from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref from cpython.ref cimport Py_INCREF cimport numpy as cnp cnp.import_array() cdef StdVectorSentinel _create_sentinel(vector_typed * vect_ptr): if vector_typed is vector[float64_t]: return StdVectorSentinelFloat64.create_for(vect_ptr) elif vector_typed is vector[int32_t]: return StdVectorSentinelInt32.create_for(vect_ptr) elif vector_typed is vector[int64_t]: return StdVectorSentinelInt64.create_for(vect_ptr) else: # intp_t return StdVectorSentinelIntP.create_for(vect_ptr) cdef class StdVectorSentinel: """Wraps a reference to a vector which will be deallocated with this object. When created, the StdVectorSentinel swaps the reference of its internal vectors with the provided one (vect_ptr), thus making the StdVectorSentinel manage the provided one's lifetime. """ cdef void* get_data(self): """Return pointer to data.""" cdef int get_typenum(self): """Get typenum for PyArray_SimpleNewFromData.""" cdef class StdVectorSentinelFloat64(StdVectorSentinel): cdef vector[float64_t] vec @staticmethod cdef StdVectorSentinel create_for(vector[float64_t] * vect_ptr): # This initializes the object directly without calling __init__ # See: # noqa cdef StdVectorSentinelFloat64 sentinel = StdVectorSentinelFloat64.__new__(StdVectorSentinelFloat64) sentinel.vec.swap(deref(vect_ptr)) return sentinel cdef void* get_data(self): return cdef int get_typenum(self): return cnp.NPY_FLOAT64 cdef class StdVectorSentinelIntP(StdVectorSentinel): cdef vector[intp_t] vec @staticmethod cdef StdVectorSentinel create_for(vector[intp_t] * vect_ptr): # This initializes the object directly without calling __init__ # See: # noqa cdef StdVectorSentinelIntP sentinel = StdVectorSentinelIntP.__new__(StdVectorSentinelIntP) sentinel.vec.swap(deref(vect_ptr)) return sentinel cdef void* get_data(self): return cdef int get_typenum(self): return cnp.NPY_INTP cdef class StdVectorSentinelInt32(StdVectorSentinel): cdef vector[int32_t] vec @staticmethod cdef StdVectorSentinel create_for(vector[int32_t] * vect_ptr): # This initializes the object directly without calling __init__ # See: # noqa cdef StdVectorSentinelInt32 sentinel = StdVectorSentinelInt32.__new__(StdVectorSentinelInt32) sentinel.vec.swap(deref(vect_ptr)) return sentinel cdef void* get_data(self): return cdef int get_typenum(self): return cnp.NPY_INT32 cdef class StdVectorSentinelInt64(StdVectorSentinel): cdef vector[int64_t] vec @staticmethod cdef StdVectorSentinel create_for(vector[int64_t] * vect_ptr): # This initializes the object directly without calling __init__ # See: # noqa cdef StdVectorSentinelInt64 sentinel = StdVectorSentinelInt64.__new__(StdVectorSentinelInt64) sentinel.vec.swap(deref(vect_ptr)) return sentinel cdef void* get_data(self): return cdef int get_typenum(self): return cnp.NPY_INT64 cdef cnp.ndarray vector_to_nd_array(vector_typed * vect_ptr): cdef: cnp.npy_intp size = deref(vect_ptr).size() StdVectorSentinel sentinel = _create_sentinel(vect_ptr) cnp.ndarray arr = cnp.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData( 1, &size, sentinel.get_typenum(), sentinel.get_data()) # Makes the numpy array responsible of the life-cycle of its buffer. # A reference to the StdVectorSentinel will be stolen by the call to # `PyArray_SetBaseObject` below, so we increase its reference counter. # See: Py_INCREF(sentinel) cnp.PyArray_SetBaseObject(arr, sentinel) return arr