import copy import re import numpy as np import pytest from sklearn import config_context from sklearn.base import is_classifier from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV from sklearn.compose import TransformedTargetRegressor from sklearn.covariance import GraphicalLassoCV from sklearn.ensemble import ( AdaBoostClassifier, AdaBoostRegressor, BaggingClassifier, BaggingRegressor, StackingClassifier, StackingRegressor, ) from sklearn.exceptions import UnsetMetadataPassedError from sklearn.experimental import ( enable_halving_search_cv, # noqa enable_iterative_imputer, # noqa ) from sklearn.feature_selection import ( RFE, RFECV, SelectFromModel, SequentialFeatureSelector, ) from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer from sklearn.linear_model import ( ElasticNetCV, LarsCV, LassoCV, LassoLarsCV, LogisticRegressionCV, MultiTaskElasticNetCV, MultiTaskLassoCV, OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV, RANSACRegressor, RidgeClassifierCV, RidgeCV, ) from sklearn.model_selection import ( FixedThresholdClassifier, GridSearchCV, HalvingGridSearchCV, HalvingRandomSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV, TunedThresholdClassifierCV, ) from sklearn.multiclass import ( OneVsOneClassifier, OneVsRestClassifier, OutputCodeClassifier, ) from sklearn.multioutput import ( ClassifierChain, MultiOutputClassifier, MultiOutputRegressor, RegressorChain, ) from sklearn.semi_supervised import SelfTrainingClassifier from sklearn.tests.metadata_routing_common import ( ConsumingClassifier, ConsumingRegressor, ConsumingScorer, ConsumingSplitter, NonConsumingClassifier, NonConsumingRegressor, _Registry, assert_request_is_empty, check_recorded_metadata, ) from sklearn.utils.metadata_routing import MetadataRouter rng = np.random.RandomState(42) N, M = 100, 4 X = rng.rand(N, M) y = rng.randint(0, 3, size=N) y_binary = (y >= 1).astype(int) classes = np.unique(y) y_multi = rng.randint(0, 3, size=(N, 3)) classes_multi = [np.unique(y_multi[:, i]) for i in range(y_multi.shape[1])] metadata = rng.randint(0, 10, size=N) sample_weight = rng.rand(N) groups = np.array([0, 1] * (len(y) // 2)) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def enable_slep006(): """Enable SLEP006 for all tests.""" with config_context(enable_metadata_routing=True): yield METAESTIMATORS: list = [ { "metaestimator": MultiOutputRegressor, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "regressor", "X": X, "y": y_multi, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit", "partial_fit"], }, { "metaestimator": MultiOutputClassifier, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "X": X, "y": y_multi, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit", "partial_fit"], "method_args": {"partial_fit": {"classes": classes_multi}}, }, { "metaestimator": CalibratedClassifierCV, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "X": X, "y": y, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], "preserves_metadata": "subset", }, { "metaestimator": ClassifierChain, "estimator_name": "base_estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "X": X, "y": y_multi, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": RegressorChain, "estimator_name": "base_estimator", "estimator": "regressor", "X": X, "y": y_multi, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": LogisticRegressionCV, "X": X, "y": y, "scorer_name": "scoring", "scorer_routing_methods": ["fit", "score"], "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": GridSearchCV, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "init_args": {"param_grid": {"alpha": [0.1, 0.2]}}, "X": X, "y": y, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], "preserves_metadata": "subset", "scorer_name": "scoring", "scorer_routing_methods": ["fit", "score"], "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": RandomizedSearchCV, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "init_args": {"param_distributions": {"alpha": [0.1, 0.2]}}, "X": X, "y": y, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], "preserves_metadata": "subset", "scorer_name": "scoring", "scorer_routing_methods": ["fit", "score"], "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": HalvingGridSearchCV, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "init_args": {"param_grid": {"alpha": [0.1, 0.2]}}, "X": X, "y": y, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], "preserves_metadata": "subset", "scorer_name": "scoring", "scorer_routing_methods": ["fit", "score"], "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": HalvingRandomSearchCV, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "init_args": {"param_distributions": {"alpha": [0.1, 