from math import ceil import numpy as np import pytest from scipy.stats import expon, norm, randint from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier from sklearn.experimental import enable_halving_search_cv # noqa from sklearn.model_selection import ( GroupKFold, GroupShuffleSplit, HalvingGridSearchCV, HalvingRandomSearchCV, KFold, LeaveOneGroupOut, LeavePGroupsOut, ShuffleSplit, StratifiedKFold, StratifiedShuffleSplit, ) from sklearn.model_selection._search_successive_halving import ( _SubsampleMetaSplitter, _top_k, ) from sklearn.model_selection.tests.test_search import ( check_cv_results_array_types, check_cv_results_keys, ) from sklearn.svm import SVC, LinearSVC class FastClassifier(DummyClassifier): """Dummy classifier that accepts parameters a, b, ... z. These parameter don't affect the predictions and are useful for fast grid searching.""" # update the constraints such that we accept all parameters from a to z _parameter_constraints: dict = { **DummyClassifier._parameter_constraints, **{ chr(key): "no_validation" # type: ignore for key in range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1) }, } def __init__( self, strategy="stratified", random_state=None, constant=None, **kwargs ): super().__init__( strategy=strategy, random_state=random_state, constant=constant ) def get_params(self, deep=False): params = super().get_params(deep=deep) for char in range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1): params[chr(char)] = "whatever" return params class SometimesFailClassifier(DummyClassifier): def __init__( self, strategy="stratified", random_state=None, constant=None, n_estimators=10, fail_fit=False, fail_predict=False, a=0, ): self.fail_fit = fail_fit self.fail_predict = fail_predict self.n_estimators = n_estimators self.a = a super().__init__( strategy=strategy, random_state=random_state, constant=constant ) def fit(self, X, y): if self.fail_fit: raise Exception("fitting failed") return super().fit(X, y) def predict(self, X): if self.fail_predict: raise Exception("predict failed") return super().predict(X) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore::sklearn.exceptions.FitFailedWarning") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Scoring failed:UserWarning") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:One or more of the:UserWarning") @pytest.mark.parametrize("HalvingSearch", (HalvingGridSearchCV, HalvingRandomSearchCV)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("fail_at", ("fit", "predict")) def test_nan_handling(HalvingSearch, fail_at): """Check the selection of the best scores in presence of failure represented by NaN values.""" n_samples = 1_000 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, random_state=0) search = HalvingSearch( SometimesFailClassifier(), {f"fail_{fail_at}": [False, True], "a": range(3)}, resource="n_estimators", max_resources=6, min_resources=1, factor=2, ), y) # estimators that failed during fit/predict should always rank lower # than ones where the fit/predict succeeded assert not search.best_params_[f"fail_{fail_at}"] scores = search.cv_results_["mean_test_score"] ranks = search.cv_results_["rank_test_score"] # some scores should be NaN assert np.isnan(scores).any() unique_nan_ranks = np.unique(ranks[np.isnan(scores)]) # all NaN scores should have the same rank assert unique_nan_ranks.shape[0] == 1 # NaNs should have the lowest rank assert (unique_nan_ranks[0] >= ranks).all() @pytest.mark.parametrize("Est", (HalvingGridSearchCV, HalvingRandomSearchCV)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ( "aggressive_elimination," "max_resources," "expected_n_iterations," "expected_n_required_iterations," "expected_n_possible_iterations," "expected_n_remaining_candidates," "expected_n_candidates," "expected_n_resources," ), [ # notice how it loops at the beginning # also, the number of candidates evaluated at the last iteration is # <= factor (True, "limited", 4, 4, 3, 1, [60, 20, 7, 3], [20, 20, 60, 180]), # no aggressive elimination: we end up with less iterations, and # the number of candidates at the last iter is > factor, which isn't # ideal (False, "limited", 3, 4, 3, 3, [60, 20, 7], [20, 60, 180]), # # When the amount of