header("Parameters"), dedent( """\ other : Series or DataFrame, optional If not supplied then will default to self and produce pairwise output. pairwise : bool, default None If False then only matching columns between self and other will be used and the output will be a DataFrame. If True then all pairwise combinations will be calculated and the output will be a MultiIndex DataFrame in the case of DataFrame inputs. In the case of missing elements, only complete pairwise observations will be used. """ ), kwargs_numeric_only, create_section_header("Returns"), template_returns, create_section_header("See Also"), template_see_also, create_section_header("Examples"), dedent( """\ >>> ser1 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> ser2 = pd.Series([10, 11, 13, 16]) >>> ser1.ewm(alpha=.2).corr(ser2) 0 NaN 1 1.000000 2 0.982821 3 0.977802 dtype: float64 """ ), window_method="ewm", aggregation_description="(exponential weighted moment) sample correlation", agg_method="corr", ) def corr( self, other: DataFrame | Series | None = None, pairwise: bool | None = None, numeric_only: bool = False, ): from pandas import Series self._validate_numeric_only("corr", numeric_only) def cov_func(x, y): x_array = self._prep_values(x) y_array = self._prep_values(y) window_indexer = self._get_window_indexer() min_periods = ( self.min_periods if self.min_periods is not None else window_indexer.window_size ) start, end = window_indexer.get_window_bounds( num_values=len(x_array), min_periods=min_periods,, closed=self.closed, step=self.step, ) def _cov(X, Y): return window_aggregations.ewmcov( X, start, end, min_periods, Y, self._com, self.adjust, self.ignore_na, True, ) with np.errstate(all="ignore"): cov = _cov(x_array, y_array) x_var = _cov(x_array, x_array) y_var = _cov(y_array, y_array) result = cov / zsqrt(x_var * y_var) return Series(result, index=x.index,, copy=False) return self._apply_pairwise( self._selected_obj, other, pairwise, cov_func, numeric_only ) class ExponentialMovingWindowGroupby(BaseWindowGroupby, ExponentialMovingWindow): """ Provide an exponential moving window groupby implementation. """ _attributes = ExponentialMovingWindow._attributes + BaseWindowGroupby._attributes def __init__(self, obj, *args, _grouper=None, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(obj, *args, _grouper=_grouper, **kwargs) if not obj.empty and self.times is not None: # sort the times and recalculate the deltas according to the groups groupby_order = np.concatenate(list(self._grouper.indices.values())) self._deltas = _calculate_deltas( self.times.take(groupby_order), self.halflife, ) def _get_window_indexer(self) -> GroupbyIndexer: """ Return an indexer class that will compute the window start and end bounds Returns ------- GroupbyIndexer """ window_indexer = GroupbyIndexer( groupby_indices=self._grouper.indices, window_indexer=ExponentialMovingWindowIndexer, ) return window_indexer class OnlineExponentialMovingWindow(ExponentialMovingWindow): def __init__( self, obj: NDFrame, com: float | None = None, span: float | None = None, halflife: float | TimedeltaConvertibleTypes | None = None, alpha: float | None = None, min_periods: int | None = 0, adjust: bool = True, ignore_na: bool = False, axis: Axis = 0, times: np.ndarray | NDFrame | None = None, engine: str = "numba", engine_kwargs: dict[str, bool] | None = None, *, selection=None, ) -> None: if times is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "times is not implemented with online operations." ) super().__init__( obj=obj, com=com, span=span, halflife=halflife, alpha=alpha, min_periods=min_periods, adjust=adjust, ignore_na=ignore_na, axis=axis, times=times, selection=selection, ) self._mean = EWMMeanState( self._com, self.adjust, self.ignore_na, self.axis, obj.shape ) if maybe_use_numba(engine): self.engine = engine self.engine_kwargs = engine_kwargs else: raise ValueError("'numba' is the only supported engine") def reset(self) -> None: """ Reset the state captured by `update` calls. """ self._mean.reset() def aggregate(self, func, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("aggregate is not implemented.") def std(self, bias: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("std is not implemented.") def corr( self, other: DataFrame | Series | None = None, pairwise: bool | None = None, numeric_only: bool = False, ): raise NotImplementedError("corr is not implemented.") def cov( self, other: DataFrame | Series | None = None, pairwise: bool | None = None, bias: bool = False, numeric_only: bool = False, ): raise NotImplementedError("cov is not implemented.") def var(self, bias: bool = False, numeric_only: bool = False): raise NotImplementedError("var is not implemented.") def mean(self, *args, update=None, update_times=None, **kwargs): """ Calculate an online exponentially weighted mean. Parameters ---------- update: DataFrame or Series, default None New values to continue calculating the exponentially weighted mean from the last values and weights. Values should be float64 dtype. ``update`` needs to be ``None`` the first time the exponentially weighted mean is calculated. update_times: Series or 1-D np.ndarray, default None New times to continue calculating the exponentially weighted mean from the last values and weights. If ``None``, values are assumed to be evenly spaced in time. This feature is currently unsupported. Returns ------- DataFrame or Series Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"a": range(5), "b": range(5, 10)}) >>> online_ewm = df.head(2).ewm(0.5).online() >>> online_ewm.mean() a b 0 0.00 5.00 1 0.75 5.75 >>> online_ewm.mean(update=df.tail(3)) a b 2 1.615385 6.615385 3 2.550000 7.550000 4 3.520661 8.520661 >>> online_ewm.reset() >>> online_ewm.mean() a b 0 0.00 5.00 1 0.75 5.75 """ result_kwargs = {} is_frame = self._selected_obj.ndim == 2 if update_times is not None: raise NotImplementedError("update_times is not implemented.") update_deltas = np.ones( max(self._selected_obj.shape[self.axis - 1] - 1, 0), dtype=np.float64 ) if update is not None: if self._mean.last_ewm is None: raise ValueError( "Must call mean with update=None first before passing update" ) result_from = 1 result_kwargs["index"] = update.index if is_frame: last_value = self._mean.last_ewm[np.newaxis, :] result_kwargs["columns"] = update.columns else: last_value = self._mean.last_ewm result_kwargs["name"] = np_array = np.concatenate((last_value, update.to_numpy())) else: result_from = 0 result_kwargs["index"] = self._selected_obj.index if is_frame: result_kwargs["columns"] = self._selected_obj.columns else: result_kwargs["name"] = np_array = self._selected_obj.astype(np.float64, copy=False).to_numpy() ewma_func = generate_online_numba_ewma_func( **get_jit_arguments(self.engine_kwargs) ) result = self._mean.run_ewm( np_array if is_frame else np_array[:, np.newaxis], update_deltas, self.min_periods, ewma_func, ) if not is_frame: result = result.squeeze() result = result[result_from:] result = self._selected_obj._constructor(result, **result_kwargs) return result