0.2]}}, "X": X, "y": y, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], "preserves_metadata": "subset", "scorer_name": "scoring", "scorer_routing_methods": ["fit", "score"], "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": FixedThresholdClassifier, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "X": X, "y": y_binary, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], "preserves_metadata": "subset", }, { "metaestimator": TunedThresholdClassifierCV, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "X": X, "y": y_binary, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], "preserves_metadata": "subset", }, { "metaestimator": OneVsRestClassifier, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "X": X, "y": y, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit", "partial_fit"], "method_args": {"partial_fit": {"classes": classes}}, }, { "metaestimator": OneVsOneClassifier, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "X": X, "y": y, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit", "partial_fit"], "preserves_metadata": "subset", "method_args": {"partial_fit": {"classes": classes}}, }, { "metaestimator": OutputCodeClassifier, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "init_args": {"random_state": 42}, "X": X, "y": y, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": SelectFromModel, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "X": X, "y": y, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit", "partial_fit"], "method_args": {"partial_fit": {"classes": classes}}, }, { "metaestimator": OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV, "X": X, "y": y, "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": ElasticNetCV, "X": X, "y": y, "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": LassoCV, "X": X, "y": y, "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": MultiTaskElasticNetCV, "X": X, "y": y_multi, "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": MultiTaskLassoCV, "X": X, "y": y_multi, "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": LarsCV, "X": X, "y": y, "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": LassoLarsCV, "X": X, "y": y, "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": RANSACRegressor, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "regressor", "init_args": {"min_samples": 0.5}, "X": X, "y": y, "preserves_metadata": "subset", "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit", "predict", "score"], "method_mapping": {"fit": ["fit", "score"]}, }, { "metaestimator": IterativeImputer, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "regressor", "init_args": {"skip_complete": False}, "X": X, "y": y, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": BaggingClassifier, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "classifier", "X": X, "y": y, "preserves_metadata": False, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": BaggingRegressor, "estimator_name": "estimator", "estimator": "regressor", "X": X, "y": y, "preserves_metadata": False, "estimator_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": RidgeCV, "X": X, "y": y, "scorer_name": "scoring", "scorer_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": RidgeClassifierCV, "X": X, "y": y, "scorer_name": "scoring", "scorer_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": RidgeCV, "X": X, "y": y, "scorer_name": "scoring", "scorer_routing_methods": ["fit"], "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": RidgeClassifierCV, "X": X, "y": y, "scorer_name": "scoring", "scorer_routing_methods": ["fit"], "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, { "metaestimator": GraphicalLassoCV, "X": X, "y": y, "cv_name": "cv", "cv_routing_methods": ["fit"], }, ] """List containing all metaestimators to be tested and their settings The keys are as follows: - metaestimator: The metaestimator to be tested - estimator_name: The name of the argument for the sub-estimator - estimator: The sub-estimator type, either "regressor" or "classifier" - init_args: The arguments to be passed to the metaestimator's constructor - X: X-data to fit and predict - y: y-data to fit - estimator_routing_methods: list of all methods to check for routing metadata to the sub-estimator - preserves_metadata: - True (default): the metaestimator passes the metadata to the sub-estimator without modification. We check that the values recorded by the sub-estimator are identical to what we've passed to the metaestimator. - False: no check is performed regarding values, we only check that a metadata with the expected names/keys are passed. - "subset": we check that the recorded metadata by the sub-estimator is a subset of what is passed to the metaestimator. - scorer_name: The name of the argument for the scorer - scorer_routing_methods: list of all methods to check for routing metadata to the scorer - cv_name: The name of the argument for the CV splitter - cv_routing_methods: list of all methods to check for routing metadata to the splitter - method_args: a dict of dicts, defining extra arguments needed to be passed to methods, such as passing `classes` to `partial_fit`. - method_mapping: a dict of the form `{caller: [callee1, ...]