# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck """Utility to lift subgraphs.""" import collections from tensorflow.python.framework import func_graph from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor as tensor_lib from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import op_selector from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops from tensorflow.python.util import compat from tensorflow.python.util import object_identity from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export UnliftableError = op_selector.UnliftableError def _as_operation(op_or_tensor): if isinstance(op_or_tensor, tensor_lib.Tensor): return op_or_tensor.op return op_or_tensor def _constant_inputs(op_or_tensor): return all(_as_operation(i).type == u"Const" and not _as_operation(i).control_inputs for i in op_selector.graph_inputs(_as_operation(op_or_tensor))) # Represents an input to `copied_op` which must be updated once # `old_graph_tensor` has been copied. _InputMutation = collections.namedtuple( "_InputMutation", ["copied_op", "input_index", "old_graph_tensor"]) # Represents a control input to `copied_op` which must be added once # `old_graph_op` has been copied. _ControlMutation = collections.namedtuple( "_ControlMutation", ["copied_op", "old_graph_op"]) def _copy_non_source(op, graph, op_map, base_graph): """Copy an op directly to a given graph. Generally `op`'s inputs should already have been copied. If this is not the case, for example with v1 while_loops, then `_copy_non_source` inserts placeholders for the unavailable Tensors and returns a list of required mutations. Args: op: The op to be copied. graph: The destination graph. op_map: A dict mapping ops and tensors in the old graph to the new one. base_graph: The graph we're copying from, for any necessary functions. Returns: A tuple of (required_inputs, required_control_inputs): required_inputs: A list of `_InputMutation` tuples containing inputs to `copied_op` which must be updated once `old_graph_tensor` has been copied. required_control_inputs: A list of `_ControlMutation` tuples containing control inputs to `copied_op` which must be added once `old_graph_op` has been copied. """ input_mutations = [] control_mutations = [] copied_inputs = [] for input_index, original_input in enumerate(op.inputs): copied_input = op_map.get(original_input, None) if copied_input is None: # An input for this op is missing due to a loop in the graph. We'll insert # a placeholder for now and return information about the required post-hoc # mutation. copied_input = array_ops.placeholder( name="unused_control_flow_input", shape=original_input.shape, dtype=original_input.dtype) input_mutations.append( # `copied_op` is filled in below, after we've created it. _InputMutation(copied_op=None, input_index=input_index, old_graph_tensor=original_input)) copied_inputs.append(copied_input) copied_control_inputs = [] for original_control_input in op.control_inputs: copied_control_input = op_map.get(original_control_input, None) if copied_control_input is None: control_mutations.append( _ControlMutation(copied_op=None, old_graph_op=original_control_input)) else: copied_control_inputs.append(copied_control_input) # Don't copy over nodes with _tpu_replicate attribute. This attributed is used # to signal that the op was built inside a tpu_replicate context; if we're # lifting it to another graph we're similarly lifting it into another context. with ops.control_dependencies(copied_control_inputs), ops.device(op.device): # pylint: disable=protected-access f = base_graph._functions.get(op.type, None) if f is not None and compat.as_str(f.name) not in graph._functions: f.add_to_graph(graph) # pylint: enable=protected-access # Create a new op in the destination graph if it doesn't exist before. copied_op = graph.create_op( op_type=op.type, inputs=copied_inputs, dtypes=[x.dtype for x in op.outputs], attrs={ key: value for key, value in op.node_def.attr.items() if not key.startswith("_class") and not key.startswith("_tpu_replicate") }, # b/128981532. name=op.name) op_map[op] = copied_op for i, o in enumerate(op.outputs): op_map[o] = copied_op.outputs[i] return ([mutation._replace(copied_op=copied_op) for mutation in input_mutations], [mutation._replace(copied_op=copied_op) for mutation in control_mutations]) def _copy_source(s, graph, op_map, handle_captures, inverse_captures, base_graph): """Create a source in a graph based on a Tensor from a different graph. This function creates a placeholder analog of `s` in a graph with the following behavior: 1) If s is a captured Tensor or Variable and handle_captures is set to True, simply capture it in the new graph as well. 2) If s is a PlaceholderWithDefault whose default is a constant, preserve said default in the new graph. 3) When applicable, copy resource variable metadata from `s` to the newly created placeholder. Args: s: The source of interest. graph: The destination graph. op_map: A dict mapping ops and tensors in the old graph to the new one. handle_captures: A boolean indicating whether to re-capture s in the new graph or simply create a vanilla placeholder. inverse_captures: A dict mapping s back to the Tensor or Variable that it captures. base_graph: The graph being copied from. """ if handle_captures and s in inverse_captures: copied_placeholder = graph.capture(inverse_captures[s], name=s.op.name) elif s.op.type == "PlaceholderWithDefault" and _constant_inputs(s): # Copy the default value to the graph. default_value = s.op.inputs[0] unavailable_inputs, unavailable_control_inputs = _copy_non_source( op=default_value.op, graph=graph, op_map=op_map, base_graph=base_graph) if unavailable_inputs or unavailable_control_inputs: raise AssertionError( "Could not copy source node {} because it has inputs." .format(default_value)) with ops.device(s.op.device): copied_placeholder = array_ops.placeholder_with_default( input=op_map[default_value], shape=s.shape, name=s.op.name) else: with ops.device(s.op.device): copied_placeholder = array_ops.placeholder( dtype=s.dtype, shape=s.shape, name=s.op.name) base_handle = resource_variable_ops.get_resource_handle_data(s) if base_handle.shape_and_type: resource_variable_ops._set_handle_shapes_and_types( # pylint: disable=protected-access copied_placeholder, base_handle, graph_mode=True) op_map[s] = copied_placeholder # Add an entry for the op of the source tensor so that if there are any nodes # depending on that op via control dependencies it can work correctly. op_map[s.op] = copied_placeholder.op @tf_export("__internal__.lift_to_graph", v1=[]) def lift_to_graph(tensors, graph, sources=None, disallowed_placeholders=None, add_sources=False, handle_captures=False, base_graph=None, op_map=None): """Copies the tensor and all its inputs recursively to the outer graph. Args: tensors: The Tensors to lift. graph: The graph to lift to. sources: Optional sequence of nodes to start from. If omitted the whole subgraph which feeds into `init_tensor` is lifted. disallowed_placeholders: An optional set of ops which may not appear in the lifted graph. Defaults to all placeholders. add_sources: A boolean indicating whether placeholders which are not in sources should be allowed. handle_captures: A boolean indicating whether to re-capture s in the new graph or simply create a vanilla placeholder. base_graph: The graph from which to lift ops. This will be inferred if not specified. op_map: A map contains all the existing nodes that have been lifted to the destination graph, so they won't be lifted and copied again. Returns: A mapping from ops in the current default graph to ops in `graph`. Raises: UnliftableError: If a placeholder blocks lifting. """ variable_init_tensors = [] init_tensors = [] for tensor in tensors: if isinstance(tensor, resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable): variable_init_tensors.append(tensor) else: init_tensors.append(tensor) base_graph = base_graph or init_tensors[0].graph op_map = op_map or object_identity.ObjectIdentityDictionary() # Check that the initializer does not depend on any placeholders. sources = object_identity.ObjectIdentitySet(sources or []) visited_ops = set(x.op for x in sources) op_outputs = collections.defaultdict(set) # First we extract the subgraph between init_tensors and sources. for init_tensor in init_tensors: sources.update(op_selector.map_subgraph( init_tensor=init_tensor, sources=sources, disallowed_placeholders=disallowed_placeholders, visited_ops=visited_ops, op_outputs=op_outputs, add_sources=add_sources)) # Try to topologically sort the nodes we've extracted. Now we know how many of # their outputs are part of this subgraph. ops_to_copy = [] marked_ops = set([]) ops_to_visit = [_as_operation(t) for t in init_tensors if not op_outputs[_as_operation(t)]] unvisited_ops = set(ops_to_visit) while unvisited_ops: while ops_to_visit: op = ops_to_visit.pop() if op in marked_ops: continue marked_ops.add(op) ops_to_copy.append(op) for inp in op_selector.graph_inputs(op): # Don't lift the TPUReplicateMetadata nodes out of the function, because # it has no registered kernels. if inp.type == "TPUReplicateMetadata": continue unvisited_ops.add(inp) if (all(x in marked_ops for x in op_outputs[inp]) and inp not in sources): ops_to_visit.append(inp) unvisited_ops.difference_update(marked_ops) if unvisited_ops: # `unvisited_ops` should only have elements if the graph has a loop. In # this case we want to keep copying and there's no topological ordering; # we'll do ugly post-hoc mutations instead. ops_to_visit.append(next(iter(unvisited_ops))) # When the topological sort fails due to loops, it can result in exceptions # later when copying a node which inputs haven't been copied yet. We can # improve that pseudo-topological order slightly by putting the ops without # inputs, such as constants, at the start of the topological order (i.e at # the end of ops_to_copy). ops_to_copy.sort(key=(lambda op: len(op_selector.graph_inputs(op)) == 0)) # When lifting from one FuncGraph to another, we will need to capture the # relevant tensors as well. captures = [] inverse_captures = object_identity.ObjectIdentityDictionary() internal_captures = [] if (isinstance(base_graph, func_graph.FuncGraph) and isinstance(graph, func_graph.FuncGraph)): captures = base_graph.captures for external_capture, internal_capture in captures: inverse_captures[internal_capture] = external_capture internal_captures = base_graph.internal_captures # ops_to_copy now holds a reverse topologically sorted list of ops which # ends in the initializer. We copy those to the outermost graph and # build the initialization op there. with graph.as_default(): for i in variable_init_tensors: op_map[i] = i source_ops = set() # Add the sources in the same order as the original graph. for s in internal_captures: if s in sources: sources.remove(s) source_ops.add(s.op) _copy_source( s=s, graph=graph, op_map=op_map, handle_captures=handle_captures, inverse_captures=inverse_captures, base_graph=base_graph) for s in sources: source_ops.add(s.op) _copy_source( s=s, graph=graph, op_map=op_map, handle_captures=handle_captures, inverse_captures=inverse_captures, base_graph=base_graph) input_mutations = [] control_mutations = [] for op in reversed(ops_to_copy): if op in source_ops or op in op_map: continue new_input_mutations, new_control_mutations = _copy_non_source( op=op, graph=graph, op_map=op_map, base_graph=base_graph) input_mutations.extend(new_input_mutations) control_mutations.extend(new_control_mutations) # Mutate the new graph to insert any loops which existed in the source # graph due to v1 while_loops. # # pylint: disable=protected-access with graph._mutation_lock(): for mutation in input_mutations: mutation.copied_op._update_input( mutation.input_index, op_map[mutation.old_graph_tensor]) for mutation in control_mutations: # Don't lift the TPUReplicateMetadata nodes out of the function, because # it has no registered kernels. if mutation.old_graph_op.type == "TPUReplicateMetadata": continue mutation.copied_op._add_control_input(op_map[mutation.old_graph_op]) # pylint: enable=protected-access return op_map