resource isn't limited, aggressive_elimination # # has no effect. Here the default min_resources='exhaust' will take # # over. (True, "unlimited", 4, 4, 4, 1, [60, 20, 7, 3], [37, 111, 333, 999]), (False, "unlimited", 4, 4, 4, 1, [60, 20, 7, 3], [37, 111, 333, 999]), ], ) def test_aggressive_elimination( Est, aggressive_elimination, max_resources, expected_n_iterations, expected_n_required_iterations, expected_n_possible_iterations, expected_n_remaining_candidates, expected_n_candidates, expected_n_resources, ): # Test the aggressive_elimination parameter. n_samples = 1000 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, random_state=0) param_grid = {"a": ("l1", "l2"), "b": list(range(30))} base_estimator = FastClassifier() if max_resources == "limited": max_resources = 180 else: max_resources = n_samples sh = Est( base_estimator, param_grid, aggressive_elimination=aggressive_elimination, max_resources=max_resources, factor=3, ) sh.set_params(verbose=True) # just for test coverage if Est is HalvingRandomSearchCV: # same number of candidates as with the grid sh.set_params(n_candidates=2 * 30, min_resources="exhaust"), y) assert sh.n_iterations_ == expected_n_iterations assert sh.n_required_iterations_ == expected_n_required_iterations assert sh.n_possible_iterations_ == expected_n_possible_iterations assert sh.n_resources_ == expected_n_resources assert sh.n_candidates_ == expected_n_candidates assert sh.n_remaining_candidates_ == expected_n_remaining_candidates assert ceil(sh.n_candidates_[-1] / sh.factor) == sh.n_remaining_candidates_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("Est", (HalvingGridSearchCV, HalvingRandomSearchCV)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ( "min_resources," "max_resources," "expected_n_iterations," "expected_n_possible_iterations," "expected_n_resources," ), [ # with enough resources ("smallest", "auto", 2, 4, [20, 60]), # with enough resources but min_resources set manually (50, "auto", 2, 3, [50, 150]), # without enough resources, only one iteration can be done ("smallest", 30, 1, 1, [20]), # with exhaust: use as much resources as possible at the last iter ("exhaust", "auto", 2, 2, [333, 999]), ("exhaust", 1000, 2, 2, [333, 999]), ("exhaust", 999, 2, 2, [333, 999]), ("exhaust", 600, 2, 2, [200, 600]), ("exhaust", 599, 2, 2, [199, 597]), ("exhaust", 300, 2, 2, [100, 300]), ("exhaust", 60, 2, 2, [20, 60]), ("exhaust", 50, 1, 1, [20]), ("exhaust", 20, 1, 1, [20]), ], ) def test_min_max_resources( Est, min_resources, max_resources, expected_n_iterations, expected_n_possible_iterations, expected_n_resources, ): # Test the min_resources and max_resources parameters, and how they affect # the number of resources used at each iteration n_samples = 1000 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, random_state=0) param_grid = {"a": [1, 2], "b": [1, 2, 3]} base_estimator = FastClassifier() sh = Est( base_estimator, param_grid, factor=3, min_resources=min_resources, max_resources=max_resources, ) if Est is HalvingRandomSearchCV: sh.set_params(n_candidates=6) # same number as with the grid, y) expected_n_required_iterations = 2 # given 6 combinations and factor = 3 assert sh.n_iterations_ == expected_n_iterations assert sh.n_required_iterations_ == expected_n_required_iterations assert sh.n_possible_iterations_ == expected_n_possible_iterations assert sh.n_resources_ == expected_n_resources if min_resources == "exhaust": assert sh.n_possible_iterations_ == sh.n_iterations_ == len(sh.n_resources_) @pytest.mark.parametrize("Est", (HalvingRandomSearchCV, HalvingGridSearchCV)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "max_resources, n_iterations, n_possible_iterations", [ ("auto", 5, 9), # all resources are used (1024, 5, 9), (700, 5, 8), (512, 5, 8), (511, 5, 7), (32, 4, 4), (31, 3, 3), (16, 3, 3), (4, 1, 1), # max_resources == min_resources, only one iteration is # possible ], ) def test_n_iterations(Est, max_resources, n_iterations, n_possible_iterations): # test the number of actual iterations that were run depending on # max_resources n_samples = 1024 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, random_state=1) param_grid = {"a": [1, 2], "b": list(range(10))} base_estimator = FastClassifier() factor = 2 sh = Est( base_estimator, param_grid, cv=2, factor=factor, max_resources=max_resources, min_resources=4, ) if Est is HalvingRandomSearchCV: sh.set_params(n_candidates=20) # same as for HalvingGridSearchCV, y) assert sh.n_required_iterations_ == 5 assert sh.n_iterations_ == n_iterations assert sh.n_possible_iterations_ == n_possible_iterations @pytest.mark.parametrize("Est", (HalvingRandomSearchCV, HalvingGridSearchCV)) def test_resource_parameter(Est): # Test the resource parameter n_samples = 1000 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, random_state=0) param_grid = {"a": [1, 2], "b": list(range(10))} base_estimator = FastClassifier() sh = Est(base_estimator, param_grid, cv=2, resource="c", max_resources=10, factor=3), y) assert set(sh.n_resources_) == set([1, 3, 9]) for r_i, params, param_c in zip( sh.cv_results_["n_resources"], sh.cv_results_["params"], sh.cv_results_["param_c"], ): assert r_i == params["c"] == param_c with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Cannot use resource=1234 which is not supported " ): sh = HalvingGridSearchCV( base_estimator, param_grid, cv=2, resource="1234", max_resources=10 ), y) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=( "Cannot use parameter c as the resource since it is part " "of the searched parameters." ), ): param_grid = {"a": [1, 2], "b": [1, 2], "c": [1, 3]} sh = HalvingGridSearchCV( base_estimator, param_grid, cv=2, resource="c", max_resources=10 ), y) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "max_resources, n_candidates, expected_n_candidates", [ (512, "exhaust", 128), # generate exactly as much as needed (32, "exhaust", 8), (32, 8, 8), (32, 7, 7), # ask for less than what we could (32, 9, 9), # ask for more than 'reasonable' ], ) def test_random_search(max_resources, n_candidates, expected_n_candidates): # Test random search and make sure the number of generated candidates is # as expected n_samples = 1024 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, random_state=0) param_grid = {"a": norm, "b": norm} base_estimator = FastClassifier() sh = HalvingRandomSearchCV( base_estimator, param_grid, n_candidates=n_candidates, cv=2, max_resources=max_resources, factor=2, min_resources=4, ), y) assert sh.n_candidates_[0] == expected_n_candidates if n_candidates == "exhaust": # Make sure 'exhaust' makes the last iteration use as much resources as # we can assert sh.n_resources_[-1] == max_resources @pytest.mark.parametrize( "param_distributions, expected_n_candidates", [ ({"a": [1, 2]}, 2), # all lists, sample less than n_candidates ({"a": randint(1, 3)}, 10), # not all list, respect n_candidates ], ) def test_random_search_discrete_distributions( param_distributions, expected_n_candidates ): # Make sure random search samples the appropriate number of candidates when # we ask for more than what's possible. How many parameters are sampled # depends whether the distributions are 'all lists' or not (see # ParameterSampler for details). This is somewhat redundant with the checks # in ParameterSampler but interaction bugs were discovered during # development of SH n_samples = 1024 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, random_state=0) base_estimator = FastClassifier() sh = HalvingRandomSearchCV(base_estimator, param_distributions, n_candidates=10), y) assert sh.n_candidates_[0] == expected_n_candidates @pytest.mark.parametrize("Est", (HalvingGridSearchCV, HalvingRandomSearchCV)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "params, expected_error_message", [ ( {"resource": "not_a_parameter"}, "Cannot use resource=not_a_parameter which is not supported", ), ( {"resource": "a", "max_resources": 100}, "Cannot use parameter a as the resource since it is part of", ), ( {"max_resources": "auto", "resource": "b"}, "resource can only be 'n_samples' when max_resources='auto'", ), ( {"min_resources": 15, "max_resources": 14}, "min_resources_=15 is greater than max_resources_=14", ), ({"cv": KFold(shuffle=True)}, "must yield consistent folds"), ({"cv": ShuffleSplit()}, "must yield consistent folds"), ], ) def test_input_errors(Est, params, expected_error_message): base_estimator = FastClassifier() param_grid = {"a": [1]} X, y = make_classification(100) sh = Est(base_estimator, param_grid, **params) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=expected_error_message):, y) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "params, expected_error_message", [ ( {"n_candidates": "exhaust", "min_resources": "exhaust"}, "cannot be both set to 'exhaust'", ), ], ) def test_input_errors_randomized(params, expected_error_message): # tests specific to HalvingRandomSearchCV base_estimator = FastClassifier() param_grid = {"a": [1]} X, y = make_classification(100) sh = HalvingRandomSearchCV(base_estimator, param_grid, **params) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=expected_error_message):, y) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "fraction, subsample_test, expected_train_size, expected_test_size", [ (0.5, True, 40, 10), (0.5, False, 40, 20), (0.2, True, 16, 4), (0.2, False, 16, 20), ], ) def test_subsample_splitter_shapes( fraction, subsample_test, expected_train_size, expected_test_size ): # Make sure splits returned by SubsampleMetaSplitter are of appropriate # size n_samples = 100 X, y = make_classification(n_samples) cv = _SubsampleMetaSplitter( base_cv=KFold(5), fraction=fraction, subsample_test=subsample_test, random_state=None, ) for train, test in cv.split(X, y): assert train.shape[0] == expected_train_size assert test.shape[0] == expected_test_size if subsample_test: assert train.shape[0] + test.shape[0] == int(n_samples * fraction) else: assert test.shape[0] == n_samples // cv.base_cv.get_n_splits() @pytest.mark.parametrize("subsample_test", (True, False)) def test_subsample_splitter_determinism(subsample_test): # Make sure _SubsampleMetaSplitter is consistent across calls to split(): # - we're OK having training sets differ (they're always sampled with a # different fraction anyway) # - when we don't subsample the test set, we want it to be always the same. # This check is the most important. This is ensured by the determinism # of the base_cv. # Note: we could force both train and test splits to be always the same if # we drew an int seed in _SubsampleMetaSplitter.__init__ n_samples = 100 X, y = make_classification(n_samples) cv = _SubsampleMetaSplitter( base_cv=KFold(5), fraction=0.5, subsample_test=subsample_test, random_state=None ) folds_a = list(cv.split(X, y, groups=None)) folds_b = list(cv.split(X, y, groups=None)) for (train_a, test_a), (train_b, test_b) in zip(folds_a, folds_b): assert not np.all(train_a == train_b) if subsample_test: assert not np.all(test_a == test_b) else: assert np.all(test_a == test_b) assert np.all(X[test_a] == X[test_b]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "k, itr, expected", [ (1, 0, ["c"]), (2, 0, ["a", "c"]), (4, 0, ["d", "b", "a", "c"]), (10, 0, ["d", "b", "a", "c"]), (1, 1, ["e"]), (2, 1, ["f", "e"]), (10, 1, ["f", "e"]), (1, 2, ["i"]), (10, 2, ["g", "h", "i"]), ], ) def test_top_k(k, itr, expected): results = { # this isn't a 'real world' result dict "iter": [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], "mean_test_score": [4, 3, 5, 1, 11, 10, 5, 6, 9], "params": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"], } got = _top_k(results, k=k, itr=itr) assert np.all(got == expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("Est", (HalvingRandomSearchCV, HalvingGridSearchCV)) def test_cv_results(Est): # test that the cv_results_ matches correctly the logic of the # tournament: in particular that the candidates continued in each # successive iteration are those that were best in the previous iteration pd = pytest.importorskip("pandas") rng = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples = 1000 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, random_state=0) param_grid = {"a": ("l1", "l2"), "b": list(range(30))} base_estimator = FastClassifier() # generate random scores: we want to avoid ties, which would otherwise # mess with the ordering and make testing harder def scorer(est, X, y): return rng.rand() sh = Est(base_estimator, param_grid, factor=2, scoring=scorer) if Est is HalvingRandomSearchCV: # same number of candidates as with the grid sh.set_params(n_candidates=2 * 30, min_resources="exhaust"), y) # non-regression