}` which signals which `.set_{method}_request` methods should be called to set request values. If not present, a one-to-one mapping is assumed. """ # IDs used by pytest to get meaningful verbose messages when running the tests METAESTIMATOR_IDS = [str(row["metaestimator"].__name__) for row in METAESTIMATORS] UNSUPPORTED_ESTIMATORS = [ AdaBoostClassifier(), AdaBoostRegressor(), RFE(ConsumingClassifier()), RFECV(ConsumingClassifier()), SelfTrainingClassifier(ConsumingClassifier()), SequentialFeatureSelector(ConsumingClassifier()), StackingClassifier(ConsumingClassifier()), StackingRegressor(ConsumingRegressor()), TransformedTargetRegressor(), ] def get_init_args(metaestimator_info, sub_estimator_consumes): """Get the init args for a metaestimator This is a helper function to get the init args for a metaestimator from the METAESTIMATORS list. It returns an empty dict if no init args are required. Parameters ---------- metaestimator_info : dict The metaestimator info from METAESTIMATORS sub_estimator_consumes : bool Whether the sub-estimator consumes metadata or not. Returns ------- kwargs : dict The init args for the metaestimator. (estimator, estimator_registry) : (estimator, registry) The sub-estimator and the corresponding registry. (scorer, scorer_registry) : (scorer, registry) The scorer and the corresponding registry. (cv, cv_registry) : (CV splitter, registry) The CV splitter and the corresponding registry. """ kwargs = metaestimator_info.get("init_args", {}) estimator, estimator_registry = None, None scorer, scorer_registry = None, None cv, cv_registry = None, None if "estimator" in metaestimator_info: estimator_name = metaestimator_info["estimator_name"] estimator_registry = _Registry() sub_estimator_type = metaestimator_info["estimator"] if sub_estimator_consumes: if sub_estimator_type == "regressor": estimator = ConsumingRegressor(estimator_registry) elif sub_estimator_type == "classifier": estimator = ConsumingClassifier(estimator_registry) else: raise ValueError("Unpermitted `sub_estimator_type`.") # pragma: nocover else: if sub_estimator_type == "regressor": estimator = NonConsumingRegressor() elif sub_estimator_type == "classifier": estimator = NonConsumingClassifier() else: raise ValueError("Unpermitted `sub_estimator_type`.") # pragma: nocover kwargs[estimator_name] = estimator if "scorer_name" in metaestimator_info: scorer_name = metaestimator_info["scorer_name"] scorer_registry = _Registry() scorer = ConsumingScorer(registry=scorer_registry) kwargs[scorer_name] = scorer if "cv_name" in metaestimator_info: cv_name = metaestimator_info["cv_name"] cv_registry = _Registry() cv = ConsumingSplitter(registry=cv_registry) kwargs[cv_name] = cv return ( kwargs, (estimator, estimator_registry), (scorer, scorer_registry), (cv, cv_registry), ) def set_requests(estimator, *, method_mapping, methods, metadata_name, value=True): """Call `set_{method}_request` on a list of methods from the sub-estimator. Parameters ---------- estimator : BaseEstimator The estimator for which `set_{method}_request` methods are called. method_mapping : dict The method mapping in the form of `{caller: [callee, ...]}`. If a "caller" is not present in the method mapping, a one-to-one mapping is assumed. methods : list of str The list of methods as "caller"s for which the request for the child should be set. metadata_name : str The name of the metadata to be routed, usually either `"metadata"` or `"sample_weight"` in our tests. value : None, bool, or str The request value to be set, by default it's `True` """ for caller in methods: for callee in method_mapping.get(caller, [caller]): set_request_for_method = getattr(estimator, f"set_{callee}_request") set_request_for_method(**{metadata_name: value}) if is_classifier(estimator) and callee == "partial_fit": set_request_for_method(classes=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize("estimator", UNSUPPORTED_ESTIMATORS) def test_unsupported_estimators_get_metadata_routing(estimator): """Test that get_metadata_routing is not implemented on meta-estimators for which we haven't implemented routing yet.""" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): estimator.get_metadata_routing() @pytest.mark.parametrize("estimator", UNSUPPORTED_ESTIMATORS) def test_unsupported_estimators_fit_with_metadata(estimator): """Test that fit raises NotImplementedError when metadata routing is enabled and a metadata is passed on meta-estimators for which we haven't implemented routing yet.""" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): try:[[1]], [1], sample_weight=[1]) except TypeError: # not all meta-estimators in the list support sample_weight, # and for those we skip this test. raise NotImplementedError def test_registry_copy(): # test that _Registry is not copied into a new instance. a = _Registry() b = _Registry() assert a is not b assert a is copy.copy(a) assert a is copy.deepcopy(a) @pytest.mark.parametrize("metaestimator", METAESTIMATORS, ids=METAESTIMATOR_IDS) def test_default_request(metaestimator): # Check that by default request is empty and the right type cls = metaestimator["metaestimator"] kwargs, *_ = get_init_args(metaestimator, sub_estimator_consumes=True) instance = cls(**kwargs) if "cv_name" in metaestimator: # Our GroupCV splitters request groups by default, which we should # ignore in this test. exclude = {"splitter": ["split"]} else: exclude = None assert_request_is_empty(instance.get_metadata_routing(), exclude=exclude) assert isinstance(instance.get_metadata_routing(), MetadataRouter) @pytest.mark.parametrize("metaestimator", METAESTIMATORS, ids=METAESTIMATOR_IDS) def test_error_on_missing_requests_for_sub_estimator(metaestimator): # Test that a UnsetMetadataPassedError is raised when the sub-estimator's # requests are not set if "estimator" not in metaestimator: # This test only makes sense for metaestimators which have a # sub-estimator, e.g. MyMetaEstimator(estimator=MySubEstimator()) return cls = metaestimator["metaestimator"] X = metaestimator["X"] y = metaestimator["y"] routing_methods = metaestimator["estimator_routing_methods"] for method_name in routing_methods: for key in ["sample_weight", "metadata"]: kwargs, (estimator, _), (scorer, _), *_ = get_init_args( metaestimator, sub_estimator_consumes=True ) if scorer: scorer.set_score_request(**{key: True}) val = {"sample_weight": sample_weight, "metadata": metadata}[key] method_kwargs = {key: val} instance = cls(**kwargs) msg = ( f"[{key}] are passed but are not explicitly set as requested or not" f" requested for {estimator.__class__.__name__}.{method_name}" ) with pytest.raises(UnsetMetadataPassedError, match=re.escape(msg)): method = getattr(instance, method_name) if "fit" not in method_name: # set request on fit set_requests( estimator, method_mapping=metaestimator.get("method_mapping", {}), methods=["fit"], metadata_name=key, ), y, **method_kwargs) # making sure the requests are unset, in case they were set as a # side effect of setting them for fit. For instance, if method # mapping for fit is: `"fit": ["fit", "score"]`, that would mean # calling `.score` here would not raise, because we have already # set request value for child estimator's `score`. set_requests( estimator, method_mapping=metaestimator.get("method_mapping", {}), methods=["fit"], metadata_name=key, value=None, ) try: # `fit` and `partial_fit` accept y, others don't. method(X, y, **method_kwargs) except TypeError: method(X, **method_kwargs) @pytest.mark.parametrize("metaestimator", METAESTIMATORS, ids=METAESTIMATOR_IDS) def test_setting_request_on_sub_estimator_removes_error(metaestimator): # When the metadata is explicitly requested on the sub-estimator, there # should be no errors. if "estimator" not in metaestimator: # This test only makes sense for metaestimators which have a # sub-estimator, e.g. MyMetaEstimator(estimator=MySubEstimator()) return cls = metaestimator["metaestimator"] X = metaestimator["X"] y = metaestimator["y"] routing_methods = metaestimator["estimator_routing_methods"] method_mapping = metaestimator.get("method_mapping", {}) preserves_metadata = metaestimator.get("preserves_metadata", True) for method_name in routing_methods: for key in ["sample_weight", "metadata"]: val = {"sample_weight": sample_weight, "metadata": metadata}[key] method_kwargs = {key: val} kwargs, (estimator, registry), (scorer, _), (cv, _) = get_init_args( metaestimator, sub_estimator_consumes=True ) if scorer: set_requests( scorer, method_mapping={}, methods=["score"], metadata_name=key ) if cv: cv.set_split_request(groups=True, metadata=True) # `set_{method}_request({metadata}==True)` on the