# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. 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Args: window_length: A scalar value or `Tensor`. dtype: The data type to produce. Must be a floating point type. Returns: window_length converted to a tensor of type int32. Raises: ValueError: If `dtype` is not a floating point type or window_length is not a scalar. """ if not dtype.is_floating: raise ValueError('dtype must be a floating point type. Found %s' % dtype) window_length = ops.convert_to_tensor(window_length, dtype=dtypes.int32) window_length.shape.assert_has_rank(0) return window_length @tf_export('signal.kaiser_window') @dispatch.add_dispatch_support def kaiser_window(window_length, beta=12., dtype=dtypes.float32, name=None): """Generate a [Kaiser window][kaiser]. Args: window_length: A scalar `Tensor` indicating the window length to generate. beta: Beta parameter for Kaiser window, see reference below. dtype: The data type to produce. Must be a floating point type. name: An optional name for the operation. Returns: A `Tensor` of shape `[window_length]` of type `dtype`. [kaiser]: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.kaiser.html """ with ops.name_scope(name, 'kaiser_window'): window_length = _check_params(window_length, dtype) window_length_const = tensor_util.constant_value(window_length) if window_length_const == 1: return array_ops.ones([1], dtype=dtype) # tf.range does not support float16 so we work with float32 initially. halflen_float = ( math_ops.cast(window_length, dtype=dtypes.float32) - 1.0) / 2.0 arg = math_ops.range(-halflen_float, halflen_float + 0.1, dtype=dtypes.float32) # Convert everything into given dtype which can be float16. arg = math_ops.cast(arg, dtype=dtype) beta = math_ops.cast(beta, dtype=dtype) one = math_ops.cast(1.0, dtype=dtype) halflen_float = math_ops.cast(halflen_float, dtype=dtype) num = beta * math_ops.sqrt(nn_ops.relu( one - math_ops.square(arg / halflen_float))) window = math_ops.exp(num - beta) * ( special_math_ops.bessel_i0e(num) / special_math_ops.bessel_i0e(beta)) return window @tf_export('signal.kaiser_bessel_derived_window') @dispatch.add_dispatch_support def kaiser_bessel_derived_window(window_length, beta=12., dtype=dtypes.float32, name=None): """Generate a [Kaiser Bessel derived window][kbd]. Args: window_length: A scalar `Tensor` indicating the window length to generate. beta: Beta parameter for Kaiser window. dtype: The data type to produce. Must be a floating point type. name: An optional name for the operation. Returns: A `Tensor` of shape `[window_length]` of type `dtype`. [kbd]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaiser_window#Kaiser%E2%80%93Bessel-derived_(KBD)_window """ with ops.name_scope(name, 'kaiser_bessel_derived_window'): window_length = _check_params(window_length, dtype) halflen = window_length // 2 kaiserw = kaiser_window(halflen + 1, beta, dtype=dtype) kaiserw_csum = math_ops.cumsum(kaiserw) halfw = math_ops.sqrt(kaiserw_csum[:-1] / kaiserw_csum[-1]) window = array_ops.concat((halfw, halfw[::-1]), axis=0) return window @tf_export('signal.vorbis_window') @dispatch.add_dispatch_support def vorbis_window(window_length, dtype=dtypes.float32, name=None): """Generate a [Vorbis power complementary window][vorbis]. Args: window_length: A scalar `Tensor` indicating the window length to generate. dtype: The data type to produce. Must be a floating point type. name: An optional name for the operation. Returns: A `Tensor` of shape `[window_length]` of type `dtype`. [vorbis]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modified_discrete_cosine_transform#Window_functions """ with ops.name_scope(name, 'vorbis_window'): window_length = _check_params(window_length, dtype) arg = math_ops.cast(math_ops.range(window_length), dtype=dtype) window = math_ops.sin(np.pi / 2.0 * math_ops.pow(math_ops.sin( np.pi / math_ops.cast(window_length, dtype=dtype) * (arg + 0.5)), 2.0)) return window @tf_export('signal.hann_window') @dispatch.add_dispatch_support def hann_window(window_length, periodic=True, dtype=dtypes.float32, name=None): """Generate a [Hann window][hann]. Args: window_length: A scalar `Tensor` indicating the window length to generate. periodic: A bool `Tensor` indicating whether to generate a periodic or symmetric window. Periodic windows are typically used for spectral analysis while symmetric windows are typically used for digital filter design. dtype: The data type to produce. Must be a floating point type. name: An optional name for the operation. Returns: A `Tensor` of shape `[window_length]` of type `dtype`. Raises: ValueError: If `dtype` is not a floating point type. [hann]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_function#Hann_and_Hamming_windows """ return _raised_cosine_window(name, 'hann_window', window_length, periodic, dtype, 0.5, 0.5) @tf_export('signal.hamming_window') @dispatch.add_dispatch_support def hamming_window(window_length, periodic=True, dtype=dtypes.float32, name=None): """Generate a [Hamming][hamming] window. Args: window_length: A scalar `Tensor` indicating the window length to generate. periodic: A bool `Tensor` indicating whether to generate a periodic or symmetric window. Periodic windows are typically used for spectral analysis while symmetric windows are typically used for digital filter design. dtype: The data type to produce. Must be a floating point type. name: An optional name for the operation. Returns: A `Tensor` of shape `[window_length]` of type `dtype`. Raises: ValueError: If `dtype` is not a floating point type. [hamming]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_function#Hann_and_Hamming_windows """ return _raised_cosine_window(name, 'hamming_window', window_length, periodic, dtype, 0.54, 0.46) def _raised_cosine_window(name, default_name, window_length, periodic, dtype, a, b): """Helper function for computing a raised cosine window. Args: name: Name to use for the scope. default_name: Default name to use for the scope. window_length: A scalar `Tensor` or integer indicating the window length. periodic: A bool `Tensor` indicating whether to generate a periodic or symmetric window. dtype: A floating point `DType`. a: The alpha parameter to the raised cosine window. b: The beta parameter to the raised cosine window. Returns: A `Tensor` of shape `[window_length]` of type `dtype`. Raises: ValueError: If `dtype` is not a floating point type or `window_length` is not scalar or `periodic` is not scalar. """ if not dtype.is_floating: raise ValueError('dtype must be a floating point type. Found %s' % dtype) with ops.name_scope(name, default_name, [window_length, periodic]): window_length = ops.convert_to_tensor(window_length, dtype=dtypes.int32, name='window_length') window_length.shape.assert_has_rank(0) window_length_const = tensor_util.constant_value(window_length) if window_length_const == 1: return array_ops.ones([1], dtype=dtype) periodic = math_ops.cast( ops.convert_to_tensor(periodic, dtype=dtypes.bool, name='periodic'), dtypes.int32) periodic.shape.assert_has_rank(0) even = 1 - math_ops.mod(window_length, 2) n = math_ops.cast(window_length + periodic * even - 1, dtype=dtype) count = math_ops.cast(math_ops.range(window_length), dtype) cos_arg = constant_op.constant(2 * np.pi, dtype=dtype) * count / n if window_length_const is not None: return math_ops.cast(a - b * math_ops.cos(cos_arg), dtype=dtype) return cond.cond( math_ops.equal(window_length, 1), lambda: array_ops.ones([window_length], dtype=dtype), lambda: math_ops.cast(a - b * math_ops.cos(cos_arg), dtype=dtype))