check for # assert isinstance(sh.cv_results_["iter"], np.ndarray) assert isinstance(sh.cv_results_["n_resources"], np.ndarray) cv_results_df = pd.DataFrame(sh.cv_results_) # just make sure we don't have ties assert len(cv_results_df["mean_test_score"].unique()) == len(cv_results_df) cv_results_df["params_str"] = cv_results_df["params"].apply(str) table = cv_results_df.pivot( index="params_str", columns="iter", values="mean_test_score" ) # table looks like something like this: # iter 0 1 2 3 4 5 # params_str # {'a': 'l2', 'b': 23} 0.75 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # {'a': 'l1', 'b': 30} 0.90 0.875 NaN NaN NaN NaN # {'a': 'l1', 'b': 0} 0.75 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # {'a': 'l2', 'b': 3} 0.85 0.925 0.9125 0.90625 NaN NaN # {'a': 'l1', 'b': 5} 0.80 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # ... # where a NaN indicates that the candidate wasn't evaluated at a given # iteration, because it wasn't part of the top-K at some previous # iteration. We here make sure that candidates that aren't in the top-k at # any given iteration are indeed not evaluated at the subsequent # iterations. nan_mask = pd.isna(table) n_iter = sh.n_iterations_ for it in range(n_iter - 1): already_discarded_mask = nan_mask[it] # make sure that if a candidate is already discarded, we don't evaluate # it later assert ( already_discarded_mask & nan_mask[it + 1] == already_discarded_mask ).all() # make sure that the number of discarded candidate is correct discarded_now_mask = ~already_discarded_mask & nan_mask[it + 1] kept_mask = ~already_discarded_mask & ~discarded_now_mask assert kept_mask.sum() == sh.n_candidates_[it + 1] # make sure that all discarded candidates have a lower score than the # kept candidates discarded_max_score = table[it].where(discarded_now_mask).max() kept_min_score = table[it].where(kept_mask).min() assert discarded_max_score < kept_min_score # We now make sure that the best candidate is chosen only from the last # iteration. # We also make sure this is true even if there were higher scores in # earlier rounds (this isn't generally the case, but worth ensuring it's # possible). last_iter = cv_results_df["iter"].max() idx_best_last_iter = cv_results_df[cv_results_df["iter"] == last_iter][ "mean_test_score" ].idxmax() idx_best_all_iters = cv_results_df["mean_test_score"].idxmax() assert sh.best_params_ == cv_results_df.iloc[idx_best_last_iter]["params"] assert ( cv_results_df.iloc[idx_best_last_iter]["mean_test_score"] < cv_results_df.iloc[idx_best_all_iters]["mean_test_score"] ) assert ( cv_results_df.iloc[idx_best_last_iter]["params"] != cv_results_df.iloc[idx_best_all_iters]["params"] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("Est", (HalvingGridSearchCV, HalvingRandomSearchCV)) def test_base_estimator_inputs(Est): # make sure that the base estimators are passed the correct parameters and # number of samples at each iteration. pd = pytest.importorskip("pandas") passed_n_samples_fit = [] passed_n_samples_predict = [] passed_params = [] class FastClassifierBookKeeping(FastClassifier): def fit(self, X, y): passed_n_samples_fit.append(X.shape[0]) return super().fit(X, y) def predict(self, X): passed_n_samples_predict.append(X.shape[0]) return super().predict(X) def set_params(self, **params): passed_params.append(params) return super().set_params(**params) n_samples = 1024 n_splits = 2 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, random_state=0) param_grid = {"a": ("l1", "l2"), "b": list(range(30))} base_estimator = FastClassifierBookKeeping() sh = Est( base_estimator, param_grid, factor=2, cv=n_splits, return_train_score=False, refit=False, ) if Est is HalvingRandomSearchCV: # same number of candidates as with the grid sh.set_params(n_candidates=2 * 30, min_resources="exhaust"), y) assert len(passed_n_samples_fit) == len(passed_n_samples_predict) passed_n_samples = [ x + y for (x, y) in zip(passed_n_samples_fit, passed_n_samples_predict) ] # Lists are of length n_splits * n_iter * n_candidates_at_i. # Each chunk of size n_splits corresponds to the n_splits folds for the # same candidate at the same iteration, so they contain equal values. We # subsample such that the