underlying objects set_requests( estimator, method_mapping=method_mapping, methods=[method_name], metadata_name=key, ) instance = cls(**kwargs) method = getattr(instance, method_name) extra_method_args = metaestimator.get("method_args", {}).get( method_name, {} ) if "fit" not in method_name: # fit before calling method set_requests( estimator, method_mapping=metaestimator.get("method_mapping", {}), methods=["fit"], metadata_name=key, ), y, **method_kwargs, **extra_method_args) try: # `fit` and `partial_fit` accept y, others don't. method(X, y, **method_kwargs, **extra_method_args) except TypeError: method(X, **method_kwargs, **extra_method_args) # sanity check that registry is not empty, or else the test passes # trivially assert registry if preserves_metadata is True: for estimator in registry: check_recorded_metadata(estimator, method_name, **method_kwargs) elif preserves_metadata == "subset": for estimator in registry: check_recorded_metadata( estimator, method_name, split_params=method_kwargs.keys(), **method_kwargs, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("metaestimator", METAESTIMATORS, ids=METAESTIMATOR_IDS) def test_non_consuming_estimator_works(metaestimator): # Test that when a non-consuming estimator is given, the meta-estimator # works w/o setting any requests. # Regression test for if "estimator" not in metaestimator: # This test only makes sense for metaestimators which have a # sub-estimator, e.g. MyMetaEstimator(estimator=MySubEstimator()) return def set_request(estimator, method_name): # e.g. call set_fit_request on estimator if is_classifier(estimator) and method_name == "partial_fit": estimator.set_partial_fit_request(classes=True) cls = metaestimator["metaestimator"] X = metaestimator["X"] y = metaestimator["y"] routing_methods = metaestimator["estimator_routing_methods"] for method_name in routing_methods: kwargs, (estimator, _), (_, _), (_, _) = get_init_args( metaestimator, sub_estimator_consumes=False ) instance = cls(**kwargs) set_request(estimator, method_name) method = getattr(instance, method_name) extra_method_args = metaestimator.get("method_args", {}).get(method_name, {}) if "fit" not in method_name:, y, **extra_method_args) # The following should pass w/o raising a routing error. try: # `fit` and `partial_fit` accept y, others don't. method(X, y, **extra_method_args) except TypeError: method(X, **extra_method_args) @pytest.mark.parametrize("metaestimator", METAESTIMATORS, ids=METAESTIMATOR_IDS) def test_metadata_is_routed_correctly_to_scorer(metaestimator): """Test that any requested metadata is correctly routed to the underlying scorers in CV estimators. """ if "scorer_name" not in metaestimator: # This test only makes sense for CV estimators return cls = metaestimator["metaestimator"] routing_methods = metaestimator["scorer_routing_methods"] for method_name in routing_methods: kwargs, (estimator, _), (scorer, registry), (cv, _) = get_init_args( metaestimator, sub_estimator_consumes=True ) if estimator: estimator.set_fit_request(sample_weight=True, metadata=True) scorer.set_score_request(sample_weight=True) if cv: cv.set_split_request(groups=True, metadata=True) instance = cls(**kwargs) method = getattr(instance, method_name) method_kwargs = {"sample_weight": sample_weight} if "fit" not in method_name:, y) method(X, y, **method_kwargs) assert registry for _scorer in registry: check_recorded_metadata( obj=_scorer, method="score", split_params=("sample_weight",), **method_kwargs, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("metaestimator", METAESTIMATORS, ids=METAESTIMATOR_IDS) def test_metadata_is_routed_correctly_to_splitter(metaestimator): """Test that any requested metadata is correctly routed to the underlying splitters in CV estimators. """ if "cv_routing_methods" not in metaestimator: # This test is only for metaestimators accepting a CV splitter return cls = metaestimator["metaestimator"] routing_methods = metaestimator["cv_routing_methods"] X_ = metaestimator["X"] y_ = metaestimator["y"] for method_name in routing_methods: kwargs, (estimator, _), (scorer, _), (cv, registry) = get_init_args( metaestimator, sub_estimator_consumes=True ) if estimator: estimator.set_fit_request(sample_weight=False, metadata=False) if scorer: scorer.set_score_request(sample_weight=False, metadata=False) cv.set_split_request(groups=True, metadata=True) instance = cls(**kwargs) method_kwargs = {"groups": groups, "metadata": metadata} method = getattr(instance, method_name) method(X_, y_, **method_kwargs) assert registry for _splitter in registry: check_recorded_metadata(obj=_splitter, method="split", **method_kwargs)