lists are of length n_iter * n_candidates_at_it passed_n_samples = passed_n_samples[::n_splits] passed_params = passed_params[::n_splits] cv_results_df = pd.DataFrame(sh.cv_results_) assert len(passed_params) == len(passed_n_samples) == len(cv_results_df) uniques, counts = np.unique(passed_n_samples, return_counts=True) assert (sh.n_resources_ == uniques).all() assert (sh.n_candidates_ == counts).all() assert (cv_results_df["params"] == passed_params).all() assert (cv_results_df["n_resources"] == passed_n_samples).all() @pytest.mark.parametrize("Est", (HalvingGridSearchCV, HalvingRandomSearchCV)) def test_groups_support(Est): # Check if ValueError (when groups is None) propagates to # HalvingGridSearchCV and HalvingRandomSearchCV # And also check if groups is correctly passed to the cv object rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X, y = make_classification(n_samples=50, n_classes=2, random_state=0) groups = rng.randint(0, 3, 50) clf = LinearSVC(random_state=0) grid = {"C": [1]} group_cvs = [ LeaveOneGroupOut(), LeavePGroupsOut(2), GroupKFold(n_splits=3), GroupShuffleSplit(random_state=0), ] error_msg = "The 'groups' parameter should not be None." for cv in group_cvs: gs = Est(clf, grid, cv=cv, random_state=0) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=error_msg):, y), y, groups=groups) non_group_cvs = [StratifiedKFold(), StratifiedShuffleSplit(random_state=0)] for cv in non_group_cvs: gs = Est(clf, grid, cv=cv) # Should not raise an error, y) @pytest.mark.parametrize("SearchCV", [HalvingRandomSearchCV, HalvingGridSearchCV]) def test_min_resources_null(SearchCV): """Check that we raise an error if the minimum resources is set to 0.""" base_estimator = FastClassifier() param_grid = {"a": [1]} X = np.empty(0).reshape(0, 3) search = SearchCV(base_estimator, param_grid, min_resources="smallest") err_msg = "min_resources_=0: you might have passed an empty dataset X." with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):, []) @pytest.mark.parametrize("SearchCV", [HalvingGridSearchCV, HalvingRandomSearchCV]) def test_select_best_index(SearchCV): """Check the selection strategy of the halving search.""" results = { # this isn't a 'real world' result dict "iter": np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]), "mean_test_score": np.array([4, 3, 5, 1, 11, 10, 5, 6, 9]), "params": np.array(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"]), } # we expect the index of 'i' best_index = SearchCV._select_best_index(None, None, results) assert best_index == 8 def test_halving_random_search_list_of_dicts(): """Check the behaviour of the `HalvingRandomSearchCV` with `param_distribution` being a list of dictionary. """ X, y = make_classification(n_samples=150, n_features=4, random_state=42) params = [ {"kernel": ["rbf"], "C": expon(scale=10), "gamma": expon(scale=0.1)}, {"kernel": ["poly"], "degree": [2, 3]}, ] param_keys = ( "param_C", "param_degree", "param_gamma", "param_kernel", ) score_keys = ( "mean_test_score", "mean_train_score", "rank_test_score", "split0_test_score", "split1_test_score", "split2_test_score", "split0_train_score", "split1_train_score", "split2_train_score", "std_test_score", "std_train_score", "mean_fit_time", "std_fit_time", "mean_score_time", "std_score_time", ) extra_keys = ("n_resources", "iter") search = HalvingRandomSearchCV( SVC(), cv=3, param_distributions=params, return_train_score=True, random_state=0 ), y) n_candidates = sum(search.n_candidates_) cv_results = search.cv_results_ # Check results structure check_cv_results_keys(cv_results, param_keys, score_keys, n_candidates, extra_keys) expected_cv_results_kinds = { "param_C": "f", "param_degree": "i", "param_gamma": "f", "param_kernel": "O", } check_cv_results_array_types( search, param_keys, score_keys, expected_cv_results_kinds ) assert all( ( cv_results["param_C"].mask[i] and cv_results["param_gamma"].mask[i] and not cv_results["param_degree"].mask[i] ) for i in range(n_candidates) if cv_results["param_kernel"][i] == "poly" ) assert all( ( not cv_results["param_C"].mask[i] and not cv_results["param_gamma"].mask[i] and cv_results["param_degree"].mask[i] ) for i in range(n_candidates) if cv_results["param_kernel"][i] == "rbf" )